Meal-a-Day Fund

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The Christadelphian Meal-a-Day Fund (CMaD) is a UK registered charity set up and run by the Christadelphians. It was founded in 1976 after the founders heard Henry Kissinger give a speech in which he said everyone on earth should have at least one meal a day.

CMaD's intent is, as a practical witness to our faith, to share the blessings we receive from God to help those who are in real need in the less developed parts of the world, seeking to facilitate personal and community dignity through sustainable, ‘down to earth’ local projects which:

The focus is mainly on African and other less economically developed nations.

Money is raised by a number of methods, including donations from individuals, group donations from church collections, donations in wills, gift aid, sponsorship, and by buying various items for sale such as cards, tea towels and t-shirts. In recent years, an average of £500,000 per annum has been raised by CMaD, around 60% of which is currently used on long term projects that rely largely, or solely, on CMaD funding. Some of these are described below.


Major Projects

Other projects

Aside from the major, long term projects, the fund has made significant one off donations to other causes, e.g. Tree Aid (which plants trees in Burkina Faso), Village Water Zambia (providing wells and a programme of hygiene education to rural Zambian villages), WhizzKids United (an Africaid-run HIV/AIDS education programme using football to teach lessons about health) and many others. Visit the CMaD website for more information about projects supported.


The CMaD Fund currently has two sister charities:

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