
Ljubija may refer to:

Ljubija, a town in Bosnia-Herzegovina is situated in North-West part of Bosnia, in the Bosanska Krajina region. It is not known when the first inhabitants arrived here or how the town got its name, but already since XIX century it was one of the most important locations for the country's economy. After the second World War, Ljubija was one of the largest iron mines in the world and employed more than 5000 people at any one time. Until 1965, it was a municipality, when former Communist Regime of Yugoslavia transferred the administration to Prijedor.

In May 1992, during the aggression of Republic of Serbia and the subsequent Bosnian war, Radovan Karadzic ordered the Army of Republika Srpska to cleanse Ljubija of its male population, most of which were transferred to Keraterm, Trnopolje or Omarska concentration camps. The remaining population was harassed and had their houses searched as well as ransacked. Most inhabitants were forced out of their homes in the subsequent months, after being asked to sign documentation they are volountarily giving all their possession to Republika Srpska. After Dayton Agreement in 1995 Ljubija remained in the Republika Srpska.