Lookahead is a tool in algorithms for looking ahead a few more input items before making a cost effective decision at one stage of the algorithm.
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In artificial intelligence, lookahead is an important component of combinatorial search which specifies, roughly, how deeply the graph representing the problem is explored. The need for a specific limit on lookahead comes from the large problem graphs in many applications, such as computer chess and computer Go. A naive breadth-first search of these graphs would quickly consume all the memory of any modern computer. By setting a specific lookahead limit, the algorithm's time can be carefully controlled; its time increases exponentially as the lookahead limit increases.
More sophisticated search techniques such as alpha-beta pruning are able to eliminate entire subtrees of the search tree from consideration. When these techniques are used, lookahead is not a precisely defined quantity, but instead either the maximum depth searched or some type of average.
Lookahead establishes the maximum incoming tokens that a parser can use to decide which rule it should use.
Lookahead is especially relevant to LL, LR, and LALR parsers, where it is often explicitly indicated by affixing the lookahead to the algorithm name in parentheses, such as LALR(1).
Most programming languages, the primary target of parsers, are carefully defined in such a way that a parser with limited lookahead, typically one, can parse them, because parsers with limited lookahead are often more efficient. One important change to this trend came in 1990 when Terence Parr created ANTLR for his Ph.D. thesis, a parser generator for efficient LL(k) parsers, where k is any fixed value.
Parsers typically have only a few actions after seeing each token. They are shift (add this token to the stack for later reduction), reduce (pop tokens from the stack and form a syntactic construct), end, error (no known rule applies) or conflict (does not know whether to shift or reduce).
Lookahead has two advantages.
Example: Parsing the Expression 1 + 2 * 3
Set of expression parsing rules (called grammar) is as follows,
Rule1: E → E + E Expression is the sum of two expressions. Rule2: E → E * E Expression is the product of two expressions. Rule3: E → number Expression is a simple number Rule4: + has less precedence than *
Most programming languages (except for a few such as APL and Smalltalk) and algebraic formulas give higher precedence to multiplication than addition, in which case the correct interpretation of the example above is (1 + (2*3)). Note that Rule4 above is a semantic rule. It is possible to rewrite the grammar to incorporate this into the syntax. However, not all such rules can be translated into syntax.
Simple non-lookahead parser actions
The parse tree and resulting code from it is not correct according to language semantics.
To correctly parse without lookahead, there are three solutions:
Lookahead parser actions
The parse tree generated is correct and simply more efficient than non-lookahead parsers. This is the strategy followed in LALR parsers.
This is in contrast to another technique called lazy evaluation that delays the computation until it is really needed. Both techniques are used for economical usage of space or time. Lookahead makes the right decision and so avoids backtracking from undesirable stages at later stages of the algorithm and so saves space, at the cost of a slight increase of time due to the overhead of extra lookups. Lazy evaluation normally skips the unexplored algorithmic paths and thus saves both the time and space in general. Some applications of lazy evaluations are demand paging in operating systems and lazy parse tables in compilers.
In search space exploration, both the techniques are used. When there are already promising paths in the algorithm to evaluate, lazy evaluation is used and to be explored paths will be saved in the queue or stack. When there are no promising paths to evaluate and to check whether the new path can be a more promising path in leading to solution, lookahead is used.
Compilers also use both the techniques. They will be lazy in generating parse tables from given rules, but they lookahead in parsing given input.