List of Holmesian studies

This list contains studies about the Sherlock Holmes character, biographies of Arthur Conan Doyle and studies about his Holmesian work, the place of Sherlock Holmes character in detective literature, and other Holmes miscellanea.


Holmesian biographies

Holmesian studies

The international Sherlock Holmes: a companion volume to The world bibliography of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson Ronald Burt De Waal - Archon Books, 1980;

Holmesian books

see also : The Bedside, Bathtub & Armchair Companion to Sherlock Holmes- same author- Continuum International Publishing Group, Limited 1998:

Holmesian Victoriana

Arthur Conan Doyle related books

Other related studies


  1. ^ read more at [1] site in french language (site en français) with captions in english for english books )
  2. ^
  3. ^