
Classification and external resources
ICD-10 K07.0
ICD-9 524.04
DiseasesDB 22641
MedlinePlus 003306
MeSH D008844

Micrognathism (or Micrognathia) is a condition where the jaw is undersized. It is also sometimes called "Mandibular hypoplasia". It is common in infants, but is usually self-corrected during growth, due to the jaws increasing in size. It may be a cause of abnormal tooth alignment and in severe cases can hamper feeding.



While not always pathological, it can present as a birth defect in multiple syndromes including: fetal alcohol syndrome, congenital rubella, DiGeorge's Syndrome, Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, Pierre Robin syndrome, Hallermann-Streiff syndrome, Trisomy 13(Patau syndrome), Trisomy 18 (Edwards syndrome), X0 syndrome (Turner syndrome), Noonan syndrome, Progeria, Treacher Collins syndrome, Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome, Russell-Silver syndrome, Seckel syndrome, Juvenile idiopathic arthritis, Cri du chat syndrome, Bloom syndrome and Marfan syndrome.


It can be detected by the naked eye as well as dental or skull X-Ray testing

See also
