
The Meletians were one of a large group of denominations in early Christian history. The point with which they broke with the larger church was about the ease with which lapsed Christians reentered the church.[1] They were named after Meletius of Lycopolis.

In 325 the Council of Nicaea, at which Constantine was present, attempted to incorporate the Meletians into a unified church. The council agreed to grant Meletian priests 'full clerical privileges' if they were willing to forswear schism and 'acknowledge the authority of the Alexander of Alexandria'.[2]


  1. ^ History of the Christian Church, Volume II: Ante-Nicene Christianity. A.D. 100-325. | Christian Classics Ethereal Library
  2. ^ T. D. Barnes; Constantine and Eusebius (Harvard University Press, 1981), pp.217