Mandikal is a village located in Mulbagal taluk of Kolar district in Karnataka, India.It is a small village of a population about 811. The main occupation of the people here is Agriculture and sericulture.The majority of people in this village are belonged to vokkaliga caste. Kannada and Telugu are the two main languages people speak here. This village is about 5 km from the famous pilgrimage centre, Kurudumale and about 14 km from Mulabagil. Sri Prasanna Chowdeshwari temple which was built by palegar KAKI BISE GOWDA after his victory over chandragiri kings of present Andhra Pradesh is located about 1 km away from this village. This temple was believed to be built in 17th century. The annual festival called 'Sri Chowdeshwari Jatre'is celebrated in February month of every year here is a popular festival for nearby villagers also. Another temple,'Sri Venugopalaswamy temple' is located in heart of the village was believed to be built on 1000 years ago is renovated recently by villagers. The Fort of Kaki Bise Gowda is located in Harapanayakanahally village which is about 2 km from Mandikal. The descendents of Kaki Bise Gowda are living in Mandikal and other villages like Harapanayakanahally, Neelaturu and Dodda bevahally. Late Patel H.V.Danduhire Gowda,a freedom fighter who fought on British against the sale of arrack was belonged to Bise gowda clan.Danduhire Gowda's yonger brother,M.V.Srinivasa Gowda, a popular politician in this area is residing in Mandikal.
Mandikal has produced some of the greatest politicians of all times in Mulbagal taluk. Gatt Vasudeva Rao is the classic example. Gatt Vasudeva Rao is philanthropist who’s is responsible for putting Mandikal in the map. He is also responsible for improving key hygiene factors in the village like, Drinking water, Sewage and infrastructure for bus route.
From earlier days Mandikal is known for quality education, some of the Mandikalians who made in roads are Gatt Vishwanath Marthanda, who holds very responsible position in IBM.Mandikal village - ghatt family having a prominent place. ghat family belongs to Madhva- shuklayajurvedibrahmins. where in 3 generation has settled in the village and Sri prasannachowdeswari temple promotersof car festival ofsri chamundeswari & aghast followers of goddess,even to day Ghat Nagabhushanarao, the fourth generation of ghat venkataaramaiah, ghat venkatachalaih, ghat Ramachandra rao, ghat nagabhushanarao and his brother ghat sridhar are the ordent followers and promoters of chowdeswari temple. these brothers are the instrumental to construct the venugopal swamy temple in the mandikal village.