
Luceafăr in Romanian is the name of the "morning star"[1] (the planet Venus) which in Romanian folklore is associated with demons but is also linked to the Greek Titan Hyperion. Mihai Eminescu wrote a poem called "Luceafărul" (The Morning Star) detailing some of the attributes that Romanian lore associated with the morning star.

The name Luceafăr is similar with the Latin Lucifer, "Light-bearer". In Romanian, it is related to the verb a luci (to shine) and the noun luciu, meaning shining.

Eminescu speaks about ochi lucii in Sus în curtea cea domnească[2] (Up in that garden of lords/kings). He describes three types of eyes:

On the contrary, for the sun shining there is strălucire. Stră is from Latin, whereas extra is a composition element when something is ancient and far away.

There is also the verb a lumina which means illuminate or enlight (make the light come into a place, for example after opening a window when you can say that s-a luminat camera which means the room has been lit).

With this name:


See also