This article covers known hyperaccumulators, accumulators or species tolerant to the following: Aluminium (Al), Silver (Ag), Arsenic (As), Beryllium (Be), Chromium (Cr), Copper (Cu), Manganese (Mn), Mercury (Hg), Molybdenum (Mo), Naphthalene, Lead (Pb), Palladium (Pd), Platinum (Pt), Selenium (Se) et Zinc (Zn).
See also:
Contaminant | Accumulation rates (in mg/kg dry weight) | Latin name | English name | H-Hyperaccumulator or A-Accumulator P-Precipitator T-Tolerant | Notes | Sources |
Al-Aluminium | A- | Agrostis castellana | Highland Bent Grass | As(A), Mn(A), Pb(A), Zn(A) | Origin Portugal. | [1] |
Al - Aluminium | 1000 | Hordeum vulgare | Barley | xxx | 25 records of plants. | [2][3] |
Al - Aluminium | xxx | Hydrangea spp. | Hydrangea (a.k.a. Hortensia) | xxx | xxx | xxx |
Al - Aluminium | Al concentrations in young leaves, mature leaves, old leaves, and roots were found to be 8.0, 9.2, 14.4, and 10.1 mg g1, respectively.[4] | Melastoma malabathricum L. | Blue Tongue, or Native Lassiandra | P competes with aluminium and reduces uptake.[5] | xxx | |
Al-Aluminium | xxx | Solidago hispida (Solidago canadensis L.) | Hairy Goldenrod | xxx | Origin Canada. | [2][3] |
Al-Aluminium | 100 | Vicia faba | Horse Bean | xxx | xxx | [2][3] |
Ag-Silver | xxx | Brassica napus | Rapeseed plant | Cr, Hg, Pb, Se, Zn | Phytoextraction | [6][7] |
Ag-Silver | xxx | Salix spp. | Osier spp. | Cr, Hg, Se, Petroleum hydrocarbures, Organic solvents, MTBE, TCE and by-products;[7] Cd, Pb, U, Zn (S. viminalix);[8] Potassium ferrocyanide (S. babylonica L.)[9] | Phytoextraction. Perchlorate (wetland halophytes) | [7] |
Ag-Silver | xxx | Amanita strobiliformis | European Pine Cone Lepidella | Ag(H) | Macrofungi, Basidiomycete. Known from Europe, prefers calcareous areas | [10] |
Ag-Silver | 10-1200 | Brassica juncea | Indian Mustard | Ag(H) | Can form alloys of silver-gold-copper | [11] |
As-Arsenic | 100 | Agrostis capillaris L. | Common Bent Grass, Browntop. (= A. tenuris) | Al(A), Mn(A), Pb(A), Zn(A) | xxx | [3] |
As-Arsenic | H- | 'Agrostis castellana | Highland Bent Grass | Al(A), Mn(A), Pb(A), Zn(A) | Origin Portugal. | [1] |
As-Arsenic | 1000 | Agrostis tenerrima Trin. | Colonial bentgrass | xxx | 4 records of plants | [3][12] |
As-Arsenic | 27,000 (fronds)[13] | Pteris vittata L. | Ladder brake fern or Chinese brake fern | 26% of arsenic in the soil removed after 20 weeks' plantation, about 90% As accumulated in fronds.[14] | Root extracts reduce arsenate to arsenite.[15] | xxx |
As-Arsenic | 100-7000 | Sarcosphaera coronaria | No common name | As(H) | Ectomycorrhizal ascomycete, known from Europe | Stijve et al., 1990, in Persoonia 14(2): 161-166, Borovička 2004 in Mykologický Sborník 81: 97-99. |
Be-Beryllium | xxx | xxx | xxx | xxx | No reports found for accumulation | [3] |
Cr-Chromium | xxx | Azolla spp. | xxx | xxx | xxx | [3][16] |
Cr-Chromium | H- | Bacopa monnieri | Smooth Water Hyssop | Cd(H), Cu(H), Hg(A), Pb(A) | Origin India. Aquatic emergent species. | [1][17] |
Cr-Chromium | xxx | Brassica juncea L. | Indian mustard | Cd(A), Cr(A), Cu(H), Ni(H), Pb(H), Pb(P), U(A), Zn(H) | Cultivated in agriculture. | [1][7][18] |
Cr-Chromium | xxx | Brassica napus | Rapeseed plant | Ag, Hg, Pb, Se, Zn | Phytoextraction | [6][7] |
Cr-Chromium | A- | Vallisneria americana | Tape Grass | Cd(H), Pb(H) | Native to Europe and North Africa. Widely cultivated in the aquarium trade. | [1] |
Cr-Chromium | 1000 | Dicoma niccolifera | xxx | xxx | 35 records of plants | [3] |
Cr-Chromium | roots naturally absorb pollutants, some organic compounds believed to be carcinogenic,[19] in concentrations 10,000 times that in the surrounding water.[20] | Eichhornia crassipes | Water Hyacinth | Cd(H), Cu(A), Hg(H),[19] Pb(H),[19] Zn(A). Also Cs, Sr, U,[19][21] and pesticides.[22] | Pantropical/Subtropical. Plants sprayed with 2,4-D may accumulate lethal doses of nitrates.[23] 'The troublesome weed' – hence an excellent source of bioenergy.[19] | [1] |
Cr-Chromium | xxx | Helianthus annuus | Sunflower | xxx | Phytoextraction et rhizofiltration | [1][7] |
Cr | A- | Hydrilla verticillata | Hydrilla | Cd(H) Hg(H), Pb(H) | xxx | [1] |
Cr-Chromium | xxx | Medicago sativa | Alfalfa | xxx | xxx | [3][24] |
Cr-Chromium | xxx | Pistia stratiotes | Water lettuce | Cd(T), Hg(H), Cr(H), Cu(T) | xxx | [1][3][25] |
Cr-Chromium | xxx | Salix spp. | Osier spp. | Ag, Hg, Se, Petroleum hydrocarbures, Organic solvents, MTBE, TCE and by-products;[7] Cd, Pb, U, Zn (S. viminalix);[8] Potassium ferrocyanide (S. babylonica L.)[9] | Phytoextraction. Perchlorate (wetland halophytes) | [7] |
Cr-Chromium | xxx | Salvinia molesta | Kariba weeds or water ferns | Cr(H), Ni(H), Pb(H), Zn(A) | xxx | [1][3][26] |
Cr-Chromium | xxx | Spirodela polyrhiza | Giant Duckweed | Cd(H), Ni(H), Pb(H), Zn(A) | Native to North America. | [1][3][26] |
Cr-Chromium | 100 | Sutera fodina | xxx | xxx | xxx | [3][27][28] |
Cr-Chromium | A- | Thlaspi caerulescens | xxx | Cd(H), Co(H), Cu(H), Mo, Ni(H), Pb(H), Zn(H) | Phytoextraction. [['T. caerulescens may acidify its rhizosphere, which would affect metal uptake by increasing available metals[29] | [1][3][7][30][31][32] |
Cu-Copper | 9000 | Aeolanthus biformifolius | xxx | xxx | xxx | [33] |
Cu-Copper | xxx | Athyrium yokoscense | (Japanese false spleenwort?) | Cd(A), Pb(H), Zn(H) | Origin Japan. | [1] |
Cu-Copper | A- | Azolla filiculoides | Pacific mosquitofern | Ni(A), Pb(A), Mn(A) | Origin Africa. Floating plant. | [1] |
Cu-Copper | H- | Bacopa monnieri | Smooth Water Hyssop | Cd(H), Cr(H), Hg(A), Pb(A) | Origin India. Aquatic emergent species. | [1][17] |
Cu-Copper | xxx | Brassica juncea L. | Indian mustard | Cd(A), Cr(A), Cu(H), Ni(H), Pb(H), Pb(P), U(A), Zn(H) | cultivated | [1][7][18] |
Cu-Copper | H- | Callisneria Americana | Tape Grass | Cd(H), Cr(A), Pb(H) | Native to Europe and North Africa. Widely cultivated in the aquarium trade. | [1] |
Cu-Copper | xxx | Eichhornia crassipes | Water Hyacinth | Cd(H), Cr(A), Hg(H), Pb(H), Zn(A), Also Cs, Sr, U,[21] and pesticides.[22] | Pantropical/Subtropical, 'the troublesome weed'. | [1] |
Cu-Copper | 1000 | Haumaniustrum robertii | Copper flower | xxx | 27 records of plants. Origin Africa. This species' phanerogam has the highest cobalt content. Its distribution could be governed by cobalt rather than copper.[34] | [3][31] |
Cu-Copper | xxx | Helianthus annuus | Sunflower | xxx | Phytoextraction with rhizofiltration | [1][31] |
Cu-Copper | 1000 | Larrea tridentata | Creosote Bush | xxx | 67 records of plants. Origin U.S. | [3][31] |
Cu-Copper | H- | Lemna minor | Duckweed | Pb(H), Cd(H), Zn(A) | Native to North America and widespread worldwide. | [1] |
Cu-Copper | T- | Pistia stratiotes | Water Lettuce | Cd(T), Hg(H), Cr(H) | Pantropical. Origin South U.S.A. Aquatic herb. | [1] |
Cu-Copper | xxx | Thlaspi caerulescens | Alpine pennycress | Cd(H), Cr(A), Co(H), Mo, Ni(H), Pb(H), Zn(H) | Phytoextraction. Copper noticeably limits its growth.[32] | [1][3][7][29][30][31][32] |
Mn-Manganese | A- | 'Agrostis castellana | Highland Bent Grass | Al(A), As(A), Pb(A), Zn(A) | Origin Portugal. | [1] |
Mn-Manganese | xxx | Azolla filiculoides | Pacific mosquitofern | Cu(A), Ni(A), Pb(A) | Origin Africa. Floating plant. | [1] |
Mn-Manganese | xxx | Brassica juncea L. | Indian mustard | xxx | xxx | [7][18] |
Mn-Manganese | xxx | Helianthus annuus | Sunflower | xxx | Phytoextraction et rhizofiltration | [7] |
Mn-Manganese | 1000 | Macademia neurophylla | xxx | xxx | 28 records of plants | [3][35] |
Mn-Manganese | 200 | xxx | xxx | xxx | xxx | [3] |
Hg-Mercury | A- | Bacopa monnieri | Smooth Water Hyssop | Cd(H), Cr(H), Cu(H), Hg(A), Pb(A) | Origin India. Aquatic emergent species. | [1][17] |
Hg-Mercury | xxx | Brassica napus | Rapeseed plant | Ag, Cr, Pb, Se, Zn | Phytoextraction | [6][7] |
Hg-Mercury | xxx | Eichhornia crassipes | Water Hyacinth | Cd(H), Cr(A), Cu(A), Pb(H), Zn(A)Also Cs, Sr, U,[21] and pesticides.[22] | Pantropical/Subtropical, 'the troublesome weed'. | [1] |
Hg-Mercury | H- | Hydrilla verticillata | Hydrilla | Cd(H), Cr(A), Pb(H) | xxx | [1] |
Hg-Mercury | 1000 | Pistia stratiotes | Water lettuce | Cd(T), Cr(H), Cu(T) | 35 records of plants | [1][3][31][36] |
Hg-Mercury | xxx | Salix spp. | Osier spp. | Ag, Cr, Se, Petroleum hydrocarbures, Organic solvents, MTBE, TCE and by-products;[7] Cd, Pb, U, Zn (S. viminalix);[8] Potassium ferrocyanide (S. babylonica L.)[9] | Phytoextraction. Perchlorate (wetland halophytes) | [7] |
Mo-molybdenum | 1500 | Thlaspi caerulescens (Brassica) | Alpine pennycress | Cd(H), Cr(A), Co(H), Cu(H), Ni(H), Pb(H), Zn(H) | phytoextraction | [1][3][7][29][30][31][32] |
naphthalene | xxx | Festuca arundinacea | Tall Fescue | xxx | Increases catabolic genes and the mineralization of naphthalene. | [37] |
naphthalene | xxx | Trifolium hirtum | Pink clover | xxx | Decreases catabolic genes and the mineralization of naphthalene. | [37] |
Pb-Lead | A- | 'Agrostis castellana | 'Highland Bent Grass | Al(A), As(H), Mn(A), Zn(A) | Origin Portugal. | [1] |
Pb-Lead | xxx | Ambrosia artemisiifolia | Ragweed | xxx | xxx | [6] |
Pb-Lead | xxx | Armeria maritima | Seapink Thrift | xxx | xxx | [6] |
Pb-Lead | xxx | Athyrium yokoscense | (Japanese false spleenwort?) | Cd(A), Cu(H), Zn(H) | Origin Japan. | [1] |
Pb-Lead | A- | Azolla filiculoides | Pacific mosquitofern | Cu(A), Ni(A), Mn(A) | Origin Africa. Floating plant. | [1] |
Pb-Lead | A- | Bacopa monnieri | Smooth Water Hyssop | Cd(H), Cr(H), Cu(H), Hg(A) | Origin India. Aquatic emergent species. | [1][17] |
Pb-Lead | H- | Brassica juncea | Indian mustard | Cd(A), Cr(A), Cu(H), Ni(H), Pb(H), Pb(P), U(A), Zn(H) | 79 recorded plants. Phytoextraction | [1][3][6][7][18][29][31][32][38] |
Pb-Lead | xxx | Brassica napus | Rapeseed plant | Ag, Cr, Hg, Se, Zn | Phytoextraction | [6][7] |
Pb-Lead | xxx | Brassica oleracea | Ornemental Kale et Cabbage, Broccoli | xxx | xxx | [6] |
Pb-Lead | H- | Callisneria Americana | Tape Grass | Cd(H), Cr(A), Cu(H) | Native to Europe and North Africa. Widely cultivated in the aquarium trade. | [1] |
Pb-Lead | xxx | Eichhornia crassipes | Water Hyacinth | Cd(H), Cr(A), Cu(A), Hg(H), Zn(A). Also Cs, Sr, U,[21] and pesticides.[22] | Pantropical/Subtropical, 'the troublesome weed'. | [1] |
Pb-Lead | xxx | Festuca ovina | Blue Sheep Fescue | xxx | xxx | [6] |
Pb-Lead | xxx | Helianthus annuus | Sunflower | xxx | Phytoextraction et rhizofiltration | [1][6][7][8][38] |
Pb-Lead | H- | Hydrilla verticillata | Hydrilla | Cd(H), Cr(A), Hg(H) | xxx | [1] |
Pb-Lead | H- | Lemna minor | Duckweed | Cd(H), Cu(H), Zn(H) | Native to North America and widespread worldwide. | [1] |
Pb-Lead | xxx | Salix viminalis | Common Osier | Cd, U, Zn;[8] Ag, Cr, Hg, Se, Petroleum hydrocarbures, Organic solvents, MTBE, TCE and by-products (S. spp.);[7] Potassium ferrocyanide (S. babylonica L.)[9] | Phytoextraction. Perchlorate (wetland halophytes) | [8] |
Pb-Lead | H- | Salvinia molesta | Kariba weeds or water ferns | Cr(H), Ni(H), Pb(H), Zn(A) | Origin India. | [1] |
Pb-Lead | xxx | Spirodela polyrhiza | Giant Duckweed | Cd(H), Cr(H), Ni(H), Zn(A) | Native to North America. | [1][3][26] |
Pb-Lead | xxx | Thlaspi caerulescens (Brassica) | Alpine pennycress | Cd(H), Cr(A), Co(H), Cu(H), Mo(H), Ni(H), Zn(H) | Phytoextraction. | [1][3][7][29][30][31][32] |
Pb-Lead | xxx | Thlaspi rotundifolium | Round-leaved Pennycress | xxx | xxx | [6] |
Pb-Lead | xxx | Triticum aestivum | Common Wheat | xxx | xxx | [6] |
Pb-Lead | A-200 | xxx | xxx | xxx | xxx | [3] |
Pd-Palladium | xxx | xxx | xxx | xxx | No reports found for accumulation. | [3] |
Pt-Platinum | xxx | xxx | xxx | xxx | No reports found for accumulation. | [3] |
Se-Selenium | .012-20 | Amanita muscaria | Fly agaric | xxx | Cap contains higher concentrations than stalks[39] | |
Se-Selenium | xxx | Brassica juncea | Indian mustard | xxx | Rhizosphere bacteria enhance accumulation.[40] | [7] |
Se-Selenium | xxx | Brassica napus | Rapeseed plant | Ag, Cr, Hg, Pb, Zn | Phytoextraction. | [6][7] |
Se-Selenium | Low rates of Se volatilization from selenate-supplied Muskgrass (10-fold less than from selenite) may be due to a major rate limitation in the reduction of selenate to organic forms of Se in Muskgrass. | Chara canescens Desv. & Lois | Muskgrass | xxx | Muskgrass treated with selenite contains 91% of the total Se in organic forms (selenoethers and diselenides), compared with 47% in Muskgrass treated with selenate.[41] 1.9% of the total Se input is accumulated in its tissues; 0.5% is removed via biological volatilization.[42] | [43] |
Se-Selenium | xxx | Kochia scoparia | xxx | U,[8] Cr, Pb, Hg, Ag, Zn | Perchlorate (wetland halophytes). Phytoextraction. | [1][7] |
Se-Selenium | xxx | Salix spp. | Osier spp. | Ag, Cr, Hg, Petroleum hydrocarbures, Organic solvents, MTBE, TCE and by-products;[7] Cd, Pb, U, Zn (S. viminalis);[8] Potassium ferrocyanide (S. babylonica L.)[9] | Phytoextraction. Perchlorate (wetland halophytes). | [7] |
Zn-Zinc | A- | 'Agrostis castellana | Highland Bent Grass | Al(A), As(H), Mn(A), Pb(A) | Origin Portugal. | [1] |
Zn-Zinc | xxx | Athyrium yokoscense | (Japanese false spleenwort?) | Cd(A), Cu(H), Pb(H) | Origin Japan. | [1] |
Zn-Zinc | xxx | Brassicaeae | xxx | Hyperaccumulators: Cd, Cs, Ni, Sr | Phytoextraction. | [7] |
Zn-Zinc | xxx | Brassica juncea L. | Indian mustard | Cd(A), Cr(A), Cu(H), Ni(H), Pb(H), Pb(P), U(A). | Larvae of Pieris brassicae do not even sample its high-Zn leaves. (Pollard and Baker, 1997) | [1][7][18] |
Zn-Zinc | xxx | Brassica napus | Rapeseed plant | Ag, Cr, Hg, Pb, Se | Phytoextraction | [6][7] |
Zn-Zinc | xxx | Helianthus annuus | Sunflower | xxx | Phytoextraction et rhizofiltration. | [7][8] |
Zn-Zinc | xxx | Eichhornia crassipes | Water Hyacinth | Cd(H), Cr(A), Cu(A), Hg(H), Pb(H)Also Cs, Sr, U,[21] and pesticides.[22] | Pantropical/Subtropical, 'the troublesome weed'. | [1] |
Zn-Zinc | xxx | Salix viminalis | Common Osier | Ag, Cr, Hg, Se, Petroleum hydrocarbons, Organic solvents, MTBE, TCE and by-products;[7] Cd, Pb, U (S. viminalis);[8] Potassium ferrocyanide (S. babylonica L.)[9] | Phytoextraction. Perchlorate (wetland halophytes). | [8] |
Zn-Zinc | A- | Salvinia molesta | Kariba weeds or water ferns | Cr(H), Ni(H), Pb(H), Zn(A) | Origin India. | [1] |
Zn-Zinc | 1400 | Silene vulgaris (Moench) Garcke (Caryophyllaceae) | Bladder campion | xxx | xxx | Ernst et al. (1990) |
Zn-Zinc | xxx | Spirodela polyrhiza | Giant Duckweed | Cd(H), Cr(H), Ni(H), Pb(H) | Native to North America. | [1][3][26] |
Zn-Zinc | H-10,000 | Thlaspi caerulescens (Brassica) | Alpine pennycress | Cd(H), Cr(A), Co(H), Cu(H), Mo, Ni(H), Pb(H) | 48 records of plants. May acidify its own rhizosphere, which would facilitate absorption by solubilization of the metal[29] | [1][3][7][30][31][32][38] |
Zn-Zinc | xxx | Trifolium pratense | Red Clover | Nonmetal accumulator. | Its rhizosphere is denser in bacteria than that of Thlaspi caerulescens, but T. caerulescens has relatively more metal-resistant bacteria.[29] | xxx |
Cs-137 activity was much smaller in leaves of larch and sycamore maple than of spruce: spruce > larch > sycamore maple.