Lomami Province

Lomami is one of 25 new provinces of the Democratic Republic of the Congo specified in the country's 2005 Constitution (effective 18 February 2006), under Article 2.[1] It was to be created from country's the existing 10 provinces within 36 months (18 February 2009), according to Article 226.[2] As of October 2010, this had not taken place.[3] It is currently part of the Kasai-Oriental province.

The capital of the province is Kabinda.[4]



It lies at the centre of the country on the Lomami River. It is distant from the city of Mbuji-Mayi, current capital of Kasai Oriental Province, 160 km along the national highway No. 1, which extends up to Kasongo in Maniema Province.


It was first created from Kasai province in 1962. It was incorporated into the Kasai-Oriental province as the district of Kabinda from 1966-2009.


Presidents (from 1965, governors) of the first Lomami province

Administrators of Kabinda district




It consists of three major ethnic groups (Songye, Kanyok and Luba).


  1. ^ "Constitution de la République démocratique du Congo: Article 2". Wikisource. http://fr.wikisource.org/wiki/Constitution_de_la_R%C3%A9publique_d%C3%A9mocratique_du_Congo#Article_2. 
  2. ^ "Constitution de la République démocratique du Congo: Article 226". Wikisource. http://fr.wikisource.org/wiki/Constitution_de_la_R%C3%A9publique_d%C3%A9mocratique_du_Congo#Article_2. 
  3. ^ "The AMP conclave: Another step towards 2011 elections". Congo Siasa. http://congosiasa.blogspot.com/2010/10/amp-conclave-another-step-towards-2011.html. 
  4. ^ "Provinces of the Democratic Republic of Congo". Statiods.com. http://www.statoids.com/ucd.html.