Michael Hewitt-Gleeson

Michael Hewitt-Gleeson (born Melbourne 1947) is a cognitive scientist and author of Software For Your Brain (1989), ISBN 0-947351-1088 which first published his invention of the universal brain software known as the digital switch cvs2bvs or cvs to bvs.

For eight years (1977 to 1984) Hewitt-Gleeson and Edward de Bono collaborated to launch a project to get THINKING taught in schools as a school subject. This was the Learn-To-Think Project and was first published in their textbook The Learn-To-Think: Coursebook and Instructors Manual (1982), ISBN 0-88496-199-0 which was co-authored by Hewitt-Gleeson and De Bono. To advance this initiative they created and co-owned Edward de Bono & Associates Inc, New York (1977), The Cognitive Research and Training (CoRT) Foundation Inc, New York (1983) and The Edward de Bono School of Thinking Inc, New York (1983).

Hewitt-Gleeson is an acknowledged world authority on lateral thinking. He holds a Doctor of Philosophy in Cognitive Science, International College, Los Angeles (1980). In 1980, Cambridge Professor Edward de Bono was Hewitt-Gleeson's tutor for the world's first PhD in Lateral Thinking. His examiner was Professor George Gallup of the Gallup Poll, Princeton.

Today the School of Thinking (SOT) is an independent, pro bono school now based on the internet at schoolofthinking.org and operated from Melbourne by Hewitt-Gleeson. In 2008 SOT exported lessons to members in 45 countries. He has been a Council Member of The Leadership and Learning Council at Melbourne Grammar School since 2006. In 2005 he was appointed by Victorian Premier Steve Bracks as an Ambassador for Think Victoria and Club Melbourne. He is the first Visiting Academic Fellow in Innovation Thinking at the Biosciences Research Division at La Trobe University (2007).

Hewitt-Gleeson developed many of his training strategies for SOT based on his military training and service in the 1st Australian Task Force (1968–1969) during the Vietnam War. His military experience and awards include:

Hewitt-Gleeson has been an international consultant on strategy to international organizations and corporations from the United Nations, and the White House to IBM, Fujitsu, BMW, and Jack Welch of General Electric.[1] He has lectured widely in more than 15 nations in the world, including Canada, China, France, Israel, Japan, Saudi Arabia, and the United Kingdom, the United States, and Australia.

His works has been featured in Forbes, Los Angeles Times, The New York Times, Personal Success (cover story May '91), Readers Digest (April 1983, cover story, worldwide editions), Wall Street Journal, and ClarkMorgan's Network HR (magazine), and many others, and also in numerous radio and television programs worldwide.


  1. ^ http://www.celebrityspeakers.com.au/brspeaker_bio.asp?Speaker_Index_Text=117 Celebrity Speakers homepage