List of MeSH codes (G04)
- For other categories, see List of MeSH codes.
The following is a list of the "G" codes for MeSH. It is a product of the United States National Library of Medicine.
Source for content is here. (File "2006 MeSH Trees".)
MeSH G04 --- biological phenomena, cell phenomena, and immunity
- MeSH G04.185.515.070 --- antibiosis
- MeSH G04.185.515.120 --- bacterial physiology
- MeSH G04.185.515.120.100 --- bacterial adhesion
- MeSH G04.185.515.120.105 --- bacterial translocation
- MeSH G04.185.515.120.120 --- bacteriolysis
- MeSH G04.185.515.120.600 --- nitrogen fixation
- MeSH G04.185.515.286 --- drug resistance, microbial
- MeSH G04.185.515.286.347 --- drug resistance, bacterial
- MeSH G04.185.515.286.347.500 --- beta-lactam resistance
- MeSH G04.185.515.286.347.500.175 --- cephalosporin resistance
- MeSH G04.185.515.286.347.500.600 --- penicillin resistance
- MeSH G04.185.515.286.347.500.600.050 --- ampicillin resistance
- MeSH G04.185.515.286.347.500.600.525 --- methicillin resistance
- MeSH G04.185.515.286.347.750 --- chloramphenicol resistance
- MeSH G04.185.515.286.347.812 --- drug resistance, multiple, bacterial
- MeSH G04.185.515.286.347.875 --- kanamycin resistance
- MeSH G04.185.515.286.347.937 --- tetracycline resistance
- MeSH G04.185.515.286.347.968 --- trimethoprim resistance
- MeSH G04.185.515.286.347.984 --- vancomycin resistance
- MeSH G04.185.515.286.383 --- drug resistance, fungal
- MeSH G04.185.515.286.383.500 --- drug resistance, multiple, fungal
- MeSH G04.185.515.286.420 --- drug resistance, viral
- MeSH G04.185.515.286.420.500 --- drug resistance, multiple, viral
- MeSH G04.185.515.329 --- drug resistance, multiple
- MeSH G04.185.515.329.500 --- drug resistance, multiple, bacterial
- MeSH G04.185.515.329.625 --- drug resistance, multiple, fungal
- MeSH G04.185.515.329.750 --- drug resistance, multiple, viral
- MeSH G04.185.515.372 --- germ-free life
- MeSH G04.185.515.372.676 --- specific pathogen-free organisms
- MeSH G04.185.515.423 --- hemadsorption
- MeSH G04.185.515.620 --- microbial viability
- MeSH G04.185.515.671 --- nitrogen fixation
- MeSH G04.185.515.870 --- transformation, bacterial
- MeSH G04.185.515.880 --- viral physiology
- MeSH G04.185.515.880.040 --- antibody-dependent enhancement
- MeSH G04.185.515.880.210 --- cell transformation, viral
- MeSH G04.185.515.880.225 --- cytopathogenic effect, viral
- MeSH G04.185.515.880.420 --- hemagglutination, viral
- MeSH G04.185.515.880.450 --- inclusion bodies, viral
- MeSH G04.185.515.880.910 --- viral interference
- MeSH G04.185.515.880.926 --- virus inactivation
- MeSH G04.185.515.880.930 --- virus integration
- MeSH G04.185.515.880.930.500 --- lysogeny
- MeSH G04.185.515.880.935 --- virus latency
- MeSH G04.185.515.880.941 --- virus replication
- MeSH G04.185.515.880.941.940 --- virus activation
- MeSH G04.185.515.880.941.950 --- virus assembly
- MeSH G04.185.515.880.960 --- virus shedding
- MeSH G04.185.515.910 --- virulence
MeSH G04.335.250 --- cell membrane permeability
MeSH G04.610.143 --- antigen-antibody reactions
MeSH G04.610.300 --- dose-response relationship, immunologic
MeSH G04.610.570 --- immunity, maternally-acquired
- MeSH G04.610.626.051 --- antibody diversity
- MeSH G04.610.626.073 --- antigenic variation
- MeSH G04.610.626.320 --- gene rearrangement, b-lymphocyte
- MeSH G04.610.626.320.501 --- gene rearrangement, b-lymphocyte, heavy chain
- MeSH G04.610.626.320.501.450 --- immunoglobulin class switching
- MeSH G04.610.626.320.601 --- gene rearrangement, b-lymphocyte, light chain
- MeSH G04.610.626.325 --- gene rearrangement, t-lymphocyte
- MeSH G04.610.626.325.111 --- gene rearrangement, alpha-chain t-cell antigen receptor
- MeSH G04.610.626.325.211 --- gene rearrangement, beta-chain t-cell antigen receptor
- MeSH G04.610.626.325.261 --- gene rearrangement, delta-chain t-cell antigen receptor
- MeSH G04.610.626.325.311 --- gene rearrangement, gamma-chain t-cell antigen receptor
- MeSH G04.610.626.398 --- genes, immunoglobulin
- MeSH G04.610.626.454 --- immunoglobulin allotypes
- MeSH G04.610.626.454.586 --- immunoglobulin gm allotypes
- MeSH G04.610.626.454.587 --- immunoglobulin km allotypes
- MeSH G04.610.626.510 --- immunoglobulin idiotypes
- MeSH G04.610.626.580 --- major histocompatibility complex
- MeSH G04.610.626.580.595 --- genes, mhc class i
- MeSH G04.610.626.580.600 --- genes, mhc class ii
- MeSH G04.610.626.590 --- minor histocompatibility loci
- MeSH G04.610.626.600 --- minor lymphocyte stimulatory loci
- MeSH G04.610.626.820 --- somatic hypermutation, immunoglobulin
MeSH G04.610.900 --- t-cell antigen receptor specificity