
Lou! is a French comic book series and animated television series created by Julien Neel. The comic is published by Glénat and the animation is broadcasted in France on M6 and Disney Channel.





Volume 1, Journal infime, received the Youth Award for ages 9 to 12 at the Angoulême Festival in 2005. Volume 5, Laser Ninja, won the award for best youth comic at the Angoulême Festival in 2010.


The first comic volume, Journal infime, was adapted into 52 12-minute episodes. The series was produced by GO-N Productions in association with M6 television and Disney Channel France. The series premiered in France on April 5, 2009 on M6, and then later on the French version of Disney Channel, also dubbed in Spanish by Colombian voice actors and broadcast on Mexico's XEIPN-TV from November 2009 until September 2010.