List of marine gastropods of South Africa
This is a list of the sea snails and sea slugs of South Africa, the marine gastropod molluscs of that area. This is a sub-list of the List of marine molluscs of South Africa.
Gastropods in South Africa include:
Patellidae - True limpets
- Cellana radiata capensis (Gmelin, 1791)[1](Port Alfred to Kenya)[2] (syn. Cellana capensis Gmelin, Helcioniscus capensis (Gmelin, 1790), Patella capensis Gmelin, 1791)
- Variable limpet Helcion concolor Krauss, 1848 (Eastern Cape to Mozambique)[2]
- Helcion dunkeri Krauss, 1848 (Namibia to KwaZulu-Natal)[2]
- Prickly limpet Helcion pectunculus (Gmelin, 1791) (Namibia to central KwaZulu-Natal)[2]
- Rayed limpet Helcion pruinosis Krauss, 1848 (Cape Columbine to central KwaZulu-Natal)[2][3]
- Patella aphanes (Robson, 1986) (Transkei to Cape Vidal)[2] (syn. Scutellastra aphanes)
- Argenville's limpet Patella argenvillei Krauss, 1848 (Namibia to KwaZulu-Natal south coast)[2] (syn. Scutellastra argenvillei)
- Bearded limpet Patella barbara Linnaeus, 1758 (Orange river to central KwaZulu-Natal)[2][3] (syn, Scutellastra barbara)
- Pear limpetPatella cochlear Born, 1778 (Orange river to KwaZulu-Natal south coast)[2] (syn. Scutellastra cochlear)
- Kelp limpet Patella compressa Linnaeus. 1758 (Namibia to Cape Point)[2][3] (syn. Cymbula compressa)
- Patella flexuosa (Quoy & Gaimard, 1834) (Northern KwaZulu-Natal to Mzambique)[4] (syn. Scutellastra flexuosa)
- Granite limpet Patella granatina Linnaeus, 1758 (Namibia to Cape Agulhas)[2] (syn. Cymbula granatina)
- Granular limpet Patella granularis Linnaeus, 1758 (Namibia to KwaZulu-Natal north coast)[2] (syn. Scutellastra granularis)
- Duck's foot or Long-spined limpet Patella longicosta Lamarck, 1819 (Cape Point to central KwaZulu-Natal)[2] (syn. Scutellastra longicosta)
- Pink rayed limpet Patella miniata Born, 1778 (Namibia to Eastern Cape)[2][3] (syn. Cymbula miniata)
- Patella obtecta Krauss, 1848 (Transkei to Kosi Bay)[2] (syn. Scutellastra obtecta)
- Goat's eye limpet Patella oculus Born, 1778 (Cape Columbine to KwaZulu-Natal south coast)[2] (syn. Cymbula oculus)
- Patella pica Reeve, 1854 (Zululand to Mozambique)[2] (syn. Scutellastra pica)
- Patella sanguinans Reeve, 1856 (Transkei to Natal)[2] (syn. Cymbula sanguinans, Patella miniata sanguinans)
- Giant limpet Patella tabularis Krauss, 1848 (Cape Point to KwaZulu-Natal south coast)[2][3] (syn. Scutellastra tabularis)
Lottiidae - True limpets
- Dwarf limpet Patelloida profunda albonotata (Smith, E.A., 1910) (Eastern Cape to northern KwaZulu-Natal)[2]
Haliotidae - Abalone
- Perlemoen or Abalone Haliotis midae Linnaeus, 1758 (Cape Columbine to KwaZulu-Natal South coast)[2][3]
- Haliotis ovina Gmelin 1791 (Northern KwaZulu-Natal to Mozambique)[4]
- Spiral-ridged siffie Haliotis parva Linnaeus, 1758 (Cape Point to Eastern Cape)[2][3]
- Haliotis pustulata Reeve, 1846 (Northern KwaZulu-Natal to Mozambique)[4]
- Haliotis queketti Smith, E.A., 1910 (Port Alfred to KwaZulu-Natal)[2]
- Siffie or Venus ear Haliotis spadicea Donovan, E., 1808 (Cape Point to KwaZulu-Natal north coast)[2]
- Beautiful ear-shell Haliotis speciosa Reeve, 1846 (Eastern Cape to central KwaZulu-Natal)[2]
Fissurellidae - Keyhole limpets
- Amblychilepas dubia (Reeve, 1849) (KwaZulu-Natal south coast to southern Mozambique)[5]
- Saddle shaped keyhole limpet Amblychilepas scutella (Gmelin, 1791) (Namibia to northern KwaZulu-Natal)[2][3] (syn. Dendrofissurella scutellum (Gmelin, 1791))
- Conical keyhole limpet Diodora parviforata (G.B. Sowerby III, 1889) (Orange river to Eastern Cape)[2] (syn. Fissurella parviforata G.B. Sowerby III, 1889)
- Diodora australis (Sowerby, 1823) (Cape Agulhas to western Transkei)[5]
- Diodora calyculata (Krauss, 1848) (Port Alfred to southern Mozambique)[5]
- Diodora crucifera (Pilsbry, 1890) (Port Alfred to northern Indian Ocean)[5]
- Diodora elevata (Dunker, 1846) (Saldanha Bay to western Transkei)[5]
- Diodora elizabethae (Smith, 1901) (Still Bay to KwaZulu-Natal north coast)[5]
- Diodora natalensis ((Krauss, 1848) (Port Alfred to Mozambique)[2] (syn. Fissurella natalensis Krauss, 1848)
- Diodora parviforata (Sowerby, 1889) (Saldanha Bay to Port Alfred, also south Atlantic islands)[5]
- Diodora procurva Herbert, 1989 (Wild coast to KawZulu-Natal)[4]
- Diodora spreta (E.A. Smith, 1901) (Still Bay to KwaZulu-Natal north coast)[5]
- Cape keyhole limpet Fissurella mutabilis Sowerby, 1834 (Orange River to Eastern Cape)[2][3]
- Emarginula sibogae (Schepman, 1908) (KwaZulu-Natal to Mozambique)[4] but genus given in this reference as Emarginella. Corrected using accessed 4 January 2010
- Macroschisma africana Tomlin, 1932 (Western Transkei to Mozambique)[5]
- Mantled keyhole limpet Pupillaea aperta (G.B. Sowerby I, 1825) (Orange river to KwaZulu-Natal south coast)[2][3] (syn. Fissurellidea aperta G.B. Sowerby, 1825)
- Scutus unguis (Linne, 1758) (East London to KwaZulu-Natal and tropical Indo-Pacific)[5]
- Black chained topshell Clanculus atricatenus Tomlin, 1921 (Transkei to northern KwaZulu Natal)[2]
- Clanculus puniceus (Philippi, 1846) (KwaZulu-Natal south coast to tropical Indo-Pacific)[2]
- Clanculus miniatus (Anton, 1839) (Cape Point to Transkei)[2]
- Multicoloured topshell Gibbula multicolor (Krauss, 1848) (Cape Columbine to Eastern Cape)[2](syn. Trochus multicolor Krauss, 1848)
- Gibbula beckeri G.B. Sowerby III, 1901 (Namaqualand to Cape Point)[2]
- Gibbula capensis (Gmelin, 1791) (Saldanha to Agulhas)[2][3](syn. Trochus capensis Gmelin, 1791)
- Gibbula cicer (Menke, 1844) (Namibia to Transkei)[2] (syn. Trochus cicer Menke, 1844)
- Gibbula zonata (Woods, 1828) (Namibia to Agulhas)[2][3]
- Toothed topshell Monodonta australis Lamarck, 1816[2]
- Oxystele impervia (Menke, 1843) [2]
- Pink-lipped topshell Oxystele sinensis (Gmelin 1791)[2]
- Oxystele tabularis (Krauss, 1848)[2]
- Oxystele tigrina (Anton, 1839)[2]
- Variegated topshell Oxystele variegata (Anton, 1839) [2][3]
- Black-spotted topshell Trochus nigropunctatus Reeve, 1861 [2]
Turbinidae - Turban shells
- Bolma andersoni (E.A. Smith, 1902) (Wild Coast and southern KwaZulu-Natal)[4]
- Bolma bathyraphis (E.A. Smith, 1899) (KwaZulu-Natal and Mozambique)[4]
- Bolma massieri (E.A. Smith, 1880) (KwaZulu-Natal)[4]
- Bolma tayloriana Bozzetti, 1992 (Agulhas Bank, False Bay to Port Alfred)[4]
- Turbo argyrostomus Linnaeus, 1758 (KwaZulu-Natal and Mozambique)[4]
- Turbo argyrostomus Linnaeus, 1758 (KwaZulu-Natal and Mozambique)[4]
- Turbo chrysostomus Linnaeus, 1758 (northern KwaZulu-Natal and Mozambique)[4]
- Alikreukel or Giant periwinkle Turbo sarmaticus Linnaeus, 1758 (Cape Point to Kwa-Zulu-Natal south coast)[2][3]
- Crowned turban shell Lunella coronata (Gmelin, 1791) (Central KwaZulu-Natal to Mozambique)[2] (syn. Turbo coronatus Gmelin, 1790)
- Turbo cidaris cidaris Gmelin, 1791 (Cape Peninsula to Port Elizabeth)[2][3]
- Turbo cidaris natalensis (Port Elizabeth to north of Durban)[2]
- Cinysca granulosa Krauss, 1848 (Namibia to eastern Transkei)[2]
Neritidae - Nerites
Calyptraeidae - Slipper limpets
Hipponicidae - Hoof limpets
- Striped periwinkle Littoraria glabrata (Philippi, 1846) (Transkei to Mozambique)[2] (Syn. Littorina kraussi Rosewater, 1970, Littorina glabrata Philippi, 1846)
- Estuarine periwinkles Littoraria scabra group. (Eastern Cape to Mozambique)[2]
- African periwinkle Nodilittorina africana (Philippi, 1847) (Namibia to northern KwaZulu-Natal)[2]
- Nodular periwinkle Nodilittorina natalensis Philippi, 1847 (Eastern Cape to Mozambique)[2]
- Globular mud snail Assiminea globulus Connoly, 1939 (Cape Columbine to Eastern Cape)[2]
- Assiminia ovata Krauss, 1848 (Knysna to Mozambique)[2]
Vermetidae - Worm shells
- Colonial worm shell Dendropoma corallinaceus (Tomlin, 1939) (Orange river to Transkei)[2] (Keen & Morton listed as authors by WoRMS) (syn. Vermetus (Stoa) corallinaceus Tomlin, 1939)
- Dendropoma thalia (Transkei to Natal)[2]
- Solitary worm shell Serpulorbis natalensis Mörch, 1862 (Namaqualand to central Kwa-Zulu-Natal)[2][3]
- Waxy screw shell Protoma (Protomella) capensis (Namibia to Eastern Cape)[2] (syn. Turritella capensis)
- Turritella carinifera Lamarck, 1799 (Western Cape to southern Mozambique)[2]
- Turritella chrysostomus Linnaeus, 1758 (northern KwaZulu-Natal and Mozambique)[4]
- Turritella chrysotoxa Tomlin, 1925 (Wild Coast and KwaZulu-Natal)[4]
- Turritella declivis A. Adams & Reeve, 1850 (Agulhas Bank)[4]
- Turritella natalensis E.A. Smith, 1910 (KwaZulu-Natal)[4]
- Pale screw shell Turritella sanguinea Reeve, 1849 (Cape Point to Natal)[2][3][4]
- Stellaria gigantea (Schepman, 1909) (Central KwaZulu-Natal to Mozambique)[4]
- Sun carrier shell Stellaria solaris (Linnaeus, 1764) (KwaZulu-Natal and Mozambique)[4]
- Stellaria testigera digitata (von Martens, 1878) (Namibia)[4]
- Xenophora corrugata (Reeve, 1842) (Northern KwaZulu-Natal and Mozambique)[4]
- Xenophora pallidula (Reeve, 1842) (KwaZulu-Natal and Mozambique)[4]
- Xenophora tulearensis Stewart & Kosuge, 1993 (Central KwaZulu-Natal and Mozambique)[4]
Cypraeidae - True cowries
- Cypraea alfredensis (Schilder and Schilder, 1929) (Cape St. Francis and north/east)[8] (syn. Cypraeovula alfredensis (Cape St. Francis to southern Wild Coast)) [4]
- Cypraea algoensis Gray, 1825 (Cape Agulhas and north/(east?))[8] (syn. Cypraeovula algoensis (Table Bay to Algoa Bay))[4]
- Cypraea amphithales Melvill, 1888 (Algoa Bay and north/east) [8] (syn. Cypraeovula amphithales (Algoa Bay to Kei River Mouth))[4]
- Ring cowrie Cypraea annulus Linnaeus, 1758 (Algoa Bay to Mozambique)[8]
- Arabic cowrie Cypraea arabica Linnaeus, 1758 (Algoa Bay to Mozambique)[2][8]
- Cypraea barclayi Reeve, 1857 (Cape St Blaize and north/east)[8] (syn. Erronea barclayi (Cape St Blaize to Mozambique))[4]
- Cypraea beckii Gaskoin, 1856 (Park Rynie and north)[8]
- Cypraea broderipii Sowerby II, 1832 (Port Edward and north)[8] (syn. Lyncina broderipii (KwaZulu-Natal and Mozambique))[4]
- Cape cowrie Cypraea capensis Gray, 1828 (Jeffreys Bay to central KwaZulu-Natal)[2][8] (syn. Cypraeovula capensis) [4]
- Snake's head cowrie Cypraea caputserpentis Linnaeus, 1758 (Still Bay to Mozambique)[2][8]
- Carnelian cowrie Cypraea carneola Linnaeus, 1758 (Jeffreys Bay to Mozambique)[2][8]
- Cypraea caurica Linnaeus, 1758 (Scottburgh and north)[8]
- Cypraea cernica Sowerby II, 1870 (Port Edward and north)[8] (Syn. Erosaria cernica (KwaZulu-Natal and Mozambique))[4]
- Cypraea chinensis Gmelin, 1791 (Jeffreys Bay and north)[8]
- Cypraea cicercula Linnaeus, 1758 (Sodwana Bay and north)[8]
- Orange cowrie Cypraea citrina Gray, 1825 (Jeffreys Bay to Mozambique)[2][8] (Syn. Erosaria citrina)[4]
- Cypraea clandestina Linnaeus, 1758 (Jeffreys Bay and north)[8]
- Cypraea cohenae Burgess, 1965 (Jeffreys Bay and north)[8] (syn. Cypraeovula cohenae)[4]
- Cypraea connelli Liltved, 1983 (East London to central KwaZulu-Natal)[8] (syn. Cypraeovula connelli[4] )
- Cypraea contaminata Sowerby II, 1832 (Coffee Bay and north)[8]
- Cypraea coronata (Schilder, 1930) (Dassen Island to Kei River Mouth)[8] (syn. Cypraeovula coronata)[4]
- Cypraea cribraria Linnaeus, 1758 (Jeffreys Bay and Mozambique)[8] (syn. Cribrarula cribraria comma (KwaZulu-Natal and Mozambique)) [4]
- Cypraea cruickshanki Kilburn, 1972 (Durban to off KwaZulu-Natal)[8] (syn. Cypraeovula cruikshanki)[4]
- Cypraea diluculum Reeve, 1845 (Nthlonyane and north)[8]
- Toothless cowrie Cypraea edentula Gray, 1825 (Tsitsikamma to Transkei)[2][8] (syn. Cypraeovula edentula)[4]
- Eroded cowrie Cypraea erosa Linnaeus, 1758 (Knysna estuary to Mozambique)[2][8]
- Kitten cowrie Cypraea felina Gmelin, 1791 (Port Alfred to Mozambique)[2][8]
- Cypraea fimbriata Gmelin, 1791 (Jeffreys Bay and north)[8]
- Cypraea fultoni Sowerby III, 1903 (Haga Haga and north)[8] (Syn. Barycypraea fultoni (Wild Coast to northern KwaZulu-Natal))[4]
- Dark toothed cowrie Cypraea fuscodentata Gray, 1825 (Cape Point to Tsitsikamma)[2][3][8] (syn. Cypraeovula fuscodentata)[4]
- Cypraea fuscorubra Shaw, 1909 (Namaqualand to Cape Agulhas)[8] (syn. Cypraeovula fuscorubra)[4]
- Cypraea gangranosa Dillwyn, 1817 (Port Edward and north)[8] (syn. Erosaria gangranosa (KwaZulu-Natal and Mozambique))[4]
- Honey cowrie Cypraea helvola Linnaeus, 1758 (Jeffreys Bay to Mozambique)[2][8]
- Cypraea histrio Gmelin, 1791 (Scottborough and north)[8]
- Cypraea isabella Linnaeus, 1758 (Coffee Bay and north)[8] (syn. Luria isabella (Wild Coast to Mozambique))[4]
- Cypraea iutsui Shikama, 1974 [8] (syn. Cypraeovula iutsui (Olifants River Mouth (West Coast) to Port Alfred))[4]
- Cypraea labrolineata Gaskoin, 1848 (Sodwana Bay and north)[8]
- Cypraea lamarcki Gray, 1828 (Jeffreys Bay and north)[8]
- Cypraea limacina Lamarck, 1810 (Mngazana and north)[8]
- Cypraea lisetae Kilburn, 1975 (Durban and north)[8]
- Cypraea lynx Linnaeus, 1758 (Mazeppa Bay and north)[8]
- Cypraea mappa Linnaeus, 1758 (Park Rynie)[8] (syn. Leporicypraea mappa (KwaZulu-Natal and Mozambique))[4]
- Cypraea marginalis Dillwyn, 1827 (Jeffreys Bay and north)[8] (syn. Erosaria marginalis (KwaZulu-Natal and Mozambique))[4]
- Cypraea mauritiana Linnaeus, 1758 (Park Rynie and north)[8]
- Cypraea minoridens Melvill, 1901 (Port Alfred and north)[8]
- Money cowrie Cypraea moneta Linnaeus, 1758 (Transkei to Mozambique)[2] (Durban and north)[8]
- Cypraea nucleus Linnaeus, 1758 (Scottburgh and north)[8] (syn. Staphylaea nucleus (KwaZulu-Natal and Mozambique))[4]
- Cypraea onyx Linnaeus, 1758 (Algoa Bay and north)[8]
- Cypraea owenii Sowerby II, 1837 (Coffee Bay and north)[8] (syn. Bistolida owenii vasta (Wild Coast to Mozambique))[4]
- Cypraea poraria Linnaeus, 1758 (Durban and north)[8]
- Cypraea punctata Linnaeus, 1758 (Durban and north)[8]
- Cypraea scurra Gmelin, 1791 (Scottburgh and north)[8] (syn. Mauritia scurra (KwaZulu-Natal and Mozambique))[4]
- Stippled cowrie Cypraea staphylaea Linnaeus, 1758 (Mngazana to Mozambique)[2][8]
- Cypraea stolida Linnaeus, 1758 (Scottburgh and north)[8] (syn. Bistolida stolida diauges (KwaZulu-Natal and Mozambique))[4]
- Cypraea talpa Linnaeus, 1758 (Park Rynie and north)[8] (syn. Talparia talpa (Northern Wild Coast to Mozambique))[4]
- Cypraea teres Gmelin, 1791 (Jeffreys Bay and north)[8]
- Tiger cowrie Cypraea tigris Linnaeus, 1758 (Transkei to Mozambique)[2] (Algoa Bay and north)[8] (More common in Mozambique, where it occurs intertidally)[4]
- Cypraea verhoefi Burgess, 1982 (Cape Agulhas and north/(east?))[8]
- Cypraea vitellus Linnaeus, 1758 (Algoa Bay and north)[8]
- Cypraea ziczac Linnaeus, 1758 (Nthlonyane and north)[8]
- Cypraeovula castanea (Higgins, 1868) (False Bay to East London)[4]? no supporting references found on web at all
- Cypraeovula castanea latebrosa Swarts & Liltved, 2000 (Cape St. Francis area)[4]
- Cypraeovula immelmani Liltved, 2001 (Southern Wild Coast)[4]
- Cypraeovula mikeharti Lorentz, 1985 (Cape Point to Hermanus)[4]
- Cypraeovula volvens Fazzini & Bergonzoni, 2004 (Port Alfred area)[4]
- Erosia ocellata (Linnaeus, 1758) (KwaZulu-Natal and Mozambique))[4]
- Erronea chinensis (Gmelin, 1791) (Jeffreys Bay to Mozambique))[4]
- Erronea succinata (Lamarck, 1810) (Northern KwaZulu-Natal and Mozambique))[4]
- Calpurnus lacteus (Lamarck, 1810) (Mapella Rocks and north[8]
- Calpurnus verrucosus (Linnaeus, 1758) (Sodwana Bay and Mozambique)[4][8]
- Crenavolva azumai (Cate, 1970) (Green Point (Southern KwaZulu-Natal) and north)[8]
- Crenavolva draperi Cate and Azuma, 1973 (Jeffreys Bay and north)[8]
- Crenavolva rosewateri Cate, 1973 (Jeffreys Bay and north)[8]
- Crenavolva septemmacula (Azuma, 1974) (Gobey's Point (KwaZulu-Natal) and north)[8]
- Crenavolva striatula (Sowerby I, 1828) (Park Rynie and north)[8]
- Cymbovula deflexa (Sowerby II, 1848) (Sodwana Bay and north)[8]
- Cymbovula segaliana Cate, 1976 (Anerley (Southern KwaZulu-Natal) and north)[8]
- Dentiovula eizoi Cate and Azuma, 1973 (Boteler point (Northern KwaZulu-Natal and north)[8]
- Galeravolva aenigma (Azuma and Cate, 1971) (Leifeldt's Rocks (northern KwaZulu-Natal) and north)[8]
- Margovula pyriformis (Sowerby I, 1828) (Southern KwaZulu-Natal and north)[8]
- Margovula schilderorum Cate, 1973 (Leven Point (northern KwaZulu-Natal and north)[8]
- Margovula sp. cf. Margovula tinctilis Cate, 1973 (Park Rynie and north)[8]
- Ovula costellata Lamarck, 1810 (Sodwana Bay and Mozambique)[4][8]
- Ovula ovum (Linnaeus, 1758) (Sodwana Bay and Mozambiqueh)[4][8]
- Phenacovolva aurantia (Sowerby III, 1889) (Jeffrey's Bay to KwaZulu-Natal)[4][8]
- Phenacovolva brevirostris (Shumacher, 1817) (Cape St. Francis to KwaZulu-Natal)[4][8]
- Phenacovolva fusula Cate and Azuma, 1973 (Umhlanga Rocks and north)[8]
- Phenacovolva gracillima (E.A. Smith, 1901) (Park Rynie and north)[4][8]
- Phenacovolva hirasei (Pilsbry, 1913) (Reunion Rocks (central KwaZulu-Natal) and north)[8]
- Phenacovolva honkakujiana (Kuroda 1928) (Amanzimtoti and north)[4][8]
- Phenacovolva sp. cf. Phenacovolva lahainaensis (Cate, 1969) (Agulhas Bank and north/(east?))[8]
- Phenacovolva longirostrata (Sowerby I, 1828) (Whale Rock (Transkei) to Mozambique)[4][8]
- Phenacovolva recurva (G.B. Sowerby II in A. Adams & Reeve, 1848) (Ramsgate and north)[8]
- ?Phenacovolva poppeii Fehse, 2000 (KwaZulu-Natal to Mozambique)[4]
- Phenacovolva rehderi Cate, 1973 (Unspecified locality in KwaZulu Natal)[4][8]
- Phenacovolva rosea (A. Adams, 1854) (Jeffrey's Bay to KwaZulu-Natal)[8]
- Phenacovolva rugosa (Cate and Azuma, 1973) (Park Rynie and Mozambique)[4][8]
- Phenacovolva weaveri Cate, 1973 (Whale Rock (Transkei) to KwaZulu-Natal)[4][8]
- Primovula beckeri (Sowerby III, 1900) (Alphard Bank and north/(east?))[8]
- Primovula diaphana Liltved, 1987 (Durnford Point (northern KwaZulu-Natal) and north)[8]
- Primovula habui Cate, 1973 (Durban and north)[8]
- Primovula santacarolinensis Cate, 1978 (Durban and north)[8]
- Primovula singularis Cate, 1973 (Umzimbazi river mouth and north)[8]
- Prosimnia semperi (Weinkauff, 1881) (Jeffreys Bay and north)[8]
- Pseudocypraea adamsonii (Sowerby II, 1832) (Southern KwaZulu-Natal)[8]
- Pseudosimnia jeanae Cate, 1973 (Port Alfred and north)[8]
- Serratovolva minabeensis Cate, 1975 (Richards Bay and north)[8]
- Testudovolva pulchella(H. Adams, 1873) (Durban and north)[8]
- Volva kilburni Cate, 1975 (Gonubie to KwaZulu-Natal)[4][8]
- Volva volva Linnaeus, 1758 (Pumila (southern KwaZulu-Natal) to Mozambique)[4][8]
- Xandarovula formosana (Azuma, 1972) (Danger Point to central KwaZulu-Natal)[4][8]
- Pedicularia elegantissima Deshayes, 1863 (Cape St. Blaize and north)[8]
- ?Coriocella nigra Blainville, 1824 (Port Elizabeth and north)[8]
- ?Marsenia(s.l.) capensis Bergh, 1907 (Cape Point and north (?))[8]
- ?Marsenia (s.l.) leptoconcha Bergh, 1907 (Cape Point and north (?))[8]
- Lamellaria nigra (Blainville, 1824) (Wild Coast to Mozambique)[4]
- Lamellaria perspicua Linnaeus, 1758 (Cape Point and north (?))[8]
Triviidae - Trivia
- Baby's toes Trivia aperta (Swainson, 1822) (Cape Agulhas to Transkei)[2][4][8]
- Trivia sp. cf. Trivia aperta (Swainson, 1822) (East London and north)[8]
- Trivia calvariola Kilburn, 1980 (Cape Agulhas to Great Fish Point)[4][8]
- Trivia sp. cf. Trivia calvariola Kilburn, 1980 (Cape St. Blaize and north)[8]
- Trivia costata (Gmelin, 1791) (Cape Agulhas and north (?))[8]
- Trivia eratoides Liltved 1986 (Cape St. Blaize and north)[8]
- Trivia globosa (Sowerby II, 1832) (Port Alfred and north)[8]
- Trivia hallucinata Liltved, 1984 (Ledsman shoal (northern KwaZulu-Natal) and north)[8]
- Trivia hordacia (Kiener, 1843) (Coffee Bay and north)[8]
- Trivia khanya Liltved, 1986 (Cape St. Blaize to East London)[4][8]
- Trivia lemaitrei Liltved, 1986 (Cape St. Blaiza and north)[8]
- Trivia magnidentataLiltved, 1986 (Cape Town to East London)[4][8]
- West coast baby's toes Trivia millardi (Cate, 1979) (Cape west coast)[2](Cape Agulhas and north)[3][4][8]
- Trivia multicostata Liltved, 1986 (Cape St. Blaize and north)[8]
- Trivia neglecta Schilder, 1930 (Cape Peninsula, Cape Agulhas and north (?))[4][8]
- Trivia oryza (Lamarck, 1810) (Port Alfred to KwaZulu-Natal)[8]
- Baby's toes Trivia ovulata (Cape Point to south Transkei)[2][3][4][8]
- Tear drops or Riceys Trivia pellucidula Gaskoin, 1846 (Jeffreys Bay to Mozambique)[2][8]
- Trivia phalacra Schilder, 1930 (Cape St. Francis to East London)[2][4][8]
- Trivia producta (Gaskoin, 1836) (Leven Point (KwaZulu-Natal) north)[8]
- Trivia rubra Shaw, 1909 (Cape Agulhas to Kei River Mouth)[4][8]
- Trivia sanctispiritis Shikama, 1974 (Cape Town to East London)[4][8]
- Trivia splendidissima (Tomlin and Schilder, 1934) (Cape Morgan (Eastern Cape) and north)[8]
- Trivia suavis Schilder, 1931 (Cape Agulhas and north (?))[8]
- Trivia vemacola Liltved, 1987 (Vema seamount, South Atlantic)[8]
- Trivia verhoefi Gosliner and Liltved, 1982 (Cape Agulhas and north (?))[4][8]
- Trivia vesicularis (Gaskoin, 1835) (Cape St. Blaize and north)[8]
- Trivia sp. cf. Trivia vesicularis (Gaskoin 1835) (Cape Agulhas and north (?))[8]
- Trivia virginiae Liltved, 1986 (Cape Agulhas and north (?))[8]
- Erato gallinacea (Hinds, 1844) (Kei river mouth and north)[8]
- Erato recondita Melvill and Standen, 1903 (East London and north)[8]
- Erato sulcifera Sowerby II, 1832 (Jeffreys Bay and north)[8]
Naticidae - Necklace shells
- Eunaticina perobliqua (Dautzenberg & Fischer, 1906) (KwaZulu-Natal and Mozambique)[4]
- Euspira napus (E.A. Smith, 1904) (Mossel Bay to East London)[4]
- Mammilla fibrosa (Eydoux & Souleyet, 1852) (Mozambique)[4]
- Comma necklace shell Notocochlis gualteriana Récluz, 1844. (Syn. Natica gualteriana) (Eastern Cape to Mozambique)[2]
- Natica lineata (Roding, 1798) (KwaZulu-Natal and Mozambique)[4]
- Mottled necklace shell Natica tecta Anton, 1839 (Namibia to Eastern Cape)[2]
- Naticarius alapapilionis (Roding, 1798) (northern Wild Coast to Mozambique)[4]
- Naticarius manceli (Josseaume, 1874) (northern KwaZulu-Natal to Mozambique)[4]
- Naticarius onca (Roding, 1798) (northern KwaZulu-Natal to Mozambique)[4]
- Neverita albumen (Linnaeus, 1758) (Durban to Mozambique)[4]
- Neverita perselephanti (Link, 1807) (KwaZulu-Natal to Mozambique)[4]
- Moon shell Polinices didyma Röding, 1798 (Mossel Bay to Mozambique)[2]
- Polinices mammilla Linnaeus 1758 (Transkei to Mozambique)[2]
- Polinices paciae Bozzetti, 1997 (Northern KwaZulu-Natal and Mozambique)[4]
- Polinices sebae (Recluz, 1844) (KwaZulu-Natal to Mozambique)[4]
- Polinices simiae (Deshayes, 1838) (Wild Coast to Mozambique)[4]
- Polinices syrphetodes (Kilburn, 1976) (KwaZulu-Natal to Mozambique)[4]
- Sinum delessertii (Recluz, 1843) (KwaZulu-Natal and Mozambique)[4]
- Sinum haliotoideum (Linnaeus, 1758) (KwaZulu-Natal and Mozambique)[4]
- Sinum laevigatum (Lamarck, 1822) (Durban to Mozambique)[4]
- Sinum quasimodoides Kilburn, 1976 (Northern KwaZulu-Natal to Mozambique)[4]
- Tanea euzona (Recluz, 1844) (KwaZulu-Natal and Mozambique)[4]
- Tanea hilaris (Sowerby, 1914) (KwaZulu-Natal and Mozambique)[4]
- Tectonatica violacea (Sowerby, 1825) (Northern KwaZulu-Natal and Mozambique)[4]
Tonnidae - Tonninae
Tonnidae - Cassinae - Helmet shells
- Pustular triton Argobuccinum pustulosum Lightfoot, 1786 (Orange River to Eastern Cape)[2][3]
- Casmaria decipiens (Kilburn, 1980) (Wild Coast to central KwaZulu-Natal)[4]
- Casmaria erinacea (Linnaeus, 1758) (KwaZulu-Natal and Mozambique)[4]
- Casmaria ponderosa (Gmelin, 1791) (Northern KwaZulu-Natal and Mozambique)[4]
- Cassis cornuta (Linnaeus, 1758) (Northern KwaZulu-Natal and Mozambique)[4]
- Cypraecassis rufa (Linnaeus, 1758) (Northern KwaZulu-Natal and Mozambique)[4]
- Galeodea keyteri (Kilburn, 1975) (Northern KwaZulu-Natal and Mozambique)[4]
- Oocorys lussii Bozzetti, 1990 (central KwaZulu-Natal)[4]
- Oocorys sulcata Fischer, 1883 (eastern seaboard of South Africa and Mozambique)[4]
- Checkerboard bonnet shell Phalium areola (Linnaeus, 1758) (KwaZulu-Natal and Mozambique)[4]
- Phalium fimbria (Gmelin, 1791) (Northern KwaZulu-Natal and Mozambique)[4]
- Phalium glaucum (Linnaeus, 1758) (KwaZulu-Natal and Mozambique)[4]
- Helmet shell Phalium labiatum zeylanicum Lamarck, 1822 (Cape Point to northern KwaZulu-Natal)[2][3] (syn. Semicassis labiata zeylanica)[4]
- Semicassis bisulcata (Schubert & Wagner, 1829) (KwaZulu-Natal and Mozambique)[4]
- Semicassis bulla fernandesi (Kilburn, 1975) (Central KwaZulu-Natal and Mozambique)[4]
- Semicassis craticulata (Euthyme, 1885) (Jeffreys Bay to Mozambique)[4]
- Semicassis faurotis (Jousseaume, 1888) (Kwazulu-Natal and Mozambique)[4]
- Semicassis faurotis (Jousseaume, 1888) (Kwazulu-Natal and Mozambique)[4]
- Semicassis microstoma (von Martens, 1903) (Central Kwazulu-Natal to Mozambique)[4]
Janthinidae - Violet shells
- Pink lady Charonia lampas pustulata Euthyme, 1889 (Cape Point to Mozambique)[2][3]
- Ranella australasia gemmifera Euthyme, 1889 (Cape Point to Durban)[2]
- Ranella olearium (Linnaeus, 1758)[10]
- Furry ridged triton Cabestana cutacea africana Adams A. 1855 (Namibia to southern Mozambique)[2]
- Branched murex Chicoreus inflatus Lamarck, 1822. (Syn. Chicoreus ramosus) (Central KwaZulu-Natal to Mozambique)[2]
- Mulberry shell Morula granulata Duclos, 1832 (Eastern Cape to Mozambique)[2]
- Short-spined murex Murex brevispina Lamarck, 1822 (Central KwaZulu-Natal to Mozambique)[2]
- Fenestrate oyster drill Ocenebra fenestrata Gould, 1833 (Cape Point to Transkei)[2]
- Stag shell Pteropurpura (Poropteron) graagae (Coen, 1947) (Eastern Cape to northern KwaZulu-Natal)[2]
- Pteropurpurea (Poropteron) uncinaria Lamarck, 1822 (Namibia to Port Alfred)[2]
- Salmon lipped whelk Purpura persica Linnaeus, 1758 (Syn. Purpura panama) (Transkei to Mozambique)[2]
- Thais bufo Lamarck 1822 (Transkei to Indo-Pacific)[2]
- Thais (Mancinella) alouina Röding, 1798. (Syn. Mancinella alouina) (Transkei to Indo-Pacific)[2]
- Knobbly dogwhelk Thais capensis Petit de la Saussaye, 1852 (Agulhas to central KwaZulu-Natal)[2]
- Thais savignyi Deshayes, 1844 (Zululand to Indo-Pacific)[2]
- Thais wahlbergi (Saldanha to False Bay)[2]
- Girdled dogwhelk Nucella cingulata Linnaeus, 1771 (Orange river to Cape Point)[2]
- Common dogwhelk Nucella dubia (Krauss, 1848) (Namibia to Transkei)[2]
- Scaly dogwhelk Nucella squamosa (Lamarck, 1816) (Namibia to Transkei)[2][3]
Buccinidae - Photinae
- Fasciolaria lugubris heynemanni ([2] (Syn? Pleuroploca lugubris heynemanni (Dunker, R.W., 1876))
- Fasciolaria lugubris lugubris (Saldanha to False Bay)[2] (syn? Pleuroploca lugubris lugubris (Adams, A. & L.A. Reeve in Reeve, L.A., 1847))
- Long-siphoned whelk Fusinus ocelliferus Lamarck, 1816 (Namaqualand to central KwaZulu-Natal)[2][3]
- Forsskal's whelk Peristernia forskalii (Tapparone-Canefri, C.E., 1879) (Eastern Cape to Mozambique)[2]
Mitridae - Mitres
Strombidae - Strombs
- Lambis chiragra arthritica Roding, 1798 (Northern KwaZulu-Natal to Mozambique)[4]
- Lambis crocata crocata (Link, 1807) (Northern KwaZulu-Natal to Mozambique)[4]
- Lambis digitata (Perry, 1811) (Northern KwaZulu-Natal to Mozambique)[4]
- Lambis lambis(Linnaeus, 1758) (Northern KwaZulu-Natal and Mozambique)[4]
- Lambis truncata truncata(Lightfoot, 1768) (Northern KwaZulu-Natal to Mozambique)[4]
- Variable stromb Strombus mutabilis Swainson, 1821 (Eastern Cape to Mozambique)[2]
- Strombus wilsonorum Abbott, 1967 (KwaZulu-Natal and Mozambique)[4]
Aporrhaidae - pelican foot shells
- Nassarius albescens gemmuliferus (Adams, A., 1852) (Transkei northwards)[2]
- Shielded dogwhelk Nassarius arcularius plicatus (Röding, P.F., 1798) (Central KwaZulu-Natal to Mozambique)[2]
- Cape dogwhelk Nassarius capensis R. W. Dunker, 1846 (Cape Columbine to Transkei)[2][3]
- Nassarius coronatus (Bruguière, J.G., 1789) (Durban northwards)[2]
- Tick shell Nassarius kraussianus (Dunker, R.W., 1846) (Namaqualand to Mozambique)[2]
- Lattice dogwhelk Nassarius plicatellus (Adams, A., 1852) (Namibia to Cape Columbine)[2]
- Purple-lipped dogwhelk Nassarius speciosus (Adams, A., 1852) (Orange river to Transkei)[2]
Plough shells
- Annulated plough shell 'Bullia annulata Lamarck, 1816 (Cape Columbine to Mozambique)[2][3]
- Bullia callosa Gray, 1828 (Mossel Bay to KwaZulu-Natal north coast)[2]
- Finger plough shell Bullia digitalis (Dillwyn, L.W., 1817) (Namibia to Transkei)[2][3]
- Fat plough shell Bullia laevissima (Gmelin, 1791) (Namibia to Transkei)[2][3]
- Bullia mozambicensis E. A. Smith, 1878 (KwaZulu-Natal south coast to Mozambique)[2]
- Pleated plough shell Bullia natalensis Krauss, C.F., 1848 (Transkei to Mozambique)[2]
- Pure plough shell Bullia pura Melvill, J.C., 1885 (Cape Point to central KwaZulu-Natal)[2]
- Smooth plough shell Bullia rhodostoma Reeve, L.A., 1847 (Cape Point to North KwaZulu-Natal)[2]
Olividae - Olive shells
Marginellidae - Marginellas
Conidae - Cone shells
- Algoa cone Conus algoensis G. B. Sowerby II, 1834 (Cape Columbine to Cape Agulhas)[2]
- Conus algoensis algoensis (West coast))[2][3]
- Yellow Algoa cone Conus algoensis simplex G. B. Sowerby II, 1858 (Cape Point to Hermanus))[2][3]
- Conus algoensis scitulus (Hermanus to Cape Agulhas))[2]
- Hebrew cone Conus ebraeus Linnaeus, 1758 (Transkei to Mozambique)[2]
- Livid cone Conus lividus Hwass in Bruguière, 1792 (Transkei to Mozambique)[2]
- Elongate cone Conus mozambicus Hwass in Bruguière, 1792 (Orange river to Eastern Cape)[2][3]
- Natal textile cone Conus natalis Sowerby II, 1857 (Eastern Cape to central KwaZulu-Natal)[2]
- Sponsal cone Conus sponsalis Hwass in Bruguière, 1792 (Transkei to Mozambique)[2]
- Textile cone Conus textile Linnaeus, 1758 (Natal northwards)[2]
- Variable cone Conus tinianus Hwass in Bruguière, 1792 (Agulhas to Transkei)[2]
See article List of marine heterobranch gastropods of South Africa
- ^ WoRMS
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an ao ap aq ar as at au av aw ax ay az ba bb bc bd be bf bg bh bi bj bk bl bm bn bo bp bq br bs bt bu bv bw bx by bz ca cb cc cd ce cf cg ch ci cj ck cl cm cn co cp cq cr cs ct cu cv cw cx cy cz da db dc dd de df dg dh di dj dk dl dm dn do dp dq dr ds dt du dv dw dx dy dz ea eb ec ed ee ef eg eh ei ej ek el em en eo ep eq er es et eu ev ew ex ey ez fa fb fc fd fe ff fg fh fi fj fk fl fm fn fo fp fq fr fs ft fu fv Branch, G.M. Griffiths, C.L. Branch, M.L. Beckley, L.E. Two Oceans: A guide to the marine life of southern Africa. 5th impression, David Philip, Cape Town, 2000. ISBN 0-86486-250-4
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an ao Jones, Georgina. A field guide to the marine animals of the Cape Peninsula. SURG, Cape Town, 2008. ISBN978-0-620-41639-9
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an ao ap aq ar as at au av aw ax ay az ba bb bc bd be bf bg bh bi bj bk bl bm bn bo bp bq br bs bt bu bv bw bx by bz ca cb cc cd ce cf cg ch ci cj ck cl cm cn co cp cq cr cs ct cu cv cw cx cy cz da db dc dd de df dg dh di dj dk dl dm dn do dp dq dr ds dt du dv dw dx dy dz ea eb ec ed ee ef eg eh ei ej Steyn, D.G. & Lussi, M. 2005. Offshore Shells of Southern Africa ISBN 0-620-33607-2
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j Kilburn, R. and Rippey, E. Sea Shells of Southern Africa MacMillan South Africa 1982 ISBN 0-86954-094-7
- ^ a b Nangammbi T. C. & Herbert D. G. (2006). "Two new species of Tricolia Risso, 1826 from South Africa (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Phasianellidae)". African Invertebrates 47: 11-22. abstract
- ^ Nangammbi T. C. & Herbert D. G. (2008). "A new species of pheasant shell from the south-western Indian Ocean (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Vetigastropoda: Phasianellidae: Tricolia)". African Invertebrates 49(2): 13-19. abstract
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an ao ap aq ar as at au av aw ax ay az ba bb bc bd be bf bg bh bi bj bk bl bm bn bo bp bq br bs bt bu bv bw bx by bz ca cb cc cd ce cf cg ch ci cj ck cl cm cn co cp cq cr cs ct cu cv cw cx cy cz da db dc dd de df dg dh di dj dk dl dm dn do dp dq dr ds dt du dv dw dx dy dz ea eb ec ed ee ef eg eh ei Liltved, William Rune. Cowries and their relatives of southern Africa: A study of the southern African Cypraeacean and Velutinacean gatropod fauna, Gordon Verhoef, Seacomber Publications, 2000. ISBN 0908 42089 7
- ^ Vos C. (2005). "A new species of Tonna Brünnich, 1772 (Gastropoda, Tonnidae) (Tonna berthae) from South-African waters". Gloria Maris 44(1-2): 10-17.
- ^ Gofas, S. (2010). Ranella olearium (Linnaeus, 1758). In: Bouchet, P.; Gofas, S.; Rosenberg, G. (2010) World Marine Mollusca database. Accessed through: World Register of Marine Species at on 2010-12-13
- ^ a b c d e Petit R. E. & Harasewych M. G. (2000). "Additions to the Cancellariid (Mollusca: Neogastropoda) Fauna of South Africa". Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 113(1): 145-154.
External links
- Nakin M. D. V. (2009). "Effects of marine reserves on the biology of rocky intertidal limpets along the southern coast of South Africa". PhD thesis, Rhodes University. abstract, PDF.