List of minor Chuck characters

Chuck is an American television series developed by writer/producers Josh Schwartz and Chris Fedak and is broadcast by NBC. The titular character of the series is Chuck Bartowski (Zachary Levi), an affable and anxious Nerd Herd associate at Buy More who unwittingly downloads the entire CIA/NSA secret database subliminally into his brain. During the series he is protected by CIA agent Sarah Walker (Yvonne Strahovski) and NSA agent John Casey (Adam Baldwin) while helping the CIA and NSA in spy missions.

Some of the allies they meet along the way are only on board for one or two missions, and some of their enemies are not involved with the main antagonist organizations of the series, Fulcrum and other parts of the Ring, and Volkoff Industries.

Characters on this list are those that do not contribute significantly to the plots of more than two episodes, and who are not associated with Buy More, Fulcrum, the Ring, or Volkoff Industries.



These characters are allied with Chuck and his handlers, many of them by virtue of being in the legitimate intelligence community.

Secret Agents

Cole Barker

Cole Barker (Jonathan Cake), born in Newcastle, England, is an agent of MI6 assigned by the British government to infiltrate Fulcrum. He has previously participated in undercover missions in China, North Korea, and Russia.[1] While undercover as a Fulcrum agent, he steals a chip, and is in the process of recovering the reader from a Fulcrum contact when apprehended by Team Bartowski, who have no indication that he is undercover. After his true identity is revealed, he assists them with an effort to capture the device. Due to Chuck's actions in the mission, Cole, Sarah and Chuck are all captured and Cole is tortured by Fulcrum, where he learns that Chuck is the Intersect.

After they are rescued, Cole is captured again by Fulcrum. He is tortured again, escapes from custody (disabling 12 enemy agents) and returns to Castle. When Sarah and Casey get in trouble trying to track down a Fulcrum-affiliated scientist involved in the creation of the original Intersect, Cole and Chuck go in to rescue them, and Cole takes a bullet for Sarah. The scientist escapes, and when Chuck and Fulcrum pursue the scientist, Cole takes a bullet for Chuck as well.

His persistent pursuit of Sarah in these episodes creates a brief love triangle that only goes as far as a kiss; Sarah turns down an offer to leave with him, due to her lingering feelings for Chuck. Cole is one of a handful of people who know Chuck is the Intersect and are not imprisoned. First seen in: Chuck Versus the Beefcake.

Jane Bentley

Jane Bentley (Robin Givens) is the National Clandestine Service director, first shown expanding Castle for NCS personnel. She encourages Casey to reach his full potential, recruiting him to lead his own team. It is revealed in "Chuck Versus the A-Team" that this team is composed of Captains Rick Noble and Victoria Dunwoody, two agents accepted from the G.R.E.T.A. field test and uploaded with the Intersect. She is also one of the many in high-ranking positions that believe that Chuck was ill-suited to be the Intersect and is openly hostile with him, pointing out that her G.R.E.T.A.s are not compromised by an aversion to violence like Chuck. However her spies not only failed a mission by executing a target meant for capture, but endangered L.A. with a nuclear bomb due to their trigger-happiness. With the NCS Intersect experiments shown to be dangerously flawed, General Beckman has the Intersect extracted from Noble and Dunwoody, and they are transferred to points unknown. Bentley was also removed from leading the Intersect Project, as she failed to collaborate with the existing Intersect on top of threatening his life; Chuck was subsequently promoted to head the Intersect Project over Bentley's head. In retaliation, Bentley returns the laptop from which the Intersect was taken to Ellie, confident that the flaw was not in her agents but in the computer and only someone who thinks like a Bartowski could fix it.

In "Chuck Versus the Muuurder", she comes under suspect of murder when Chuck's candidates for the new Intersect Project are killed in Castle. She admits to having no faith in Chuck as a leader, stating that Chuck needs people to like him too much, and is only there to pick up the pieces after Chuck fails; she further admits to giving Ellie back the computer, knowing that Chuck doesn't want her involved with the CIA.

Bentley redeems herself by locking herself in the Intersect room with a bomb to save everyone else in Castle. However, Chuck saves her just in time. Bentley is transferred to Washington, and leaves on good terms. First seen in: Chuck Versus the Masquerade.

Mei-Ling Cho

Mei-Ling Cho (Gwendoline Yeo) is a Chinese covert agent whose brother, Lee Cho, is captured by Ben Lo Pan, a member of the Triads. Initially, she and Team Bartowski are at odds until Chuck unknowingly aids Ben Lo Pan in escaping by helping him to his car; Chuck realizes his mistake when Lo Pan's men carry out a gagged and tied Lee Cho. Mei-Ling holds Chuck personally responsible, but Chuck offers a deal: in exchange for Casey and Sarah's help in rescuing Lee, she would to defect to the United States. With no other option, as her own government refused to aid in rescuing Lee Cho, and she is categorized as a rogue agent, Mei-Ling agrees to the deal. First seen in: Chuck Versus the Sizzling Shrimp.

Dr. Leo Dreyfus

Dr. Leo Dreyfus (Christopher Lloyd) is a CIA psychiatrist assigned by General Beckman to treat Chuck when the malfunctioning Intersect appears to be giving Chuck nightmares and threatening his sanity. Upon initially meeting with Chuck, Dreyfus orders him removed from field duty and later has him institutionalized after an apparent unprovoked attack on a visiting dignitary. Later, at Sarah's insistence, Dreyfus allows her and Casey to visit him after hours in an effort to help Chuck through his apparent mental impairment, and fortuitously they arrive in time to rescue Chuck from a renegade scientist. In light of the realization that the Intersect's interactions with Chuck's dreams proved correct, Dreyfus cleared Chuck for return to duty. He is fully aware of Chuck's identity as the Intersect, and is concerned that the computer may eventually overwhelm Chuck's mental faculties entirely. His report is used by Daniel Shaw to use as evidence to discredit Operation Bartowski. First seen in: Chuck Versus the Tooth.

Alexandra Forrest

Agent Alexandra Forrest (Tricia Helfer) is a CIA agent sent to evaluate the performance of Agent Sarah Walker. Her final report stated that Agent Walker and Chuck were too close for security, and she briefly replaced Sarah as Chuck's handler. In personality, she greatly resembles the coldness of John Casey, and they have similar thought processes and interests. However, her actions and disinterest in Chuck nearly cost Chuck his life a number of times, something that Sarah would not do. First seen in: Chuck Versus the Broken Heart.

Carina Miller

Carina Miller (Mini Anden) is a DEA Agent with a prior relationship with Sarah and Casey (the two relationships are unrelated; while Sarah's relationship, although not trusted, is still cordial, Casey's resulted in his being cuffed to a bed wearing nothing but his underwear). The classic femme fatale, she uses her beauty to seduce men in order to complete her mission or simply get what she wants, though, when she tries to seduce an overly-nervous Chuck, she fails. She takes unneeded risks and "improvises," the combination of which often gets her and her partners into trouble. She admits to being somewhat attracted to Chuck, but only because she can tell Sarah is genuinely attracted to him, and Carina loves to take what Sarah wants. She reappeares in "Chuck Versus the Three Words" where she sleeps with Morgan Grimes. Carina is not accustomed to being told "no," which is what attracted her to Morgan. Experienced with many men, Carina does not pretend that Morgan was her best lover, but insists that there were but very few better.

It is revealed in "Chuck Versus the Cat Squad" that Carina and Sarah were members of the "C.A.T. Squad" along with Zondra and Amy. Chuck invites the squad to his and Sarah's engagement party as a surprise. Despite ignoring Morgan for some time since they slept together, Carina attempts to seduce him, sabotaging his relationship with Alex McHugh. After Morgan angrily confronts her, Carina apologizes to Alex, but Alex interrupts her and kisses Morgan. In the same episode, Sarah makes Carina and Zondra her bridesmaids.

Carina later appears briefly in "Chuck Versus the Cliffhanger". She and Zondra are contacted by Morgan to assist Chuck in his rogue operation to save Sarah from the Norseman, and she openly defies CIA hitman Clyde Decker to assist them. Carina later attends Chuck and Sarah's wedding as one of Sarah's bridesmaids. First seen in: Chuck Versus the Wookiee.

Roan Montgomery

Roan Montgomery (John Larroquette) is a legendary debonair CIA agent and well-known womanizer who has since passed his prime. He teaches Chuck the art of seduction to retrieve the Cipher. Unfortunately, Roan is no longer the world's greatest spy but is inspired by Chuck's determination to save Sarah and Casey from Sasha Banicheck. Montgomery is known to have been an instructor late in his career, who failed Casey twice in Infiltration and Inducement of Enemy Personnel ("Seduction School") although it is later revealed that he did so to keep Casey's attractive partner in the class the second time. He seems attuned to the attraction Chuck and Sarah have for each other, noticing the passion in Chuck's kiss; he later suggests props Chuck should take to her to win her over, including a rose called the 'Montgomery.' He also has romantic history with the team's commanding officer Brigadier General Diane Beckman.[1] dating back to 1989 or earlier.[2] Montgomery returns in the season 4 episode "Chuck Versus the Seduction Impossible", when Team Bartowski must rescue him in Morocco where he is captured whilst investigating high-quality counterfeit U.S. currency. The episode reveals that Roan and Diane had made plans during the fall of the Berlin Wall to retire together in twenty years, but neither is ready to leave the intelligence game in 2011. They continue to have periodic romantic assignations.[3] First seen in: Chuck Versus the Seduction.

National Intelligence Director

National Intelligence Director (Wendy Makkena) ordered Casey to California to locate the recipient of the Intersect data. She was replaced by General Diane Beckman after the pilot episode. (In truth, no one is sure whether or not Wendy Makkena and Bonita Friedericy's character are the same Beckman; their hair styles, and sizes are relatively similar, their ranks are identical and the Director's name was never disclosed in the Pilot, but was identified in some casting lists as "General Mary Beckman.".[4] Moreover, General Beckman's ID card shown on Chuck's Chart (first seen in the second season episode, "Chuck Versus the Lethal Weapon", and clearly referring to Friedericy's character by its reference to her relationship with Roan Montgomery) reads "Gen. M. Beckman". First seen in: Chuck Versus the Intersect (Pilot)

Ilsa Trinchina

Bosnian-born Ilsa Trinchina (Ivana Miličević) was originally introduced to the story as an AP photographer who had a serious relationship with Casey, whom she called "Sugar Bear." Casey thought she died in a massive explosion in Chechnya in 2004 at the entrance of the hotel where they were staying. It is revealed she is working undercover for DGSE (the French secret service), and was seducing Victor Federov for operational reasons. Unfortunately, Federov is aware she is a spy, putting her in serious danger before being rescued by Team Bartowski.[1] Ilsa's name and much of the plot of the episode in which she appears heavily references the film Casablanca. First seen in: Chuck Versus the Undercover Lover.

Craig and Laura Turner

Craig (Fred Willard) and Laura (Swoosie Kurtz) are a legendary team of married CIA agents who have been active under numerous aliases for 30 years. Chuck and Sarah are ordered by Beckman to observe the Turners during a mission to recover a software package capable of neutralizing CIA security systems as examples of how to work together while maintaining a relationship. Unfortunately, the Turners turn out to be a poor role model. They have divorced and remarried several times, Craig is a womanizer and Laura has developed a drinking problem, and the two frequently argue and bicker, to the point of blowing the mission. After Chuck and Sarah step in to complete the operation themselves, the Turners reveal that they have gone rogue and steal the software to sell on the black market before Chuck and Sarah remind them what it truly means to be in love. Once the mission is completed, the Turners decide to retire from the CIA. A flustered Beckman asks who could possibly replace them, and the Turners indicate Chuck and Sarah. First seen in: Chuck Versus the Role Models.


Zondra (Mercedes Masohn) was one of the four members of the "C.A.T. Squad", along with Carina Miller, Amy, and Sarah. Described as "the bitch", Zondra was accused of being a traitor and feeding Augusto Gaez information. Although Sarah discovered a hidden transmitter in the heel of Zondra's boot, Zondra denied all accusations and passed a lie detector. It is later revealed that she was framed by Amy, the actual traitor. Sarah and Zondra apologize and mend their friendship, and Sarah makes Zondra and Carina her bridesmaids.

When Sarah is poisoned by Vivian, and Chuck and the team are burned by CIA hitman Clyde Decker, Morgan contacts Carina and Zondra to help them with Chuck's rogue operation to save Sarah. Both of the former C.A.T.s arrive in time to help Chuck ambush Decker and administer the antidote. She later attends Sarah's wedding as one of her bridesmaids. First seen in: Chuck Versus the Cat Squad.


Jack Burton

Jack Burton (Gary Cole), Sarah's estranged father, is a conman who was arrested for his own protection while Sarah was attending James Buchanan High School in San Diego, CA. He is also known to have lived in Butte, Montana, and frequently involved his daughter in his cons, offering her rocky road ice cream for her efforts. He becomes involved with Sheikh Rajiv Ahmad when he sells him Nagamichi Plaza in Los Angeles under the ruse of the fictional Hans Lichtenstein, a wealthy individual who has come on hard times and needs to sell a valuable piece of property. When the police arrive to arrest Jack for fraud, Sarah helps him escape.

Cole returned as Burton in the fourth season episode "Chuck Versus the Wedding Planner", where Chuck and Sarah come to him for help after getting being out of their wedding money. He is shown to be running cons in Miami, Florida when Sarah meets with him. She tries not to reveal that is getting married to Chuck but he finds out for himself. At the reception where the team captures the wedding planner's terrorist clients, Jack and Sarah have a father/daughter dance. Jack laments it might be the only one they have. Chuck invites Jack to attend the wedding, but Jack refuses to make promises to Sarah he cannot keep. Instead Jack leaves Sarah her old piggy bank to which he has only added cash, never taken.

Flashbacks in "Chuck Versus the Wedding Planner" reveal that Jack and Sarah ran cons in McCall, Idaho in 1988, when Sarah was living with her grandmother. When Jack asks Sarah's grandmother for money, she forces him to leave Sarah. Sarah sneaks out to go on an "adventure" with Jack, but Jack is shown to be responsible enough to return Sarah to her bed after she has fallen asleep.

Jack refers to Chuck as "Schnook" and Casey as "Cop Face", based on his first impression of them. First seen in Chuck Versus the DeLorean

Alejandro Goya

Premier Alejandro Fulgencio Goya (Armand Assante), often referred to as the "Generalissimo", was the dictator of the Latin American country Costa Gravas, who came to power in a Communist revolution. John Casey unsuccessfully attempted to assassinate him on three separate occasions. As a result, Goya and Casey developed a mutual hatred of each other. Goya later decided to reform, and came to Los Angeles to announce his intentions to hold free and open democratic elections, which the Ring refused to allow and attempted to disrupt by assassinating him with poison. Each time he was saved by Devon Woodcomb, whom Goya named as his personal physician during his stay in the U.S. following the first attempt. When Casey was captured by his men during an embassy gala, Goya refused to believe that Casey was actually there to protect him this time. When the Ring's final attack put Goya into a second coma, Devon used Casey's knowledge of Goya's blood type as well as Casey's blood to save Goya's life. After recovering, Goya sent his personal thanks and praise to Casey along with a gift of pre-revolution Costa Gravas cigars.

Goya reappeared in "Chuck Versus the Coup d'Etat," when he invited Chuck and his family to his country, and was soon overthrown by his wife, Hortencia. Goya escapes Costa Gravas and seeks refuge and protection at Casey's apartment. Casey reveals that Turrini, Goya's advisor, is infatuated with Hortencia, and has betrayed Goya; Turrini threatens Casey's life, and Goya agrees to return to Costa Gravas to save him. When Team Bartowski invades Costa Gravas, Chuck and Sarah successfully mediate as marriage counselors between the Generalissimo and Hortencia, and Casey captures Turrini, quelling the coup. Goya admits to have dealt with Volkoff and Frost, and offers all the information he has on them, but warns that they are people you don't want to find.

Stan Lee

Marvel Comics legend Stan Lee is revealed in "Chuck Versus the Santa Suit" to be working undercover with the CIA. He was present during the CIA's holiday party when Chuck and Beckman slipped in to investigate the connection between Shaw and Decker. Although Lee's exact assignment was not mentioned, it was revealed that he has romantic interest in Beckman. First seen in: Chuck Versus the Santa Suit.

Tyler Martin

Tyler Martin (Dominic Monaghan) is a British rock star (whose actual talent is seen debated by a number of characters). Following his multi-platinum third album, "Touch This," he embarked on a humanitarian tour to raise awareness for the growing problems in North Africa. However, he is also unwittingly being used by his tour manager to smuggle plans for a nuclear reactor through his elaborate set of tattoos. Because of this sensitive information, he is later marked for death by the North African mercenary Achmed Gambir.[1] Beckman orders the team to protect Martin and identify his assailants after foiling an earlier assassination attempt. While knocked out by Casey's tranquilizer darts, Casey and Sarah charge Chuck with keeping him secure; as Chuck has no skill in this area and Tyler has "rockstar metabolism," Tyler takes Chuck out for a night of partying. First seen in: Chuck Versus the Third Dimension.

Alex McHugh

Alex McHugh (Mekenna Melvin) is the daughter of John Casey and Kathleen McHugh. Kathleen was pregnant with their daughter when Casey, then known as Alexander Coburn, faked his death to join Col. James Keller's black ops team. Kathleen named her after her father, who never knew he had a child. Casey learned of the family he never knew he had when Keller used Kathleen to blackmail Casey into helping him steal a top-secret government drug. The team rescued Kathleen and Alex, but at the time, Casey declined the opportunity to reconnect with them.

It was revealed in "Chuck Versus the Subway" that Casey began eating at the diner where Alex worked in order to get to know her better, but did not reveal his identity until after Shaw resurfaced. Alex did not initially believe him, until convinced by a cache of money he had stashed away for her and Kathleen's support. Morgan took an immediate liking to Alex, which Casey disapproved of; we do not find out until "Chuck Versus the Coup d'Etat" that she likes him as well. Morgan reveals to Casey in "Chuck Versus the Suitcase" that he still speaks with Alex, and encourages Casey to be part of her life. By the end of "Chuck Versus the Ring: Part II", Alex has accepted that Casey is indeed her father, and returned to have dinner with him and the Bartowski family after the Ring's defeat. Casey soon comes to identify himself to Alex as "Dad".[5]

Alex joined Chuck's recurring cast in Season 4, where she began a relationship with Morgan Grimes. Casey eventually approves of the relationship, but cautions Morgan not to break Alex's heart, lest he break Morgan's "everything." Casey eventually warms to Morgan, and appears comfortable with the relationship's obvious sexual component when Morgan assures him that he cares deeply for Alex. Casey repeatedly objects to Morgan's participation in field missions after promising Alex he would protect him.

Although Alex is aware of Team Bartowski, and she often learns about their missions, she was never aware that Chuck held the Intersect. Indeed, she only learned of its existence when a modified version was accidentally transferred to Morgan Grimes.[6] First seen in: Chuck Versus the Tic Tac.

Kathleen McHugh

Kathleen McHugh (Clare Carey) was Casey's fiancee, who knew him under his birth name of Alexander Coburn. While serving in Honduras in 1989, Alexander Coburn was officially listed as killed in action before being recruited under his new name of John Casey into Col. James Keller's special forces team. Twenty-one years later, Keller used Kathleen to force Casey to steal a prototype government drug called Laudanol by threatening to murder her if he refused to comply. The team thwarted Keller's plan and Chuck saved Kathleen from the rogue officer's hit team. However, when the two saw each other again after the attack Kathleen didn't recognize him, and Casey declined to reveal his identity to her. Casey subsequently discovered he had a daughter with Kathleen named Alex, with whom Kathleen was pregnant at the time Casey faked his death.

In "Chuck Versus the Seduction Impossible", Alex introduces her paramour Morgan Grimes to meet Kathleen. Morgan asks Casey to contact Kathleen so he will not have to lie to her. This angers Alex, who only wants to see her mother happy. Casey drives to Kathleen's house to meet with her, against Alex's wishes. As he walks to the door, Kathleen, Morgan, and Alex come out with an older man. Casey realizes that Kathleen has moved on and decides to leaves her alone.

When Kathleen goes to meet Alex and Morgan at the Burbank Buy More, she notices a green-shirted salesman named John who quickly ducks away; but not before Kathleen recognizes him as Alex's supposedly dead father, Alex Coburn. Kathleen trails Coburn to a hotel wedding reception where he appears to be moonlighting as security, and confronts him about throwing away his family and career to be an appliance salesman and part-time guard. In the parking garage, however, she sees him not only arrest someone, but identify himself to police with his badge and credentials as Colonel John Casey of the NSA. The pair enjoy a long talk at his home thereafter.[7] First seen in: Chuck Versus the Tic Tac.

Lou Palone

Lou Palone (Rachel Bilson) is a love interest of Chuck for two episodes. She owns and works at Lou's Deli, which is in the same shopping center as the Burbank Buy More, and makes a sandwich named after Chuck. She appears at the Buy More because her phone is broken, which provides the impetus for her initial meeting with Chuck. In Chuck Versus the Imported Hard Salami, she is discovered to be part of a smuggling group to get fresh deli meats. Chuck ends their relationship when he finds out Sarah really has feelings for him. First seen in: Chuck Versus the Truth

Mark Ratner

Mark Ratner (Ben Savage), born on April 24, 1980 in San Diego, CA, is a kind and nerdy engineer who "just loves math." He attended James Buchanan High School in San Diego in the same graduating class as his eventual wife Heather Chandler and Sarah Walker (then using the alias Jenny Burton). He had participated with Sarah in several high school activities-AV Club, Chess Team, and Mathletics.[1] However, when he designs a new super-bomber, his wife, Heather, associates with the Russian mob to kill him and steal the blueprints. Ratner believes that Chuck is actually the fictional Charles Carmichael, a dangerous and bad-ass agent, after being saved multiple times by Casey but giving credit to Chuck. In keeping with the series' tendency to reference popular culture, he shares his name with the nerdy Mark Ratner (Brian Backer) in Fast Times at Ridgemont High, while the trio's alma mater shares its name with the Sweathogs' high school in Welcome Back, Kotter, both of which are more directly referenced in the subsequent episode, "Chuck Versus Tom Sawyer". First seen in: Chuck Versus the Cougars.

Kieran Ryker

Kieran Ryker (Tim DeKay) was Sarah's handler immediately before she became Chuck's handler. In Hungary, he ordered Sarah to turn over a baby to him, but Sarah gave the baby to her mother instead. Years later, Ryker learned the baby was still alive and attempted to retrieve her. First seen in: Chuck Versus the Baby.


Rogue agents and assets

Spies and intelligence assets who are not identified as part of Fulcrum or any other part of the Ring.


Amy (Mircea Monroe) was one of the four members of the "C.A.T Squad", along with Carina Miller, Zondra, and Sarah Walker. Described as the "party girl", Amy is revealed to be the traitor inside the group that was feeding Augusto Gaez information, despite framing Zondra for the crimes. Amy knocks out John Casey and releases Gaez. Amy and Gaez were captured by the remaining members of the C.A.T Squad while leaving the Buy More. First seen in: Chuck Versus the Cat Squad.

Robyn Cunnings

Robyn Cunnings (Rebecca Romijn) was a rogue CIA agent who captured Devon and Ellie, and then Chuck when he tried to rescue them. She tortured Chuck in an effort to get him to give up the Omen computer virus but was herself captured by General Beckman. First seen in: Chuck Versus the Curse.


Damien (Mousa Kraish) was one of the four Intersect candidates who matched Chuck's psychological profile. A Greek American CIA agent, Damien is a former Navy SEAL who won an award for marksmanship. However, his "swarthy, bearded" led the agency to embed him in one terror cell after another for ten years. Despite excelling at both physical and "cultural" testing, Damien is not chosen for the Intersect. When Chuck's first choice, Brody, is found murdered, Damien believes that he is being suspected because of his appearance and angrily leaves. As he opens the door to exit Castle, an explosive is triggered, injuring him and ruling him out as a murder suspect. However, Chuck later realizes that Damien really was the murderer, having strategically detonated the explosive and shielded himself with a door. Damien threatens to detonate a boombox full of explosives if they do not get him to a doctor, but Bentley shoots him and retrieves the boombox. After Damien is interrogated, it is revealed that he was paid $10 million by Vivian Volkoff to kill Chuck. First seen in: Chuck Versus the Muuurder.

Clyde Decker

Clyde Decker (Richard Burgi) is a CIA hitman assigned to "clean up" the Agent X operation after the truth of Volkoff's identity is discovered by Chuck and his team. After Sarah is poisoned by Vivian and the Norseman, Decker anticipates that Chuck will turn to Volkoff for assistance and has him removed from the prison where he is being held before Chuck can get to him. He also forcibly suppresses the Intersects in the minds of Volkoff and Chuck in an attempt to put an end to Chuck's rogue effort. He is ultimately defeated by Chuck, his team, Carina, Zondra, and a paramilitary team provided by Vivian and Hartley. Later Decker contacts Chuck to gloat over the event and reveals that everything that has happened is all part of some larger plan, but refuses to elaborate. Decker does not consider his actions personal, nor does he consider his target's personal motivations for defying him. His job is simply to clean up the Agent X operation and ensure that all evidence of it is eliminated. He tells Casey he has no trouble playing the "bad guy," and when Chuck and Casey first encounter him Chuck is surprised to learn that even Casey fears Decker. Casey describes him as being the one who "cleans up" the other hit men once their jobs are finished.

On their first mission as Carmichael Industries in "Chuck Versus the Zoom" Decker manages to follow their digital trail and freeze their accounts, leaving Carmichael Industries financially stranded, forcing the company to go public. It appears that he also sent a flawed Intersect to Castle which he designed to corrupt the mind of the wielder, becoming arrogant and rash; in the hands of Morgan, he revealed the nature of the Intersect to anyone who was listening, allowing Decker to file a hit on Morgan to protect CIA interests. While Beckman was able to call off some of the assassins, Decker's final assassin, The Viper, was determined to complete her mission to kill Morgan. Casey was able to intercept and kill her team, but was arrested by Decker in the process.

In "Chuck Versus the Hack Off" Decker forces Chuck to recover a computer virus using Casey as leverage. Although the team is successful in carrying out the mission, Decker later double-crosses them by setting Chuck up to take the fall as the terrorist handling the virus as part of his still unrevealed larger objective. Before he can make good on his scheme, however, he is killed when Gertrude Verbanski swaps the virus for a bomb. First seen in: Chuck Versus the Cliffhanger.

Magnus Einerson

Magnus Einerson (Kevin Patrick Burke) is also known as the Icelandic Archer. He is an Icelandic assassin who acquires critical national intelligence for the highest bidder and is sent to retrieve the CIA recruiting files left by Professor John Fleming for Bryce Larkin. His weapon of choice is a crossbow.[1] First seen in: Chuck Versus the Alma Mater.

Lazslo Manhovski

Lazslo Manhovski (Jonathan Sadowski) is a psychotic child prodigy who was originally contracted by the CIA to work on top secret weapons projects. Items he claims to have designed include Chuck's modified Nerd Herd Mobile, the home theater system at the Buy More, and Chuck's watch. While he originally claimed that he was set up by the CIA for the deaths of his handlers, it can be assumed that he murdered them. He planned to blow up the arcade at which his main handler found him as a child, but was unsuccessful due to Chuck's knowledge of James Bond movies, which helped him figure out how to disarm Lazlo's bomb inside the Nerd Herd Mobile. Chuck has speculated that he was involved in the creation of the Intersect.[8] Manhovski is a play on the last name of actress Yvonne Strahovski, who portrays CIA agent Sarah Walker. First seen in: Chuck Versus the Sandworm.

Hunter Perry

Hunter Perry (Kyle Bornheimer) was a CIA agent who began feeding information to the Ring, which lead to the deaths of several government agents and innocent civilians. Initially he sold his secrets through a Russian information broker named Anatoli Zevlovski before betraying and murdering him in order to contact the Ring directly rather than work with an intermediary. As part of his final spy exam, Chuck was assigned to shadow Anatoly and determine the identity of his CIA contact. After his identity was revealed, Shaw determined that with Zevlovski dead, Perry needed to be eliminated as well, and instructed Sarah to order Chuck to make the hit as his "red test." When cornered, Perry attempted to escape by playing against Chuck's hesitation to kill, and was later gunned down by Casey to make it look like Chuck had completed the assignment himself.

The next episode reveals that Perry had smuggled intelligence by swallowing it, and the Ring retrieves it from his dead body in the DNI headquarters. The chip he took contained surveillance video of Sarah, in her own "red test," killing Shaw's wife, which helps explain why the Ring stopped trying to kill Shaw. First seen in: Chuck Versus the Final Exam.

Jonas Zarnow

Dr. Jonas Zarnow (John Fleck) is a former NSA scientist. He was initially consulted in the efforts to remove the Intersect images from Chuck's head. However, after he fakes his death with a car bomb, it is revealed that his loyalties lie elsewhere. He kidnaps Sarah with the intention of torturing her to determine the identity of the human Intersect. After a struggle in a helicopter, Chuck is able to capture Zarnow. He has been charged with feeding America's secrets to North Korean intelligence, among other crimes.[1] First seen in: Chuck Versus the Helicopter.

Anatoli Zevlovski

Anatoli Zevlovski (Andrew Kirsanov) was an ex-FSB agent who turned rogue and acted as an information broker, obtaining government secrets to sell to the Ring. For his "final exam," Chuck was assigned by Beckman to investigate Zevlovski and determine the contact he was meeting with, suspected to be a CIA turncoat. In the course of the investigation, Chuck successfully disabled his bodyguards and eavesdropped on his meeting with the mole. Zevlovski was killed by his contact, who decided to contact the Ring directly. First seen in: Chuck Versus the Final Exam.

Terrorists and enablers

Rajiv Ahmad

Sheikh Rajiv Ahmad (Anthony Azizi), born in Dubai, is a financier of terrorism who attempts to purchase Nagamichi Plaza from Jack Burton, who pretends to act as the agent for the fictitious Hans Lichtenstein. Chuck, Sarah, and Casey initiate a sting with Jack's help in order to acquire Ahmad's international bank account numbers, so that his funds can be frozen. After Ahmad discovers the scam, he captures Jack Burton and holds him for ransom for the purchase deposit on Nagamichi Plaza. During the rescue operation, he is tricked into providing his account numbers for the refund process and is eventually apprehended trying to escape in Morgan Grimes's 1981 DeLorean driving at 22 MPH. The US government is able to seize over one billion dollars in Ahmad's funds due to the work of Team Bartowski.[1][9] First seen in: Chuck Versus the DeLorean.

Peyman Alahi

Peyman Alahi (Iqbal Theba), born in Karachi, Pakistan, is an international financier for various Afghan opium cartels. He is in possession of the Nadan-I-Noor diamond (worth $26 million) as collateral in an attempt to secure surface-to-air missiles for an Afghan terrorist group.[1] The diamond is stolen by Chuck, Sarah, and a DEA agent, in order to prevent the purchase of the 26 stinger missiles. He is easily distracted by beautiful women, as evidenced by his reaction to Sarah and Carina. First seen in: Chuck Versus the Wookiee.

Juan Diego Arnaldo

Juan Diego Arnaldo (Carlos Lacamara) is a former Basque terrorist traveling on a train between Paris and Zurich. He is identified by Chuck and Sarah, who are AWOL aboard the same train, and the two resolve to capture him. However, Arnaldo has already surrendered to Interpol for witness protection after deciding to quit and leave his violent life behind him. Arnaldo is tired of living on the run, which he has done for two years, as a result of this decision. He later counseled Chuck and Sarah not to make the same mistake, and after overhearing them discuss their relationship concerns with Morgan and Casey, helped them realize that they could still be together without sacrificing their careers. First seen in: Chuck Versus the Honeymooners

Farrokh Bulsara

Farrokh Bulsara (Faran Tahir), born May 24, 1974 in Asir Province, Saudi Arabia, is an Arab terrorist who spent his formative years building terrorist training camps from Syria to Somalia. He is attempting to gain control of missiles currently attached to a decommissioned Japanese military satellite and is aware that the launch codes for these missiles is hidden within the video game Missile Command. To this end, he first attempts to enlist the help of Jeff Barnes, the world champion of the game, before forcing Morimoto, the creator of the game, to procure the launch codes instead. After detonating a bomb in Morimoto's office, killing the Japanese game designer, he uses the satellite capabilities of a LA television station to command the missiles aboard the satellite to launch, thereby starting World War III. After Chuck beats the video game and obtains the launch codes, he informs Sarah, who uses the codes to stop the missiles after subduing Bulsara.[1] The name is a reference to Queen's frontman and co-founder, Freddie Mercury, whose real name was Farrokh Bulsara. First seen in: Chuck Versus Tom Sawyer.

Augusto Gaez

Augusto Gaez (Lou Diamond Phillips) was the nemesis of the "C.A.T. Squad", which included Carina Miller, Zondra, Amy, and Sarah Walker. Gaez was a terrorist-for-hire in an organization called the "Gentle Hand". During a mission, one member fed Gaez information, leading Sarah to suspect Zondra and eventually splitting up the squad. Gaez later bombs Sarah's car, leading the team to reunite and capture Gaez. Amy is revealed to be the traitor and breaks Gaez out of Castle, but as they are escaping Chuck disarms Gaez and the remaining members of the C.A.T. Squad take Amy into custody. First seen in: Chuck Versus the Cat Squad.

Mohammed Zamir

Dr. Mohammed Zamir (Shaun Toub) was the personal physician and friend of the terrorist known as Rashad Ahmad, who was visiting the hospital where Ellie and Devon work to have a pacemaker implanted. The team used Devon's credentials to plant a tracking bug on the pacemaker. Zamir discovered the bug and attempted to force Devon to remove it but Chuck secretly took Devon's place and was kidnapped instead. He was captured when Chuck got him (as well as himself) high on nitrous oxide while trapped in a bank vault. First seen in: Chuck Versus the Broken Heart.


Sasha Banicheck

Sasha Banicheck (Melinda Clarke) was a former KGB agent who turned mercenary following the end of the Cold War. After spending seven years in a Bulgarian prison (without breaking under presumed torture) for supplying weapons to a counter-government insurgency,[1] Banicheck received the Cipher from Mr. Colt, which he swapped with a sabotaged decoy that destroyed the rebuilt Intersect computer system to transfer to their employers.

Banicheck was well-known among intelligence circles as a seductress, making agent Roan Montgomery the ideal foil and he was pressed back into service to train Chuck in the part of a seducer and lady's man. Banicheck relies primarily on the mercenaries under her command rather than her own combat training. She prefers to use her appearance and sex as weapons rather than direct confrontation, and she is an infamous and dangerous seductress. She has earned the nickname "the Black Widow" for her ruthlessness and tactic of first seducing then killing her adversaries. Her other known alias is Katherine Brewster.[1] The only agent known to have bested her at this game was Roan Montgomery, and she harbors a deep dislike for him, especially in light of the fact that Roan's survival led to her initial imprisonment. She quickly recognized Montgomery's training when Chuck attempted to seduce her and was unimpressed when Montgomery himself confronted her in the Buy More.[10]

Her name is a reference to the film Gotcha! (1985 film) where Linda Fiorentino played a deep cover CIA Agent using the alias Sasha Banicek (same pronunciation for both spellings). First seen in: Chuck Versus the Seduction.

Mr. Colt

Mr. Colt (Michael Clarke Duncan) is a mercenary hired to steal the Cipher, a critical piece of the rebuilt Intersect, from a U.S. government research facility.

Colt is a very large and powerfully built man. While not as nimble as Sarah, his size and strength made him a very dangerous and powerful opponent in close-quarters. Colt frequently makes a show of stretching before engaging in strenuous physical activity, often as a means of intimidation by showing off his massive build. Though physically aggressive, Colt has also proven himself quite intelligent and calculating. After initially being foiled in his attempts to acquire the Cipher, he manages to obtain it after one of his agents blindsides John Casey. He then switches the Cipher in his possession for a decoy, which later causes the rebuilt Intersect to explode and kill Director Graham. Colt also identified Chuck as a person of interest and tracked down both he and Sarah while they were on a date, positioning a sizable force undercover in the restaurant they were visiting prior to their arrival.

Although he seems a typical bad guy, he, shockingly, displays moments of civility: before abducting Chuck and Sarah, he offers to pay the check for their meal; he offers Chuck the chance to limber up before Colt would break Chuck's neck.

Colt never identified to the team who hired him to steal the Cipher, however the decoy they recovered for him taunted Graham with the words "Fulcrum Thanks You" before exploding. He is also one of the only rivals of Chuck that has openly expressed admiration for him.[11] First seen in: Chuck Versus the First Date.

Rafe Gruber

Rafe Gruber (Johnny Messner) was an elite and highly elusive assassin contracted by the Ring to assassinate Daniel Shaw. He was apprehended by Team Bartowski so Chuck could take his place to determine whom the Ring wanted him to kill. He managed to escape from custody and was killed by Casey when attempting to kill Chuck, Sarah and Shaw. First seen in: Chuck Versus the Fake Name.

Jane Robertson

Jane Robertson (Catherine Dent) befriended Sarah at a Buy More convention but turned out to be the assassin code-named Viper. She was among the assassins contracted by Clyde Decker to kill Morgan after his identity as the Intersect was revealed. Her attempt was foiled by Chuck and Sarah, and after Decker personally rescinded the kill order she agreed to back down. However in a private conversation with Decker later, Robertson was again contracted to kill anyone who had been in contact with her under the stipulation that Chuck and Sarah be spared. She and her team were subsequently killed by Casey, who had followed her. First seen in: Chuck Versus the Business Trip.


Ben Lo Pan

Ben Lo Pan (James Hong) was born on June 1, 1929 in Beijing, China.[1] He is a paralyzed senior Triad boss who kidnaps and ransoms Lee Cho, a low-level Chinese diplomat. He is unsuccessful after Sarah, Casey, and Mei-Ling (the sister of Lee Cho) rescue him. Lo Pan is a reference to Lo Pan, portrayed by the same actor in the 1986 film Big Trouble in Little China. First seen in: Chuck Versus the Sizzling Shrimp.

Smooth Lau

Smooth Lau (Jennifer Jalene), born June 28, 1980 in Bangkok, Thailand, is a mid-level operative of the Chinese Triad who has been convicted in the past of dealing guns and drugs. She has teamed with Jason Wang, using his exotic car business as a cover. She helps to plot the assassination of a Chinese diplomat by using a bomb planted in the official's newly-purchased luxury car. She was beaten by Sarah in a brutal fight in a car, and her plans were foiled by the rest of Team Bartowski.[1] First seen in: Chuck Versus the Best Friend.

Jason Wang

Jason Wang (Jack Yang) was born on May 12, 1979 in Beijing, China. He has expensive tastes and has used an exotic car import business as a front for his operations associated with the Chinese Triad. He is a known womanizer, using his good looks to further his criminal activities. He is briefly romantically involved with Anna Wu. He is used by Triad operative Smooth Lau in a plot to kill the Chinese ambassador, which is foiled by Team Bartowski.[1] First seen in: Chuck Versus the Best Friend.

Black market/Other

Vuc Andric

Vuc Andric (Nicolas Pajon) is a Serbian demolitions expert sent to plant a bomb at the speech of General Stanfield. First seen in: Chuck Versus the Intersect (Pilot).

The Belgian

Adelbert de Smet (Richard Chamberlain), better known as "The Belgian", is a Belgian arms dealer who Chuck was assigned to investigate as part of his attempts to regain control of the Intersect. He was attempting to sell a diamond, which turned out to be a series of fakes containing microdots encrypted with stolen CIA data, including information identifying Chuck as the Intersect. The Belgian captured Chuck himself after the mission went badly and began experiments in extracting the system from his mind. In "Chuck Versus Phase Three", the Belgian orders a doctor to lobotomize all portions of Chuck's brain not pertaining to the Intersect, but he is thwarted and incapacitated by Team Bartowski. First seen in: Chuck Versus the Fear of Death.

La Ciudad

Malena Bernal (Lorena Bernal), also known as La Cuidad, is a Spanish-born[1] arms dealer who had survived by not allowing anyone to see her face. After catching Chuck lying to her at an art auction in which she was attempting to purchase a painting that had weapons grade plutonium hidden inside its frame, she kidnaps him only to be forced to escape after Casey and Sarah come to the rescue. She is captured by Sarah after a botched attempt to kill Chuck in which Casey subdues two of her henchmen and Sarah bests her in hand to hand combat and handcuffs her to a pole. First seen in: Chuck Versus the Tango.

Heather Chandler

Heather Chandler (Nicole Richie) was the former captain of the James Buchanan High School cheerleading squad and tormentor of Sarah Walker (when the latter was using the name Jenny Burton) and subsequently married their classmate Mark Ratner. It is revealed that after encouraging her husband to go into weapons design, she orchestrated a false protection racket whereby her husband was convinced to trade secrets regarding an advanced combat aircraft for the United States Air Force to the Russian mob in exchange for her safety.[1] She and Sarah engage in a martial arts catfight at their ten-year high school reunion in San Diego. Her name is an apparent reference to Kim Walker's character in the movie Heathers while her husband shares his name with Brian Backer's similarly nerdy character in Fast Times at Ridgemont High. Her, Mark's and Sarah/Jenny/Sam's alma mater, James Buchanan High School, shares its name with that of the Sweathogs on Welcome Back, Kotter.

Richie reprises her role as Heather Chandler in the fourth season episode, "Chuck Versus the Cubic Z." She is diverted to Castle after a prison transport breaks down, alongside former Ring operative Hugo Panzer. While in the team's custody Chuck flashes on her, revealing that new intelligence uploaded into the Intersect 2.0 suggests Heather may know something about Chuck's mother. While Chuck and Sarah interrogate her, Panzer escapes and Heather reveals that he had been contracted to kill her in retaliation for a failed deal: The work she attempted to steal from her husband was earmarked for Volkoff. When Casey and Sarah are pinned down on a rooftop by Volkoff's agents, Heather offers to give herself up to spare their lives. Instead, Sarah frees her and the two work together to take out Volkoff's men. Heather subsequently uses her last round to save Sarah's life and surrenders rather than attempt to escape. She later reveals what little she knows about Chuck's mother, whom she only knew by the codename "Frost," and that she was very close to Volkoff.

Although in her first appearance Heather Chandler is depicted as cruel and manipulative, she admits in "Chuck Versus the Cubic Z" that she really was initially won over by Mark's earnest and caring nature, and genuinely tried to make the marriage work. Despite her history of antagonism towards Sarah, she openly expressed hope that Sarah could succeed in her relationship where she failed in her own. First seen in: Chuck Versus the Cougars.

Colin Davis

Colin Davis (Eric Lange) created the Omen supervirus capable of destroying all the world's databases, and Decker hired Chuck's team to capture him and take possession of the virus and its means of distribution. First seen in: Chuck Versus the Hack Off.

Stavros Demetrios

Stavros Demetrios (Theo Alexander) is the Greek-born owner and operator of several Los Angeles-area restaurants and clubs who is also connected to several Middle Eastern groups of drug and weapons smugglers. He is the ex-boyfriend of Lou Palone. His father, Yari Demetrios, handles the smuggling of Bryce Larkin into the country. His father is assassinated by Tommy Delgado before Casey is able to capture him. Stavros is currently incarcerated.[1] First seen in: Chuck Versus the Imported Hard Salami.

Manoosh Depak

Manoosh Depak (Fahim Anwar) is an MIT dropout and software genius, who was contracted by the Ring to reverse engineer damaged components of the destroyed Intersect 2.0. He developed them into a pair of sunglasses that could be used to "flash" agents with abilities similar to Chuck's. Chuck was ordered to make contact with Manoosh as an asset to learn more about his dealings with the Ring after a large payment was transferred to his account. After the destruction of Manoosh's prototype and ending his involvement with the Ring, Chuck "burned" his asset by delivering him into CIA protective custody. In many ways Manoosh was similar to Chuck prior to Bryce sending him the Intersect, however he lacked Chuck's morals and was willing to do anything for money, include attempting to cheat his Ring handlers. Nonetheless, he considered Chuck a friend and felt personally betrayed by the way Chuck used him. Chuck's betrayal of Manoosh would later be referenced by Sarah in Chuck Versus the Fake Name as an example of how Chuck is becoming more like a spy and less like the innocent person he once was. First seen in: Chuck Versus the Nacho Sampler.

Victor Federov

Victor Federov (Pavel Lychnikoff) is a Russian mob boss who served to organize all of the other heads of the Russian mob under him. He was engaged to Ilsa Trinchina, which was part of her cover as a French spy. First seen in: Chuck Versus the Undercover Lover.

Lon Kirk

Lon Kirk (Michael Wiseman) is a billionaire philanthropist who is well known for hosting charity events and whose Taiwanese charity served as the means to launder and import counterfeit American currency. He attempted to destroy the yacht in Marina Del Ray containing the counterfeit printing plates with a GPS guided missile. He also is known as Lonny.[1] First seen in: Chuck Versus the Crown Vic.

Dr. Martin Kowambe

Dr. Martin Kowambe (Allan Louis) is one of the nation of Zamibia's foremost scientific minds. He was accompanying his nation's president on a visit to the United States and was in attendance at a Beethoven concert when Chuck, on an off-book operation with Morgan, decided after a dream that Kowambe intended to assassinate his president. When Chuck and Sarah confronted him in the presidential box, Chuck flashed and determined that Kowambe was carrying Ring intelligence in his tooth. After assaulting the doctor, Chuck was subsequently committed to a CIA mental institution. Realizing his cover was in danger, Kowambe tracked Chuck down and attempted to interrogate him but was interrupted by Sarah, Casey, and Dr. Dreyfus. After his capture it was discovered that Kowambe was involved with illegal organ harvesting and experimentation, and was intending to sell his discoveries to the Ring. "Chuck Versus the Ring: Part II" reveals that Kowambe's research was used to save the life of Daniel Shaw. First seen in: Chuck Versus the Tooth.

Matty and Scotty

Matty and Scotty (Tony Sirico and Louis Lombardi) were two Mobsters with connections to the Ring. They were to provide the assassin Rafe Gruber with information on his next target, and referred to the Ring as "our mutual friends." Chuck successfully convinced them that he was Gruber, and the three established a rapport, even going so far as gaining their sympathy when he inadvertently revealed his feelings for Sarah to them when he saw her with his intended target-Daniel Shaw. They were killed by the real Gruber when he arrived to deal with Chuck, Sarah and Shaw. First seen in: Chuck Versus the Fake Name.

Riordan Payne

Riordan Payne (Kevin Weisman) is a former Olympic gymnast who, after becoming injured, turned to the finding and selling of illegal and hard to find items on the black market. After attempting to acquiring nuclear codes from Mason Whitney and poisoning Ellie, Chuck, Casey, and Sarah to further those ends, his location is discovered after Chuck flashes on Payne's tracking device. Sarah shoots him in the leg, and he provides them with both the antidote to the poison he gave them as well as the stolen nuclear codes.[1] First seen in: Chuck Versus the Truth.

Karl Stromberg

Karl Stromberg (Vinnie Jones) was an arms dealer the DEA was attempting to bring down. Sarah's DEA friend Carina finally managed to get close to him by posing as his girlfriend. Stromberg genuinely fell deeply in love with Carina, and their phone conversations were a frequent source of (secret) amusement to his men. Stromberg's final deal was an unidentified weapon being smuggled in to California. Now engaged to her mark, Carina enlisted Sarah and her team to steal the weapon during their engagement shower. The effort was largely successful, but security recordings of Chuck inadvertently blew Carina's cover. Stromberg was deeply crushed by the news that Carina had never loved him and took her hostage in an attempt to recover the weapon. His team was dispatched by Chuck, Casey and Sarah, but Stromberg kept Carina prisoner, threatening to kill her. Chuck reached out to Stromberg about having his heart broken and managed to talk him down long enough for Carina to break free and disable him. Stromberg also shares the same name as the bond villain in (The Spy Who Loved Me)) First seen in: Chuck Versus the Three Words.

Otto von Vogel

Otto von Vogel (Udo Kier) was in the process of developing a deciphering key that would render all government security software useless. Chuck and Sarah were ordered by Beckman to infiltrate a party thrown by Otto as a cover for the sale for his software, and observe as Craig and Laura Turner acquired the software. Unfortunately, the Turners appeared to blow the mission, forcing Chuck and Sarah to take over. Otto is stern and ruthless, and among his eccetricities keeps an enormous Bengal tiger named Sasha as a pet. He had the decrypt software secured by placing it in Sasha's collar. After the software was stolen and the Turners attempted to turn on Chuck and Sarah, Otto tracked the two spy couples to Chuck's apartment, where Sasha was turned loose to search for the Turners while Otto confronted Chuck and Sarah directly. However the Turners escaped and got the drop on him, and while distracted, Chuck and Sarah quickly disabled him and his henchmen. First seen in: Chuck Versus the Role Models.

Matt Zorn

Matt Zorn operated a Wikileaks-type site with CIA secrets, and Beckman hired Chuck's team to capture him. First seen in: Chuck Versus the Frosted Tips.


  1. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t Spy Dossiers
  2. ^ "Chuck Versus the Seduction Impossible". The pair were a couple during the opening of the Berlin Wall, which occurred in November 1989.
  3. ^ "Chuck Versus the Seduction Impossible"
  4. ^ Actor Credits Wendy Makkena on
  5. ^ "Chuck Versus the Suitcase"
  6. ^ "Chuck Versus the Fear of Death"
  7. ^ "Chuck Versus the Wedding Planner"
  8. ^ Chuck's Chart:
  9. ^ "Chuck Versus the DeLorean"
  10. ^ "Chuck Versus the Seduction"
  11. ^ "Chuck Versus the First Date"