List of people on stamps of Brazil
This article lists people who have been featured on the postage stamps of Brazil, including the dates of their stamp appearances. Occasionally a stamp will commemorate a person and not include his/her portrait; in which case the list indicates what is shown on the stamp.
- Casimiro de Abreu, poet (1989)
- Afonso I, Portuguese king (1940)
- Akihito, Japanese emperor (1967)
- Albert I, Belgian king (1920)
- Luís de Albuquerque de Melo Pereira e Cáceres, colonial governor (1952) article in Portuguese
- Aleijadinho, sculptor (sculpture shown 1964)
- Pedro Aleixo, politician (2001)
- José de Alencar, novelist (1965)
- Benedetto Aloisi Masella, Italian cardinal (1955)
- Rodrigues Alves (1917)
- Álvaro Alvim, radiologist (1963) article in Portuguese
- Jorge Amado, novelist (2002)
- Ubaldino do Amaral, statesman and abolitionist (1943) article in Portuguese
- Pedro Américo, painter (1943, 3 paintings shown 1993)
- José Américo de Almeida, writer (1987)
- Alceu Amoroso Lima, writer and critic (1993)
- José de Anchieta, missionary and writer (1934, 1941, 1980, 1997, 2007)
- Hans Christian Andersen Danish author (2005)
- Martim Francisco Ribeiro de Andrada, statesman (1945) article in Portuguese
- José Bonifácio de Andrada e Silva, statesman (1909, 1959, 1963, 1988, 2008)
- Mário de Andrade, poet (1993)
- Anthony of Padua, Portuguese saint (1995)
- Osvaldo Aranha, statesman (1931, 1994)
- Fernando de Azevedo, writer and educator (1994) article in Portuguese
- Robert Baden-Powell, British general, founder of scouting (1957, 2007)
- Manuel Bandeira, poet (1986)
- Adoniran Barbosa, singer and composer (1994)
- Ruy Barbosa, politician and writer (1925, 1949, 1956, 1960, 1999)
- Alexandre José Barbosa Lima Sobrinho, journalist and politician (2001) article in Portuguese
- Lima Barreto, writer (1981)
- Tobias Barreto, poet and philosopher (1989)
- João Ribeiro de Barros, aviator (only his airplane shown 1929)
- Ary Barroso, songwriter (2003)
- Francisco Manoel Barroso da Silva, admiral (1954, 1965, 2008)
- Manuel Bastos Tigre, poet (1982) article in Portuguese
- Baudouin, Belgian king (1965)
- Paschal Baylon, Spanish friar and saint (1955)
- Luis Batlle Berres, Uruguayan president (1948)
- Benedict XVI, pope (2007)
- Rodolpho Bernardelli, sculptor (1952) article in Portuguese
- Artur Bernardes, president (1967)
- Clóvis Beviláqua, jurist (2001)
- Olavo Bilac, poet (1967, 1988)
- Hermann Blumenau, emigrant (1969)
- Baron da Bocaina, public official (1956) article in Portuguese
- Quintino Bocaiuva, writer and politician (1962)
- Simón Bolívar, Venezuela hero of independence (1983)
- José Bonifacio, statesman (1909, 1959, 1963, 1988, 2008)
- Borges de Medeiros, politician (1963) article in Portuguese
- Irineu Bornhausen, politician (1996) article in Portuguese
- Don Bosco, Italian priest and saint (1983)
- Francisco Braga, composer (1968)
- Rubem Braga, journalist and short story writer (1995)
- Louis Braille, French inventor of braille (2009)
- Venceslau Brás Pereira Gomes, president (1919, 1968)
- Vital Brazil, physician and toxicologist (1965)
- Louis Breguet, French physicist (1983)
- Amador Bueno, "king of São Paulo" (1941)
- Maria Bueno, tennis player (1960)
- Júlio Bueno Brandão, politician (1958) article in Portuguese
- Pedro Álvares Cabral, navigator and explorer (1900, 1968, 1984)
- João Caetano, actor (1951, 1963) article in Portuguese
- Joaquim Caetano da Silva, diplomat (1958) article in Portuguese
- Francisco Caldas Júnior, journalist (1968) article in Portuguese
- Pandiá Calógeras, politician (1970) article in Portuguese
- Hélder Câmara, archbishop (2009)
- Luís da Câmara Cascudo, anthropologist and folklorist (1998)
- Antônio Filipe Camarão, soldier (1954)
- Bernardino de Campos, statesman (1942)
- Milton Campos, politician (2000) article in Portuguese
- Manuel Ferraz de Campos Salles, president (1906, 1967, 1991)
- David Canabarro, revolutionary leader (1945)
- Gustavo Capanema, politician (2000) article in Portuguese
- Barão de Capanema, engineer and naturalist (1952) article in Portuguese
- João Capistrano de Abreu, historian (1953, 2003)
- Madalena Caramuru, first literate Brazilian woman (2001) article in Portuguese
- Fernando Henrique Cardoso, president (2003)
- Licínio Cardoso, practitioner of homoeopathy (1952) article in Portuguese
- Carl XVI Gustaf, Swedish king (1984)
- Carlos I, Portuguese king (1908)
- Antonio Carlos, soccer player (1931)
- José Carlos, illustrator (1996) (illustration shown 1996)
- António Óscar Carmona, Portuguese president (1940)
- Eleazar de Carvalho, conductor (2001)
- Carlos Castelo Branco, journalist (1994) article in Portuguese
- Humberto de Alencar Castelo Branco, president (1968, 1972)
- José Plácido de Castro, revolutionary leader (1973, 2002, 2008) article in Portuguese
- Antônio de Castro Alves, poet (1947, 1997)
- Emiliano Di Cavalcanti, painter (painting shown1997)
- Joaquim Arcoverde de Albuquerque Cavalcanti, cardinal (1950)
- Duke of Caxias, military leader and politician (1935, 1939, 1944, 1953, 1954, 1956, 1971, 1980, 2003, 2008)
- Dorival Caymmi, songwriter (sheet music shown1994)
- Cazuza, rock star (1991)
- Vicente Celestino, tenor (1994) article in Portuguese
- Marcellin Champagnat, French priest and saint (1954, 1956)
- Camille Chamoun, Lebanese president (1954)
- Assis Chateaubriand, media mogul (1992)
- Winston Churchill, British prime minister (1965)
- Clare of Assisi, Italian nun and saint (1994)
- Grover Cleveland, US president (1939)
- Coelho Neto, writer and politician (1964)
- Lindolfo Collor, journalist and politician (1990) article in Portuguese
- Christopher Columbus, Genoese navigator (1984, 1992)
- Auguste Comte, French philosopher (1957)
- Benjamin Constant, French politician and thinker (1906, 1939, 1954)
- Nicolaus Copernicus, Polish astronomer (1973)
- Cora Coralina, writer (1989)
- Inocêncio Serzedelo Correia, politician (1978) article in Portuguese
- Leôncio Correia (1865–1950), poet (1965) article in Portuguese
- Manuel Francisco Correia, politician (1978) article in Portuguese
- Antônio Correia Pinto de Macedo, settler and rancher (1966) article in Portuguese
- Afrânio da Costa, Olympic medalist (1992)
- Lucio Costa, architect (2002)
- Artur da Costa e Silva, president (1972)
- Ângelo Moreira da Costa Lima, entomologist (1966)
- Vasco Fernandes Coutinho, colonist (1935)
- Francisco Craveiro Lopes, Portuguese president (1957)
- Luís Cruls, Belgian astronomer (1992)
- Oswaldo Cruz, physician (1950, 1954, 1972, 2000)
- João da Cruz e Sousa, poet (1998)
- Euclides da Cunha, writer (1966)
- Frei Damião, beatified Italian-Brazilian friar (1998) article in Portuguese
- Joseph Damien, Belgian missionary and saint (1952, 1989–92)
- Rubén Darío, Nicaraguan poet (1966)
- Jean-Baptiste Debret, French painter (1968)
- Orville A. Derby, American geologist (1951)
- Henrique Dias, soldier (1954, 1962)
- Fernão Dias Paes, bandeirante (1974) article in Portuguese
- Marília de Dirceu, fictional character (1967)
- Carlos Drummond de Andrade, poet (1995, 2002)
- Irmã Dulce (Sister Dulce), nun and candidate for sainthood (1993)
- Eurico Gaspar Dutra, president (1947, 1948)
- Fabiola, Belgian queen (1965)
- Diogo Antônio Feijó, priest and statesman (1952) article in Portuguese
- Baltasar Fernandes, early settler (1954) article in Portuguese
- João Fernandes Vieira, soldier and colonial governor (1954) article in Portuguese
- Oscar Lorenzo Fernández, composer (1997)
- Adhemar Ferreira da Silva, athlete (2002)
- Jackson de Figueiredo, philosopher and essayist (1991) article in Portuguese
- João Figueiredo, president (1984)
- Pedro Américo de Figueiredo e Melo, painter (1943, 3 paintings shown 1993)
- Hércules Florence French-born painter and inventor (1992)
- Nísia Floresta, writer and feminist (1954)
- Manuel Deodoro da Fonseca, president (1906, 1939)
- Hermes da Fonseca, president (1913, 1955)
- Polidoro da Fonseca, general (1952) article in Portuguese
- Cândido Fontoura, pharmacist and businessman (1985)
- Tasso Fragoso, president (1969)
- Francis of Assisi, Italian friar and saint (1976, 1982)
- Itamar Franco, president (1995)
- Gilberto Freyre, sociologist (2000)
- Paulo de Frontin, engineer and politician (1960) article in Portuguese
- Frei Galvão, friar and saint (1998)
- José Basílio da Gama, poet (1991)
- Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, Leader of India's Independence Movement (1969)
- Anita Garibaldi, heroine of independence (1967, 1971)
- Giuseppe Garibaldi, Italian soldier and politician (2007)
- Emílio Garrastazu Médici, president (1972)
- Charles de Gaulle, French president (1964)
- Ernesto Geisel, president (1978)
- Gibran Khalil Gibran, Lebanese-American writer and artist (2009)
- Zacarias de Góis e Vasconcelos, politician (1954) article in Portuguese
- Antonio Carlos Gomes, composer (1936, 1970, 1978, 1986, 1996)
- Eduardo Gomes, military officer and politician (1982)
- Antônio Ernesto Gomes Carneiro, soldier (1944, 1946) article in Portuguese
- Joaquim Eugênio Gomes da Silva (1956-1909), pioneer and rancher (1957) article in Portuguese
- Bento Gonçalves da Silva, revolutionary leader (1935)
- Antônio Gonçalves Dias, poet (1965, 1973)
- Ademar Gonzaga, film producer and director (1990) article in Portuguese
- Chiquinha Gonzaga, composer (1977)
- Tomás Antônio Gonzaga, Portuguese poet (1994)
- Gabriel González Videla, Chilean president (1947)
- Grande Otelo, actor, singer and comedian (1998)
- Giovanni Gronchi, Italian president (1958)
- Ulysses Guimarães, politician (1993) article in Portuguese
- João Guimarães Rosa, novelist (2008)
- Alexandre de Gusmão, diplomat (1954, 1995)
- Bartolomeu de Gusmão, priest and inventor (1930, 1944, 1985)
- Jean, Grand Duke of Luxembourg (1965)
- Viscount of Jequitinhonha, lawyer and abolitionist (1995) article in Portuguese
- Clementina de Jesus, singer (1998)
- Joana Angélica, nun and martyr of Independence (1967) article in Portuguese
- Joel, Hebrew prophet (1958)
- João III, Portuguese king (1932)
- João VI, Portuguese king (1958, 1959, 2008)
- John XXIII, pope (1964)
- John Paul II, pope (1980, 1991, 1997, 2005)
- Joséphine-Charlotte, Grand Duchess of Luxembourg (1965)
- Gustavo de Lacerda, journalist (2008) article in Portuguese
- Henrique Lage, industrialist (1982) article in Portuguese
- Francisco "Chico" Landi, race car driver (2000)
- Grigori Ivanovitch Langsdorff, Russian naturalist and explorer (1992)
- Alejandro Agustín Lanusse, Argentine president (1972)
- Otto Lara Resende, writer (1994) article in Portuguese
- Jean-Baptiste de La Salle, French priest and educator (1951)
- Le Corbusier, Swiss architect (2009)
- Michel Leiris, French writer (1998)
- Leopoldina, empress 91962)
- Claude Lévi-Strauss, French anthropologist (2009)
- José Lins do Rego, novelist (2001)
- Clarice Lispector, writer (1998)
- Rita Lobato, physician (1967)
- Aristides Lobo, journalist and abolitionist (1906) article in Portuguese
- Adolfo López Mateos, Mexican president (1960)
- Heinrich Lübke, West German president (1964)
- Washington Luís, president (1968)
- Auguste and Louis Lumière, French motion pictures pioneers (1995)
- Peter Lund, Danish paleontologist (2010)
- Martin Luther, German religious reformer (1983)
- Adolfo Lutz, physician (1955)
- Gilka Machado, poet (1993) article in Portuguese
- Joaquim Maria Machado de Assis, writer (1940, 1958, 1989)
- José Vieira Couto de Magalhães, statesman and writer (1938) article in Portuguese
- Ferdinand Magellan, Portuguese navigator and explorer (1991)
- Anita Malfatti, painter (painting shown 1989)
- Emílio Luiz Mallet, artillery officer (1968) article in Portuguese
- Otávio Mangabeira, politician (1986) article in Portuguese
- Guglielmo Marconi, Italian inventor (1995)
- Rodrigo Melo Franco, writer (998)
- Marilyn Monroe, American actress (1996)
- Antônio Carlos de Mariz e Barros, naval officer (1966) article in Portuguese
- Joaquim Marques Lisboa, Marquis of Tamandaré, admiral (1954, 1957, 1997, 2008)
- Manuel Marques de Sousa, Count of Porto Alegre, general (1941)
- Carl Friedrich Philipp von Martius, German naturalist (drawings of plants shown 1994)
- Roberto Burle Marx, landscape architect (pictures of flowers shown 1995)
- Teresa de Marzo, aviatrix (2000) article in Portuguese
- João Baptista Mascarenhas de Morais, military leader (1983)
- Francisco Matarazzo Sobrinho, art collector and industrialist (1989) article in Portuguese
- Luiz de Matos, spiritualist (1960) article in Portuguese
- Gregório de Mattos e Guerra, poet (book cover shown 1986)
- Viscount of Mauá, industrialist and politician (1963, 2010)
- Joaquim Antônio Cordovil Maurity, naval officer (1941)
- Humberto Mauro, film director (1985)
- Amácio Mazzaropi, actor and filmmaker (1998)
- Cecília Meireles, poet (2001)
- Murilo Mendes, poet (2001)
- Mãe Menininha do Gantois, candomblé priestess (1994) article in Portuguese
- Júlio de Mesquita, journalist (1962) article in Portuguese
- Michiko, Japanese empress (1967)
- Francisco Mignone, composer (1997)
- Carmen Miranda, singer and actress (1990, 2009)
- José Bento Monteiro Lobato, author (1955, 1973)
- Dulcina de Moraes, stage actress (1998) article in Portuguese
- Prudente de Moraes, president (1906, 1942, 1991)
- Vinicius de Moraes, musician, composer and poet (1993)
- Leonardo Mota, writer (1991) article in Portuguese
- Sérgio Motta, engineer (1998, 2002) article in Portuguese
- Lauro Müller, politician (1964)
- Joaquim Murtinho, physician and politician (1954) article in Portuguese
- Joaquim Nabuco, statesman and abolitionist (1949, 1999)
- Maurice of Nassau, Dutch governor of Pernambuco (2009)
- Severino Neiva (1962)
- Ana Néri, nurse (1967)
- Rogério Neuhaus, priest (1983) article in Portuguese
- Tancredo de Almeida Neves, politician (1985, 2010)
- Oscar Niemeyer, architect (2008)
- Manuel da Nóbrega, missionary and educator (1949)
- José Maurício Nunes Garcia, composer (1973)
- Manuel A. Odría, Peruvian president (1953)
- Bernardo O'Higgins, Chilean independence leader (1909)
- Olaf V, Norwegian king (1967)
- João Carlos de Oliveira, athlete (1975)
- Francisco de Orellana, Spanish explorer (1991)
- Oscarito, actor and comedian (1990, 1998)
- Manuel Luís Osório, military officer (1958, 1970)
- Henrique Oswald, composer (1952)
- Teófilo Ottoni, politician and pacifier of Indians (2007) article in Portuguese
- Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, shah of Iran (1965)
- Guilherme Paraense, Olympic medalist (1992)
- José Paranhos, Baron of Rio Branco, diplomat (1913, 1944, 1945, 1969, 1995)
- Pascoal, Spanish friar and saint (1955)
- Louis Pasteur, French chemist and microbiologist (1995)
- José Carlos do Patrocínio, journalist and abolitionist (1953)
- Pope Paul VI, pope (973)
- Nilo Peçanha, president (1910, 1967)
- Raul Pederneiras, cartoonist and painter (1974) article in Portuguese
- Pedro I, emperor (1965, 1972, 1984, 1998, 2008)
- Pedro II, emperor (1866, 1939, 1952, 1966, 1975, 1978, 1981, 1982, 1986, 1987, 1990, 1991)
- Floriano Peixoto, president (1906, 1941)
- Pelé, soccer player (1969, 1970)
- Afonso Augusto Moreira Pena, president (1906, 1908)
- Bernardo Pereira de Vasconcelos, politician (1987) article in Portuguese
- Epitacio Pessoa, president (1920, 1965)
- João Pessoa, politician (1931)
- Adeodato Giovanni Piazza, Italian cardinal (1954)
- Menotti Del Picchia, poet and painter (1992)
- Conde de Pinhal, businessman and politician (1957) article in Portuguese
- Anésia Pinheiro, aviatrix (2000) article in Portuguese
- Israel Pinheiro da Silva, politician (1996) article in Portuguese
- Adel Pinto, engineer (1960)
- Apolonia Pinto (1854–1937), actress (1954)
- Euclides Pinto Martins, aviator (1951) article in Portuguese
- Manuel Augusto Pirajá da Silva, medical researcher (1959)
- Pixinguinha, composer (1993, 1997)
- Raul Pompeia, writer (1988)
- Candido Portinari, painter (2003, 2004)
- Francisco Prestes Maia, politician and urban planner (1996) article in Portuguese
- Antônio Prudente (1906–1955), physician (1983) biography in English
- Count of Porto Alegre, general (1941)
- Viscount of Porto Seguro, historian (1966)
- João Ramalho, explorer (1932, 1953) article in Portuguese
- Graciliano Ramos, novelist (1992)
- Orlando Rangel, pharmacist (1968)
- Elis Regina, MPB singer (1998)
- Aarão Reis. urban planner and engineer (1953) article in Portuguese
- Taciana Reis, film actress (1998)
- José Paranhos, Baron of Rio Branco, diplomat (1913, 1944, 1945, 1969, 1995)
- Glauber Rocha, film director (1986, 1998)
- Henrique da Rocha Lima, physician and pathologist (1966)
- Francisco de Paula Rodrigues Alves (1906)
- João Barbosa Rodrigues, botanist (1943)
- Nelson Rodrigues, writer (2004)
- José Rodrigues de Carvalho, writer (1967) article in Portuguese
- Joaquim Rodrigues Torres, Viscount of Itaboraí, statesman (1953)
- Ada Rogato, aviatrix (2000) article in Portuguese
- Cícero Romão Batista, priest (1994)
- Sílvio Romero, writer (1951)
- Cândido Mariano da Silva Rondon, military officer and explorer (1958, 1965, 1985)
- Wilhelm Röntgen, German physicist (x-ray of hand shown" 1995)
- Franklin Delano Roosevelt, US president (1940, 1949)
- Noel Rosa, singer and songwriter (1977)
- Johann Moritz Rugendas, German painter (1992)
- Estácio de Sá, soldier (1965)
- Salvador Correia de Sá e Benevides, Portuguese soldier and politician (1940)
- Albert Sabin, US immunologist (1994)
- Augustin de Saint-Hilaire, French botanist (1953)
- Luís Filipe de Saldanha da Gama, admiral (1946) article in Portuguese
- Vicente do Salvador, priest and historian (1967) article in Portuguese
- Antônio de Sampaio, general (1967) article in Portuguese
- José Francisco de San Martín, Argentine general and hero of independence (1909)
- José de Santa Rita Durão, poet (1981)
- Cármen Santos, film actress, producer and director (1990) article in Portuguese
- Edgard Santos, physician and educator (1994) article in Portuguese
- Alberto Santos-Dumont, aviator (1929, 1951, 1969, 1973, 1981, 1998, 1999, 2002, 2008)
- Bernardo Saião, politician (2001) article in Portuguese
- Giuseppe Saragat, Italian president (1965)
- José Antônio Saraiva, politician (1952)
- José Sarney, president (1990)
- Bidú Sayão, opera singer (2006)
- Alfredo Vicente Scherer, cardinal (2004)
- Guilherme Schüch, barão de Capanema, engineer and naturalist (1952) article in Portuguese
- Raul Seixas, rock star (1991)
- Léopold Sédar Senghor, Senegalese president and poet (1964)
- Lasar Segall, Lithuanian-born painter (1991)
- Ayrton Senna, race car driver (1989, 1994, 2000)
- Augusto Severo, aviator (1929)
- Zalman Shazar, Israeli president (1966)
- Luís Alves de Lima e Silva, Duke of Caxias, military leader and politician 1935, 1939, 1944, 1953, 1954, 1956, 1971, 1980, 2003, 2008)
- Francisco Manuel da Silva, composer (1945)
- José da Silva Lisboa, Viscount of Cairu, economist (1936) article in Portuguese
- José da Silva Paes, general (1937)
- Joaquim José da Silva Xavier, hero of independence (1948, 1965, 1992, 2008)
- Nise da Silveira, psychiatrist (2005)
- Ernesto Simões Filho, journalist (1986) article in Portuguese
- Lauro Sodré, general and politician (1958) article in Portuguese
- Anastasio Somoza, Nicaraguan president (1953)
- Gabriel Soares de Souza, naturalist (1987)
- Irineu Evangelista de Sousa, Baron of Mauá, industrialist and politician (2010)
- Martim Afonso de Sousa, Portuguese explorer and colonizer (1932, 1982)
- Herbert José "Betinho" de Souza, sociologist and human rights activist (1998)e
- Joaquim Silvério de Souza (1859–1933), bishop (1959) article in Portuguese
- Thomé de Souza, governor-general (1949)
- Sukarno, Indonesian president (1959)
- Anne Sullivan, American teacher (1980)
- Rabindranath Tagore, Indian poet (1961)
- Marquis of Tamandaré, admiral (1954, 1957, 1997, 2008)
- Aimé-Adrien Taunay, French painter (1992)
- Anísio Teixeira, educator (2000) article in Portuguese
- Luís Olímpio Teles de Menezes, spiritist (1969) article in Portuguese
- Teresa of Ávila, Spanish mystic and saint (1982)
- Mother Teresa, Albanian-born Indian nun and humanitarian (1998)
- Thérèse of Lisieux, French nun and saint (1973)
- Tibiriçá, Indian chief (1932)
- Josip Broz Tito, Yugoslav president (1963)
- Tiradentes, hero of independence (1948, 1965, 1992, 2008)
- Américo Thomás, Portuguese president (1972)
- Harry S. Truman, US president (1947)
- Fagundes Varela, poet (1991)
- Francisco Adolfo de Varnhagen, historian (1966)
- Darci Vargas, first lady and philanthropist (1967)
- Getulio Vargas, president (1931, 1938, 1958)
- Érico Veríssimo, novelist (2005)
- Amerigo Vespucci, Florentine navigator (2010)
- Gaspar Vianna, pathologist (1962) article in Portuguese
- Queen Victoria, British queen (1990)
- Antonio Vieira, priest and orator (1940, 1997)
- André Vidal de Negreiros, soldier and colonial governor (1954) article in Portuguese
- João Carlos Vilagran Cabrita, military engineer (1955) article in Portuguese
- Orlando Villas-Bôas, Indian rights activist (2004)
- Heitor Villa-Lobos, composer (1977, 1987)
- Ramón Villeda Morales, Honduran president (1958)
- Vincent de Paul, French priest and saint (1982)
- Eliseu Visconti, painter (his painting "Youth" shown, 1966)
See also
List of people on stamps of South America
Sovereign states |
Dependencies and
other territories |
- Aruba
- Bonaire
- Curaçao
- Falkland Islands
- French Guiana
- South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands