MMM may have one of the following meanings:
- 3M Corporation (NYSE: MMM), an American manufacturing conglomerate, originally Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company
- MMM (Ponzi scheme), a Russian company, active from 1989 to 1994, best known for perpetrating a large financial Ponzi scheme
- Magnificat Meal Movement, a Catholic break-away group in Queensland, Australia
- Mauritian Militant Movement, a Mauritian political party
- Medical Missionaries of Mary, Christian religious order founded by Mother Mary Martin
- Messner Mountain Museum
- Mashed room is Mediator or Monster, Japanese architect and researcher, Hizume[1]
- Million Man March, a 1995 event in Washington, DC, spearheaded by Louis Farrakhan
- Million Marijuana March, is an annual rally held at different locations across the planet
- Million Mom March, an American gun control advocacy group formed in 2000 and now affiliated with the Brady Campaign