List of Russian sail frigates

This is a list of Russian sail frigates of the period 1694–1852:
The format is: Name, number of guns (rank/real amount), launch year (A = built in Arkhangelsk), fate (service = combat service, BU = broken up)


Sail frigates of war

Early Russian frigates

Sviatogo Dukha-class (2 units)

Frigates of the Baltic Fleet (1703–1852)

Sias‘skii-class (2 units)

Shlissel‘burg-class (7 units)

Mikhail Arkhangel-class (2 units)

Sviatoi Piotr-class (2 units)

Kreyser-class (3 units)

Gektor-class (16 units)

Astafii-class (16 units)

Briachislav-class (8 units)

Arkhangel Mikhail-class (3 units)

Built according to drawings of ex-Swedish frigate HMS Venus, which had designed by F. af Chapman

Tikhvenskaya Bogoroditsa-class (2 units)

Built according to improved drawings of ex-Swedish frigate HMS Venus, which had designed by F. af Chapman

Speshnyi-class (34 units)

Amfitrida-class (7 units)

Kastor-class (2 units)

Pomona-class (2 units)

Provornyi-class (8 units)

Pallada-class (2 units)

Built according to improved drawings of HMS President (1800)

Frigates of the Azov Flotilla (1770–1783) of Catherine the Great

Pervyi-class (2 units)

The only two frigates, participated the Russo-Turkish War (1768–1774) consisting of Azov Flotilla

Tretyi-class (2 units)

Piatyi-class (3 units)

Vos‘moi-class (9 units)

Frigates of the Black Sea Fleet (1783–1855)

Vos‘moi-class (last 3 units)

Kinburn-class (3 units)

Apostol Andrei-class (2 units)

50-gun battlefrigates, 2-deckers

Piotr Apostol-class (6 units)

46-gun battlefrigates

Voin-class (2 units)

Vezul-class (2 units)

Tenedos-class (6 units)

According to their designer, admiral Alexey Greig, this frigates only by a negligible margin inferiored to 74-gun ships of the line

Frigates of the Caspian Flotilla

№ 1-class (3 units)

Kavkaz-class (5 units)

Rowing frigates

This type of sailing & rowing vessels was intended for the skerries of the Gulf of Finland. These vessels, except for the two Evangelist Mark-class vessels, belonged to the Baltic Rowing (Army) Fleet.

Evangelist Mark-class (2 units)

Ekaterina-class (18 units)

Petergof-class gemams (6 units)

"Gemam" — is Russian pronunciation of Hemmema — original Swedish-design ship for skerries (designed by Fredrik Henrik af Chapman). A kind of rowing frigate.

Training frigates

Built special for naval training. Belonged to the Sea Cadet Corps' Squadron.

Malyi-class (6 units)

95 naval cadets.

Vernost‘-class (3 units)

75 naval cadets.

Russian trophies (frigates)
