Three citizen-initiated measures will appear on the November 4, 2008 ballot in Massachusetts.
The Massachusetts Constitution can be amended through initiative and state statutes can be proposed through initiative. All three statewide ballot measures that are on the November 2008 ballot by collecting signatures are proposed statutes (not constitutional amendments).
In Massachusetts, after the state determines which initiatives have succeeded in collecting enough signatures to be placed on the ballot, official numbers/names are assigned to each of the successful initiatives. Secretary of State William Galvin has discretion over the order of questions on the ballot. His office announced that they had determined the ballot ordering "based on the perceived relative importance of the proposed laws."
Number | Initiative Title | Subject | Description | Status |
Question 1 | Massachusetts State Income Tax Repeal | Taxes | Would repeal state income tax | Failed[1] |
Question 2 | Massachusetts Sensible Marijuana Policy | Marijuana policy | Decriminalizes small amounts of marijuana | Passed |
Question 3 | Massachusetts Greyhound Protection Act | Animal rights | Aims to prohibit (professional) dog racing | Passed |
Note:: This article was taken from Ballotpedia's article about the Massachusetts 2008 ballot measures