
The city of Metrofulus (Bandar Metrofulus), is a fictional city-state featured in the Malaysian blockbuster superhero film, Cicak-Man. The whole city was created using heavily edited shots of various locations in Malaysia. The name Metrofulus is a parody name of the word metropolis and means money in certain Malay dialects or slang. Metrofulus is also referred by its citizens as a country. It also has its own flag, passport, currency and license plates.



Though Cicak-Man is a Malaysian superhero film, Bandar Metrofulus structures and buildings look more like London or New York and nothing like Kuala Lumpur. When viewed by several scenes in Cicak-Man, a building that looks like the Sears Tower and the Empire State Building combined together is seen. Another one is in Cicakman 2 - Planet Hitam when Hairi runs across the roof of a building to change into Cicak Man, what can be seen as a heavily edited Sears Tower and John Hancock Center can be seen in the skyline.


Bandar Metrofulus has a cold weather. The characters are all wearing thick outfits to show that the weather is cold. This cold weather maybe is why the structures are not like hot-weathered KL. However, snow was not seen in Metrofulus as of Cicakman 2-Planet Hitam.[1]

Administration and Economy

The city is led by a president (Cast: Jalaluddin Hassan) who is helped by five ministers. The tax may be controversial if Bandar Metrofulus was real since all electric appliances like ovens and refrigerators have high taxes imposed on them. People are not allowed to comment about this. It seems that tax and toll raising (even up to 100%) occurs quite often because Metrofulusians do not seem surprised about it. The biggest controversy is the price that should be paid to cross the road. Fulus is the fictional currency used in Bandar Metrofulus that is parodying the Malaysian Ringgit.

Klon Technologies which is led by Professor Klon enjoys an exclusive monopoly of science, technology and medical services. The company also receives funding worth millions of fulus to develop more new "vaccines". It also happens that Professor Klon is a crony of the President of Metrofulus.


Television and Radio

Metrofulus has two television channels, Channel 6 and Channel 11. While it also has a radio station, which is Radio Metrofulus Reality. It also seems to be connected to channels of other countries, including the real life Malaysian TV channel TV3.


Metrofulus has a daily newspaper called Metrofulus Fokus (The Focus on Metrofulus)

See also

External links
