Max Planck Institute for Chemistry

The Max Planck Institute for Chemistry (German: Max Planck Institut für Chemie - Otto Hahn Institut) is a scientific research institute under the Max-Planck-Gesellschaft.

Basic research in chemistry and related subjects is carried out at the (currently) four departments of the institute. The departments are independently led by their Directors.


The departments

The department of Atmospheric Chemistry is led by Prof. Jos Lelieveld. The research focuses on the study of ozone and other atmospheric photo-oxidants, their chemical reactions and global cycles.

Prof. Meinrat O. Andreae is the head of the Department of Biogeochemistry. Experimental studies on the exchange of trace gases and aerosols between biosphere, atmosphere and hydrosphere are carried out there.

The Geochemistry department explores the chemical composition and the temporal evolution of the Earth's mantle and crust. The department is led by Prof. Albrecht W. Hoffmann

The Particle Chemistry department is led by Prof. Stephan Borrmann and conducts research on the physical and chemical processes that determine cloud formation


The Institute was founded as Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Chemistry in Berlin Dahlem in 1911. In this Institute Otto Hahn, Lise Meitner and Fritz Straßmann conducted the experiments which yielded the discovery of nuclear fission. Otto Hahn was director of the Institute from 1928 till 1949. The Institute was heavyly damaged by air raide in 1944 and moved to Tailfingen.

After World War II the institute moved to the campus of Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz in 1949. In 1959 the Kaiser Wilhelm Society was restructured and renamed becoming the Max Planck Society, the institute was also renamed as the Max Planck Institute for Chemistry. Radiochemistry, Nuclear physics, Geochemistry, Cosmochemistry and Atmospheric chemistry were research areas of the institute.


Early 2005 a total of 247 persons were employed at the institute.

Directors of the Institute

Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Chemistry

Max Planck Institute for Chemistry

Graduate program

The International Max Planck Research School (IMPRS) on Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics is a graduate program offering a Ph.D.. The school is run in cooperation with the University of Mainz, the University of Heidelberg and the University of Frankfurt.

External links