
Menemachus, (Greek: Μενέμαχος), a Greek physician born at one of the cities named Aphrodisias, who belonged to the Methodic school of medicine, and lived in the 2nd century.[1] He wrote some works which are not now extant, and is probably the physician quoted by Caelius Aurelianus,[2] Galen,[3] and Oribasius.[4] The Menemachus, however, who is quoted by Celsus,[5] is not the same person, and must have lived at least a century earlier.


  1. ^ Galen, Introd., c. 4, vol. xiv.; De Meth. Med., i. 7, vol. x.
  2. ^ Caelius Aurelianus, De Morb. Acut., ii. 1
  3. ^ Galen, De Compos. Medicam. sec. Locos., iii. 1, vol. xii.
  4. ^ Oribasius, Coll. Medic., vii. 21
  5. ^ Celsus, De Medic., vi. 9