List of Imperial abbeys

Imperial abbeys (German: Reichsabteien, also Reichsklöster and Reichsstifte) were religious houses within the Holy Roman Empire which for some period during their existence had the status of Reichsunmittelbarkeit ("imperial immediacy"): that is, such houses were answerable directly to the Emperor and were thus sovereign territories (however small), independent of other lordships. This status brought with it numerous other political and financial advantages, such as immunity from the authority of the local bishop, rights to demand various taxes and duties and to levy justice.

The head of an Imperial abbey was generally an Imperial abbot (Reichsabt) or Imperial abbess (Reichsäbtissin). (The head of a Reichspropstei — an Imperial provostry or priory — was generally a Reichspropst). Some of the greatest establishments had the rank of ecclesiastical principalities, and were headed by a Prince-Abbot or a Prince-Provost (Fürstabt, Fürstpropst), with status comparable to that of Prince-Bishops. Most however (and many of these religious houses had only very small territories) were Imperial prelates (Reichsprelaten) and as such participated in a single collective vote in the Reichstag as members of the Bench of Prelates, later (1575) divided into the Swabian College of Imperial Prelates and the Rhenish College of Imperial Prelates.

It was not uncommon for heads of religious houses other than the Imperial abbeys to have similar titles even though their establishments did not have Reichsunmittelbarkeit. To take three examples, the Prince-Bishop of St. Gall retained his title until the abbey was secularised in 1798, even though it had ceased to be an Imperial abbey in 1648; the abbot of Muri (which had a strong Habsburg connection) was created an Imperial prince in 1710, although by that time Muri was in Switzerland; and the Prince-Abbot of St. Blaise's Abbey in Baden-Württemberg held that title, not on account of the status of the abbey, which was not reichsunmmittelbar, but because it was conferred on him by the abbey's ownership of the County of Bonndorf.


Lists of Imperial abbeys

List A: Imperial abbeys named in the Matrikel

The religious houses listed here as List A are those named in the Matrikel, or lists of those eligible to vote in the Reichstag, including those whose votes were collective rather than individual. Three of these lists survive and are accessible, from 1521, 1755 (or thereabouts) and 1792.

This list includes the Principalities, Imperial abbeys (Reichsabteien and -klöster), Imperial colleges (Reichsstifte), Imperial provostries or priories (Reichspropsteien) and the single Imperial charterhouse (Reichskartause).

The word "Stift", meaning a collegiate foundation or canonry, possibly belonging to a variety of different orders or to none at all, and either with or without rules and vows, for either men ("Herrenstift") or for women ("Frauenstift"), has been left untranslated, except when it specifically refers to the chapter of a church.

Some of the imperial abbeys were dissolved during the Reformation; others were absorbed into other territories at various times in the general course of political life. Those in Alsace and Switzerland passed out of the Empire in 1648, when Alsace was ceded to France and Switzerland became independent. The great majority of these religious bodies however were secularised during the brief period that included the French Revolution, the Napoleonic Wars and their aftermath, especially as a result of the Reichsdeputationshauptschluss of February 1803. Any that survived, lost their Imperial titles when the Holy Roman Empire was wound up in 1806.


CoA Religious house Location Founded Imm. Lost imm. To... Description and status College
Baindt Abbey Baden-Württemberg &100000000000012400000001240 &100000000000013760000001376 &100000000000018020000001802 Sec. County of Aspermont-Linden Cistercian nunnery; reichsunmittelbar but remained subordinate to Salem Abbey. RA SC
Berchtesgaden Provostry Bavaria &100000000000011020000001102 &100000000000011940000001194 &100000000000018030000001803 Sec. Electorate of Salzburg Augustinian Canons. Fürstpropstei ("Prince-Provostry"). RF from 1380 or 1559 RF
Buchau Abbey Baden-Württemberg &10000000000000700000000ca 700 &100000000000013470000001347 &100000000000018030000001803 Sec. County of Thurn und Taxis Frauenstift. RA. RF[1] RC
Burtscheid Abbey North Rhine-Westphalia (Aachen) &10000000000000997000000997 &100000000000012200000001220/21 &100000000000018020000001802 Sec. Roer Benedictine monastery; from 1220/21 Cistercian nunnery. RF RC
Buxheim Charterhouse Bavaria &10000000000001100000000ca 1100 &100000000000015480000001548 &100000000000018020000001802/03 Sec. County of Ostein Canons; Carthusians from 1402 (the only Reichskartause). RP SC and RC
Comburg Baden-Württemberg (Schwäbisch Hall) &100000000000010700000001070s &10000000000001399000000 before 15th c. &100000000000015870000001587 Med. Duchy of Württemberg Benedictine monastery, later Herrenstift. Mediatised by Württemberg 1587; secularised 1803. RA SC
Corvey Abbey North Rhine-Westphalia (Höxter) &10000000000000820000000ca 820 &10000000000001150000000ca 1150 &100000000000018030000001803 Sec. Principality of Nassau-Orange-Fulda Benedictine monastery. RA; RF no later than 1582[2] RF
Disentis Abbey Switzerland &10000000000000720000000ca 720[3] &10000000000000725000000early 8th c. &100000000000017980000001798 Hel. Three Leagues Benedictine monastery; secularised 1798; re-established 1803. RA SC
Echternach Abbey Luxembourg &10000000000000700000000700 &10000000000000751000000751 &100000000000017940000001794 Sec. Forêts Benedictine monastery. Mediatised by Austria sometime after 1521[4] RA
Einsiedeln Abbey Switzerland &10000000000000934000000934 &10000000000000965000000965 &100000000000016480000001648 Switz. Canton of Schwyz Benedictine monastery. Ceased to be part of the HRE in 1648; secularised 1798; re-established 1803. RA
Elchingen Abbey Bavaria &100000000000011280000001128 &100000000000011280000001128 &100000000000018020000001802 Sec. Electorate of Bavaria Benedictine monastery. RA SC
Ellwangen Abbey Baden-Württemberg &10000000000000764000000ca 764 &100000000000010110000001011? &100000000000018020000001802 Sec. Duchy of Württemberg Benedictine monastery; Fürstpropstei ("Prince-Provostry"). Possibly founded as early as 732. RF RF
Essen Abbey North Rhine-Westphalia &10000000000000845000000ca 845 &10000000000000900000000 betw. 874 and 947 &100000000000018030000001803 Sec. Kingdom of Prussia Frauenstift. RA RC
Frauenchiemsee Abbey (aka Frauenwörth) Bavaria &10000000000000782000000782 &10000000000000782000000782? &100000000000018030000001803 Sec. Electorate of Bavaria Benedictine nunnery. RA SC
Fraumünster Abbey Switzerland (Zürich) &10000000000000853000000853 &100000000000012180000001218 &100000000000015240000001524 Sec. Canton of Zurich Benedictine nunnery. RA SC
Fürstenfeld Abbey Bavaria (Fürstenfeldbruck) &100000000000012580000001258 Uncertain &100000000000018030000001803 Sec. Electorate of Bavaria Cistercian monastery. RA SC
Fulda Abbey Hesse &10000000000000744000000744 &10000000000000765000000765 &100000000000018020000001802 Sec. Principality of Nassau-Orange-Fulda Benedictine monastery. RF[5] RF
Gandersheim Abbey Lower Saxony &10000000000000852000000852 &10000000000000000954298877 / 919 &100000000000018100000001810 Sec. Principality of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel Frauenstift. The abbey asserted Reichsunmittelbarkeit but owned no reichsunmittelbar estates, and was claimed until 1709 by Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel. RA RC
Gengenbach Abbey Baden-Württemberg &10000000000000727000000727–35 &10000000000000899000000 9th c. &100000000000018030000001803 Sec. Margraviate of Baden Benedictine monastery. RA SC
Gernrode Abbey Saxony-Anhalt &10000000000000959000000959 &10000000000000964000000964 &100000000000017280000001728 Med. Principality of Anhalt-Dessau Frauenstift. De facto sovereignty lost to Anhalt in 1570. RA RC
Göss Abbey Austria (Leoben) &100000000000010040000001004 &100000000000010200000001020 &100000000000017820000001782 Sec. Habsburg Monarchy Benedictine nunnery. RA SC
Gutenzell Abbey Baden-Württemberg &100000000000012370000001237 &100000000000014170000001417 &100000000000018030000001803 Sec. County of Toerring Cistercian nunnery. RA SC
Heggbach Abbey Baden-Württemberg (Maselheim) &100000000000012310000001231 &100000000000014290000001429 &100000000000018030000001803 Sec. County of Bassenheim Beguines; Cistercian nunnery from 1248.[6] RA SC
Helmarshausen Abbey Hesse (Bad Karlshafen) &10000000000000997000000997 &10000000000000997000000997 &100000000000015380000001538 Sec. Landgraviate of Hesse Benedictine monastery. RA SC
Herford Abbey North Rhine-Westphalia &10000000000000832000000832 &100000000000011470000001147 &100000000000018020000001802 Sec. County of Ravensberg Frauenstift. Lutheran from 1533. RA RC
Herrenalb Abbey Baden-Württemberg &100000000000011470000001147/48 &100000000000012750000001275 &100000000000014970000001497 Med. Margraviate of Baden
Duchy of Württemberg
Cistercian monastery. RA SC
Hersfeld Abbey Hesse &10000000000000736000000736–42 &10000000000000775000000775 &100000000000016480000001648 Sec. Landgraviate of Hesse-Kassel Benedictine monastery. De facto mediatised to Hesse-Kassel from 1606. RA RC
Irsee Abbey Bavaria &100000000000011860000001186 &100000000000016950000001695 &100000000000018020000001802 Sec. Electorate of Bavaria Benedictine monastery. RA SC
Kaisheim Abbey (sometimes Kaisersheim Abbey) Bavaria &100000000000011350000001135 &100000000000013460000001346 &100000000000018020000001802 Sec. Electorate of Bavaria Cistercian monastery. Immediacy was not recognised by the Wittelsbachs, who were the Vögte; a legal agreement was reached with their successors in 1656, confirming Reichsfreiheit. RA SC and RC
Kaufungen Abbey Hesse (Kassel) &100000000000010170000001017 &100000000000010170000001017? &100000000000015270000001527 Med. Hessian Knighthood Benedictine nunnery. Given to the Hessische Ritterschaft 1532; still extant as a private foundation. RA
Kempten Abbey Bavaria &10000000000000752000000752 &100000000000010620000001062 &100000000000018030000001803 Sec. Electorate of Bavaria Benedictine monastery; Fürststift from 1524. RA / RF RF
Klingenmünster Abbey Rhineland-Palatinate &10000000000000636000000636? &100000000000011150000001115 &100000000000015670000001567 Sec. Electoral Palatinate Possibly founded in 636, definitely before 780. Benedictine abbey until 1490; then Herrenstift. RA / RP RC
Königsbronn Abbey Baden-Württemberg (Heidenheim) &100000000000013030000001303 &10000000000001450000000 probably 15th c. &100000000000015530000001553 Med. Duchy of Württemberg Cistercian monastery, taken over and made Protestant by Württemberg. It remained Protestant despite failed attempts to revert to Catholicism in 1630–32 and 1635–48; it was finally secularised in 1710. RA
Kornelimünster Abbey North Rhine-Westphalia (Aachen) &10000000000000614000000614 &10000000000000825000000 by mid-9th century &100000000000018020000001802 Roer Benedictine monastery. RA[7] RC
Kreuzlingen Abbey Switzerland &10000000000001125000000ca 1125 &10000000000001150000000ca 1150 &100000000000016480000001648 Switz. Canton of Thurgau Augustinian Canons. Dissolved by the cantonal government in 1848. RA
Lindau Abbey Bavaria &10000000000000822000000ca 822 &100000000000014660000001466 &100000000000018020000001802 Principality of Bretzenstein Frauenstift, possibly later a Reichsfürstabtei; RA. SC
Lorsch Abbey Hesse (Darmstadt) &10000000000000764000000764 &10000000000000852000000852 (confirmed) &100000000000012320000001232 Med. Archbishopric of Mainz Benedictine monastery until 1248; thereafter Premonstratensian until dissolution in 1556. RA SC
Malmedy Abbey Belgium &10000000000000645000000645 &10000000000000651000000651? &100000000000017940000001794 Sec. Ourthe Benedictine monastery, forming a single principality with Stavelot. RA RF
Marchtal Abbey (also Marchthal) Baden-Württemberg &10000000000000700000000 before 776 &100000000000015000000001500 &100000000000018030000001803 Sec. County of Thurn und Taxis Premonstratensian monastery. Refounded 1171. RA SC
Marmoutier Abbey; also Maursmünster[8] Alsace &10000000000000659000000by659 &10000000000000700000000 7th/8th centuries &100000000000017890000001789 Bas-Rhin Benedictine monastery. RA SC
Maulbronn Abbey Baden-Württemberg &100000000000011470000001147 &100000000000011470000001147 &100000000000018060000001806 Sec. Kingdom of Württemberg Cistercian monastery. Seized by Württemberg in 1504, secularised in 1534, alternated between Cistercianism and Protestantism until settled to the latter by Peace of Westphalia in 1648. RA SC
Memleben Abbey Saxony-Anhalt &10000000000000975000000975 &10000000000000975000000 uncertain, poss. late 10th c. &100000000000015480000001548 Med. Hersfeld Abbey Benedictine monastery. RA RC
Michaelsberg Abbey (also known as Siegburg Abbey) North Rhine-Westphalia (Siegburg) &100000000000010640000001064 &100000000000015120000001512 &100000000000016760000001676 Med. Duchy of Berg Benedictine monastery. Secularised in 1803. RA RC
Mönchrot Abbey, also Mönchroth, Münchenroth, Rot or Rot an der Rot Abbey Baden-Württemberg (Rot an der Rot) &100000000000011260000001126 &100000000000014970000001497 &100000000000018030000001803 Med. County of Wartenberg Premonstratensian monastery. RA SC
Mondsee Abbey Austria &10000000000000748000000748 &10000000000000788000000788 &100000000000017910000001791 Habsburg Monarchy Benedictine monastery. Imperial immediacy lost to the Bishopric of Regensburg 831–1142. RA SC
Abbey of Münster im Gregoriental[9] Alsace &10000000000000660000000660 &100000000000012350000001235 &100000000000017890000001789 Sec. Haut-Rhin Benedictine monastery. RA SC
Murbach Abbey (incl Lüders) Alsace &10000000000000727000000727 &10000000000000782000000 from 782–83 &100000000000017890000001789 Sec. Haut-Rhin Benedictine monastery. Effectively French since 1648, but anomalously remained legally part of the Empire; dissolved during the Revolution. RF RF
Muri Abbey Switzerland &100000000000010270000001027 &100000000000017010000001701 &100000000000016480000001648 Switz. Helvetic Canton of Baden Benedictine monastery. The abbey was never Reichsfrei, but the abbot was created Reichsfürst in 1701. RA
Neresheim Abbey Baden-Württemberg &100000000000010950000001095 &100000000000017640000001764 &100000000000018020000001802 Sec. County of Thurn und Taxis Benedictine monastery. The abbey's status was the subject of litigation with the County of Oettingen until after 1760. RA SC
Niedermünster Bavaria (Regensburg) &10000000000000700000000before 700 &100000000000010020000001002 &100000000000018030000001803 Sec. Electorate of Bavaria Frauenstift. Refounded 788, 948–55. RA RC
Nordhausen chapter Thuringia &10000000000000950000000 poss mid-10th c. &10000000000001220000000by 1220 &100000000000018020000001802 Sec. Kingdom of Prussia Chapter of Nordhausen Cathedral. RA
Obermünster Bavaria (Regensburg) &10000000000000825000000 early 9th century &10000000000001024000000before 1024 &100000000000018100000001810 Kingdom of Bavaria Benedictine nunnery, later Frauenstift. RA. RF from 1315 RC
Oberschönenfeld Abbey Bavaria &10000000000001211000000ca 1211 &100000000000012480000001248? &100000000000018030000001803 Sec. Electorate of Bavaria Beguines until c 1211, then Cistercian nunnery, formalised from 1248. RA
Ochsenhausen Abbey Baden-Württemberg &100000000000010930000001093 &100000000000014950000001495 &100000000000018030000001803 Sec County of Metternich-Winnenburg Benedictine monastery. RA SC
Odenheim Abbey (originally Wigoldsberg; later also Odenheim and Bruchsal) Baden-Württemberg &10000000000001108000000ca 1108 &10000000000001161000000by 1161 &100000000000018020000001802–03 Sec Margraviate of Baden Benedictine monastery; Herrenstift from 1496. RA RC
Ottobeuren Abbey Bavaria &10000000000000764000000764 &100000000000012990000001299, regranted 1710[10] &100000000000018020000001802 Sec Electorate of Bavaria
( Bishopric of Augsburg 1624–1710)
Benedictine monastery. RA SC
Petershausen Abbey Baden-Württemberg (Konstanz) &10000000000000983000000983 &10000000000001225000000 early 13th century &100000000000018020000001802 Sec Margraviate of Baden Benedictine monastery. RA SC
Pfäfers Abbey Switzerland &10000000000000731000000731 &100000000000014080000001408 &100000000000016480000001648 Switz. Swiss condominium Benedictine monastery. Ceased to be part of HRE in 1648 (secularised 1798; re-established 1803). RA
Prüfening Abbey Bavaria (Regensburg) &100000000000011190000001119 &10000000000001119000000 Unknown &100000000000018030000001803 Sec. Electorate of Bavaria Benedictine monastery. RA SC
Prüm Abbey Rhineland-Palatinate &10000000000000720000000720 &100000000000012220000001222 &100000000000015760000001576 Sec. Archbishopric of Trier Benedictine monastery. Annexed by France 1794. RF RF
Quedlinburg Abbey Saxony-Anhalt &10000000000000936000000936 &10000000000000936000000936 &100000000000018030000001803 Kingdom of Prussia Frauenstift; Lutheran from 1540. RA RC
Recklinghausen Abbey (also Rechenhausen) North Rhine-Westphalia Unknown Unknown Unknown Essen Abbey RA
Reichenau Abbey Baden-Württemberg &10000000000000724000000724 Unknown &100000000000015400000001540 or 1548 Bishopric of Constance Benedictine monastery. RA SC
Riddagshausen Abbey Brunswick &100000000000011450000001145/46 &10000000000001147000000 Uncertain, early &100000000000015690000001569 Med. Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel Cistercian monastery. Mediatised on Reformation to Lutheran seminary; secularised 1809. RA
Roggenburg Abbey Bavaria &100000000000011260000001126 &100000000000014820000001482–1485 &100000000000018030000001803 Sec. Electorate of Bavaria Premonstratensian monastery. RA SC
Rottenmünster Abbey Baden-Württemberg (Rottweil) &100000000000012240000001224 &100000000000012370000001237 &100000000000018030000001803 Sec. Duchy of Württemberg Cistercian nunnery. Reopened 1898. RA SC
Saalfeld Abbey Thuringia (Saalfeld) &100000000000010710000001071 Unknown &100000000000015260000001526 Sec. Electorate of Saxony Benedictine monastery. RA
St Bartholomäus cathedral chapter Hesse (Frankfurt am Main) &10000000000000852000000852 Unknown &100000000000018030000001803 Sec. Imperial City of Frankfurt Chapter of the Kaiserdom in Frankfurt. RP RC
St. Blaise's in the Black Forest Baden-Württemberg &10000000000000950000000 Uncertain &100000000000016090000001609 &100000000000018060000001806 Sec. Grand Duchy of Baden Benedictine monastery. The Prince-Abbot of St. Blaise's had princely status (RF) not because of the abbey itself but because the abbey had acquired the County of Bonndorf, which carried princely status with it from 1609[11]
St. Emmeram's Abbey Bavaria (Regensburg) &10000000000000739000000ca 739 &100000000000012950000001295 &100000000000018030000001803 Sec. Principality of Regensburg Benedictine monastery. RA RC
St. Gall Switzerland &10000000000000613000000613 &100000000000012070000001207 &100000000000017980000001798 Sec. (1648 Switz.) Helvetic Canton of Säntis Benedictine monastery; later Fürstabtei. Swiss associate from 1451; secularised temporarily 1527–32. RA / RF SC
St George's at Isny in the Allgäu Baden-Württemberg (Isny im Allgäu) &100000000000010960000001096 &100000000000017810000001781 &100000000000018030000001803 Sec. Princely County of Quadt-Wykradt Benedictine monastery. RA SC
St. George's Abbey, Stein am Rhein Switzerland (Stein am Rhein) &10000000000000850000000 9th c. &10000000000001450000000 15th c. &100000000000015210000001521–26 Sec. Canton of Zurich Founded 9th century on the Hohentwiel; moved to Stein am Rhein ca 1007. RA
St. Giles' Abbey, Nuremberg (Schottenkloster Sankt Ägidien) Bavaria &10000000000001140000000ca 1140 Unknown &100000000000015250000001525 Med. Imperial City of Nuremberg "Schottenkloster"; Benedictine monastery from 1418. Absorbed by Nuremberg in 1525 (possibly 1567) as unable to document immediacy. RA
St. Ludger's Abbey Lower Saxony (Helmstedt) &10000000000000800000000ca 800 Unknown &100000000000018020000001802 Sec. Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel Benedictine monastery. RA RC
St. Maximin's Abbey, Trier Rhineland-Palatinate &10000000000000350000000 4th c. &10000000000001100000000 before early 12th c. &100000000000016690000001669 Med. Archbishopric of Trier Benedictine monastery. Mediatised to Electoral Palatinate in 16th century, but status not finalised until immediacy definitively surrendered to Trier in 1669. RA RC
St. Peter's Abbey in the Black Forest Baden-Württemberg &10000000000001073000000before 1073 &10000000000001075000000 11th c. &100000000000018060000001806 Sec. Grand Duchy of Baden Benedictine monastery. RA
St. Ulrich's and St. Afra's Abbey Bavaria &10000000000000950000000 ca 10th c. &100000000000015770000001577 de jure
1643 de facto
&100000000000018020000001802 Sec. Imperial City of Augsburg
Electorate of Bavaria
Benedictine monastery from 1006–12; probably refounded from a 5th or 6th century predecessor. The abbey was made reichsunmittelbar in 1577 but its status was challenged by the Bishop of Augsburg in litigation until 1643/44. RA RC
Salem Abbey aka Salmansweiler Baden-Württemberg &100000000000011360000001136 &100000000000011380000001138–52 &100000000000018030000001803 Sec. Margraviate of Baden Cistercian monastery. RA SC
Schaffhausen Abbey Switzerland &100000000000010490000001049 &100000000000010800000001080 &100000000000015290000001529 Med. Canton of Schaffhausen Benedictine monastery. RA
Schänis Abbey Switzerland &10000000000000850000000 9th c. &100000000000010450000001045 &100000000000014380000001438 Med. Swiss condominium Frauenstift. Frederick IV, King of Germany confirmed the abbatial rights in 1442, but the link with the Empire was broken; the abbess continued to bear the title of Princess of the Holy Roman Empire until secularisation to the canton of St. Gallen under the Act of Mediation in 1803. Suspended during the Protestant Reformation 1529–31. RA SC
Schussenried Abbey Baden-Württemberg &100000000000011830000001183 &100000000000014400000001440 &100000000000018030000001803 Sec. County of Sternberg-Manderscheid Premonstratensian monastery. RA SC
Schuttern Abbey Baden-Württemberg &10000000000000603000000603 &10000000000000975000000975 &100000000000018010000001801 Sec. Duchy of Modena Benedictine monastery. Not to be confused with Schottern Abbey in Austria, secularised in the 15th century. RA SC
Selz Abbey Baden, later Alsace &10000000000000991000000991 &10000000000000992000000992 &100000000000014810000001481 Med. Electoral Palatinate Benedictine monastery / nunnery. Secularised in 1803. RA
Söflingen Abbey (sometimes Söfflingen) Baden-Württemberg (Ulm) &100000000000012580000001258 &100000000000017730000001773 &100000000000017970000001797 Sec. Electorate of Bavaria Poor Clares. RA SC
Stablo or Stavelot Abbey (also Stablingen) Belgium &10000000000000651000000651 &10000000000000651000000651? &100000000000017940000001794 Sec. Ourthe Benedictine monastery. Formed a single principality with Malmedy. RF. RF
Thorn Abbey The Netherlands (Limburg) &10000000000000975000000ca 975 &100000000000012920000001292 &100000000000017950000001795 Sec. Meuse-Inférieure Frauenstift. RA. RF from 1793. RC
Ursberg Abbey Bavaria &100000000000011260000001126–28 &100000000000011430000001143 &100000000000018030000001803 Sec. Electorate of Bavaria Premonstratensian monastery. Not to be confused with Urspring Abbey. RA SC
Waldsassen Abbey Bavaria &100000000000011280000001128–32 &100000000000011770000001177 &100000000000015430000001543 Med. Electoral Palatinate Cistercian monastery. Secularised to Electorate of Bavaria in 1803; reopened as Cistercian nunnery 1863. RA SC
Walkenried Abbey Lower Saxony &100000000000011270000001127 &100000000000015420000001542 &100000000000016480000001648 Med. Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel Cistercian monastery. RA RC
Weingarten Abbey Baden-Württemberg &100000000000010560000001056 &100000000000012740000001274 &100000000000018030000001803 Sec. Principality of Nassau-Orange-Fulda Benedictine monastery. RA SC
Weissenau Abbey Baden-Württemberg (Ravensburg) &100000000000011450000001145 &10000000000001257000000ca 1257 &100000000000018020000001802 County of Sternberg-Manderscheid Premonstratensian monastery. RA SC
Weissenburg Abbey Alsace &10000000000000650000000 7th c. Unknown &100000000000013060000001306 Med. Imperial City of Weissenburg Reichspropstei. Raised to Imperial city 1306, joined Décapole 1354, annexed by France 1697. RP / RF (status later assumed by Bishop of Speyer). RF
Werden Abbey North Rhine-Westphalia (Essen) &10000000000000799000000799 &10000000000000877000000877 &100000000000018030000001803 Kingdom of Prussia Benedictine monastery. RA RC
Wettenhausen Abbey Bavaria &100000000000011300000001130 Unknown &100000000000018030000001803 Sec. Electorate of Bavaria Augustinian Canons. Founded on the site of an earlier foundation, dated 982. RA SC
Zwiefalten Abbey Baden-Württemberg &100000000000010890000001089 &100000000000017500000001750 &100000000000018020000001802 Sec. Duchy of Württemberg Benedictine monastery. RA SC
CoA Religious house Location Founded Imm. Lost imm. To... Description and status College

List B: Reichsmatrikel 1521

The Matrikel of 1521 included a number of religious houses which have not been identified:

Religious house Location Dates Description and Imperial status
Beckenried Abbey[12] Switzerland ceased to be part of the HRE in 1648 RA
Blankenburg Abbey nk[13] nk nk
Brunnen Abbey Landstrass, Carinthia (Austria) nk nk
Hynoltshusen Abbey nk[14] nk monastery
Kitzingen Abbey nk nk monastery
Rockenhausen nk[15] nk RA
St. Johann (St. John's Abbey) nk nk nk

Inclusion in the 1521 Reichsmatrikel is not by itself conclusive evidence that a particular religious house was in fact an Imperial abbey, and the status of the following abbey listed in the Matrikel is questionable in the absence of further confirmation from other sources:

Religious house Location Dates Description and Imperial status
St. John's Abbey in the Thurtal (Sant Johans im Turital) Switzerland (Alt St. Johann, later Nesslau) fdd. before 1152; RU nk (if at all); subordinated to St. Gall's Abbey 1555; ceased to be part of the HRE 1648 (dissolved 1805) Benedictine monastery. Imperial status unknown

List C: Imperial abbeys not named in the Matrikel

For a variety of reasons a quantity of religious houses that possessed, or claimed, the status of Imperial immediacy either did not attend the Reichstag, or were not listed in the surviving Matrikel. The following list is very far from complete, and possibly some of those listed may not in fact have been reichsunmittelbar.

Religious house Location Dates Description and Imperial status
Amorbach Abbey Bavaria
Munsterbilzen Abbey Belgium
Nienburg Abbey Saxony-Anhalt fdd 975; RU temp. Otto II; mediatised 1166 by the Archbishop of Magdeburg; secularised 1563 by the Prince of Anhalt-Dessau Benedictine monastery. RA RC
Nivelles Abbey Belgium
Schöntal Abbey[16] Baden-Württemberg fdd. 1157; RU from 1418 to 1495; secularised 1803 Cistercian; RA
Tegernsee Abbey Bavaria
Wiblingen Abbey Baden-Württemberg, Ulm fdd. 1037; RU from 1701; secularised 1806 Benedictine; RA


  1. ^ In 1792 the "Gefürstete Äbtissin zu Buchau" was listed among the Swabian Counts, not the Prelates
  2. ^ The abbots became the Bishops of Corvey; the territory was later part of the Prince-Bishopric of Paderborn
  3. ^ the traditional date of 614 is not borne out by archaeological investigation
  4. ^ listed in the 1521 Matrikel but not in that of 1755
  5. ^ from 1752 the abbots were also the Prince-Bishops of Fulda
  6. ^ 1248 is the year of the charter confirming status, but probably Cistercian in observance from c. 1237–44
  7. ^ possibly later a Reichsfürstabtei
  8. ^ must not be confused with Münster im Gregoriental in Upper Alsace
  9. ^ The imperial abbey of Münster im Gregoriental (Georgental) in Haut-Rhin (near Colmar) must not be confused with Maurmünster in Bas-Rhin (near Saverne)
  10. ^ Immediacy lost when abbey was mediatised by Bishops of Augsburg (ca 1624); immediacy was regranted 1710, but the Abbot did not regain a seat in the Reichstag
  11. ^ 1792 Matrikel: Fürst u. Abt zu St. Blasien wegen der gefürsteten Grafschaft Bonndorf
  12. ^ there is no trace of a religious house at any time located in the village of Beckenried
  13. ^ attributed, by sources on the Heraldica website either to Blankenberg in Lorraine or to a place "Blankenburg" near Oldenburg
  14. ^ Honnecourt near Cambrai has been suggested see Heraldica website
  15. ^ a location near Kaiserslautern has been suggested, or possibly Rönkhausen Abbeysee Heraldica website
  16. ^ not to be confused with Schönthal Priory in Bavaria, which was not reichsunmittelbar


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