Marcus Borg

Marcus J. Borg (born 1942[1]) is an American Biblical scholar and author. He is a fellow of the Jesus Seminar, holds a DPhil degree from Oxford University and is Hundere Distinguished Professor of Religion and Culture, an endowed chair, at Oregon State University, from which he retired in 2007.[2] Borg has been national chair of the Historical Jesus Section of the Society of Biblical Literature, co-chair of its International New Testament Program Committee and president of the Anglican Association of Biblical Scholars.[3] Borg is among the most widely-known and influential voices in progressive Christianity.[4] On May 31, 2009, Borg was installed as the first canon theologian at Trinity Episcopal Cathedral.[5]



  1. ^ Haught, Nancy: "Belief and meaning: His faith in Jesus doesn't deter Marcus Borg from asking difficult questions about divinity", The Oregonian, 2007-03-24
  2. ^
  3. ^ Marcus J. Borg. Westar Institute. Accessed Jan. 21, 2008.
  4. ^ Marcus Borg. Explore Faith. Accessed Jan 21, 2008.
  5. ^ Oregon: Marcus Borg named canon theologian at Trinity Cathedral in Portland. Diocesan Digest Episcopal Life Online. Accessed Sept. 26, 2009.

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