
Country:  Serbia
Subdivision: Pomoravlje District, Despotovac municipality
Location:  ?

Area code: 035
Postal code:
License plates: JA
For places in Poland, see Łomnica.
For places in Levač, see Lomnica Levač.

Lomnica (Ломница) is a village in Despotovac municipality, in the Pomoravlje District of Serbia.


Lomnica is located some 10 kilometers from the town of Despotovac and about 7 kilometers from Manasija Monastery. It is situated at (roughly) about 600 meters above sea level. It is the third largest village in the municipality (after villages Plažane and Veliki Popović) with probably the largest area in the municipality of Despotovac.


It has a small lake in its area called Lomničko jezero which is about 2 hectares in size most of the year but it dries up in the fall to 2/3 of that size. It has an ambulance with a doctor and a nurse who periodically visit (it's not functional full time).

It also has a modern football (soccer) playground with about 1,000 seats and small football and basketball playgrounds.