List of palatines of Hungary

This is a list of palatines of Hungary (Hungarian: nádorispán / nádor, Slovak: nádvorný župan / nádvorný špán, later: palatín / nádvorník, German: Palatin), the highest dignitary in the Kingdom of Hungary after the king from the kingdom's rise (11th century) up to 1848/1918.


Age of Árpádian kings

Name Date King Note
Samuel Aba before 1041 Saint Stephen I He was king between 1041-1044
Zache around 1055 Andrew I mentioned in the founding charter of the abbey of Tihany
Radó around 1057 Andrew I
Ottó around 1066 Solomon From the kindred of Győr
Radván around 1067 Solomon
Gyula 1075-1091 (?) Géza I, Saint Ladislaus (?)
Péter 1091 Saint Ladislaus
Gyula 1094 Saint Ladislaus
János 1108-1113 Coloman Son of Uros
Fancsal 1131(?)-1138 Béla II Son of Bozeta
Beloš 1146-1157 Géza II Brother of Helena of Rascia, Uncle of Géza II
Henrik 1162-1163 Stephen III From the kindred of Héder
Tamás 1163 Stephen IV From the kindred of Héder
Ampud 1165-1174 Stephen III, Béla III
Farkas 1177(?)-1183 Béla III From the kindred of Bikács
Dénes 1184 Béla III
Tamás 1185-1186 Béla III
Mog 1192-1193, 1198-1199, 1206 Béla III, Emeric, Andrew II
Ézsau 1197-1198 Emeric
Mika 1199-1201 Emeric From the kindred of Ják
Benedek 1202-1204 Emeric
Miklós 1205 Ladislaus III
Csépán 1206-1209 Andrew II
Both or Poth (Hédervári) 1209-1212 Andrew II From the kindred of Győr
Bánk 1212-1213 Andrew II From the kindred of Bór-Kalán
Miklós 1213-1214, 1219-1222, 1226 Andrew II From the kindred of Szák
Gyula 1215-1217, 1222-1226 Andrew II From the kindred of Kán
Tódor 1222 Andrew II From the kindred of Csanád
Dénes 1227-1229, 1231-1234 Andrew II Son of Apod
Mojs 1229-1230 Andrew II Son of Apod
Dénes 1235-1241 Béla IV From the kindred of Tomaj
Arnold 1242 Béla IV From the kindred of Buzád-Hahót
László 1242-1245 Béla IV From the kindred of Kán
Dénes 1245-1246, 1248 Béla IV From the kindred of Türje
István 1246-1248 Béla IV From the kindred of Gut-Keled
Lóránd 1248-1261, 1272-1273, 1274-1275 Béla IV, Stephen IV, Ladislaus IV From the kindred of Rátót
Kőszegi Henrik 1261-1267 Béla IV From the kindred of Héder
Dénes 1263, 1273-1274, 1277-1278 Béla IV, Ladislaus IV From the kindred of Pécz, in 1263 he was palatine of Stephen V, the 'younger king'
Domonkos 1266 Béla IV From the kindred of Csák, palatine of Stephen V, the 'younger king'
Benedek 1268 Béla IV Son of Tombold, palatine of Stephen V, the 'younger king'
Lőrinc 1267-1270,1272, 1273 Béla IV, Stephen V, Ladislaus IV Son of Kemény
Mojs 1270-1272 Stephen V
Miklós Kőszegi 1275, 1276-1277, 1284-1286, 1289-1290, 1291, 1293-1295 Ladislaus IV, Andrew III From the kindred of Héder, 'Transdanubian palatine' between 1289-1290
Péter 1275-1276, 1277, 1278 Ladislaus IV From the kindred of Csák
Máté 1278-1280, 1282-1284 Ladislaus IV From the kindred of Csák
Finta 1280-1281 Ladislaus IV From the kindred of Aba
Iván Kőszegi 1281-1282, 1287-1288 Ladislaus IV From the kindred of Héder
Makján 1286-1287 Ladislaus IV From the kindred of Aba
Amadé 1288-1289, 1290-1291, 1293, 1295-1296, 1297-1298, 1299-1301 Ladislaus IV, Andrew III From the kindred of Aba
Rénold 1289-1290 Ladislaus IV From the kindred of Basztély, 'Cisdanubian palatine'
Mizse 1290 Ladislaus IV 'Cisdanubian palatine'
Mihály 1291-1293 Andrew III From the kindred of Szente-Mágócs
Máté 1296-1297 Andrew III From the kindred of Csák
Apor 1298-1299 Andrew III From the kindred of Pécz, 'Transdanubian palatine'
Lóránd 1298-1299 Andrew III From the kindred of Rátót, 'Cisdanubian palatine'


Name Date King Note
Máté 1301–1310 Wenceslaus of Bohemia, Otto of Bavaria, Charles Robert I From the kindred of Csák
Kőszegi Iván 1301–1308 Wenceslaus of Bohemia, Otto of Bavaria, Charles Robert I From the kindred of Héder
Amadé 1303–1310 Wenceslaus of Bohemia, Otto of Bavaria, Charles Robert I From the kindred of Aba
István 1303–1307 Wenceslaus of Bohemia, Otto of Bavaria From the kindred of Ákos
Lóránd 1303–1307 Wenceslaus of Bohemia, Otto of Bavaria From the kindred of Rátót
Apor 1304 Wenceslaus of Bohemia From the kindred of Pécz
Kopasz Jakab 1305–1310 Otto of Bavaria, Charles Robert I From the kindred of Borsa

Anjou Age

Name Date King Note
Fülöp 1322–1327 Charles Robert I Drugeth
János 1328–1333 Charles Robert I Drugeth
Vilmos 1333–1342 Charles Robert I Drugeth
Miklós 1342–1356 Louis I the Great Gilétfi
Miklós 1356–1367 Louis I the Great Kont
Imre I Laczkfi 1372–1375 Louis I the Great Simontornyai Laczkfi
Miklós V 1375–1385 Louis I the Great until 1382, then Mary I Garai
Miklós VI 1385–1387 Mary I Széchy

Age of kings of different houses

Name Date King Note
István V Laczkfi 1387–1392 Mary I Csáktornyai Laczkfi
Leusták Ilsvai 1392–1397 Mary I; Sigismund
Detre Bebek 1397–1402 Sigismund Son of György Bebek, king's chamberlain
Miklós VII Garai 1402–1433 Sigismund
Máté III Pálóczy 1435–1437 Sigismund
Lőrinc II Hédervári 1437–1447 Albert; Vladislaus I
László III Garai 1447–1458 Ladislaus V
Mihály III Guthi Ország 1458–1484 Matthias Corvinus
Imre II Szapolyai 1486–1487 Matthias Corvinus
István II Szapolyai 1492–1499 Vladislaus II
Péter III Geréb 1500–1503 Vladislaus II Vingárti
Imre III Perényi 1504–1519 Vladislaus II; Louis II
István VII Báthory 1519–1523 Louis II
István VII Báthory 1524–1525 Louis II
István VIII Werbőczy 1525–1526 Louis II
István VII Báthory 1526–1530 John Zapolya; Ferdinand I

Age of Ottoman wars

Name Date King Note
János IV Bánffy 1530–1533 János Szapolyai,
Ferdinand I
none 1533–1554 János Szapolyai, From 1540: John II Sigismund Zápolya
Ferdinand I
Tamás III Nádasdy 1554–1562 John II Sigismund Zápolya, until 1556–59: Queen Isabella
Ferdinand I
none 1562–1608 Ferdinand I, Holy Roman Emperor,
From 1564: Maximilian, from 1576: Rudolf I
István IX Illésházy 1608–1609 Matthias II
György Thurzó 1609–1616 Matthias II
Zsigmond Forgách 1618–1621 Matthias II,
From 1619: Ferdinand II
Szaniszló Thurzó 1622–1625 Ferdinand II
Miklós VIII. Esterházy 1625–1645 Ferdinand II,
From 1637, Ferdinand III
János V Draskovics 1646–1648 Ferdinand III
Pál III Pálffy 1649–1654 Ferdinand III
Ferenc Wesselényi 1655–1667 Ferdinand III,
From 1657: Leopold I
none 1667–1681 Leopold I

In the Habsburg Monarchy

Name Date King Note
Pál IV Esterházy 1681–1713 Leopold I, From 1705: Joseph I,
From 1711: Charles III
Miklós IX Pálffy 1714–1732 Charles III
none 1732–1741 Charles III,
From 1740: Maria Theresa
János VI Pálffy 1741–1751 Maria Theresa
Lajos Batthyány 1751–1765 Maria Theresa
none 1765–1790 Maria Theresa,
From 1780: Joseph II
Sándor Lipót 1790–1795 Leopold II,
From 1792: Francis I
József 1796–1847 Francis I,
From 1835: Ferdinand V
István 1847–1848 Ferdinand V,
From 1848: Franz Joseph I

See also