List of Statutes of New Zealand (1891–1912)
This is part of a list of Statutes of New Zealand for the period of the First Liberal Government of New Zealand up to and including part of the first year of the Reform_Government_of_New_Zealand
- Arbitration Act [2] Amended: 1915/38/52/98/2007
- Borough of Devonport Empowering and Endowment Act [3]
- Cattle Act [4]
- Children's Protection Act [5]
- Educational Reserves Leasing Act [6]
- Epsom and Mount Eden Reserve Act [7]
- Gimmerburn Forest Reserve Act [8]
- Gold Duty Abolition and Mining Property Rating Act [9]
- Horomona Paatu Land-grant Act [10]
- Kaimarama Land Act [11]
- Kihikihi Cemetery Reserve Leasing Act [12]
- Mercantile Agents Act [13]
- Native Schools Sites Act Extension [14]
- Naval Reserves Vesting Act [15]
- Oaths Act [16]
- Omaka Recreation Reserve Sale Act [17]
- Palmerston North Reserves Act [18] Amended: 1994
- Post and Telegraph Classification and Regulation Act [19]
- Primage Duty Act [20]
- Roman Catholic Lands Act Extension [21]
- School Committees Election Act [22]
- Stratford County Act [23]
- Timaru Charitable Aid Institution Vesting Act [24]
- Timaru Harbour Board Empowering Act [25]
- Todman Land-grant Act [26]
- Tuakitoto and Kaitangata Lakes Act [27] Amended: 1913/14
- Valpy Crown Grant Boundary Definition Act [28]
- Volunteer Drill-sheds and Lands Trustees Validation Act [29]
- Waiapu County Act [30]
- Wellington School of Design and Exchange Act [31]
- Westport-Ngakawau Railway Extension Act [32]
Plus 17 Acts amended
- Auckland Electric Lighting Act [34]
- Birds Nuisance Act [35]
- Book-purchasers Protection Act [36]
- Christchurch Electric Lighting Act [37]
- Coal-mines Act [38] Amended: 1908/09/10/14/15/19/20/22/24/27/33/35/36/37/41/47/49
- Educational Endowments and Reserves Exchange Act [39]
- Factories Act [40] Amended: 1902/10/16/36/45/53/56/61/66/69/71/72/73/78
- Greymouth Harbour Board Loan Act [41]
- Hamerton Pension Act [42]
- Hospital Trustees Act [43]
- Land and Income Assessment Act [44] Amended: 1912/13
- Legislative Council Act [45] Amended: 1915/16/18/20
- McCabe Land-grants Act [46]
- McLean Land Act [47]
- New Plymouth Hospital Act [48]
- New Zealand Bank Act [49] Amended: 1958
- Official and Colonial Defences Secrets Act [50]
- Palmerston North Hospital District Act [51]
- Palmerston North Hospital Land Sales Validation Act [52]
- Partnership Act [53]
- Promoters' and Directors' Liability Act [54]
- Public works Appropriation Act [55]
- Railways Authorisation and Management Act [56]
- Stratford County Districts Adjustment Act [57]
- Thames Recreation Reserve Sale Revivor Act [58]
- Thordon Esplanade Act [59]
- Trafalgar Park Purchasing Act [60]
- Truck Act [61]
- University of Otago Council Election Act [62]
- Wanganui Heads Signal-station Reserve Exchange Act [63]
- Wanganui River Trust Act [64] Amended: 1912/20/22
- Water-supply Act [65] Amended: 1913
- Wellington Botanic Garden Vesting Act [66]
- Wellington Boys' Institute Act [67]
- Wellington Chew's Lane Encroachment Act [68]
- Wellington Electric Lighting Act [69]
Plus 20 Acts amended
- Auckland University College Land Exchange Act [71]
- Contractors' and Workman's Lien Act [72]
- Cook and Waiapu Counties Property Adjustment Act [73]
- Dairy Industry Act [74] Amended: 1915/22/24/26/33/38/54/55/57/75/76/80/89/2000
- Dempsey Trust Act [75] Amended: 1951
- Hukarere Native Girls' School Act [76] Amended: 1927
- Kaihau Trust Money Act [77]
- Kaipo Reserve Act [78]
- Kaitangata Relief Fund Transfer Act [79]
- Land for Settlements Act [80] Amended: 1895/1901/27
- Land-tax and Income-tax Act [81]
- Manure Adulteration Act [82]
- Mere Taka Land-grant Act [83]
- Mount Ida Water-race Act [84]
- Napier Harbour Board Further Empowering Act [85]
- Napier Harbour Board Loan Act [86] Amended: 1937/39/51
- Napier Native Hostelry Site Sale Act [87]
- Native Land Purchases Act [88]
- Oamaru Harbour Board Advance Repayment Act [89]
- Oamaru Racecourse Trustees Empowering Act [90]
- Ocean Beach Public Domain Act [91] Amended: 1920
- Offensive Publications Act [92]
- Ohinemuri County Ridings Validation Act [93]
- Orakei Succession Further Investigation Act [94]
- Palmerston North Couthouse Site Sale Act [95]
- Palmerston North Hospital Vesting Act [96]
- Patea Harbour Endowment Act [97]
- Payment of Members Act [98]
- Petone Corporation Loan Empowering Act [99]
- Provincial Ordinances Act [100]
- Public Reserves Vesting and Sale Act [101] Amended: 1895/96
- Rohe Potae Investigation of Title Act [102]
- Servants' Registry Offices Act [103] Amended: 1960
- Shops and Shop-assistants Act [104]
- Te Aroha Recreation-ground and Racecourse Act [105]
- Unclaimed Lands Act [106]
- Waikouaita Reserves Act [107]
- Waiorongomai Bridge Act [108]
- Wanganui Harbour Board Endowment Sale Act [109]
- Wanganui Hospital Board Vesting Act [110]
- Wellington City Sanitation Loan Empowering Act [111]
- Wellington Corporation and Harbour Board Streets and Lands Act [112]
- Westland Churches, Schools, and Hospital Vesting Act [113]
- Westland, Grey, Inangahua, and Buller Counties Vehicle Licensing Act [114]
Plus 19 Acts amended
- Alcoholic Liquors Sale Control Act [116]
- Auckland Domain Vesting Act [117] Amended: 1986
- Auckland Hospital Reserves Exchange Act [118]
- Bank-note Issue Act [119]
- Cheviot County Act [120]
- Cheviot Estate Disposition Act [121]
- Cheviot Estate Payment Act [122]
- Civil Service Insurance Act [123]
- Civil Service Officers' Guarantee Act [124] Repealed: 1914
- Colliery Railways Vesting Act [125]
- Counties Vehicle Licensing Act [126]
- Criminal Code Act [127] Amended: 1901/05
- District of Palmerston North Hospital and Charitable Aid Board Empoweing Act [128]
- Dunedin Garrison Hall Trustees Empowering Act [129]
- Electoral Act [130] Amended: 1934/37/40/45/48/50/51/53/54/58/59/60/63/65/67/69/71/72/74/75/76/77/79/80/81/83/85/86/87/89/90/91/92/93/95/96/2002/04/05/07
- G. W. Ell Empowering Act [131]
- Gore Electric Lighting Act [132]
- Halswell River Drainage District Act [133]
- Hawera Borough Council Enabling Act [134]
- Infant Life Protection Act [135]
- Kaiapoi Borough Corporation Vesting Act [136]
- Kaitangata Cemetery Site Sale Act [137]
- Kiwitea County Act [138]
- Kyngdon Land-grant Act [139]
- Land Drainage Act [140] Amended: 1894/98/1908/13/20/22/23/52/56/58/64/65/67/68/71/72/74/75/76/78/80/88
- Lyttelton Orphanage Lands Vesting Act [141]
- Magistrates' Courts Act [142] Amended: 1909/13/20/22/26/27/30/50/55/56/60/61/63/64/66/67/69/70/71/74/75/77/78
- Mahinapua Creek and Lake Reserves Act [143]
- Mangatu No. 1 Empowering Act [144]
- Mangawai Harbour Endowment Reserve Act [145]
- Mokoreta Cemetery Reserve Act [146]
- Native Land Court Certificates Confirmation Act [147]
- Native Land Purchase and Acquisition Act [148]
- Native Trusts and Claims Definition and Registration Act [149]
- Niramona Pini Land Act [150]
- Oamaru Loans Consolidation Act [151]
- St. Albans Public Library Transfer Act [152]
- Stock Act [153] Amended: 1913/27/30/38/50/52/54/55/56/57/58/59/60/61/62/63/64/65
- Submarine Telegraph Cables Protection Act [154]
- Tairua Land Act [155]
- Taranaki Relief Fund Distribution Act [156]
- Wanganui Harbour Board Act [157]
- Wanganui Hospital Board Empowering Act [158]
- William Robinson Estate Trusts Act [159]
Plus 25 Acts amended
- Abattoirs and Slaughterhouses Act [161]
- Bank Directors and Shares Transfer Act [162]
- Bank of New Zealand Share Guarantee Act [163]
- Bank Shareholders Act [164]
- Banking Act [165] Amended: 1914/21/35
- Borough of Oamaru Leasing Act [166]
- Companies' Accounts Audit Act [167]
- Designation of Districts Act [168] Amended: 1909
- Dunedin Loans Conversion Act [169]
- Dunedin Waterworks Account Act [170]
- Eketahuna Cemetery Reserve Act [171]
- Foreign Insurance Companies' Deposits Act [172] Amended: 1895/1910
- Gaming Act [173] Amended: 1910/14/15/20/24/49/50/53/55/59/60/61/62/63/64/65/67/68/70/71/72
- Government Advances to Settlers Act [174] Amended: 1908
- Greymouth Harbour Board Empowering Act [175] Amended: 1986
- Hamilton Domains Empowering Act [176]
- Hastings Borough Loan Validation and Empowering Act [177]
- Inangahua County Council Empowering Act [178]
- Income-tax Act [179]
- Indictable Offences Summary Jurisdiction Act [180] Amended: 1900/07
- Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration Act [181] Amended: 1901/03/04/05/08/10/11/13/20/21/22/24/27/28/32/36/37/39/43/47/51/53/56/58/60/61/62/63/64/65/66/67/68/69/70/72
- James Mitchell Trust Act [182]
- Jubilee Institute for the Blind Reserve Act [183]
- Kirikiri Native School Site Act [184]
- Lake Forsyth Drainage Act [185]
- Land-tax Act [186] Amended: 1921
- Lands Improvement and Native Lands Acquisition Act [187]
- Legitimation Act [188] Amended: 1921
- Levels County Act [189]
- Light and Air Act [190]
- Little Barrier Island Purchase Act [191]
- Middle Distric of New Zealand University College Act [192]
- Mining Districts Land Occupation Act [193]
- Mount St. John Reserve Act [194]
- Native Land Court Certificate Confirmation Act [195]
- Native Lands Claims and Boundaries Adjustment and Titles Empowering Act [196]
- New Zealand Consols Act [197]
- Ngaere and other Blocks Native Claims Adjustment Act [198]
- Pohangina County Act [199]
- Post and Telegraph Department Act [200]
- Public Trust Office Consolidation Act [201]
- Railways Authorisation Act [202]
- School Attendance Act [203]
- Sea-fisheries Act [204] Amended: 1903
- Taonui Branch Railway Act [205]
- Timaru Harbour District Rating Act [206]
- Timaru Harbour Reclamation Act [207]
- Tongariro National Park Act [208] Amended: 1927/48
- Waimakariri-Ashley Water-supply Board Loan Act [209]
- Wellington City Drainage Empowering Act [210]
- Westland County Council Enabling Act [211]
Plus 19 Acts amended
- Agricultural and Pastoral Statistics Act [213]
- Auckland and Parnell Endowment Lands Act [214]
- Auckland Harbour Board and Devonport Borough Exchange of Land Act [215]
- Bank of New Zealand and Banking Act [216]
- Customs Duties Reciprocity Act [217]
- Dunedin Drainage and Sewerage Act [218]
- Dunedin Loans Consolidation Act [219]
- Family Homes Protection Act [220]
- Fernhill Railway Purchasing Act [221]
- Hamilton Gasworks Act [222]
- Hawksbury Borough Council Reserve Vesting Act [223]
- Hikutaia No 1 Block Boundary Act [224]
- Horowhenua Block Act [225]
- Invercargill Corporation Reserve Exchange Act [226]
- Kaihu Valley Railway Extension Act [227]
- Local Authorities' Loans Conversion Act [228]
- Manual and Technical Elementary Instruction Act [229]
- Margarine Act [230] Amended: 1964/72/78/80
- Masterton Trust Lands Trust Empowering Act [231]
- Native Land Claims Adjustment Act [232]
- Native Townships Act [233] Amended: 1903/19
- New Zealand Institute of Journalists Act [234]
- Pastoral Tenants' Relief Act [235]
- Patea Foreshore Vesting Act [236]
- Poisons Importation and Carriage Act [237] Amended: 1902
- Public Securities Act [238]
- Public-School Teachers Incorporation and Court of Appeal Act [239]
- Puniu Reserves Sale Act [240]
- Reserves Disposal and Exchange Act [241]
- Sale of Goods Act [242] Amended: 1961/2003
- Threshing-machine Owners' Lien Act [243]
- Timaru Public Park and Garden Domain Reserve and Otipua Domain Reserve Vesting Act [244]
- Unclassified Societies' Registration Act [245]
- Uniforms Act [246]
- Wages Attachment Act [247]
- Waimate Municipal Reserves Act [248]
- Wellington Corporation and Hospital Contributors Exchange Act [249]
- Wilson Land Act [250]
Plus 41 Acts amended
- Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act [252]
- Alcoholic Liquors Inspection Act [253]
- Asiatic Restriction Act [254]
- Bishop Suter Art Gallery Trustees Act [255]
- Borough of Masterton Water-supply and Drainage-works Loan Empowering Act [256]
- Canterbury College and Canterbury Agricultural College Act [257] Amended: 1910/22
- Caversham Waterworks Account Act [258]
- Dunedin City Borrowing Act [259]
- Gisborne Harbour Board Empowering Act [260] Amended: 1953
- Government Railways Department Classification Act [261]
- Government Valuation of Land Act [262]
- Lake Forsyth Lands Vesting Act [263]
- Lyttelton Harbour Board Enlargement Act [264]
- Married Persons Summary Separation Act [265]
- Mataura Reserve Vesting Act [266]
- Mount Wellington Public Domain Board and Thomas Morrin Exchange of Land Act [267]
- Naval and Military Claims Settlement and Extinguishment Act [268]
- Ngatitoa Trust Act [269]
- Oamaru Harbour Board Leasing Act [270]
- Orchard and Garden Pests Act [271]
- Otago Boys' and Girls' High Schools Board Empowering Act [272]
- Photographic Copyright Act [273]
- Picton Recreation Reserve Act [274] Amended: 1921
- Poverty Bay Land and Deeds Registration Districts Act [275]
- Public Morgues Act [276]
- Railways Compensation Adjustment Act [277]
- Rating on Unimproved Value Act [278] Amended: 1903
- Registration of People's Claims Act [279]
- Reserves and Crown Lands Disposal and Enabling Act [280]
- St Albans Borough Council Special Loan Enabling Act [281]
- Tauranga Educational Endowment Reserves Act [282]
- The Electrical Motive-power Act [283]
- The Female Law Practitioners Act [284]
- The Greytown Trustees Empowering Act [285]
- Tobacco Excise Duties Act [286]
- Urewera District Native Reserve Act [287] Amended: 1909/10
- Waimakariri Harbour Board Land Act [288]
- Westport Harbour Board Loan Act [289]
Plus 35 Acts amended
- Awarua Seat Inquiry Act [291]
- Bluff Harbour Board Empowering Act [292]
- Borough of Lyttelton Corporation Enabling Act [293]
- Cyanide Process Gold-extraction Act [294]
- Government Emergency Loans to Local Bodies Act [295]
- Hawera Gasworks and Electric Lighting Act [296]
- Invercargill Racecourse Trustees Empowering Act [297]
- Joseph Houston Land-grant Act [298]
- Kapiti Island Public Reserve Act [299]
- Kohukohu Foreshore Reclamation Act [300]
- Lyttelton Harbour Board Loan Act [301]
- Members of the House of Representatives Disqualification Act [302]
- Napier Municipal Corporation and Napier Harbour Board Exchange of Lands Empower Act [303]
- Sunday Labour in Mines Prevention Act [304]
- Victoria College Act [305] Amended: 1914/23
- Wellington City Sanitation Loan Act [306]
- Wellington Education Board Transfer of Reserve Act [307]
Plus 19 Acts amended
- Admiralty House Act [309]
- Akitio County Act [310]
- Borough of Masterton Private Roads Act [311]
- Borough of Onehunga Water-supply Act [312]
- Canterbury College Powers Act [313]
- Clutha River Board Empowering Act [314]
- Clyde Recreation-ground Sale and Disposal Act [315]
- Divorce Act [316]
- Eketahuna County Act [317]
- Hannaton Church Site Act [318]
- Homing-pigeons Protection Act [319]
- Inebriates Institutions Act [320] Amended: 1902/03
- Johnsonville School Reserve Act [321]
- Kauri-Gum Industry Act [322]
- Little River Domain Board Empowering Act [323]
- Mairetahi Loan Conversion Act [324]
- McLean Motor-car Act [325]
- Municipal Franchise Reform Act [326]
- New Plymouth Borough Reserves and Street Exchanges Act [327]
- Old-age Pensions Act [328] Amended: 1901/02/08/09/10/11
- Onehunga Cemetery Act [329]
- Petone Corporation Lighting and Sanitation Loans Empowering Act [330]
- Port Chalmers Mechanics' Institute Reserves Vesting Act [331]
- Rabbit-proof Wire-netting Fences Act [332]
- Reserves, Endowments, and Crown and Native Lands Exchange, Sale, Disposal, and Act [333]
- Richmond Borough Council Empowering Act [334]
- Road Districts Validation Act [335]
- Shearers' Accommodation Act [336]
- Slander of Women Act [337]
- Stratford Electric Lighting Act [338]
- Thames Borough Loans Conversion Act [339]
- Unclaimed Moneys Act [340] Amended: 1958
- University of Otago Leases and Securities Act [341]
- Wairarapa North County Loan Act [342]
- Wairarapa South County Loan Act [343]
- Wairoa Harbour Board Empowering and Loan Act [344]
- Wanganui Hospital Board Empowering Act 1893 Extension Act [345]
- Wellington City Reclamation and Public Baths Act [346]
- Wellington Harbour Board and Corporation Empowering Act [347]
- Wellington Harbour Board Reclamation and Empowering Act [348]
- Wellington High Levels Tramway Act [349] Amended: 1935
Plus 19 Acts amended
- Auckland City Borrowing Act [351]
- Auckland Grammar School Act [352] Amended: 1928/55/66
- Borough of Port Chalmers Borrowing Act [353]
- Borough of Stratford Private Roads Act [354]
- Canterbury College and Canterbury Agricultural College Indemnity Act [355]
- Christchurch City Borrowing Act [356]
- Christchurch Domains Trust Indemnity Act [357]
- Cutten Trust Act [358]
- Employment of Boys or Girls without Payment Prevention Act [359]
- Gore Agricultural and Pastoral Association Empowering Act [360]
- Government Accident Insurance Act [361] Amended: 1924/62
- Heathcote Road District Sanitation Act [362]
- Immigration Restriction Act [363] Amended: 1908/10/20/23/31/33/35/51/58/59/60/61/62
- Invercargill Garrison Hall Trustees Empowering Act [364]
- Labour Day Act [365]
- Licensing Poll Regulation Act [366]
- Linwood and Woolston Boroughs Borrowing Act [367]
- Linwood Borough Loan Act [368]
- Local Government Voting Reform Act [369]
- Marlborough High School Act [370]
- Mauriceville County Act [371]
- Melrose Borough Gas Act [372]
- Municipal Franchise Reform Extension Act [373]
- Ohinemuri County Electric Power and Lighting Act [374]
- Pacific Cable Authorisation Act [375]
- Payment of Jurors Act [376]
- Police Provident Fund Act [377]
- Rotokare Domain Act [378]
- Stratford Borough Empowering Act [379]
- Te Aroha Borough Reserve Act [380]
- Thames Harbour Board Empowering Act [381]
- Wages Protection Act [382] Amended: 1983/85/91
- Wellington City Streets Act [383]
- Whakatane County Act [384]
Plus 19 Acts amended
- Alexandra Borough Race Enabling Act [386]
- Bank of New Zealand Officers' Guarantee and Provident Association Act [387]
- Borough of Rangiora Water-supply Act [388]
- British Investors in New Zealand Government Securities Act [389]
- Bubonic Plague Prevention Act [390]
- Canterbury College Empowering Act [391]
- Castlepoint County Act [392]
- Civil Service Examination Act [393]
- Coromandel Harbour Board Dissolution Act [394]
- Crown Tenants' Rent Rebate Act [395]
- Deceased Husband's Brother Marriage Act [396]
- Devonport Borough Enabling Act [397]
- Dunedin City and Suburban Tramways Act [398]
- Dunedin District Drainage and Sewerage Act [399] Amended: 1916/21/23/25/30/37/47/51/66/83
- Education Boards Election Act [400]
- Egmont National Park Act [401] Amended: 1927/33
- Gisborne Harbour Board Further Empowering Act [402]
- Greytown Electric Lighting and Loan Empowering Act [403]
- Hakataramea Public Hall Act [404]
- Hawera Borough Drainage Empowering Act [405]
- Hawera Borough Reserves Act [406]
- Hobson Bay Watershed Sewage Act [407]
- Hospitals and Charitable Aid Boards Act [408]
- Imprisonment for Debt Limitation Act [409] Amended: 1903/14/67/72/89
- Land for Settlements Consolidation Act [410]
- Manawatu Railway Purchasing Act [411]
- Manual and Technical Instruction Act [412]
- Maori Councils Act [413] Amended: 1903
- Maori Lands Administration Act [414] Amended: 1901
- Masterton County Act [415]
- Midland Authorised Area Land-settlement Act [416]
- Military Pensions Extension to Contingents Act [417]
- Mokau Harbour Board Act [418]
- Native Interpreters Classification Act [419]
- New Zealand Ensign Act [420]
- New Zealand Institute of Surveyors and Board of Examiners Act [421]
- Noxious Weeds Act [422] Amended: 1910/21/23/27/34/56/60/71
- Pacific Cable Act [423]
- Paeroa Gasworks Act [424]
- Pahiatua Gasworks Act [425]
- Public Contracts Act [426]
- Public-School Teachers' Salaries Act [427]
- Queenstown Electric Lighting Act [428]
- Rotorua Town Council Act [429]
- Shorthand Reporters Act [430] Amended: 1951
- Slaughtering and Inspection Act [431] Amended: 1910/18/27/30/34
- Supreme Court Judge Appointment Act [432]
- Testator's Family Maintenance Act [433] Amended: 1903
- Thames Borough Endowment Leasing Act [434]
- Thames Borough Waterworks Account Act [435]
- Trading-stamps Abolition and Discount-stamps Issue Act [436]
- Wellington City Betterment Act [437]
- Wellington City Leasing Act [438]
- Wellington Corporation Land Exchange Act [439]
- Westport-Ngakawau Railway Act [440]
- Workers' Compensation for Accidents Act [441] Amended: 1903
Plus 32 Acts amended
- Accidents Compensation Act [443]
- Arbitration Court President Validation Act [444]
- Borough of Mataura Loan Validation Act [445]
- Borough of Mornington Tramways Act [446]
- Cemetery Trustees Validation and Appointment Act [447]
- Charitable Gifts Act [448]
- Charitable Institutions Rating Act [449]
- Chatham Islands County Act [450]
- City of Auckland Loans Consolidation and Auckland City Borrowing Acts Amendm Act [451]
- Cook and other Islands Government Act [452]
- Cornwall Park Duties Exemption Act [453]
- Cyanide Process Extension Act [454]
- Egmont County Act [455]
- Exportation of Arms Act [456]
- Featherston County Act [457]
- Flax Grading and Export Act [458]
- Gore Cemetery Reserve Vesting and Enabling Act [459]
- Government Advances to Settlers Extension Act [460]
- Greytown Reserves Vesting and Disposal Enabling Act [461]
- Inch-Clutha Road, River, and Drainage Act [462] Amended: 1921
- Invercargill Reserve Landing Act [463]
- Kairanga County Act [464]
- Kiwitea County Council Offices Act [465]
- Local Authorities Indemnity Act [466]
- Local Bodies' Goldfields Public Works and Loans Act [467]
- Lyttelton Borough Council Empowering Act [468]
- Manawatu Railway Sale and Purchase Empowering Act [469]
- Maori Antiquities Act [470]
- Masterton Public Park Management Act [471]
- Miners' Rights Fee Reduction Act [472]
- Money-lenders Act [473] Amended: 1933
- Mortgages of Land Act [474]
- Nurses Registration Act [475] Amended: 1920
- Opium Prohibition Act [476]
- Pariroa Native Reserve Act [477]
- Physical Drill in Public and Native Schools Act [478]
- Presbyterian Church of New Zealand Act [479]
- Remuera Waterworks Empowering Act [480]
- Reserves and other Lands Sale Disposal, and Enabling and Public Bodies Empow Act [481]
- Rhodes Trust Act [482]
- Rotorua Town Council Validation and Extension Act [483]
- Royal Visit Expenses Act [484]
- State Coal-mines Act [485] Amended: 1902
- Templeton Domain Board Empowering Act [486]
- Timber Export Act [487]
- Victoria College Site and Wellington College and Girls' High School and Well Act [488]
- Wesleyan Church Reserve Vesting Act [489]
- Westland and Nelson Coalfields Administration Act [490] Amended: 1926
- Woodville County Act [491]
Plus 27 Acts amended
- Accident Insurance Companies Act [493] Amended: 1972/77
- Balclutha Reserves and Empowering Act [494]
- Bluff Harbour Board Representation Act [495]
- Bluff Harbour Foreshore Reclamation and Leasing and Borrowing Act [496]
- Christchurch City Council Empowering Act [497]
- Christchurch Tramways District Act [498] Amended: 1912
- City of Christchurch Electric Power and Loan Empowering Act [499]
- Courthouse-sites Exchange Act [500]
- Dilworth Trustees Act [501]
- Dunedin Town Belt Roads Closing and Regulation Act [502] Amended: 1984
- East Coast Native Trust Lands Act [503] Amended: 1912
- Egmont County Districts Adjustment Act [504]
- Government Railways Superannuation Fund Act [505]
- Hawera Borough Betterment Act [506]
- Hawera County Electric Lighting Act [507]
- Hawera Hospital District Act [508]
- Land and Deeds Registration Districts Act [509]
- Land Titles Protection Act [510]
- Law Societies Act [511]
- Licensing Committees and Polls Act [512]
- Manual and Technician Instruction Act [513]
- Masterton Borough Betterment Act [514]
- Masterton Trustees Empowering Act [515]
- Methodist Church of Australasia in New Zealand Act [516]
- Midland Railway Petitions Settlement Act [517]
- Motor-cars Regulation Act [518]
- Mount Herbert County Act [519]
- Nelson City Streets and Reserves Act [520]
- New River Harbour Reclamation Act [521]
- North Canterbury Common Hospital Reserve Act [522]
- Oxford and Cust Road Districts Alteration of Boundaries Act [523]
- Pacific Cable Extension Act [524]
- Pahiatua County Council Empowering Act [525]
- Second-hand Dealers Act [526] Amended: 1934
- Solicitors' Bills of Costs Act [527]
- Statutes Compilation Act [528] Amended: 1915
- Towns Main Streets Act [529]
- Tukituki bridge Loans Act [530]
- University of Otago Empowering Act [531]
- Victoria College Site Act [532]
- Waihi Hospital District Act [533]
- Waikokopu Harbour Board Act [534]
- Waimarino County Act [535]
- Weber County Act [536]
- Wellington Harbour Board Empowering Act [537]
Plus 29 Acts amended and 2 Acts repealed.
- Arbitration Court Emergency Act [539]
- Australian and New Zealand Naval Defence Act [540]
- Borough of Dannevirke Electric Power and Loan Empowering Act [541]
- Borough of Gore Electric Power Empowering Act [542]
- Bush and Swamp Crown Lands Settlement Act [543]
- Carterton Borough Water-supply Act [544]
- City of Auckland Empowering Act [545]
- City of Christchurch Special Loans Enabling Act [546]
- City Single Electorates Act [547]
- Clutha Floods Relief Fund Trustees Empowering Act [548]
- Coastwise Trade Act [549]
- Collingwood County Act [550]
- Commissioners Act [551]
- Dairy Industry Act Extension Act [552]
- Dramatic Copyright Act [553]
- Dunedin City and Suburban Tramways and Water-power Act [554] Amended: 1911
- General Assembly Library Act [555]
- Gore Athenaeum Reserve Vesting and Empowering Act [556]
- Government Railways Superannuation Fund Contributions Act [557]
- Grand Lodge of Freemasons of New Zealand Trustees Act [558] Amended: 1957/64
- Huirangi Domain and Huirangi Institute Empowering Act [559]
- Hutt Mechanics' Institute Sale Act [560]
- Hutt Railway and Road Improvement Act [561] Amended: 1911/19
- Hutt Road Act [562] Amended: 1917/22
- Intestates' Estates Act [563]
- Juvenile Smoking Suppression Act [564]
- Kawhia and Awakino Counties Act [565]
- Labour Department Act [566] Amended: 1936/70/73/79/85
- Masterton Hospital Contributors Empowering Act [567]
- Mokau River Trust Act [568]
- Mutual Fire Insurance Act [569] Amended: 1913/25/34
- National Scholarships Act [570]
- New Plymouth Borough and Taranaki Hospital Exchange Act [571]
- Otago Dock Trust Electric Lighting Act [572]
- Paeroa-Waihi Railway Act [573]
- Patea Harbour Board Foreshore Act [574]
- Patriotic Funds Act [575]
- Port Chalmers Corporation Empowering Act [576]
- Poukawa Native Reserve Act [577] Amended: 1910
- Preferential and Reciprocal Trade Act [578]
- Presbyterian College Site Act [579]
- Products Export Act [580] Amended: 1929/35
- Public Loans Renewal Act [581]
- Queen's Scholarships Act [582]
- Road and Town Districts Rating Act [583]
- Sand-drift Act [584]
- Scenery Preservation Act [585] Amended: 1906/10/15/26/33
- School Committees' Funds Act [586]
- Secondary Schools Act [587]
- Shipping and Seaman Act [588]
- St Albans Special Loan Validation and Empowering Act [589]
- State Fire Insurance Act [590] Amended: 1912/22/28/62
- Taranaki and Hawera Hospital Districts Apportionment Act [591]
- Taranaki School Commissioners and Borough Exchange Act [592]
- Thames Habour Board Empowering Act [593]
- Timaru Harbour District and Harbour Board Act [594]
- Timber Export Duty Act [595]
- Treasury Bills Extension Act [596]
- Waiapu Hospital District Act [597]
- Waihi Hospital Board Act [598]
- Waikokopu Harbour Act [599]
- Waimate County Water-races Validation Act [600]
- Wainono Drainage District Adjustment Act [601]
- Wanganui Suburbs Lighting Act [602]
- Water-power Act [603]
- Wellington City Recreation-ground Act [604]
- Wellington Corporation Leasing Act [605]
- Wellington Hospital Contributors Empowering Act [606]
- Whangarei Borough Repayment of Kensington Park Rate Enabling Act [607]
- Wireless Telegraphy Act [608]
Plus 42 Acts amended and 1 Act repealed.
- Ammunition-supply Act [610]
- Ashburton Water-supply Act [611]
- Auckland Harbour Board Loan and Empowering Act [612]
- Auckland Waterworks Extension Act [613]
- Borough of South Dunedin Empowering Act [614] Amended: 1909
- Carrington Compensation Award Satisfaction Act [615]
- Christchurch Domains Act [616] Amended: 1911/13/23/37/43
- Divorce and Matrimonial Causes Acts Compilation Act [617]
- Domain Boards Act [618]
- Education Acts Compilation Act [619]
- Fertilisers Act [620] Amended: 1962/72
- Hamilton Parsonage Site Act [621] Amended: 1937/94
- Hawke's Bay and Waipawa United District Charitable Aid Board Empowering Act [622]
- High Commissioner Act [623]
- Hokitika Harbour Board Empowering Act [624]
- Inglewood Town Board Leases Validation Act [625]
- Local Elections Act [626]
- Marriage Acts Compilation Act [627]
- Midwives Act [628]
- Native Land Duty Abolition Act [629]
- Native Land Rating Act [630]
- Nelson City Lands Vesting Act [631]
- Nelson Town School Site Exchange Act [632]
- New Zealand Loans Act [633] Amended: 1910/14/15/47/56/62/67/68/69
- Otago University Reserves Act [634]
- Public Officers' Appointment and Powers Act [635]
- Railway Service Computation Act [636]
- Railways Improvements Authorisation Act [637]
- Remuera Road District Borrowing Act [638]
- Roman Catholic Bishop of Christchurch Empowering Act [639]
- Shops and Offices Act [640] Amended: 1910/13/15/17/20/21/27/36/45/46/51/59/65/70/71/72/74/75/78
- South Canterbury Hospital and Charitable Aid Board Empowering Act [641]
- Stephen Cole Moule Trustees Empowering Act [642]
- Strafford Hospital District Act [643]
- Supreme Court Judges' Salaries Act [644]
- University Degrees Act [645]
- Waipori Falls Electrical Power Act [646]
- Waitara Harbour Board Foreshore Endowment Act [647]
- Waitomo County Act [648]
Plus 22 Acts amended
- Agricultural Implement Manufacture, Importation, and Sale Act [650]
- Auckland Cemetery Bridge and City Borrowing Act [651]
- Auckland Harbour Board and Devonport Borough Council Empowering Act [652]
- Borough of Birkenhead Enabling Act [653]
- Canterbury Agricultural College Reserves Act [654]
- Civil Service Classification Act [655]
- Coal-mines Acts Compilation Act [656]
- Dannevirke Education Reserve Transfer Act [657]
- Eastbourne Borough Act [658]
- Education Board of the District of Otago Empowering Act [659]
- Ellesmere Lands Drainage Act [660] Amended: 1912
- Eltham Borough Drainage and Water-supply Empowering Act [661]
- Eltham Public Hall Act [662]
- Epuni Leases Surrender Act [663]
- Evidence Act [664] Amended: 1926/45/50/52/58/62/63/66/72/73/74/76/77/80/82/85/86/87/88/89/90/94/95/98/2000/05/07
- Gerhard John Mueller Enabling Act [665]
- Havelock Harbour Board Act [666] Amended: 1910/53
- Hokitika Harbour Act [667] Amended: 1908
- Horowhenua Lake Act [668]
- Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration Acts Compilation Act [669]
- Invercargill Cemetery Vesting Act [670]
- Kaiapoi Native Reserve Act [671]
- Lyttelton Borough Council Foreshore Vesting Act [672]
- Lyttleton Harbour Board Land Act [673]
- Maori Land Settlement Act [674]
- Marriages Validation Act [675]
- Masterton Public Park Extension Act [676]
- Medical Practitioners Registration Act [677]
- Mining Acts Compilation Act [678]
- Motor Registration Act [679]
- Motueka Harbour Board Act [680] Amended: 1936
- Native Townships Local Government Act [681]
- Nelson Harbour Act [682] Amended: 1920
- New Zealand International Exhibition Empowering Act [683]
- Oamaru Borough Council Loan Act [684]
- Oamaru Volunteer Drill-shed Site Act [685]
- Oxford Road District Act [686]
- Paeroa Domain Loan Validation Act [687]
- Palmerston North High School Reserve Act [688]
- Petone and Hutt Corporations Empowering Act [689]
- Petone Borough Empowering Act [690]
- Petone Corporation Waterworks Act [691]
- Property Law Act [692] Amended: 1927/28/32/39/50/51/53/57/59/61/63/65/67/68/71/75/76/77/80/82/83/86/93/94/95
- Public Works Acts Compilation Act [693]
- Sentry Hill-New Plymouth Railway Deviation Act [694]
- Tapanui Commonage Reserve Act [695]
- Taranaki Scholarships Act [696]
- Teachers' Superannuation Act [697]
- Timaru Borough Drainage, Sewerage, and Loans Act [698]
- Timber and Flax Royalties Act [699]
- Waikaka Branch Railway Act [700]
- Wallace Hospital District Act [701]
- Wanganui Harbour Act [702]
- Wellington Hospital Contributors and Society for Relief of the Aged Needy Ex Act [703]
- Workers' Dwellings Act [704] Amended: 1914
Plus 30 Acts amended
- Apiaries Act [706] Amended: 1913/20/51/53/56/58/65/67/71/73/78/80
- Auckland Girls' Grammar School Act [707]
- Auckland Savings-bank Educational Special Donation Act [708]
- Bank-shares Transfer Act [709]
- Borough of Port Chalmers and Otago Dock Trust Exchange of Land Act [710]
- Christchurch Tramway District Act [711] Amended: 1910/21/26/27/32/39/49/50/51/54/60/63/66/70/74/75
- City of Dunedin Lands Vesting Act [712] Amended: 1965
- Customs Duties Adjustment Act [713]
- Eketahuna Borough Act [714]
- Eltham County Act [715]
- Fire Brigades Act [716] Amended: 1908/13/14/32
- Firearms Act [717]
- Gladstone Streets Vesting and Empowering Act [718]
- Government Advances to Workers Act [719]
- Greytown Trustees Empowering Act [720]
- Habitual Criminals and Offenders Act [721]
- Habitual Drunkards Act [722]
- Jubilee Institute for the Blind Act [723]
- Juvenile Offenders Act [724]
- Kensington Park Rate Exemption Act [725]
- Motor Regulation Act [726]
- Napier Athenaeum and Mechanics' Institute Empowering Act [727]
- Napier Harbour Board Exchange of Lands Empowering Act [728]
- Napier Hospital Site Extension Act [729]
- New Plymouth Borough and the Taranaki School Commissioners Exchange Act [730]
- New Zealand and South African Customs Duties Reciprocity Act [731]
- New Zealand International Exhibition Act [732]
- Onslow Borough Drainage Empowering Act [733]
- Otago Dock Validation Act [734]
- Otago Presbyterian Church Board of Property Act [735] Amended: 1884/1925/30/39/48
- Palmerston North Dairying School Act [736]
- Petone Borough Streets Act [737]
- Private Hospitals Act [738]
- Reserves and other Lands Disposal and Public Bodies Empowering Act [739]
- Roman Catholic Bishop of Auckland Empowering Act [740]
- Sale of Explosives Act [741]
- Sandy Point and Grasmere Domains Vesting Act [742]
- Savings-banks Profits Act [743]
- Scaffolding Inspection Act [744]
- South Island Landless Natives Act [745]
- State Coal-mines Account Act [746]
- Thames Deep Levels Enabling Act [747]
- Timaru Harbour District Act [748]
- Timaru Public Library Act [749]
- Tourist and Health Resorts Control Act [750] Amended: 1977
- Training-ships Act [751]
- Vincent and Maniototo Hospital Districts Act [752]
- Waimate Agricultural Reserve Dairy School Act [753]
- Waimumu Stream Drainage Act [754]
- Wellington City Reclamation and Empowering Act [755]
Plus 35 Acts amended
- Agricultural Labourers' Accommodation Act [757]
- Auckland Harbour Board and Birkenhead Borough Empowering Act [758]
- Butter Export Act [759]
- Canterbury College Endowment Act [760]
- Co-operative Dairy Companies Act [761] Amended: 1950/51/56/76/78
- Dunedin Suburban Gas Company Empowering Act [762]
- Flour and other Products Monopoly Prevention Act [763]
- Foreign Tribunals Evidence Act [764]
- Gisborne Harbour Board Enabling Act [765] Amended: 1922
- Gore Agricultural and Pastoral Association Vesting and Enabling Act [766]
- Gore Streets Act [767]
- Hastings Recreation Reserve Act [768]
- Hutt Park Act [769] Amended: 1914
- Levin Borough Reserves Vesting and Empowering Act [770]
- Makara County Act [771]
- Maniototo Hospital and Charitable Aid Act [772]
- Marine Insurance Act [773] Amended: 1975
- Methylated Spirit Act [774]
- National Endowment Act [775]
- Native Land Settlement Act [776]
- Nelson Hospital and Charitable Aid Board Empowering Act [777]
- Nelson Institute Act [778]
- New Plymouth Borough Electric and Waterworks Loans Validation Act [779]
- New Zealand and South African Customs Treaty Ratification Act [780]
- Ngatimaru Landless Natives Act [781]
- Otaki and Porirua Empowering Act [782]
- Packet Licenses Act [783]
- Parliamentary and Executive Titles Act [784]
- Petone Water-supply Conservation Act [785]
- Post and Telegraph Classification Act [786]
- Post-Office Savings-Bank Funds Investment Act [787]
- Public Service Classification Act [788]
- Public Service Superannuation Act [789]
- Purangi Landless Natives Act [790]
- Rangitatau Block Exchange Act [791]
- Reserve Fund Securities Act [792]
- Rotorua Town Act [793]
- Taieri Land Drainage Act [794] Amended: 1914
- Tapanui Hospital Reserve Vesting Act [795]
- Tariff Act [796] Amended: 1989/90/91/94
- Taumarunui Town Council Election Validation Act [797]
- Tohunga Suppression Act [798]
- Waipawa Borough Act [799]
- Waipawa County Act [800]
- Waipukurau County Act [801]
- Wairau Harbour Board Act [802]
- Waitara Harbour District and Empowering Act [803]
- Whangamomona County Act [804]
- Whangarei Harbour Act [805]
Plus 34 Acts amended and 1 Act repealed.
- Auckland and Manukau Canal Act [807]
- Auckland University College Land Act [808]
- Carterton Borough Council Vesting and Enabling Act [809]
- Christchurch City Betterment Act [810]
- Christchurch City Sanitation Empowering Act [811] Amended: 1922/27
- Consolidated Statutes Enactment Act [812]
- Declaratory Judgments Act [813] Amended: 1966
- Education Reserves Leases Validation and Empowering Act [814]
- Gonville and Castlecliff Tramway District Act [815]
- Gore Public Library Vesting Act [816]
- Hauraki Plains Act [817] Amended: 1911/12/13/14/22
- Hawera Technical School Site Exchange Act [818]
- Hutt Valley Tramway District Act [819]
- Inangahua County Empowering Act [820]
- Incorporated Societies Act [821] Amended: 1920/22/30/51/53/65/71/76/81/83/93/2005
- Land-tax Income-tax Act [822]
- Lincoln Road Board Empowering Act [823]
- Local Authorities Superannuation Act [824] Amended: 1912/24
- Local Authorities' Indemnity Act [825]
- Matamata County Act [826]
- Meikle Acquittal Act [827]
- Mental Hospitals Reserves Act [828]
- Murchison County Act [829]
- Napier Public Baths Act [830]
- Naval Subsidy Act [831]
- New Plymouth Harbour Board Empowering Act [832] Amended: 1952
- New Zealand Society of Accountants Act [833] Amended: 1909/13/15/63/68/71/74/77/78/82/92/93
- Oamaru Reserves Act [834]
- Ohakune Town Board Election Validation Act [835]
- Ohura County Act [836]
- Opunake Harbour Act [837] Amended: 1909/12
- Otago Dock Trust Merger Act [838] Amended: 1909
- Otago Heads Native Reserve Road Act [839]
- Palmerston North Dairy School Reserve Act [840]
- Public Bodies' Leases Act [841] Amended: 1914
- Quackery Prevention Act [842]
- Roman Catholic Archbishop of Wellington Empowering Act [843]
- Ross Goldfields Electric Power Transmission Act [844]
- Second Ballot Act [845]
- Taupo No 2 Block Act [846]
- Validation Court Empowering Act [847]
- Waikohu County Act [848]
- Waimate West County Act [849]
- Waipuka Block Road Revesting Act [850]
- Wellington and Manawatu Railway Purchase Act [851]
- Whakatane Foreshore Reclamation Act [852]
- Whangarei Abattoir Site Act [853]
- Workers' Compensation Act [854] Amended: 1909/11/13/20/26/36/43/45/47/49/50/51/52/53/54/58/59/60/62/63/64/66/67/68/69/70/71/72/78/80
Plus 33 Acts amended
- Auckland City Loans Consolidation and Empowering Act [856]
- City of Auckland Enabling Act [857]
- Death Duties Act [858] Amended: 1911/20/23/25/26/50/52/53
- Ellesmere Domain Board Empowering Act [859]
- Finance Act [860]
- Grey Lynn Domain Vesting Act [861]
- Heathcote Road Board Waterworks Act [862]
- Inferior Courts Procedure Act [863] Amended: 1979
- Inglewood Technical-school Site Act [864]
- King-country Licenses Act [865]
- Kiwitea County Validation Act [866]
- Land for Settlements Administration Act [867]
- Land Settlement Finance Act [868] Amended: 1910
- Masterton Trust Lands Exchange Act [869]
- McLean Institute Act [870]
- Naval Defence Act [871] Amended: 1922/36/50/51
- New Plymouth Harbour Reclamation Act [872]
- New Plymouth Recreation and Racecourse Reserve Exchange Act [873]
- New Zealand State-guaranteed Advances Act [874] Amended: 1910/11/12
- Otago Dock Trust Lands Reclamation and Street-widening Act [875]
- Otago Hospital Board Kaitangata Reserve Vesting Act [876]
- Race Meetings Act [877]
- Reefton Recreation Reserve Act [878]
- Reformatory Institutions Act [879] Amended: 1918/32
- Roman Catholic Archbishop Empowering Act [880]
- Roman Catholic Bishop of Auckland Special Powers Act [881]
- Rotoiti Validation Act [882]
- Taranaki Agricultural Society Empowering Act [883]
- Tawera County Act [884]
- Timaru Borough Loans Consolidation Act [885]
- Tokomaru Freezing-works Site Act [886]
- Waimairi County Act [887]
- Waipara County Act [888]
- Waipukurau Reserve Act [889]
- Wairewa County Act [890]
- Waitara Borough Reserves Vesting Act [891]
- Wanganui Roman Catholic Lands Act [892]
- Wanganui School Sites Act [893] Amended: 1911/13
Plus 19 Acts amended
- Aid to Water-power Works Act [895]
- By-laws Act [896]
- Census and Statistics Act [897] Amended: 1915
- Commercial Trusts Act [898]
- Exhibitions Act [899] Amended: 1963
- Fruit-farms Settlement Act [900]
- Greymouth Harbour Board Loans Consolidation Act [901] Amended: 1910
- Hastings Borough Loan Empowering Act [902]
- Horowhenua County Loan Act [903]
- Inalienable Life Annuities Act [904]
- Indecent Publications Act [905] Amended: 1954/58/61/72/77/82/83/86
- Invercargill Tramway Buildings and Works Site Act [906]
- Kaiapoi Reserve Act [907]
- Kaitieke County Act [908]
- Land-tax and income-tax Act [909]
- Lyttelton Harbour Board Reclamation and Empowering Act [910]
- National Provident Fund Act [911] Amended: 1914/15/19/25/31/42/46/54/55/56/57/58/59/60/61/62/63/64/65/66/67/71/72/76/77/82/83/88
- Nelson City Drainage Loan and Empowering Act [912]
- Oamaru Harbour Board Enabling Act [913]
- Otago Harbour Board Lands Vesting Act [914]
- Phosphorus Matches Act [915]
- Public Debt Extinction Act [916]
- Public Holidays Act [917] Amended: 1921/48/62
- Rangitaiki Land Drainage Act [918] Amended: 1913/14/23/48/57/69
- Secret Commissions Act [919]
- Selwyn County Subdivision Act [920]
- Stone-quarries Act [921] Amended: 1911/20/22
- Taranaki Scholarships Endowment Act [922]
- Templeton Domain Alteration of Boundaries Act [923]
- Thermal Springs Districts Act [924]
- Waihou and Ohinemuri Rivers Improvement Act [925] Amended: 1912/58
- Waikouaiti County Council Reserve Vesting Act [926]
- Waitara Harbour Board and Borough Empowering Act [927]
- Wanganui Church Acre Act [928] Amended: 1917/31
- Wanganui Harbour Board Vesting Act [929]
- Wellington City Milk-supply Act [930] Amended: 1914/26/33
- Woodville Borough Drainage Empowering Act [931]
- Wyndham Showground Reserve Act [932]
Plus 59 Acts amended and 1 Act repealed.
- Ashley Subdivision, and the Waimakariri-Ashley Water-supply Board Act [934]
- Auckland Electric-power Station Site Act [935]
- Auckland Grammar School Site Act [936]
- Awatere County Act [937]
- City of Christchurch Empowering Act [938]
- Dunedin Technical School Site Act [939]
- Elingamite Rehearing Act [940]
- Franklin and Manukau Counties Act [941]
- Greytown Town Lands and Hospital Lands Exchange Act [942]
- Hamilton Domains Act [943] Amended: 1922
- Heathcote County Boundary Act [944]
- Invercargill Reserves Vesting Act [945]
- Kaikoura Hospital Site Act [946]
- Little River Domain Board Act [947]
- Lyttelton Borough Extension Act [948] Amended: 1915
- Manukau Harbour Control Act [949]
- Mental Defectives Act [950] Amended: 1914/21/28/35/50/51
- Methodist Charitable and Educational Trusts Act [951] Amended: 1971/76/88
- Methodist Church of New Zealand Act [952]
- Mosgiel Borough Empowering Act [953]
- Oamaru Municipal Exchange and Market Reserve Leasing Act [954]
- Onehunga Borough Vesting Act [955] Amended: 1957
- Papakaio Water-race District Validation Act [956]
- Patents, Designs, and Trade-marks Act [957] Amended: 1913/14/24/29/39/43/46/47
- Portobello Road District Lands Vesting Act [958]
- Representation Commissions' Reports Validation Act [959]
- Riverton Harbour Loan and Empowering Act [960]
- Ross Borough Council Vesting and Empowering Act [961] Amended: 1912
- Sir Donald McLean Memorial Park Act [962]
- Tapanui Commonage Reserve Exchange and Leasing Act [963]
- University of Otago Council Act [964]
- Waikoikoi Public Hall Transfer Act [965]
- Waikowhai Park Act [966]
- Wanganui River Bridge No 2 Act [967]
- Widows' Pensions Act [968] Amended: 1912
Plus 29 Acts amended
- Aged and Infirm Persons Protection Act [970] Amended: 1957/69/75
- Akaroa and Wainui Road District, Akaroa County, and Wairewa County Alteration o Act [971]
- Auckland Education Reserves Act [972]
- Barmaids Registration Act [973]
- Country Telephones-lines Act [974]
- Deputy Governor's Powers Act [975]
- Land Agents Act [976] Amended: 1955/56/59/61
- Mokau Harbour Board Empowering Act [977]
- New Plymouth Huatoki Stream Diversion and Exchange Act [978]
- Oamaru King George's Park Reserve Vesting Act [979]
- Plumbers Registration Act [980] Amended: 1950/55
- Public Service Act [981] Amended: 1927/46/50/51/52/54/59/60
- Tatum Trust Revocation Act [982]
- Tauranga Harbour Act [983] Amended: 1917
- Thomas George Macarthy Trust Act [984] Amended: 1972
- Waimairi County Differential Rate Empowering Act [985]
- Wellington and Karori Sanitation and Water-supply Act [986] Amended: 1915
- Westland Hospital and Charitable Aid Board Vesting and Empowering Act [987]
- Whakatane Harbour Act [988] Amended: 1915/16/17/20/22/28/50
Plus 49 Acts amended
See also
The above list may not be current and will contain errors and omissions. For more accurate information try: