List of homeopathic preparations

The following substances are commonly used in homeopathy today.

Homeopathic name Substance Common name Therapeutic use Homeopathic potency
Aconite[1][2] Aconitum napellus Monkshood, Monk's Blood, Fuzi, Wolf's Bane shock, influenza and fevers 6c, 30c, 200c
Aesculus hippocastanum[1] Aesculus hippocastanum Horse-chestnut haemorrhoids and varicose veins[3] tincture as ointment, 3c, 6c
Anthracinum bovum,
Anthracinum suum [4]
Anthrax poison extracted from the spleen of affected sheep All types of furuncles (like Acne,[4] carbuncles, malignant pustules), septic wounds, grangrenous degenerations,[5] anthrax poisoning,[6][7] 6X 30X [8]
Allium cepa[1][9][10] Onion itching eyes, lachrymation, allergies, hayfever 3x to 30c
Antimonium Arsenicate Skin conditions, Minor lethargy All potencies 6c to CM
Antimonium tartaricum[9] Antimony tartrate Impetigo 6c to 200c
Argentum nitricum[9] Silver nitrate Fear, anticipation, apprehension, nervous excitement, exam nerves 6c to 200c
Arnica[2][11] Arnica montana Leopard's bane shock and bruising all potencies 6c to CM
Arsenicum album[11] Arsenic trioxide White arsenic colds/flu, diarrhoea, food poisoning all potencies 6c to CM
Baptisia[1] Baptisia tinctoria Wild Indigo; horseflyweed fevers all potencies 6c to CM
Belladonna[1][2][11] Atropa belladonna Deadly nightshade high fevers with redness & delirium all potencies 6c to CM
Bellis perennis[1] Bellis perennis Common Daisy healing of cuts and wounds 6c to 200c
Bryonia[11] Bryonia alba White bryony fevers, joint pains, coughs and pleurisy all potencies 6c to CM
Calcarea carbonica[9] Oyster shell Calcium carbonate Indigestion, Acidity all potencies 6c to CM
Calendula[1] Calendula officinalis Marigold healing of wounds tincture, 3c, 6c
Chamomilla[11] Matricaria chamomilla German Chamomile teething in infants 3c, 6c, 30c
Camphor [12] Cinnamomum camphora Cholera (used by Hahnemann on a 1831 cholera outbreak on Central Europe, and by Dr. Quin in 1854 London's epidemic)
Colocynthis[1] Citrullus colocynthis Squirting cucumber Diarrhoea 6c to 200c
Cuprum metallicum[9] Copper Cholera, diarrhoea, griping in the guts 6c to 200c
Digitalis[1] Digitalis purpurea Foxglove Heart conditions, angina 6c to 30c
Drosera[1][2] Drosera rotundifolia Sundew a cough remedy 6c, 30c
Dulcamara[1] Solanum dulcamara Woody nightshade wide range of chronic ailments all potencies 6c to CM
Ferrum phosphoricum[11] Iron phosphate Ferr phos haemorrhages and nosebleeds 3x, 6x, 6c, 30c
Gelsemium[11] Gelsemium sempervirens Yellow jasmine joint pains and fevers all potencies 6c to CM
Glonoinum[9] Nitroglycerine Facial neuralgias all potencies 6c to CM
Graphites[9] Graphite Itching cracked skin, eczema, psoriasis all potencies 6c to CM
Hamamelis[1] Hamamelis virginiana Witch-hazel haemorrhoids, varicose veins tincture and low potencies 3x, 3c, 6c
Hepar sulfuris calcareum[11] Calcium sulfide Hepar sulf wide range of chronic ailments, boils, abscesses all potencies 6c to CM
Ignatia amara[2][11] Strychnos ignatii St. Ignatius Bean recovery from grief[13] all potencies 6c to CM
Kalium bichromicum[14][15] Potassium dichromate used in HeadOn thick secretions from the mucous membranes of the sinuses and respiratory tract[14][15] all potencies 6c to CM
Lachesis[1][16] Lachesis muta Bushmaster snake wide range of uses all potencies 6c to CM
Ledum[1] Ledum palustre Marsh Tea bites, stings, punctured wounds all potencies 6c to CM
Lycopodium[1] Lycopodium clavatum Wolf's foot, clubmoss wide range of chronic use all potencies 6c to CM
Mercurius vivus[11] Mercury (element) wide range of chronic ailments all potencies 6c to CM
Natrum muriaticum[9] Sodium chloride Natrum mur; table salt varied chronic uses; irritable, touchy, dislikes consolation 6c to 10M
Natrum sulphuricum[9] Sodium sulphate Natrum sulph asthma, headaches, worse for damp, warts 6c to 10M
Nux vomica[2][11] Strychnos nux-vomica Strychnine tree nausea, hangovers, substance abuse & chronic ailments all potencies 6c to CM
Oscillococcinum[17] Cairina moschata liver Muscovy duck liver colds/flu; generally 30c, 200c
Petroleum[9] Crude oil Skin affections, eczema, psoriasis all potencies 6c to CM
Phosphorus[11] Phosphorus Phos wide range of chronic ailments all potencies 6c to CM
Picricum acidum[9] Picric acid Picric acid Water retention, Confusion tincture to 200c
Pulsatilla[2][11] Pasque flower Wind flower various childhood, menstrual and chronic ailments all potencies 6c to CM
Rhus toxicodendron[11] Toxicodendron radicans Poison ivy joint pains and fevers all potencies 6c to CM
Ruta[14][15] Ruta graveolens Rue trauma or sprain of the ligaments; conditions involving the tendons, fibrous tissue, or periosteum; joint stiffness, eye strain[14] 4x to CM
Sepia[9] Cuttlefish ink many female problems all potencies 6c to CM
Silicea[9] Flint Various chronic conditions, sensitivity to cold all potencies 6c to CM
Sulphur[11] Sulfur chronic ailments, skin complaints, general debility all potencies 6c to CM
Thea Sinensis / Camellia Sinensis[18][19] leafs of tea plant neurologics (insomny, nightmares), digestives (dyspepsia caused by drinking tea often) 5C to 15C
Thuja[1][9] Thuja occidentalis warts & chronic conditions all potencies 6c to CM
Urtica urens[1] Stinging Nettle Bites and stings mostly 3c, 6c, 30c


Notes on potencies

This list contains notes of commonly used potencies, either by homeopaths or available in store-bought preparations. In clinical homeopathy, the choice of potency (dilution & succussion levels) to be used is determined by homeopathic practitioners or physicians on an individual basis. Some limit their use to the lower potencies of 4x (4D) through 30x (30D), while others use 3C through CM (100,000C) potencies.[20] For more information on potencies and dilution, see homeopathy.


  1. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q Plants and fungi used in homeopathy Natural History Museum
  2. ^ a b c d e f g Samuel Hahnemann, Fragmenta de viribus, (1805, in French)
  3. ^ Aesculus at MedlinePlus
  4. ^ a b (Spanish) John Clarke (1998). Un Diccionario De Materia Medica Practica. B. Jain Publishers. pp. 129–130. ISBN 8170218128. Retrieved 2008-06-22. 
  5. ^ G.H. Clarke, N. M. Choudhury (2002). Study of Materia Medica. B. Jain Publishers. pp. 60–61. ISBN 8170210399. Retrieved 2008-06-22. 
  6. ^ Eileen Nauman. "Anthrax biological warfare info".,53. Retrieved 2008-06-22. 
  7. ^ Garsombke, Kate (2001-10-29). "Alternative Remedies for Anthrax". AlterNet. Retrieved 2008-02-07. 
  8. ^ (French) Dr Léon Renard (1957). "25 remèdes satellites en Homéopathie". Retrieved 2008-06-22. 
  9. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n J T Kent, Lectures on Homeopathic Materia Medica
  10. ^ Allium Cepa - Lectures on Homoeopathic Materia Medica by JAMES TYLER KENT
  11. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o Sidney Skinner, An Introduction to Homeopathic Medicine in Primary Care, 2001, ISBN 0834216760. This book discusses 15 homeopathic preparations that the author recommends for integrative care, see p. 13. Each preparation has a chapter devoted to it.
  12. ^ Andrew Lockie, Nicola Geddes (1995). Dorling Kindersley. ed. The complete guide to Homeopathy. p. 16. ISBN 0-7894-0406-0. 
  13. ^ Philip Bailey, Homeopathic Psychology, 1995, p.86
  14. ^ a b c d Jacques Jouanny The Essentials of Homeopathic Materia Medica. Bordeaux, France: Delmas, 1980
  15. ^ a b c William G Boericke Pocket Manual of Homeopathic Materia Medica, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Boericke & Runyon, 1927
  16. ^ J T Kent, Lachesis in Materia Medica
  17. ^ Boiron site promoting this remedy
  18. ^ Gottlieb Heinrich Georg Jahr (1842). James Kitchen. ed. New Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia and Posology, Or, The Preparation of Homoeopathic Medicines and the Administration of Doses. J. Dobson. p. xx, 194. 
  19. ^ Alain Sarembaud, Bernard Poitevin (1996). Médicaments à usage Homéopathique. Dictionnaire pratique. Elsevier Masson. ISBN 2225853487, 9782225853487. 
  20. ^ Jacques Jouanny The Essentials of Homeopathic Therapeutics, Bordeaux, France: Delmas, 1980

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See also