Minnaert resonance

The Minnaert resonance [1] is the acoustic resonance frequency of a single bubble in an infinite domain of water (neglecting the effects of surface tension and viscous attenuation). The resonant frequency is given by

   f = \cfrac{1}{2\pi a}\left(\cfrac{3\gamma~p_A}{\rho}\right)^{1/2}

where a is the radius of the bubble, \gamma is the polytropic coefficient, p_A is the ambient pressure, and \rho is the density of water. This formula can also be used to find the resonant frequency of a bubble cloud with a as the radius of the cloud and \rho the effective density of the cloud. For a bubble in water at standard pressure (p_A=100~kPa, ~ \rho=1000~kg/m^3), this equation reduces to 
   f a \approx 3.26~m/s
 , where  f~ is the resonant frequency of the bubble.


  1. ^ Minnaert, M., 1933, On musical air-bubbles and the sound of running water. Philosophical Magazine, vol. 16, pp.235–248.

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