Local government in Ukraine are guaranteed by state law and the real capacity of the territorial community - residents of a village or a voluntary association of rural community residents of several villages, towns, cities - independently or under the responsibility of agencies and local government officials to solve local issues within the Constitution and laws of Ukraine.
Local governments are territorial communities of villages, cities both directly and through the village, township, city councils and their executive bodies, as well as district and regional councils, which represent the common interests of territorial communities of villages, towns and cities.
Local governments in Ukraine use the following principles:
The system of local government includes:
organs of self.
In cities with district divisions for the decision of the local community or the city council under the district can be formed in the council. City district councils form their executive bodies and elected council chairman, who is also is the chairman of its executive committee. The primary subject of local government, the main carrier of its functions and powers of a territorial community of villages, towns and cities. Council - the representative bodies of local self-government. Village, township and city councils are local authorities that represent the corresponding territorial communities and carry out on their behalf and for their functions and powers of local government, established by the Constitution of Ukraine, laws.
Executive bodies of village, township, city, city district (if a) councils have their executive committees, departments, and others established by the council's executive bodies. The executive bodies of village, township, city, city district councils are controlled and accountable to the relevant councils, and on the implementation of delegated powers of the executive - is also under the control of the relevant bodies of executive power.
The village, township, or city mayor is the chief executive of the local community under the village (a voluntary association in a territorial community of residents of several villages), towns, cities, the territorial community elected by universal, equal and direct suffrage by secret ballot available four years in the manner prescribed by law, and exercises its authority on a permanent basis. Village, township, Mayor leads the executive committee of the respective village, township, city council, and presides at its meetings.
Bodies of local self-government law may be separate powers of the executive power to implement that they are under the control of the relevant bodies of executive power.
Powers of executive bodies of village, township, city councils regarding the following areas:
Exclusively at the plenary meetings of the village, township, city council the following issues are decided:
Powers of executive bodies of village, township, city councils are divided on their own (autonomous) and delegated. Delegated powers to include:
Registration of ownership of land, registration rights and land use contracts for land lease issue documents that ownership and right to use land;
taking necessary measures for disaster relief in accordance with law, notify the public, engaging in the established order in this work of enterprises, institutions and organizations, as well as population;
definition of territory for warehousing, storage or placement of industrial, household and other wastes in accordance with law; Organization and implementation of land management, land management agreement projects;
preparation and submission for approval by the Council targeted local programs improve safety and working conditions and environment, territorial employment programs and activities on social protection of different population groups from unemployment, the organization of their participation in the development of targeted regional programs improve safety and working conditions and environment, employment, approved by the respective district, regional councils;
ensure the implementation of the laws of measures to improve housing and material welfare of the disabled, war veterans and labor, citizens, rehabilitated as victims of political repression, military personnel and former military personnel, the families who lost breadwinners, citizens elderly who need care at home, with accommodation in the homes of persons with disabilities and senior citizens who need this, children without parental care, on education in the family of citizens;
solution according to the laws of granting benefits and assistance related to the protection of motherhood and childhood; solution in the manner established by legislation on guardianship and custody;
representation according to the laws grant citizens who suffered from natural disasters;
solution according to the legislation on provision of compensation and benefits to citizens affected by the Chernobyl disaster, in other cases stipulated by law;
monitoring of safety, ensure social protection of enterprises, institutions and organizations of all forms of property, including employees in jobs with hazardous and dangerous conditions, the quality of jobs on the certification of their compliance with regulations on labor protection for providing employees under the law of benefits and compensation for work in hazardous conditions;
provision within the authority granted access to and free education and health services in the territory, training opportunities in public schools and in their native language, study their native language in state and communal educational establishments and through national cultural societies;
provision under the law of all types of education and health services, developing and improving the network of educational and medical institutions of all forms of property, physical culture and sport, identifying needs and forming orders for personnel for these institutions, contracting for training specialists - to ensure conformity to legislation favorable population categories of medicinal products and medical supplies;
organization of work to prevent child neglect;
solution according to the laws of a full state support of orphans and children left without parental care in boarding schools, orphanages, including family type, vocational education and maintenance by the state who have defects in physical or mental development and can not study in mass education, special education, granting privileges to citizens of the children in boarding schools, boarding schools in and pay for feeding children in schools (groups with extended day);
ensure the protection of historical and cultural monuments, conservation and use of cultural heritage;
promotion of citizens' call for immediate military and alternative (civilian) service, as well as their mobilization, preparing young people for service in the Armed Forces of Ukraine of training (test) and special military duties, providing evidence for enterprises, institutions and organizations regardless of ownership and public order of the Commissioner to declare military mobilization;
organization and participation in activities related to the preparation and mobilization of civil defense, in the territory;
ensuring legislative requirements regarding the consideration of applications, monitoring the status of this work in enterprises, institutions and organizations regardless of ownership;
solution according to the law on the conduct of meetings, protests and demonstrations, sports, entertainment and other events, overseeing the provision in their conduct of public order;
cases of administrative violations ascribed to their competence, the formation of administrative committees and commissions on matters of crime prevention, directing their activities;
of notarial acts on issues ascribed to their competence, civil registration (with the exception of the executive body of the city (except the cities of regional subordination) council).
Material and financial basis of local government is movable and immovable property, revenues, other funds, land, natural resources owned by territorial communities of villages, cities, districts in cities, as well as objects of their common property are managed by district and regional councils.
Territorial communities of villages, towns and cities may join on a contractual basis objects of communal property and budget funds for implementation of joint projects or to jointly finance (maintain) communal enterprises, organizations and institutions to create a relevant agencies and services.
State participates in the formation of revenues of local budgets, financially supports local self-government. The cost of local government arising from the decisions of public authorities, compensated by the state.
Local governments can be legally separate powers of the executive. State finances the exercise of these powers in full by the State budget of Ukraine or by referring to the local budget in the manner prescribed by law of certain national taxes, transfers to local governments appropriate objects of state property.
The activities of local authorities aimed at meeting the social needs of citizens and, especially, to obtain essential services. Local budgets are the financial base of local governments and the resources accumulated in these budgets depends on how effectively local authorities will carry out their powers.
Presidential Election rural township councils are by majority system of relative majority in single member constituencies, which divided the whole territory under the village (some villages, people are voluntarily united in rural communities), the village.
Election of members of municipal councils are held by a proportional system: MPs elected in the electoral lists of candidates (hereinafter - the electoral lists) of organizations, political parties, electoral blocs of political parties in the multi-district, whose boundaries coincide with the boundaries of the city in accordance with the existing administrative-territorial system.
Election of members of district councils in cities held by the proportional system: the deputies elected from the electoral lists of political parties, electoral blocs of political parties in the multi-constituency, whose boundaries coincide with the boundaries of the region in the city.
Election of the village, township, held by the majority electoral system of relative majority in one single-member district, whose boundaries coincide with the boundaries of the village (some villages, people are voluntarily united in rural communities), towns, cities, according to the existing administrative-territorial parade.
Citizens of Ukraine who belong to the relevant local community and are entitled to vote may be by self or Republican (the Autonomous Republic of Crimea), regional, district, city district, city organizations of political parties and electoral associations - units involved in nominating candidates, candidates for the village, the mayor, the work of election commissions, the election campaign, to observe the elections and other events in the order determined by this and other laws of Ukraine.
The total composition of the village, township, city, district in the city, district, regional council should be in size:
More than 2 million people - from 76 to 150 members, inclusive.
The right to nominate candidates and candidates for the village, the mayor implemented through local voters of the parties (blocks) or by self in the manner provided by law.
Regional and district councils are local authorities that represent the common interests of territorial communities of villages, towns, within the powers specified in the Constitution of Ukraine, other laws and powers transferred to them rural, town and city councils. Exclusively at the plenary meetings of the district, regional council decided the following issues:
decision on the proposal of local communities decided to convene a consultative poll on issues affecting their common interests; implementation according to the law office to organize a national referendum and elections, government and local government; approval of socio-economic and cultural development of the region, area, target programs on other issues, hear reports on their implementation; approval in accordance with district and regional budgets, amendments thereto, approval of reports on their implementation; allocation transferred from the state budget funds in the form of subventions, and council area - according to the law division equalization transfers among the budgets of cities of regional importance, villages; issues of management of common property that are managed by regional and district councils; decisions on administrative and territorial structure within the procedure established by law; elected Chairman of the Board, Deputy Chairman of the Board, their dismissal from office; approval of the proposal President of the Council structure, the number of executive staff council, the cost of the council and its executive staff.
Chairman of the District, the regional district in the city (in the case of formation) of the respective council elected from among its members within the term of the Council by secret ballot. Chairman of the Board to serve until the election of Chairman of the Board to convene a new, except in cases of early termination of the Chairman of the Board in accordance with the law. The work of Chairman of the Board is accountable to Council and may be dismissed from office by the Council, if voted for his release at least two-thirds of the total members of the council by secret ballot.
Regional and district councils do not form their own executive bodies, as appropriate powers delegated its regional, district state administration.
Organizational, legal, informational, analytical, logistics activities of the Council, its agencies, provides staff of the council members, who formed the respective council. It contributes to the implementation of relevant Council of interaction and relationships with local communities, local authorities, bodies and officials of local governments. Executive Office of the Council ex officio chairman of the respective heads the council.
Executive power in oblasts, districts, cities of Kiev and Sevastopol is exercised by local administrations. The organization, powers and procedures of local public administrations defined by the Law of Ukraine "On local state administrations" of April 9, 1999 № 586-XIV. Features of the exercise of executive power in the cities of Kiev and Sevastopol are determined by special laws of Ukraine.
Composition of local state administrations is formed by the head of local state administrations. They are appointed and dismissed by the President of Ukraine upon submission of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.
Local state administrations on their respective territory ensure: implementation of the Constitution and laws of Ukraine, acts of the President of Ukraine, Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and other bodies of executive power; law and order, safeguarding the rights and freedoms of citizens; implementation of national and regional socio-economic and cultural development, environmental protection programs, and in areas where indigenous peoples and national minorities - programs of their national and cultural development; preparation and implementation of relevant regional and district budgets; report on the implementation of respective budgets and programs; cooperation with local governments; implementation provided by other state and also delegated to the respective councils. Heads of local state administrations in implementing their authority responsible to the President of Ukraine and the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, accountable and controlled the executive power of a higher level. In part of the authority delegated to them by the relevant district or regional councils, local state administrations are accountable to and controlled by councils. Decisions of the heads of local state administrations that contravene the Constitution and laws of Ukraine, other legislative acts of Ukraine may be revoked according to law by the President of Ukraine, or head of local administration of higher level. Regional or district council may express no confidence in the head of the respective local state administration, under the President of Ukraine takes decision and makes a reasoned response. If confidence in the head of a district or regional state administration expressed two thirds of deputies of the relevant council, the President of Ukraine takes decision on the resignation of the local state administration.
Election of members of district councils are proportional system: the deputies elected from the electoral lists of political parties, electoral blocs of political parties in the multi-constituency, whose boundaries coincide with the boundaries of the region. Election of deputies of regional councils, cities of Kiev and Sevastopol are proportional system: the deputies elected from the electoral lists of political parties, electoral blocs of political parties in the multi-constituency, whose boundaries coincide with the boundaries of the respective regions, cities of Kiev and Sevastopol in accordance with existing administrative -territorial system.
Representative body of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea is the Supreme Council of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea. Parliament within its authority adopts decisions and resolutions which are binding in the ARC. Government of Autonomous Republic of Crimea is the Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea. Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea is appointed and dismissed by the Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea with the consent of the President of Ukraine. Powers, procedure of formation and activities of the Supreme Council of ARC and Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea are determined by the Constitution and laws of Ukraine, legal acts of the Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea on issues ascribed to its competence.
Autonomous Republic of Crimea exercises normative regulation on:
The competence of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea comprises:
Laws of Ukraine ARC can also be delegated to other powers. In the Autonomous Republic of Crimea is the President of Ukraine Delegation, whose status is determined by the law of Ukraine.
To ensure the implementation of common socio-economic and cultural programs of local communities revenue budget of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and oblast budgets are derived from the following payments:
To ensure the implementation of common socio-economic and cultural programs of local communities revenue district budgets are taken into account when determining the scope of intergovernmental transfers, are due to:
In addition, profitable base of regional, district and budget of the ARC is formed due to transfers from the state budget and other government agencies.
The birth of self-government in the period of Kievan Rus
The roots of local territorial neighborhood comes from ancient Slavic community. This community arranged their affairs independently, in its sole discretion and within available resources. In Kievan Rus acquires development hromadivske government. It is based on production and their geographical location, i.e. the community that samovryadovuvalys, formed on the production (the community of merchants, artisans) or territorial basis (rural, urban and regional communities). Territorial hromadivske government is developing on the basis of common law and the elements found in vichah. Subject of urban self-performed urban communities and rural subjects - rural communities (line upon), which united people of the villages had land in its ownership to represent its members in relations with other communities, feudal lords and the government. During the Grand Duchy of Lithuania local government came in the form of viytivstva.
In the medieval city in Ukraine for its political and legal status were divided into public, private and church. At first there was a state administration headed by the mayor (it was dark exposure, the central part of the city and enrolled by farmers from surrounding villages opikalasya defense issues, collect taxes). Urban communities represented Vogt. Competency Log rozmezhovuvalysya and old age. In individual cities Vogt defended the interests of the community before the feudal lords, sometimes even in court. By the end of the 13th century. collected Viche city that existed in Kievan Rus.
In the 13th century. in Ukrainian cities begins implemented Magdeburg (German) law. While the first paper on the provision of German law is preserved only by 1339 (for Boleslav Troydenovychem German city of Sanok right), but it can be assumed that German law was actually is done in the cities of Galicia-Volyn state since the end of the 13th century. At the end of 14th century begin to Ukrainian cities by the German government the right to Lithuanian princes. In 1374 this law received Kamyanets in Podolia in 1390 - Brest, and more - a number of other cities. At the end of the 15th century Kiev was the Magdeburg law.
Scope of Magdeburg law was in the release of the urban population of the jurisdiction of government administration and provision of city government on corporate basis. The burghers were community with its own justice and right. At the head of council were elected and Burmistr raytsi, led the court - and Vogt lavnyky. Their jurisdiction of the subject not only burgers, but also guild artisans and farmers enrolled in the city. Providing the city of Magdeburg law meant the elimination of power over its citizens from large feudal rulers and administrators. Municipal government involved the right of citizens to elect a Board authorized a period of one year. The Board elected raytsiv Burmistr. Council headed by the city Burmistr managing all economic affairs of the community. Magdeburg Law also involved the election of lava - the body of the judiciary, headed by Vogt. Lavnyky elected for life. Vogt, usually appointed by King and was the highest official of the city. In Ukraine only the congregation elected Log in Kiev alone. However, the city received Magdeburg rights and property powers. They owned real estate, land, introduce taxes, etc..
Ukrainian urban population eager to participate in local government. After the battles of Cossacks from the Polish army under Zboriv between Khmelnytsk]y and the Poles had signed a peace treaty (Zborowski treatise, the Diet approved in late 1649) that involved the right of Orthodox burghers member municipal governments.
During Hetmanate "from the jurisdiction of the colonels were taken that were government, based on the Magdeburg Law, confirmed by royal charter". These cities have received considerable property in land ownership: field, hayfields and forests. The content of local government tax went from imported wares from artisans from inns yards and baths, with mills, brewers, tsehelen, "bridges", "weight", "Collar" and so on. [edit.] Local government in the 18th-19th centuries Zemstvo as political and legal institution In 1764-1783 he was eliminated Hetmanate and autonomous structure of Ukraine, and with it the Magdeburg Law in its cities. In 1785, under Empress Catherine II issued "Zhalovanoy грамоты city, on the Left Bank and Sloboda Ukraine created a new birth of local government bodies - municipal councils. It marked the unification of forms of social life in Russia and Ukraine.
In 1796 Emperor Paul I tried to restore previously existing management structure in Ukraine, but to revive the Magdeburg law has failed. In 1831 issued a royal decree officially opposed the Magdeburg rights. Decree of Tsar Nicholas I of December 23, 1834 Magdeburg Law was abolished in Kiev. Then in Ukraine continued to general form of local government. In 1838 Nicholas introduced local self-government for the state of the peasants and free workers.
Significant impact on public life in Ukraine was conducted by Alexander II in 1864 The small reform. In the European part of Russian Empire, including the Left Bank and Sloboda Ukraine, zasnovuvalysya Zemskov institutions as local (regional) governments. Entering into force in 1864 "Regulations on Zemskov institutions" to carry out interim Township Committee, consisting of members of the nobility, mayor, officials from the Chamber and the State Property Office of autonomous peasants. The situation in 1864 divided the voters in three of the curia:
Elections were held separately: the first two Kuriy - at the congresses of representatives. At the first congress of the Curia could be large and medium landowners, second - homeowners, manufacturers, traders and others. In the elections could not take part:
Election of Member of the peasants were multilevel. Vowels were elected for three years. After the election of Member of Assembly were elected uyizni Zemskov. At the first meeting uyizni transparent strip with his provincial environment vowel: from 6 parishes - one Gubernsky transparent. Provincial meetings were held once a year, but could and convened an extraordinary meeting. For the current work and uyizni and provincial assembly elected Board consisting of 3 persons: chairman and two members. At the core provisions in 1864 was the principle of qualification, the peasants rahuvalys little. The dominant influence on local affairs belonged to the nobility. In the disposal facilities located zemstvo:
Zemstvo rozporyadzhalos trivial material capabilities. The main source of income was the right to tax payers in new taxes. Zemstvo could allocate certain amounts to cause public education, but to dispose of these amounts had no rights. Zemstvo not enjoy full freedom and independence. Any decision could be challenged governor.
June 16, 1870 was adopted Mistove situation of Alexander II. According to him suffrage (active and passive) was attached to each resident of the city when he was a Russian citizen not younger than 25 years and owned within the city any real estate.
New Zemstvo situation actually had no connection with the idea of government. It deprived the suffrage clergy, peasants, association, farmers who own private land in the parish, trademark, industrial establishments, as well as Jews. In essence, the principle has been removed виборності steering. In 1892 Mistove situation much vrizalo suffrage for the residents of cities that has led to fewer voters in 6.8 times. Was reduced and the number of vowel (approximately twice). There were also changes in the internal structure of local governance: small business become more independent of the Duma, the right mayor has been extended by human vowel, I think precluded by the court to give council members. Reform 1890-1892 he rejected the establishment of local authorities far back. An existing county is holding out and 25 years.
Similar patterns in the second half of the 19th and early 20th century took place in Galicia, which was in the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Local government there was founded on the principles of the Austrian law on the community from March 5, 1861, which establish the principles of local self-government in the empire. Galicia was Crown land within the Austrian Empire and the Galician Diet August 12, 1866 adopted the law on mass for Galicia, together with the election ordinance.
After the February Revolution in Russia and the formation of the Central Council Hrushevsky given out in the 1917 pamphlet "Free Ukraine" proposed in the first phase of construction of an independent Ukrainian state to organize the local authorities based on Ukrainian committees in districts and cities. Committees were formed on the principles of the formation of most of the Central Council and not lose their value as development and "new organization on the grounds of the city was opened and self-government.
And Universal Central Council of June 23, 1917 recognized and maintained the existing system of local government and only insisted on the addition of Ukrain. Followed by those in the Declaration of the General Secretariat on July 10, 1917 stressed:
"... The village, town and Township administrative bodies, small business, county commissioners, horodski thoughts, provincial commissioners, in a word, the whole organization of government may be in organic connection with the Central Council only when democracy that forms the bodies, is also in close connection with the Central Council " A regular in the Declaration of the General Secretariat of October 12, 1917 states that "... One of the main objectives of its General Secretariat puts promote the development of local self-government and the spread of their competence. It has become the main condition set down in Ukraine " In the Third Universal Central Council, published in November 1917, states:
"General secretary of the Interior attribute: take all measures to consolidate and distribution rights of the local governments that are the highest administrative bodies of local authorities and to establish the closest connection and its cooperation with the revolutionary democracy, which should be the best basis for a free democratic life " Consequently, the Central Council strongly emphasized their commitment to the Institute for Local Government. At the same time or not at all these and many other documents actually refers to the subordination of local governments the central government. A certain clarity and possible prospects that may have local government in the Ukrainian People's Republic, makes its constitution, adopted April 29, 1918. The system of local government it had to be on land, municipalities and communities, and their relationship with the state were to be as follows: "Not a single violation of its authorities, the UPR provides the land, town and communities rights wide self forth the principle of decentralization"
However, in a civil war, these intentions were not realized. Skoropadskyi Paul Getman, who became the government April 29, 1918, dissolved the local government created the Central Council. In Kiev, Otamana Capital Management was formed, and in Odessa - the Urban Otamana. Secretary of State I. Kistyakivskyy in his speech at the Congress provincial stewards said that the experience of revolution, "local government, built on protyderzhavnomu electoral law reduced the local economy and returned a healthy economic life of cities and districts in the fight against political programs. Already at the end of the existence of the Hetman state the initiative of the Ministry of Internal Affairs was filled institute "zemstvo chiefs and established county councils and hubernialni in rural affairs. Singapore, after the declaration of renovation democracies in Ukraine, in a civil war could not realize these intentions. But the idea of a broad government revived late in the UPR in 1920, when there are official policy of the new Constitution of the UPR, which offered a system of communities, municipalities, counties, and "higher on their government units, vvodylosya separation (from county-level) competence" of government officials "and" government officials ".
The actual revival of local government in Ukraine, in the broadest sense, since the election of deputies to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukrainian SSR and local councils of deputies in March 1990, of course, after these elections of local councils throughout Ukraine remained in its composition communist (the majority of deputies were members of the Communist Party), but in many cities and in some regions local councils or were no longer communist, or had a membership of numerous democratic parliamentary group. Newly wanted to get rid of local councils, as the party and state patronage over their work in ensuring the needs of local people.
In 1990 a major role in the organization and activities of the authorities in Ukraine to play a Communist Party. At each level of administrative and territorial structure existed respective party structures: Regional Committee, rake, city committee, and all heads of councils or executive committees must belong to the ruling party.
From December 1990 to 1992 in Ukraine acted first edition of the Law on local councils of deputies of the Ukrainian SSR and local government. The Declaration on State Sovereignty of Ukraine, adopted July 16, 1990, declared that the authorities in Ukraine should be based on the principle of its division into legislative, executive and judicial. But the real power-sharing began with the introduction of the post of President of Ukraine. After the presidential elections December 1, 1991 began making amendments to the Constitution and the corresponding correction of the Ukrainian legislation. It was early in 1992, in February and March, were adopted two new laws on the President of Ukraine "and" On the local councils of deputies and local and regional governments. The new version of the Law on Local Self-Government was adopted March 26, 1992. It took into account the transfer of powers from regional and district councils of the President. The main thing here was that at the district and regional level of people's deputies removed from their executive and were only representative of the character. Only at the level of settlements functioned real self. As a first edition of the law "On local council deputies and local government" eliminated the so-called "Soviet dolls, namely the subordination of councils in each vertical, the introduction of the institution of the President had finally eliminated the Soviet model of government and create a system of government in which combines the principle of regional governance in local government administration with a broad independent action of citizens in their localities through local government with a broad mandate.