The curie (symbol Ci) is a unit of radioactivity, defined as
This is roughly the activity of 1 gram of the radium isotope 226Ra, a substance studied by the pioneers of radiology, Marie and Pierre Curie, for whom the unit was named.[1][2] In addition to the curie, activity can be measured using an SI derived unit, the becquerel (Bq), which equates to one decay per second. Therefore:
A radiotherapy machine may have roughly 1000 Ci of a radioisotope such as caesium-137 or cobalt-60. This quantity of radioactivity can produce serious health effects with only a few minutes of close-range, un-shielded exposure.
Another commonly used measure of radioactivity is the microcurie:
The typical human body contains roughly 0.1 μCi of naturally occurring potassium-40.