
Maximite Microcomputer is a Microchip PIC32 Microcontroller based Microcomputer. Originally designed as a hobby kit described by Australian Designer Geoff Graham in a 3 part article [1]. The project consists of two main components, the main circuit board and the MMBasic (Styled after GWBasic) Interpreter. In the few short months since then, several clones have been designed and released. Some like the Maximite SM1[2] or Geoff Graham's latest version[3] the Mini-Maximite are hardware and software compatible with the original design but use a different form factor. Others like the DuinoMite [4]from Bulgarian company, Olimex have altered the hardware to make the board more flexible, but need custom versions of the firmware to accommodate the differences. Some of these changes have been incorporated in the official version as it gets updated. Australian Distributor Dontronics and USA Based programmer Ken Segler have been active in adapting the software to run on the different versions of the hardware. Geoff Graham has also released an altered version of MMBasic [5] for the UWB32 development Board. As an open Source project, several hobbyists have produced their own versions often using commercially available prototyping circuit boards.


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