Michael Hastings (journalist)

Michael Hastings
Born January 28, 1980(1980-01-28)
Nationality United States
Occupation journalist
Known for Reporting from Iraq and Afghanistan
Notable works Book I Lost My Love in Baghdad; A Modern War Story[1] and Rolling Stone, "The Runaway General"
Home town Burlington, Vermont

Michael Hastings (born January 28, 1980) is an American journalist and a writer. He was a regular contributor to Gentlemen's Quarterly and now is a contributing editor at Rolling Stone magazine.[3] From 2002 - 2008, he was a journalist for Newsweek magazine,[4] famous for his Iraq War coverage and book about the death of his fiancée Andrea Parhamovich I Lost My Love in Baghdad: A Modern War Story.[4][5][6][7][8]


Stanley McChrystal interview

In June 2010, Rolling Stone published "The Runaway General", Hastings's profile of US Army general Stanley McChrystal,[9] then commander of NATO's International Security Assistance Force in the war in Afghanistan. The article reported remarks by McChrystal's staff that were overtly critical and contemptuous of White House staff and other civilian officials. On June 22, the news of the forthcoming article reached the attention of the American print media and the White House. McChrystal immediately issued an extensive apology, and Duncan Boothby, the civilian contractor responsible for coordinating the article with Hastings, resigned. U.S. President Barack Obama summoned him to the White House on June 23,[10][11] and relieved him of command.[12] Hastings offered his views on relations between McChrystal and the Obama administration.[13]

Hastings was originally meant to have controlled contact, which expanded when he had to catch a bus to Berlin with the general and his entourage after international flights were grounded, because of the air travel disruption after the 2010 Eyjafjallajökull eruption, which gave him sufficient time to pick up less discreet remarks.[14] How Hastings got access to McChrystal's inner circles is detailed in a Newsweek article. [15] Huffington Post named Hastings a 2010 Game Changer for his reporting, along with Matt Taibbi of Rolling Stone.[16] Hastings was also awarded a Polk Award for his repoorting.[17]

Although Michael Hastings and Eric Bates, executive editor of Rolling Stone, repeatedly defended the accuracy of Hastings' article about General McChrystal, an inquiry by the Defense Department inspector general has found no proof of wrongdoing by General McChrystal or his military and civilian associates [18] The Pentagon report also challenged the accuracy of Hastings' article "The Runaway General" which quoted anonymously people around McChrystal making disparaging remarks about members of President Barack Obama's national security team, including Vice President Joe Biden. This inquiry disputed key incidents or comments reported in Hastings' article. The report from the inquiry states “In some instances, we found no witness who acknowledged making or hearing the comments as reported. In other instances, we confirmed that the general substance of an incident at issue occurred, but not in the exact context described in the article.” In response, Rolling Stone stated that “The report by the Pentagon’s inspector general offers no credible source — or indeed, any named source — contradicting the facts as reported in our story, 'The Runaway General.'

In an interview with Matt Lauer of NBC's TODAY show on June 23, 2011, Hastings said “I did not think Gen. McChrystal would be fired. In fact, I thought his position was basically untouchable, I thought it would give them a headache for maybe 72 hours.” [19]

In February 2011, Hastings wrote another lengthy article profiling McChrystal's successor, General David Petraeus, and detailing Petraeus' strategy for the war.[20]



  1. ^ http://www.amazon.com/Lost-My-Love-Baghdad-Modern/dp/1416560971
  2. ^ Contemporary Authors Online, Gale, 2010. Reproduced in Biography Resource Center. Farmington Hills, Michigan: Gale, 2010. http://galenet.galegroup.com/servlet/BioRC Document Number: H1000192617
  3. ^ Hack: Confessions of a Presidential Campaign Reporter, GQ, October 2008.
  4. ^ a b Packer, George (April 20, 2008). "What She Did for Love". New York Times Book Review: p. 12. http://www.nytimes.com/2008/04/20/books/review/Packer-t.html?_r=1. Retrieved 2010-06-24. 
  5. ^ Wilson, Craig (April 3, 2008). "Grieving journalist writes 'final love letter to Andi'". USA Today (Gannett): p. 3D. http://www.usatoday.com/life/books/news/2008-03-31-hastings-iraq_N.htm. Retrieved 2010-06-24. 
  6. ^ "Backstory". Gentlemen's Quarterly. April 1, 2008. http://business.highbeam.com/437597/article-1G1-187867499/backstory. Retrieved 2010-06-24. "This war. It takes and takes. Drains the budget, flays the soul. Or--immeasurably worse--it claims the person you love most. In January 2007, aid worker Andi Parhamovich was killed in Baghdad while her boyfriend, Newsweek 's Michael Hastings, worked a few miles away (page 166). Hastings has since returned to Iraq; he can't get Andi or the war out of his system." 
  7. ^ Iannotti, Lauren (June 1, 2008). "I Lost My Love in Baghdad". Marie Claire: p. 99. http://www.marieclaire.com/world-reports/news/international/love-war-zone-baghdad-1. Retrieved 2010-06-24.  (interview with the author)
  8. ^ Freeman, Jay (April 15, 2008). "I Lost My Love in Baghdad: A Modern War Story.(Brief article)(Book review)". Booklist. http://www.accessmylibrary.com/coms2/summary_0286-34420981_ITM. Retrieved 2010-06-24. 
  9. ^ Hastings, Michael (June 22, 2010). "The Runaway General". Rolling Stone. http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/news/17390/119236. Retrieved 2010-06-23. 
  10. ^ Cooper, Helene; Thom Shanker; Dexter Filkins (June 22, 2010). "McChrystal’s Fate in Limbo as He Prepares to Meet Obama". New York Times. http://www.nytimes.com/2010/06/23/world/asia/23mcchrystal.html?hp. Retrieved 2010-06-24. 
  11. ^ Funding the Afghan Taliban. Al Jazeera English. June 22, 2010. http://english.aljazeera.net/programmes/insidestory/2010/06/2010622133429161976.html. Retrieved 2010-06-24. "General Stanley McChrystal, the commander of US and Nato military forces in Afghanistan, has been ordered to report to the White House and explain comments he has made about the Obama administration's Afghan policy. In an ironic twist of events, US citizens have discovered that it is their tax money that indirectly funds Taliban – the very people their troops are fighting in Afghanistan." 
  12. ^ Waterman, Shaun (June 23, 2010). "McChrystal resigns Afghan command". Washington Times. http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2010/jun/23/mcchrystal-leaves-white-house-war-meeting. Retrieved 2010-06-24. "President Obama said Wednesday he had accepted the resignation of Gen. Stanley A. McChrystal as commander of U.S. and coalition forces in Afghanistan, bringing to an ignominious end the storied but sometimes controversial career of one of the country's top soldiers. Mr. Obama, who angrily summoned Gen. McChrystal to Washington after the general and several aides may have disparaged senior members of the administration in a series of interviews with Rolling Stone magazine, ..." 
  13. ^ Michael Hastings (June 23, 2010). Writer explains McChrystal article (4:42). Al Jazeera English. http://english.aljazeera.net/news/americas/2010/06/201062323918352563.html. Retrieved 2010-06-24. 
  14. ^ "The volcano claims another victim: General McChrystal – When the ash cloud threw the American commander and a journalist together it was bound to end badly"
  15. ^ http://www.newsweek.com/2010/06/22/rolling-stone-author-discusses-general-mcchrystal-interview.html
  16. ^ http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/10/29/game-changers-2010_n_775869.html#s168156
  17. ^ Greenwald, Glenn (2011-02-27) The military/media attacks on the Hastings article, Salon.com
  18. ^ New York Times, April 18, 2011: http://www.nytimes.com/2011/04/19/us/politics/19military.html
  19. ^ http://today.msnbc.msn.com/id/37893363/ns/today-today_people/
  20. ^ Hastings, Michael (2 February 2011). "King David's War". Rolling Stone. http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/news/king-davids-war-20110202. 

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