List of House of M characters

House of M was an eight-part comic book crossover storyline published by Marvel Comics in 2005. Written by Brian Michael Bendis, and illustrated by Olivier Coipel, its first issue debuted in June 2005, as a follow-up to the events of the Avengers Disassembled storyline, in which the mutant superhero Scarlet Witch suffered a mental breakdown and altered the fabric of reality. Many Marvel Universe characters underwent drastic changes in the altered world as seen in this storyline and the prequel-like spin-offs House of M: Avengers and Civil War: House of M.



Namor rules Atlantis, is referred to as "the first mutant", and was seen at a meeting with Magneto. Lady Dorma rules Atlantis as Namor's queen. Warlord Krang and Vashti Cleito-Son are Namor's attendants.


With Captain America a retired old man, the Avengers might as well never came to be or had a short life without his presence. None of the original Avengers seem to know each other.

Captain America

Steve Rogers is now an aged veteran who obviously did not live through a suspended animation period like the mainstream Captain America. He lives in an apartment building in a Bronx neighborhood where it seems he's the only human, probably a privilege won from his service in WWII. His long-dead sidekick Bucky survived the fatal accident at the end of World War II, only to die later under mysterious circumstances in the 1970s as a part of a covert S.H.I.E.L.D. strike upon Genosha.[1] Steve Rogers publicly quit being Captain America in 1950 when being grilled by Joseph McCarthy on his public association with known mutants and fellow Invaders, Namor and Toro, but still had enough influence to be the first man to walk on the moon two years later. Rogers' outspoken campaigning first against anti-mutant prejudice and then the rising fascism of Magneto has marginalized him into near obscurity nowadays.

Iron Man

Tony Stark is the owner of Stark Enterprises, a company given to him by his father. He is a winning contestant on 'Sapien Death Match', a reality TV fighting show which involves humans in power-armor battling each other. He lives in the shadow of his father, and has been developing a superior armor to protect himself. Iron Man earned the admiration of human and mutant alike, including Magneto himself, when he and a team of Sapien Death Match fighters stopped a terrorist plot to kill hundreds of mutants with 'gene bombs.'

On a related note, his father Howard Stark is alive in this reality before he was killed by Magneto.


Bruce Banner is living with a tribe of Aborigines in Australia, where he is gaining mastery of his dual nature, and has been roped into A.I.M.'s resistance movement.

Luke Cage

Luke Cage is an underworld boss, employing many sapien heroes, including:

The Dragons

Based in Sapien Town and led by Shang-Chi, the group clash with Luke Cage and also have many sapien heroes including:


Masters of Evil

A group of non-mutant villains that opposed Magneto. Among its members are:



Peter Parker is having the time of his life as a famous pro wrestler. He lives in a spacious condo with his wife Gwen and son Richie. He also owns a corporate empire that recently acquired Oscorp. Despite this luxurious life, Peter is living with the burden of a lie because the public doesn't know that his powers were not a mutation. He uses his wealth to protect his family from the racist world. Uncle Ben is still alive and he and Aunt May are in good health, Flash Thompson is a commentator on Sapien Death Match, J. Jonah Jameson is a maltreated publicist, and Mary Jane Watson has become a famous actress and appears to be dating Tony Stark and could be pregnant according to the Pulse.

Alistair Smythe

J. Jonah Jameson hired Alistair Smythe to build a Spider-Slayer that can be used on the Parkers.

Doctor Octopus

Otto Octavius is working on stem-cell research for the government.

Farley Stillwell

In a flashback, Farley Stillwell was one of the scientists involved in experimenting on Luke Cage.

George Stacy

George Stacy is a former police chief.


Hammerhead is one of the gang leaders defeated by Luke Cage in his rise to power in Sapien Town.


Hypno-Hustler made a cameo in the crowds and it wasn't revealed if he played a part in this reality.

Jonas Harrow

In a flashback, Jonas Harrow was one of the scientists involved in experimenting on Luke Cage.


Kingpin is the same as his main counterpart. Bullseye, Elektra, Gladiator, and Typhoid Mary served as his assassins.

Madame Web

Madame Web is a therapist on the S.H.I.E.L.D.'s Red Guard.

Michael Morbius

In a flashback, Michael Morbius was one of the scientists involved in experimenting on Luke Cage.

Norman Osborn

Norman Osborn lost his company to Spider-Man and was suspected of being the Green Goblin to ruin him.


Rhino served as Spider-Man's bodyguard.

Rhino's Friends

Electro, Ox, and Vulture helped Rhino attack and detain the Green Goblin for ruining the best chance at a good life Rhino ever had.


Venom was shown in a theatrical docu-drama about Spider-Man.



It is not known whether the original roster of X-Men are either retired or were never X-Men.


Hank McCoy is a scientist working with Hank Pym for Stark Industries. McCoy tends to mollify the increasingly isolated Pym, who suffers from anti-human racism, in order to protect him from harm. Here, Hank isn't in his beastly mutation.[2]


Piotr Rasputin lives happily on a Russian farm.[2]

Cyclops and Emma Frost

Scott Summers and Emma Frost are married and living in Connecticut. Emma is a psychologist who is seeing the now-orphaned Franklin Richards.[2] Cyclops is a pilot.


Alison Blaire has a popular daytime talk show, although she is possibly suffering from a disease which is causing her light-show powers to fade.


Bobby Drake is a Horseman of Apocalypse after being rescued by Apocalypse when Bobby's parents abandoned him.


Remy LeBeau is a petty thief who is quickly apprehended by Carol Danvers.[2]


Karma is a teacher at the New Mutant Leadership Institute. Cypher, Mercury, Sean Garrison, Tag, and Wallflower are her fellow workers.

Professor Xavier

Professor X "died so Genosha could live". No more is known about his death other than that which is written as an epitaph on his gravestone. Cloak discovered that there was no remains under the memorial during the raid on Magneto's Palace.


Psylocke is a member of the British Royal Family and must seal a breach in their universe, along with her twin brother Captain Britain, Rachel Summers, Meggan, and Nocturne.


Shadowcat is a history teacher at a Junior High School.


Storm is a Kenyan princess, in an alliance with the Black Panther.

Warren Worthington III

Warren Worthington III is one of Apocalypse' minions.


So far, Wolverine, who is part of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s elite Red Guard, seems to be the only one who knows something is wrong in this world. In being granted his "one true desire", he now remembers his entire life and wakes up knowing the world has been radically changed.[3]

Time Travelers

Time-displaced characters are also accounted for in the House of M world:



House of Magnus

This is the royal family of Genosha that governs the mutant-ruled reality:

Other villains


S.H.I.E.L.D. was initially opposed to Magneto during the Human/Mutant War, but after the wholesale shift in the balance of power that followed Magneto's 1979 victory over the Sentinels, S.H.I.E.L.D. was another of the global agencies that found itself transformed into a tool of the House of M. Human agents were gradually 'retired' (via a bullet in the back of the head in many cases) and replaced by mutants, while all of the command positions were filled by Magneto's loyalists. New rules were drafted that forbade even the appearance of human superiority over mutants; for example, mutant agents were not expected to salute human officers, regardless of rank. By the time of the House of M mini-series S.H.I.E.L.D. was the premier means by which the House of M enforced its global authority and preserved mutant supremacy.

Sebastian Shaw is the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. Other X-Men characters working for S.H.I.E.L.D. include:

There was also some Junior S.H.I.E.L.D. operatives headed up by Danielle Moonstar that make up this reality's version of the Hellions:

Also Wither and Elixir are shown to be working as interrogators, using their powers in tandem to repeatedly heal and kill the subjects cells, apparently causing great pain. It is not stated whether they are considered as full agents or as a part of Dani Moonstar's junior squad.


Four mutants govern Australia for Magneto, although they have recently fallen at the hands of an enraged Hulk:

The following are Red Guard members that served Exodus:

The Marauders

A Genoshan black-ops team serving Magneto's government:


During the "Enemy of the State" story arc, Cable fought an evil entity and ended up missing in action. Although everyone presumed Cable to be dead, Deadpool ironically believes him still alive and asks Forge to create a device in order to track Cable down. With Siryn and Cannonball, Deadpool begins jumping from alternate earth to alternate earth finding many versions of Cable (in which he jokes, "what if Cable chose door number 2?"), from a Horseman of Apocalypse to a utopian ruler. He finally reaches the "real" Cable, except that he is a baby and under the care of Mister Sinister. When Deadpool finally grabs Cable, he unsuccessfully attempts to teleport out of the dimension, only to be impaled by Sinister. Deadpool, Cannonball, and Siryn are unaware that they are back in the regular 616 universe, but that the world around them has been transformed thanks to the interference of the Scarlet Witch.


Moira MacTaggert is the most wanted sapien on the planet - for trying to undo her son's mutation - and is framed for the deaths caused by her son, Kevin MacTaggert. Kevin is also the most wanted mutant, known as 'Mutant X'. He has taken the body of Angel Salvadore.

NYPD/The Brotherhood

Since the rise of Mutants, most human officers were phased out (similar to what happened to S.H.I.E.L.D.), with the exception of Sam Wilson. A mutant strikeforce known as the Brotherhood is also implemented to take down organised crime.

The Brotherhood

The Fearsome Four

The Fantastic Four never came to be as Reed Richards and Sue Storm mutated and died in a rocket explosion along with John James.

Johnny Storm become a contestant on Sapien Death Match, where his power-armor has a "Flame On" ability.

Instead, there was a team known as the Fearsome Four, led by Victor Von Doom, monarch of Latveria, who hopes one day to overthrow Magneto. Other than Grimm, all members of the group received their powers from Doom's experiments on the corpses of Reed and Sue.

Mole Man

Mole Man was an enemy of the Fearsome Four. He and Giganto were killed by the Fearsome Four when he refused to acknowledge Magneto as sovereign of the Earth.


Black Bolt appeared as an ally of Black Panther. The other members of the Inhuman Royal Family were present at Professor X's meeting with Magneto and Black Bolt.


Carmilla Black

Carmilla Black (under the name of Thanasee Rappaccini) is a member of the A.I.M. resistance and was the one that recruited Hulk to their cause.

Center for Illumination and Transformation

A research center that focuses on unleashing the mutant potential in a child through the "Rite of Transformation." Its known workers are:


Matt Murdock does not appear as Daredevil, although Layla Miller makes a reference to him. It is suggested that Murdock is having a love affair with fellow lawyer Jennifer Walters.

Doctor Strange

Doctor Strange is a psychiatrist who attends to Robert Reynolds.[2] As for the position of Sorcerer Supreme, that fell into the hands of Warren Traveller.

Dontrell "Cockroach" Hamilton

In this reality, he is depicted as a cockroach-like mutant. He was among the gang leaders that was overthrown by Luke Cage in his rise to power in Sapien Town.


Kevin Plunder has been granted political asylum in the United States for his human rights activism in 'Pangea', possibly the Savage Land.

Layla Miller

Only Layla Miller appears to be aware of the changes wrought by Wanda. Layla restored the memories of several members of the Avengers and the most of the X-Men.[5] Though an aged Captain America is "apparently" exempted from this - Wolverine commands Layla to leave him be, and he is not seen in any of the later action sequences - it is worth pointing out that House of M clearly shows Layla's eyes flashing green (the outward expression of her memory-returning trick) as she stares at him, implying she did restore his memory.

Marrina Smallwood

Marrina Smallwood is shown at Genosha's celebration of mutantkind's victory over mankind with Namor.

The Pulse

Betty Brant and Kat Farrell are working as journalists. Jessica Jones is living in Queens and is apparently dating Scott Lang.

Purple Man

Zebediah Killgrave has no powers, and is a lobbyist for the government, with secret affiliations with the Human Resistance.


Wendell Vaughn appeared as an army scientist.

Ray "Piranha" Jones

He is among the gang leaders defeated by Luke Cage in his rise to power.

Rick Jones

Rick Jones died at a young age from an unknown tragic accident.

Stepford Cuckoos

All five Stepford Cuckoos are part of the New Mutant Leadership Program at the United Nations.


Stilt-Man was shown being arrested by the Brotherhood.

Willis Stryker

In this reality, Willis Stryker is a mutant with reptilian features. He was the one that framed Luke Cage for the smuggling of cocaine. He died fighting Luke Cage.


A gang of superpowered sapien youths living in the Bronx, in which Luke Cage arranges a treaty between his team and them. The members are:


  1. ^ As being revealed within Civil War: House of M #3 & #4
  2. ^ a b c d e f g h i j Revealed in House of M #2
  3. ^ a b Revealed in House of M #3
  4. ^ As shown in "New Avengers #45."
  5. ^ House of M #4