Media of Sierra Leone

Media in Sierra Leone began with the introduction of the first modern printing press in Africa at the start of the nineteenth century. In the 1860s the country became a journalist hub for Africa with professional travelling to the country from across the continent. At the end of the nineteenth century the industry went into decline and when radio was introduced in the 1930s this became the primary communication media in the country. Print media is not widely read in Sierra Leone, especially outside Freetown, partially due to the low levels of literacy in the country. There are 15 daily newspapers in the country as well as those published weekly. Among newspaper readership young people are likely to read newspapers weekly and older people daily. The majority of newspapers are privately run and are often critical of the government.

The Sierra Leone Broadcasting Services (SLBS) was created by the government in 1934 making it the earliest English language radio broadcaster service in West Africa. ABC Television-Africa, the country's first independent television broadcaster was created in 2005 by Allieu M. Shaw. Radio is the most popular and most trusted media in Sierra Leone, with 85% of people having access to a radio and 72% of people in the country listening to the radio daily. Stations mainly consist of local commercial stations with a limited broadcast range combined with a few stations with national coverage. There are two national free terrestrial television stations in Sierra Leone but outside the capital Freetown television is not watched by a great many people. Internet access in Sierra Leone has been low but is on the increase, especially since the introduction of wireless services across the country.

The Sierra Leone constitution guarantees freedom of speech, and freedom of the press; however, the government maintains strong control of media, at times restricts these rights in practice. Some subjects are seen as taboo by society and members of the political elite, imprisonment and violence has been used by the political establishment against journalists. In 2006 President Ahmad Tejan Kabbah committed to reforming the laws governing the press and media to create a freer system for journalist to work in but in 2007 Sierra Leone was ranked as having the 121st least free press in the world. Sierra Leone has been featured in foreign media with coverage mainly focused on the country's civil war. Foreign media, particularly American gangsta rap had an influence on the combatants in the civil war particularly the West Side Boys.



The first modern printing press in Africa arrived in Freetown, Sierra Leone in 1794 but this was destroyed by a French raiding party before it was ever used.[1] Another press arrived in 1800 when the newspaper Sierra Leone Advertiser began being published. In the 1860’s Sierra Leone developed into African journalism’s hub with professional from all over Africa employed by the country’s newspapers.[1] The media boom also had an international dimension with newspaper professionals from around the world settling in the country. For example, the New Era paper was setup by West Indian William Drake.[2] The year 1855 saw the foundation of the African Interpreter and Advocateby F A Belgrave founded and of the Sierra Leone weekly by Charles Bannerman. In the period newspapers were politically outspoken covering topics including stories about racism, colonialism and the rights of Africans.[1]

The media industry went into decline at the end of the nineteenth century due to low levels of sales, that was the main source of income for newspapers.[2]

In 1934 the Sierra Leone Broadcasting Service (SLBS) was formed from the Freetown Rediffusion Service making it the earliest English language radio broadcasting service in West Africa. Television broadcasting started in 1963 as a cooperation between the SLBS and commercial interests. Coverage was extended to all districts in 1978 when the service was also upgraded to colour. [3]

Isaac Theophilus Akuna Wallace Johnson 1939 started the African Standard and in the same year the Daily Mail began. The Daily Mail was to become one of the longest running papers in the country finally closing in the late 1990s. It was the leading paper in the country from 1970 and early 1980s the Daily Mail. There were 31 newspapers registered with the government between 1939 and 1984. At the end of the twentieth century the newspaper industry experienced a decline with more than 40 newspapers ceasing publication between 1991 and 2007. This is also the time when newspapers developed in terms of business management, and when computers and mobile phones started to be used by journalist.[2]



Most popular newspapers in 2007
Rank Title
1 Awoko Times
1 Concord Times
2 ForDiPeople
3 Standard
4 Independent Observer
5 Premier News
Data from BBC Trust and Search for Common Ground.[4]

Newspapers are not a widely used medium especially outside Freetown with 15 daily newspapers operating in Sierra Leone.[2] Dozens of newspapers are published in the country, most of them are privately run and are often critical of the government. The number of people reading newspaper is affected by low levels of literacy in the country. This is a particularly important factor for some sections of society, as only about half of women and older people are literate and literacy levels are lower outside Freetown. Among newspaper readership older people are more likely to read a paper daily and younger people to read weekly. People also trust the information published in newspapers less than that found on the radio.[4]

The standard of print journalism is generally low, with some journalists lacking the training and skills they need to write, edit and disseminate information in print effectively.[5]


Although Sierra Leone had a long history of publishing and consuming books, the civil war altered this position.[6] In 1982 there were three publishers in Sierra Leone,[7] but 2002 there were no book publishers in Sierra Leone and only one bookshop, a church bookshop for in Christian literary material. Books of writers from Sierra Leone were still published but abroad. For example, Unanswered Cries by Osman Conteh won the 2002 Macmillan Writer's Prize for Africa, Children's Literature award.[6] There are organisations, such as Sierra Leone PEN, who are trying to revitalise the sector.[8][6]




Radio is the most common and trusted media in Sierra Leone with 85% of people having access to the radio and 72% of people listening to the radio daily in 2007. The level of penetration of radio varies between districts from 96% in the urban part of the Western Area to 65% in Kailahun and is higher in the main towns then in rural areas. Peak times for listening to the radio are 6am-10am and 6pm-10pm. It is important to listeners that radio news is unbiased, accurate and trustworthy and is by far the most trusted media in Sierra Leone. News and music programmes are the most popular and is most people’s source of information about events that happen in the country including national elections.[4] One of the most popular programmes is the soap opera Atunda Ayenda that is broadcast five days a week on 18 local stations.[9] This is produced by Talking Drum Studios that was set up by Search for Common Ground an international non-profit organization to produced programmes aimed at using the media to address the problems in Sierra Leone left by the civil war by promoting peace and reconciliation.[10] Other media content produced includes Golden Kids News a program produced by young journalists that allows children to discuss topics of interest to them.[9]


Most popular radio stations in 2007
Area Radio station
Bo Kiss FM
Bombali Radio Mankneh
Kailahun Radio Moa
Kono BBC
Prujehun Kiss FM
Western Area UN radio
Data from BBC Trust and Search for Common Ground.[4]

All major cities in the country run their own radio stations. There is a proliferation of local commercial radio stations with only a few national stations operating. The Sierra Leone Broadcasting Services (SLBS) operating under the government Ministry of Information and Broadcasting run station broadcasting on FM and short-wave. The station has a studio and transmitter in Freetown and regional headquarters in Bo, Makeni, Kenema.[11]

The UN Mission in Sierra Leone (UNIOSIL) runs the station UN Radio on FM frequency 103.0, that broadcasts in languages including English, Krio, Temne, Limba and Mende. Content includes news of UN activities and human rights information, as well as music and news. It is the only station that broadcasts constantly and is one of the few stations with national geographical coverage. The UN missions will withdraw form Sierra Leone in 2008 making the future of the UN’s station uncertain.[12]

There are also FM relays of BBC World Service, in Freetown on frequency 94.3, Bo 94.5 and Kenema 95.3, Radio France Internationale and Voice of America are available in Freetown.[13]

List of radio stations

International Radio

Radio Universal 98.7 - private station in freetown


There are two national television stations broadcasting in Sierra Leone and outside the capital Freetown is not watched by a great many people. One a national terrestrial station run by the government organisation the Sierra Leone Broadcasting Services (SLBS) with limited coverage. And the other a private station ABC Television-Africa (ABC) run by the AISOW Broadcasting Corporation whose stated mission is to “Inform, educate and entertain the people of Africa in a manner which is relevant to the development needs of the continent.” ABC started broadcasting on March 24, 2005, becoming Sierra Leone’s first independent terrestrial broadcaster. In 2008 ABC covered the areas of Western Area, Port Loko, Kambia, Lunsar and parts of Makeni.[14] The United Kingdom based company[15] has a business model to target a mass audience, rather than the elite that normally watch pay-per-view in Africa and Sierra Leone. Founder and Managing Director of GTV, Julian McIntyre, says the company hopes to achieve this by creating a service that "offers fantastic choice and quality to a whole new audience - at an affordable price."[2]



Internet access in Sierra Leone has been low but from 2008, after the introduction of wireless service, use has increased. There are nine Internet service providers (ISPs) in Sierra Leone. Freetown has a city wide wireless Internet connection and Internet access is offered in cafeterias, hairdressers and dedicated Internet cafes. However, problems, such as intermittent electricity supply, have affected general adoption of the internet.[16] As of 2008 there are approximately 60,000 high-end Internet users in Sierra Leone.[17] Mobile Internet services are available in the area around Freetown and a slow connection is available in other areas of the country.

List of ISPs


Country Press Freedom ranking
Year Country rank score
2007 121 39.50
2006 103 26.00
2005 126 39.50
2004 88 24.50
2003 87 23.50
2002 72 24.50
Data from reporters without borders, who also
compile rank lower indicated more freedom.[4]

The government in Sierra Leone enacts strong control over the media in the country. They control one of the only free terrestrial television networks and use legislation to control media content. Society and members of the political elite also impose a strong control on what is produced with some subjects seen as taboo and violence used by the political establishment against journalists. For example, Harry Yansaneh, the acting editor of For di People, died in 2005 of kidney failure from the injuries caused by an attack by people allegedly sent by a deputy in the ruling party.[18][19] International organisations also control significant parts of the media in Sierra Leone.[20] For example the only continuously broadcasting radio station in the country is run by the UN and the BBC runs one of the most popular radio stations. However, most of the radio stations in the country are independent commercially owned stations and which is also the case for the newspaper industry. In 2007 Sierra Leone was ranked 121 out of 169 countries on the scale of press freedom.[21]

The Sierra Leone constitution guarantees freedom of speech, and freedom of the press; however, the government at times restricts these rights in practice. Under legislation enacted in 1980, all newspapers must register with the Ministry of Information and pay sizeable registration fees and the Criminal Libel Law including Seditious Libel Law of 1965 is used to control what is published in the media.[2][22] This has led to journalists being imprisoned, for example, Paul Kamara, editor of For di People, was imprisoned for 14 months during 2004 and 2005 for seditious libel. The Sierra Leone Independent Media Commission was created in 2000 as an independent body to regulate the mass media.

In 2006 President Ahmad Tejan Kabbah committed to reforming the laws governing the press and media to create a freer system for journalist to work in.[22]

Foreign media

The coverage of Sierra Leone in foreign media has mainly focused on events connected with the country's civil war and diamond trade. Sierra Leone was the setting of the 2006 Edward Zwick film Blood Diamond, set in 1999 during the period of civil war. In the film, Solomon Vandy's son, Dia, is forcibly conscripted into the Revolutionary United Front (RUF). Starring Leonardo De Caprio. The Sierra Leone diaspora has been responsible for writing a high proportion of books by Sierra Leone published from Sierra Leone authors. These include A Long Way Gone: Memoirs of a Boy Soldier, written by Ishmael Beah, was published during 2007. The book recalls the experiences of Ishmael during the war in Sierra Leone and his following rehabilitation. The author was interviewed by Jon Stewart on The Daily Show on February 14th 2007. Sierra Leone was the subject of Kanye West's hit single "Diamonds from Sierra Leone" and the video feature the plight of children used to mine conflict diamonds.

The content of foreign media influenced rebel groups in the country, for example the West Side Boys, especially American rap and gangsta rap music and the media portrayal of the culture surrounding it.[23]

See also


  1. ^ a b c Ziegler, Dhyana; Molefi K., Asante (1992), Thunder and Silence: The Mass Media in Africa, Africa World Press, pp. 11–12, ISBN 0865432511 
  2. ^ a b c d e f Jalloh, Tanu (28 December 2007), Sierra Leone: Newspaper Development, Freetown, Sierra Leone: Concord Times,, retrieved 2008-04-19 
  3. ^ Wells, Alan (1997), World Broadcasting: a comparative view, Greenwood Publishing Group, p. 173, ISBN 1567502458 
  4. ^ a b c d e Media use, and attitudes towards media in Sierra Leone:A comprehensive baseline study, BBC World Service Trust and Search for Common Ground, June 2007,, retrieved 2007-04-19 
  5. ^ Horner, Rachel (14 April 2008), Sierra Leone: Role of the Media in Fighting HIV/Aids, Freetown, Sierra Leone: Concord Times,, retrieved 2008-04-20 
  6. ^ a b c Phillips, Caryl (July 19, 2003), Distant voices, United Kingdom: The Guardian newspaper,,,1000321,00.html, retrieved 2008-04-20 
  7. ^ Wertsman, Vladimir (1996), The Librarian's Companion: A Handbook of Thousands of Facts, Greenwood Publishing Group, p. 78, ISBN 0313299757 
  8. ^ Butscher, Mike, About:Objectives of Sierra Leone PEN, Freetown, Sierra Leone: Sierra Leone Pen,, retrieved 2008-04-20 
  9. ^ a b Lartigue, Laura (June 8, 2004). "USAID Soap Opera Most Popular Show in Sierra Leone". USAID. Retrieved 2008-04-18. 
  10. ^ Dauncey, Guy (2006). Enough Blood Shed: 101 Solutions to Violence, Terror and War. New Society Publishers. pp. 144. ISBN 978-0865715271. 
  11. ^ Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Freetown, Sierra Leone: United Nations and the Government of Sierra Leone, July 2007,, retrieved 2008-04-19 
  12. ^ UN radio, United Nations Mission in Sierra Leone, 2008, archived from the original on 2007-11-06,, retrieved 2008-04-20 
  13. ^ Country profile: Sierra Leone, BBC, 28 February 2008,, retrieved 2008-04-19 
  14. ^ ABC Television-Africa: Our Mission, AISOW Broadcasting Corporation, 2006,, retrieved 2008-04-20 
  15. ^ Rice, Xan (May 23, 2007), English football to spread satellite TV across Africa, United Kingdom: The Guardian newspaper,, retrieved 2008-04-20 
  16. ^ Ogundeji, Olusegun Abolaji (April 09 2008), Wireless Services Expand Net for Sierra Leone, PC World,, retrieved 2008-04-20 
  17. ^ Ogundeji, Olusegun Abolaji (April 14, 2008), Sierra Leone Experts Look to Banks to Boost IT, Cocorioko,, retrieved 2008-04-19 
  18. ^ Wilson, Harry (2005), Press Freedoms and Human Rights:2005 Year End Press Freedom Brief, Commonwealth Press Union, archived from the original on 2007-11-24,, retrieved 2008-04-20 
  19. ^ Sierra Leone - Annual report 2006, Reporters without Borders:For Press Freedom, 2006,, retrieved 2008-04-20 
  20. ^ Dangerous climate of hatred on eve of presidential election run-off, Reporters without Borders:For Press Freedom, 7 September 2007,, retrieved 2008-04-20 
  21. ^ Worldwide Press Freedom Index 2007, Reporters without Borders:For Press Freedom, 2007,, retrieved 2008-04-20 
  22. ^ a b Sierra Leone - Annual report 2006, Reporters without Borders:For Press Freedom, 2006,, retrieved 2008-04-20 
  23. ^ Reno, William (February 2003), Political Networks in a Failing State The Roots and Future of Violent Conflict in Sierra Leone, Internationale Politik und Gesellschaft, International Politics and Society,, retrieved 2008-04-21 

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