Masculism (or masculinism) may refer to political, cultural, and economic movements aimed at establishing and defending political, economic, and social rights and participation in society for men and boys. These rights include legal issues, such as those of conscription, child custody, alimony, and equal pay for equal work.[1] Its concepts sometimes coincide with those of men's rights, father's rights, and men's liberation. Masculism also refers to antifeminism and advocacy of male superiority and dominance.[2][3][4]
The term masculinism was coined as the counterpart of feminism in the early 20th century.[2] The shortened form masculism appeared shortly after, and became more common in the 1980s.[5] The masculist political movement originated with E. Belfort Bax's 1913 The Fraud of Feminism.[6] The term masculism itself gained currency in the late 20th century, particularly in the 1990s as advocated by authors such as Warren Farrell and Jack Kammer, in the context of changing gender roles in society.[1]
Masculist concerns
Masculists cite one-sided legislation, selective enforcement, and neglected civil rights as examples of discrimination against men and boys. Examples of questions raised by masculists may include:
Masculist concerns focus on societal acceptance of violence harming men paired with the stigma against violence harming women, as well as males being taught or expected to take on violent roles and implying all males of all ages are expendable.
- Violence against men minimalized or taken less seriously than violence against women otherwise completely ignored.[7][8]
- Women are more violent than men in some research studies asking both men and women.[9][10]
- Depiction of violence against men as humorous, in the media[11] and elsewhere (see Boys are stupid, throw rocks at them!), when women are also violent.
- Assumption of female innocence or sympathy for women, which will always result in problems such as disproportionate penalties for men and women for similar crimes,[11] lack of sympathy for male victims in domestic violence cases, and dismissal of female-on-male rape cases.
- Societal failure to address prison rape, including issues such as prevention (e.g., reducing prison crowding that requires sharing of cells), impunity for prison rapists, and even correctional staff punishing prisoners by confining them with known rapists.[12] Prison rape is often used as a subject of humor in films such as Let's Go to Prison.
- Only men are called up during a military draft.
- In American popular culture, sex between a boy coerced by an older woman is generally considered not to be a big deal- Time has remarked that it is "viewed with a wink"-[13] even though this form of child molestation can have serious repercussions for the male victim, including clinical mental illness.[14]
- A 1992 study found that boys are subject to the stereotype that they need significantly less protection against sexual abuse compared to girls. It also found that this leads to less reporting of abuse and to discrimination in which victims receive less treatment and less support from others if they are male.[14]
- Controversy exists that laws that criminalize rape of men when perpetrated by women are not properly enforced. Research has shown that when men are raped (by either women or other men), the rapists will use their bodys' unconscious natural responses- erections, feelings of dizziness, ejaculation, et cetera- to make them think they "actually wanted it". Psychologist Helen Smith has written, "Our society [in the U.S.] shames men who are abused by women just as it shamed and blamed women many years ago who were abused by men. Neither strategy is a good one for a society that purports to promote justice and fairness."[15]
- Discrimination with regard to child custody.
- Unfairness in the way the alimony and child support systems are structured.
- Related to both of the above, gynocentric divorce law.
- Pregnancies carried to term despite agreements ahead of time that they would not be, subjecting men to unwanted parental responsibilities and/or child support expectations. (see Dubay v. Wells)
- The opposite of the above, where a man who wants to have a child has no say in whether his partner aborts their child and is not even notified if the abortion takes place. (see paternal rights and abortion)
- Equality in adoption rights allowing either unmarried males or females to adopt.
- Legislation that addresses women's needs without considering the corresponding need in men. (e.g., Women, Infants, and Children Act; Violence Against Women Act)
- Biases in the justice system against men, such as higher incarceration rates and longer sentences for men (compared to women) for the same crimes.
- Statutory rape laws enforced more vehemently in instances where the victim is female and/or the perpetrator is male.[16] [17]
- Rape shield laws, which may prevent some men from adequately challenging their accuser.
- Cathy Young, who does not consider herself a "masculinist," argues that in rape cases, "the dogma that 'women never lie' means that there is, for all intents and purposes, no presumption of innocence for the defendant".[18]
- Women are allowed to marry at younger ages than men in several countries e.g., Argentina, Uruguay and some U.S. states.[19]
- Men pay higher premiums for auto,[20] life and disability insurance, though discrimination according to race or other criteria is prohibited.
- In some countries, men have to pay more income tax than their female counterparts. E.g. in India the income tax exemption limit for men is Rs 150,000 per annum while that for women is Rs 180,000 per annum.[21]
- Women are given exclusive access to services such as Ladies' night, and companies are permitted to give women discounts on items and services, based solely on gender.
- Some boys are taught to give women special treatment (such as holding doors open for women, standing when a woman enters the room, giving up seats for a woman and paying for meals) but their female counterparts are not taught to respect men.
- Men are still expected to risk rejection, pay for dates, and buy expensive gifts, but with no required obligation from the woman.
Social concerns
- Increasing suicide rate among young men, four times higher than among young women.[22]
- Men have a lower average lifespan than women.
- Men constitute the majority of the prison population.
- It's usually seen as socially acceptable for a female to try out or follow masculine social norms, whereas if a male does the same for feminine social norms they often attract unwanted attention and are victims of ridicule, insult, harassment, and threatening behavior. For example, stay-at-home dads, men who want to be nannies or babysitters, men who cry or express emotions can all be treated poorly.
- Similarly to the previous point, female homosexuality is more accepted than male homosexuality, the latter resulting in a higher degree of homophobia.
- Lack of advocacy for men's rights; little domestic abuse support for men.
- Prostate cancer funding disproportionately lower than breast cancer funding.[1][23][24][25][26]
- Incarceration for not paying child support, particularly for unwanted children, in contrast to women's right to abort. (see Male abortion)
- Special government agencies for women's affairs with no corresponding agencies for men's affairs.
- Lack of legal ramifications or enforcement for paternity fraud.
- Some studies have indicated that because boys attract more teacher attention in classrooms compared to girls, boys also receive harsher forms of punishment as well as more frequent punishment than girls for the same offences.[1]
- Elementary school staff is dominated by women, meaning a lack of male role models for boys.
- Education systems favour girls as classes mostly involve physically passive activities, whilst boys are more likely to be kinaesthetic learners, for whom optimal learning takes place through physical activity.
- Harder physical entrance criteria for men in many occupations, such as the army, police and fire service. Requiring men to be physically stronger than women in these occupations leaves men responsible for a greater share of the physical work, for no more pay.[27]
- Legal inequality and protections of paternal vs. maternal leave in most countries.
- Data from 1994 in the U.S. reported that 94% of workplace fatalities occur to men. Masculist Warren Farrell has argued that men are often clustered in dirty, physically demanding and hazardous jobs in an unjustifiably disproportionate manner.[1]
Differences in masculist ideology
There is no consensus as to what constitutes masculism. Some, like Robert Bly of the Mythopoetic men's movement, feel the word describes a belief that the male and female genders should be considered complementary and interdependent by necessity. Such expressions of masculism are built around the belief that differentiated gender roles are natural and should be exempt from government interference. Other masculists, such as Warren Farrell, support an ideology of equivalence between the sexes, rather than a belief in unchangeable gender differences. A more encompassing definition might be "a movement to empower males in society, and to redress discrimination against men."
Because it is the name of a political and social movement, masculism is sometimes considered synonymous with the men's rights or fathers' rights movements. However, many of the fathers' rights movement make a clear distinction between masculism and their own often quite varied approaches to gender relations.[28]
Gender roles in religion are a source of disagreement among masculists: some support a general leadership role for men, while others argue for relative equality between the genders. Liberal masculists such as Warren Farrell tend to favor a secular, gender-neutral stance, whereas conservatives tend to prefer a religious approach, such as represented in The Inevitability of Patriarchy by Steven Goldberg. Conservatives, like Goldberg, promote a "New Patriarchy," in which men are dominant over women. Such liberal-conservative dynamics illustrate the diversity of a movement that nonetheless has a unified purpose of promoting men's welfare.
There are some groups, especially at colleges and universities, which simply see masculism as an embodiment of the fact that they enjoy being men with no political or social philosophy attached.
Literary theory
Masculist literary theory is a response to feminist literary theory. The term was coined by Rachel Bishop in "The Masculinist Manifesto".
Feminists respond to the different ideologies of Masculism in different ways. Masculists who promote gender equality are often considered male feminists.[29] It is the general opinion of modern feminists that masculism, when defined as "male superiority or dominance"[30][31], is inherently opposed to the equality cause and is considered a form of misogyny.[32]
Some feminists are actively involved in promoting men's rights, especially father's rights and social equality, arguing that this position is necessary for feminism and women's equality.[33][34]
See also
Men's movements and organizations
- Fathers 4 Justice
- Men's movement
- Promise Keepers
- My Guardian Knows What's Best For Me
- Save Indian Family
- International Men's Day (19 November: Trinidad and Tobago, Jamaica, Australia, India, United States, Singapore, United Kingdom, Malta, South Africa, Hungary, Ireland, Ghana, and Canada)
People associated with masculism
- Politics of Aristotle asserts excellence varies with social role, including gender.
- The Legal Subjection of Men, 1908 antithesis of John Stuart Mill's 1869 The Subjection of Women.
- The Fraud of Feminism by Ernest Belfort Bax, 1914.
- The Myth of the Monstrous Male and Other Feminist Fallacies; John Gordon, Playboy Press, New York, 1982; ISBN 0-87223-758-3
- The Myth of Male Power: Why Men Are the Disposable Sex; Warren Farrell, Simon & Schuster, New York, 1993: ISBN 0-671-79349-7
- Manliness by Harvey Mansfield (2006) Yale Press [2] ISBN 0-300-10664-5
- Not Guilty: The Case in Defense of Men; David Thomas, William Morrow and Co., Inc., New York, 1993; ISBN 0-688-11024-X
- Good Will Toward Men; Jack Kammer, St. Martin's Press, New York, 1994; ISBN 0-312-10471-5
- Moral Panic: Biopolitics Rising; John Fekete, Robert Davies Publishing, Montreal-Toronto, 1994: ISBN 1-895854-09-1
- The New Men's Studies: A Selected and Annotated Interdisciplinary Bibliography (2nd Edition); Eugene R. August, Libraries Unlimited, Inc., Englewood, CO, 1994: ISBN 1-56308-084-2
- A Man's World: How Real Is Male Privilege - And How High Is Its Price?; Ellis Cose, Harper Collins, New York, 1995: ISBN 0-06-017206-1
- Why Men Don't Iron: The Real Science of Gender Studies; Anne & Bill Moir, Harper Collins, Hammersmith, London, 1998; ISBN 0-00-257035-1 (Trade Paperback); ISBN 0-00-257048-3 (Hardcover)
- The Church Impotent: The Feminization of Christianity; Leon J. Podles, Spence Publishing Co., Dallas, TX, 1999. (The title is a play on the Christian theological terms church militant and church triumphant.)
- Spreading Misandry: The Teaching of Contempt for Men in Popular Culture; Paul Nathanson and Katherine K. Young, McGill-Queen's University Press, Montreal, 2001; ISBN 0-7735-2272-7
- Sex Differences, Modern Biology and the Unisex Fallacy, Yves Christen
- Who Stole Feminism?: How Women Have Betrayed Women; Christina Hoff Sommers ISBN 0-684-80156-6
- The War Against Boys: How Misguided Feminism Is Harming Our Young Men; Christina Hoff Sommers ISBN 0-684-84956-9
- Domestic Violence: The 12 Things You Aren't Supposed to Know by Thomas B. James ISBN 1-59330-122-7
- Ceasefire! : Why Women And Men Must Join Forces To Achieve True Equality; Cathy Young ISBN 0-684-83442-1
- The Masculine Mystique; Andrew Kimbrell ISBN 0-345-38658-2
- ^ a b c d e Cathy Young (July 1994). "Man Troubles: Making Sense of the Men's Movement". Reason. "Mas*cu*lism, n. 1. the belief that equality between the sexes requires the recognition and redress of prejudice and discrimination against men as well as women."
- ^ a b "masculinism, n". Oxford English Dictionary Online. Oxford University Press. Retrieved 2010-11-10.
- ^ "masculinist, n". Merriam-Webster. Merriam-Webster. Retrieved 2011-07-18.
- ^ "masculism, n". allwords. allwords. Retrieved 2011-07-18.
- ^ "masculism, n (2)". Oxford English Dictionary Online. Oxford University Press. Retrieved 2010-11-10.
- ^ E. Belfort Bax, The Fraud of Feminism, at
- ^
- ^
- ^ Prof. Hilde Pape, University of Oslo. The report is also referring to studies from US in 1977 (In Norwegian)
- ^ Professor David Fergusson and Associate Professor Richie Poulton, University of Otago, New Zealand. (Missing the research report itself) [1]
- ^ a b The Myth of Male Power: Why Men Are the Disposable Sex; Warren Farrell, Simon & Schuster, New York, 1993: ISBN 0-671-79349-7
- ^
- ^ "Can A Man Be Raped?". Time. 1991-06-03.,9171,973073,00.html#ixzz0wi7AgmL7.
- ^ a b Watkins, B. & Bentovim, A. (1992). The sexual abuse of male children and adolescents: a review of current research. Journal of Clinical Psychology & Psychiatry, 33(10), 197-248.
- ^
- ^
- ^ Double Standard: The Bias Against Male Victims of Sexual Abuse
- ^
- ^
- ^
- ^ "Difference in income tax exemption limits for men and women in India"
- ^ National Statistics (UK)
- ^
- ^
- ^
- ^
- ^
- ^ Gender Economy, section Definitions, subsection Masculism - As a political and social movement masculism is considered by some feminists to be synonymous with the men's rights or fathers' rights movements. However, many of the fathers' rights movement make a clear distinction between masculism and their own often quite varied approaches to gender relations.
- ^ Janet M. Martin, Maryanne Borrelli, Other Elites: Women, Politics, & Power in the Executive Branch, Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2000, ISBN 1-55587971-3, 978-1-55587971-6
- ^
- ^
- ^ Susan B. Boyd; Dorothy E. Chunn; Hester Lessard (2007). Reaction and resistance: feminism, law, and social change. UBC Press. pp. 65–97. ISBN 978-0-77481411-9.
- ^ 1 Harv. Women's L.J. 107 (1978) Fathers' Rights and Feminism: The Maternal Presumption Revisited; Uviller, Rena K.
- ^ Unwed Fathers' Rights, Adoption, and Sex Equality: Gender-Neutrality and the Perpetuation of Patriarchy
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