

Region of Ancient Greece

The mountains of Ozalian Locris, looking towards Naupactus, engraving.
Location: Central Greece
Major cities: Amphissa, Naupactus
Dialects: Doric
Key periods:
Map showing Locris in relation to other regions

Locris (Greek, Modern: Λοκρίδα Lokrida, Ancient: Λοκρίς Lokris) was a region of ancient Greece, the homeland of the Locrians, made up of three distinct districts.


Locrian tribe

The city of Locri in Calabria (Italy), also known in antiquity as "Epizephyrian Locris", was a colony founded by the Locrians in Magna Graecia. There is some disagreement over whether it was those from Opuntian Locris or from Ozolian Locris who were responsible.

Ancient Locris

The territory of the Locrians was divided into three by Doris and Phocis, perhaps due to an early invasion of a contiguous Locrian state. This fact, combined with the region's infertility, meant that the Locrians tended to be dominated by their neighbours, and played little part in Greek history.

To the south-west of Phocis was Ozolian Locris, situated on the north coast of the Gulf of Corinth, between Naupactus and Crisa. The main cities of Ozolian Locris were Amphissa and Naupactus which was its seaport. To the north east of Phocis was Opuntian Locris, named after its main city, Opus. Finally, to the north of Phocis was Epicnemidian Locris, situated near the pass of Thermopylae.

Ozolian Locris

Ozolian Locris is today known commonly as Nafpaktia, after the city of Naupactus, and forms part of the prefecture of Phocis.

Opuntian Locris

Modern Opuntian Locris is part of the Phthiotis prefecture.

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