
MarketSmith Incorporated provides investors with professional-level proprietary tools and research. The company is a wholly owned subsidiary of William O’Neil + Company[1], and is headquartered in Los Angeles, CA.

MarketSmith’s online research tool allows investors to find and analyze stocks and mutual funds with charts, lists, industry group statistics and institutional ownership data. It also contains pre-set screens and checklists that incorporate the philosophies and styles of investors William O’Neil, Warren Buffett, Benjamin Graham, Peter Lynch, Martin Zweig, and James O’Shaughnessy.



MarketSmith was formed in 2010 as the next generation of Daily Graphs Online, a stock investment research service. Daily Graphs, Incorporated was established in 1972 and sold printed book subscriptions of stock charts delivered weekly, which gained them national acclaim for their clarity and breadth of information. By 1998, Daily Graphs Online launched as a web-based stock research tool, which would eventually be relaunched as MarketSmith in 2010.

Additional Products

In 2010, MarketSmith launched the "Growth 250," a list of stock ideas for growth investors. The list was built by William O’Neil portfolio managers as an add-on to MarketSmith. It’s designed to screen for accelerating earnings, long-term earnings, and stability of earnings, short-term earnings, turnaround earnings, sales, IPO, ROE and other growth indicators.[2]

In May 2011, MarketSmith launched the virtual stock trading game Chart Arcade. The game tests players abilities to time trades by only using supply and demand and price and volume lines to buy and sell.[3]

In July 2011, a mobile version of their proprietary stock analysis tool was released on the iOS platform in a hybrid format optimized for iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad.[4]

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