Michael Shane Neal

Michael Shane Neal (born November 23, 1968) is an American portrait artist. Neal has created official portraits for the United States Capitol of U.S. Senator Arthur Vandenburg, former Majority Leader and U.S. Senator Robert C. Byrd, 10th Architect of the Capitol Alan Hantman, and over 400 works of art depicting various public figures.[1] Recent current commissions include Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor for the Sandra Day O'Connor School of Law at Arizona State University, former Secretary of Energy Spencer Abraham for the Department of Energy, and U.S. Senator Arlen Specter for Yale University Law School.[1]



Neal's commission to paint Senator Arthur Vandenberg for the United States Capitol in Washington, D.C. was the first portrait of its kind to be added to the Senate Reception Room in nearly 50 years. Neal received the commission at age 32, making him among the youngest artists ever commissioned by the United States Senate.[1]

A protégé of the nation's leading portrait artist Everett Raymond Kinstler, Neal exhibited alongside Kinstler in a 2003 show entitled Realism Now: Mentors and Protégées at America's oldest gallery, The Vose Galleries, in Boston, Massachusetts.[2] Neal was listed among 20 rising stars in the world of art by the American Artist.[3]

His work has been featured in publications such as American Artist,[3] International Artist, Artist's Sketchbook, The Artist’s Magazine, Art News, Fine Art Connoisseur,[4] Roll Call,[5] The Hill, and AskMen.com.[1][6] Neal has been elected to membership to the National Arts Club, Allied Artists of America, Audubon Artists of America, and Portrait Society of America.



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