List of Dungeons & Dragons monsters (1974–1976)


TSR 2002 - Dungeons & Dragons "white box" (1974)

This early boxed set by Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson was printed in 1974, and is often known as the "white box." It contained three booklets, one of which—"Monsters & Treasure"—contained some of the first descriptions of the game's most iconic monsters. This booklet contained an index on pages 3–4 featuring stats only for how many creatures of each type appeared per encounter, armor class, how many inches the creature could move on its turn, hit dice, % in lair, and treasure. Pages 5–20 followed with descriptions of each of the monsters, typically consisting of one or more paragraphs. Most of the monsters on this book did not feature an illustration. Also featured are descriptions of humans (bandits, brigands, berserkers, dervishes, nomads, buccaneers, cavemen, and mermen), horses, insects, and other small and large animals.


Creature Page Other Appearances Versions Included Description
Basilisks 10 Original: Eldritch Wizardry; Basic 1977: Basic Set; Basic 1981: Expert Set; Basic 1983: Companion Set; Basic 1991: Rules Cyclopedia; 1st Edition: Monster Manual, Dragon #81; 2nd Edition: Monstrous Compendium Volume Two, Monstrous Manual; 3rd Edition: Monster Manual; 3.5 Edition: Monster Manual; 4th Edition: Monster Manual Basilisk Has the power of turning to stone by touch and glance
Black Pudding 19 Basic 1977: Basic Set; Basic 1981: Expert Set; Basic 1983: Expert Set; Basic 1991: Rules Cyclopedia; 1st Edition: Monster Manual; 2nd Edition: Monstrous Compendium Volume One, Monstrous Manual, Dragon #219; 3rd Edition: Monster Manual; 3.5 Edition: Monster Manual Black pudding Black (or Gray) puddings dissolve wood, and corrode metal
Centaurs 15 Basic 1981: Expert Set; Basic 1983: Expert Set; Basic 1991: Rules Cyclopedia; 1st Edition: Monster Manual; 2nd Edition: Monstrous Compendium Volume One, Monstrous Manual, The Complete Book of Humanoids, Player's Option: Skills & Powers; 3rd Edition: Monster Manual; 3.5 Edition: Monster Manual Centaur Can attack twice, once as a man and once as a horse
Chimera 11 Basic 1977: Basic Set; Basic 1981: Expert Set; Basic 1983: Expert Set, Companion Set; Basic 1991: Rules Cyclopedia; 1st Edition: Monster Manual, Dragon #94; 2nd Edition: Monstrous Compendium Volume One, Monstrous Manual; 3rd Edition: Monster Manual; 3.5 Edition: Monster Manual; 4th Edition: Monster Manual Chimera Can gore with goat's head, tear with lion fangs, and dragon's head can bite or breathe fire
Cockatrices 10 Basic 1977: Basic Set; 1981: Expert Set; Basic 1983: Expert Set; Basic 1991: Rules Cyclopedia; 1st Edition: Monster Manual, Dragon #95; 2nd Edition: Monstrous Compendium Volume One, Monstrous Manual; 3rd Edition: Monster Manual; 3.5 Edition: Monster Manual Cockatrice A less powerful but more mobile basilisk, turns opponents to stone by touch
Djinn 19 Basic 1977: Basic Set; 1981: Expert Set; Basic 1983: Expert Set, Companion Set; Basic 1991: Rules Cyclopedia; 1st Edition: Monster Manual; 2nd Edition: Monstrous Compendium Volume One, Monstrous Manual; 3rd Edition: Monster Manual; 3.5 Edition: Monster Manual Djinn Aerial creatures with magical powers
Dragons 11-14 Basic 1977: Basic Set; Basic 1981: Basic Set; Basic 1983: Basic Set, Companion Set; Basic 1991: Rules Cyclopedia; 1st Edition: Monster Manual; 2nd Edition: Monstrous Compendium Volume One, Monstrous Manual, Draconomicon; 3rd Edition: Monster Manual; 3.5 Edition: Monster Manual, Draconomicon; 4th Edition: Monster Manual, Draconomicon: Chromatic Dragons White dragon, black dragon, green dragon, blue dragon, red dragon, golden dragon Powerful and intelligent winged reptiles with magical abilities and breath weapon.
Dryads 16 Basic 1981: Expert Set; Basic 1983: Expert Set; Basic 1991: Rules Cyclopedia; 1st Edition: Monster Manual, Dragon #87; 2nd Edition: Monstrous Compendium Volume Two, Monstrous Manual; 3rd Edition: Monster Manual; 3.5 Edition: Monster Manual; 4th Edition: Monster Manual Dryad Beautiful tree sprites, each a part of their own respective tree
Dwarves 16 Basic 1977: Basic Set; Basic 1981: Basic Set; Basic 1983: Basic Set; Basic 1991: Rules Cyclopedia; 1st Edition: Monster Manual, Player's Handbook; 2nd Edition: Player's Handbook, Monstrous Compendium Volume Two, The Complete Book of Dwarves, Monstrous Manual; 3rd Edition: Player's Handbook, Monster Manual; 3.5 Edition: Player's Handbook, Monster Manual, Races of Stone; 4th Edition: Player's Handbook, Monster Manual Dwarf Described in the "Chainmail" set; clumsy monsters like ogres and giants have a hard time hitting them
Efreet 19 Similar to djinn, but creatures of fire that tend to be Chaotic
Elves 16 Basic 1977: Basic Set; Basic 1981: Basic Set; Basic 1983: Basic Set; Basic 1991: Rules Cyclopedia; 1st Edition: Monster Manual, Player's Handbook; 2nd Edition: Player's Handbook, Monstrous Compendium Volume One, The Complete Book of Elves, Monstrous Manual; 3rd Edition: Player's Handbook, Monster Manual; 3.5 Edition: Player's Handbook, Monster Manual, Races of the Wild; 4th Edition: Player's Handbook, Monster Manual Elf Elves make their homes in woodlands and remote meadowlands
Elementals 18-19 Four types described: Air, earth, fire, and water
Gargoyles 14 Basic 1977: Basic Set; Basic 1981: Basic Set; Basic 1983: Basic Set; Basic 1991: Rules Cyclopedia; 1st Edition: Monster Manual; 2nd Edition: Monstrous Compendium Volume Two, Monstrous Manual; 3rd Edition: Monster Manual; 3.5 Edition: Monster Manual; 4th Edition: Monster Manual Gargoyle Reptilian bipedal beast, Chaotic in alignment
Ghouls 9 Basic 1977: Basic Set; Basic 1981: Basic Set; Basic 1983: Basic Set; Basic 1991: Rules Cyclopedia; 1st Edition: Monster Manual; 2nd Edition: Monstrous Compendium Volume One, Monstrous Manual, Dragon #252; 3rd Edition: Monster Manual, Savage Species; 3.5 Edition: Monster Manual, Libris Mortis: The Book of Undead; 4th Edition: Monster Manual Ghoul Paralyze anyone they touch
Giants 8-9 Basic 1977: Basic Set; Basic 1981: Expert Set; Basic 1983: Expert Set; Basic 1991: Rules Cyclopedia; 1st Edition: Monster Manual; 2nd Edition: Monstrous Compendium Volume One, Monstrous Manual, Giantcraft; 3rd Edition: Monster Manual, Savage Species; 3.5 Edition: Monster Manual; 4th Edition: Monster Manual Hill giant, stone giant, frost giant, fire giant, cloud giant
Gnolls 8 Basic 1977: Basic Set; Basic 1981: Basic Set; Basic 1983: Basic Set, Gazetteer: The Orcs of Thar; Basic 1991: Rules Cyclopedia; 1st Edition: Monster Manual, Dragon #63; 2nd Edition: Monstrous Compendium Volume One, Monstrous Manual, The Complete Book of Humanoids, Player's Option: Skills & Powers; 3rd Edition: Monster Manual; 3.5 Edition: Monster Manual; 4th Edition: Monster Manual, Dragon #367 Gnoll A cross between gnomes and trolls, otherwise similar to hobgoblins
Gnomes 16 Slightly smaller than dwarves, with longer beards, inhabits hills and lowland burrows
Goblins 7 Small monsters first described in the original "Chainmail" set
Gorgons 10 Original: Eldritch Wizardry; Basic 1981: Expert Set; Basic 1983: Expert Set, Companion Set; Basic 1991: Rules Cyclopedia; 1st Edition: Monster Manual, Dragon #97; 2nd Edition: Monstrous Compendium Volume Two, Monstrous Manual; 3rd Edition: Monster Manual,; 3.5 Edition: Monster Manual; 4th Edition: Monster Manual Gorgon Bull-like monsters with a breath capable of turning creatures to stone
Gray Ooze 20 Seeping horror that resembles wet stone and corrodes metal like a black pudding
Green Slime 20 Non-mobile hazard that turns flesh into more green slime
Griffons 18 Basic 1977: Basic Set; Basic 1981: Expert Set; Basic 1983: Expert Set; Basic 1991: Rules Cyclopedia; 1st Edition: Monster Manual; 2nd Edition: Monstrous Compendium Volume Two, Dragon #161, Monstrous Manual; 3rd Edition: Monster Manual, Savage Species; 3.5 Edition: Monster Manual; 4th Edition: Monster Manual Griffon The most prized of steeds, fond of horse flesh
Hippogriffs 17 Basic 1977: Basic Set; Basic 1981: Expert Set; Basic 1983: Expert Set; Basic 1991: Rules Cyclopedia; 1st Edition: Monster Manual; 2nd Edition: Monstrous Compendium Volume Two, Monstrous Manual; 3rd Edition: Monster Manual; 3.5 Edition: Monster Manual; 4th Edition: Monster Manual Hippogriff Fierce fighters that attack with both hooves and sharp beaks
Hobgoblins 8 Basic 1977: Basic Set; Basic 1981: Basic Set; Basic 1983: Basic Set, Gazetteer: The Orcs of Thar; Basic 1991: Rules Cyclopedia; 1st Edition: Monster Manual, Dragon #63; 2nd Edition: Monstrous Compendium Volume One, Monstrous Manual, The Complete Book of Humanoids, Player's Option: Skills & Powers; 3rd Edition: Monster Manual, Races of Faerûn; 3.5 Edition: Monster Manual, Dragon #309, Monster Manual V; 4th Edition: Monster Manual Hobgoblin Large and fearless goblins
Hydras 10 Basic 1977: Basic Set; Basic 1981: Expert Set; Basic 1983: Expert Set; Basic 1991: Rules Cyclopedia; 1st Edition: Monster Manual; 2nd Edition: Monstrous Compendium Volume One, Monstrous Manual; 3rd Edition: Monster Manual, Dragon #272; 3.5 Edition: Monster Manual; 4th Edition: Monster Manual Hydra Large dinosaurs with multiple heads
Invisible Stalkers 18 Basic 1981: Expert Set; Basic 1983: Companion Set; Basic 1991: Rules Cyclopedia; 1st Edition: Monster Manual; 2nd Edition: Monstrous Compendium Volume One, Monstrous Manual; 3rd Edition: Monster Manual; 3.5 Edition: Monster Manual Invisible stalker Monsters created by spells, faultless trackers
Kobolds 7 Original: Blackmoor; Basic 1977: Basic Set; Basic 1981: Basic Set; Basic 1983: Basic Set, Gazetteer: The Orcs of Thar; Basic 1991: Rules Cyclopedia; 1st Edition: Monster Manual, Dragon #63, Dragon #141; 2nd Edition: Monstrous Compendium Volume One, Monstrous Manual, The Complete Book of Humanoids, Player's Option: Skills & Powers; 3rd Edition: Monster Manual; 3.5 Edition: Monster Manual, Dragon #332, Races of the Dragon; 4th Edition: Monster Manual, Dragon #364 Kobold Similar to goblins but weaker
Lycanthropes 14-15 Werewolf, wereboar, weretiger, werebear
Manticoras 10 Basic 1977: Basic Set; Basic 1981: Expert Set; Basic 1983: Expert Set; Basic 1991: Rules Cyclopedia; 1st Edition: Monster Manual; 2nd Edition: Monstrous Compendium Volume One, Dragon #153, Monstrous Manual; 3rd Edition: Monster Manual; 3.5 Edition: Monster Manual; 4th Edition: Monster Manual Manticore Huge, lion-bodied monstrosities with a tail full of spikes that can be fired
Medusae 10 Original: Eldritch Wizardry; Basic 1977: Basic Set; Basic 1981: Basic Set; Basic 1983: Basic Set, Companion Set; Basic 1991: Rules Cyclopedia; 1st Edition: Monster Manual; 2nd Edition: Monstrous Compendium Volume One, Monstrous Manual; 3rd Edition: Monster Manual, Savage Species; 3.5 Edition: Monster Manual; 4th Edition: Monster Manual Medusa Human-type monster with the lower body of a snake, turns those who look at it to stone
Minotaurs 15 Basic 1977: Basic Set; Basic 1981: Basic Set; Basic 1983: Basic Set; Basic 1991: Rules Cyclopedia; 1st Edition: Monster Manual, Dragon #116, Dragon #141; 2nd Edition: Monstrous Compendium Volume One, Monstrous Manual, The Complete Book of Humanoids, Player's Option: Skills & Powers; 3rd Edition: Monster Manual, Savage Species; 3.5 Edition: Monster Manual; 4th Edition: Monster Manual, Dragon #369 Minotaur Bull-headed men, who are man-eaters
Mummies 9 Basic 1977: Basic Set; Basic 1981: Expert Set; Basic 1983: Expert Set; Basic 1991: Rules Cyclopedia; 1st Edition: Monster Manual; 2nd Edition: Monstrous Compendium Volume One, Monstrous Manual; 3rd Edition: Monster Manual, , Dragon #300, Savage Species; 3.5 Edition: Monster Manual, Libris Mortis: The Book of Undead; 4th Edition: Monster Manual Mummy Touch causes a rotting disease
Nixies 15-16 Water sprites are Neutral in nature but will enslave humans for one year
Ochre Jelly 19 Giant amoeba which can be killed by fire or cold, but divides when hit by weapons
Ogres 8 Basic 1977: Basic Set; Basic 1981: Basic Set; Basic 1983: Basic Set, Gazetteer: The Orcs of Thar; Basic 1991: Rules Cyclopedia; 1st Edition: Monster Manual; 2nd Edition: Monstrous Compendium Volume One, Monstrous Manual, The Complete Book of Humanoids, Player's Option: Skills & Powers; 3rd Edition: Monster Manual, Dragon #304, Savage Species; 3.5 Edition: Monster Manual, Monster Manual IV; 4th Edition: Monster Manual Ogre Large and fearsome monsters
Orcs 7-8 Basic 1977: Basic Set; Basic 1981: Basic Set; Basic 1983: Basic Set, Gazetteer: The Orcs of Thar; Basic 1991: Rules Cyclopedia; 1st Edition: Monster Manual, Dragon #62, Dragon #141; 2nd Edition: Monstrous Compendium Volume One, Monstrous Manual, The Complete Book of Humanoids, Player's Option: Skills & Powers; 3rd Edition: Monster Manual; 3.5 Edition: Monster Manual, Monster Manual IV; 4th Edition: Monster Manual Orc Tribal creatures that live in caves or villages
Pegasi 17 Winged horses that will serve only Lawful characters
Pixies 16 Air sprites originally described in the "Chainmail" set, naturally invisible to human eyes
Purple Worms 15 Basic 1977: Basic Set; Basic 1981: Expert Set; Basic 1983: Expert Set; Basic 1991: Rules Cyclopedia; 1st Edition: Monster Manual; 2nd Edition: Monstrous Compendium Volume Two, Monstrous Manual; 3rd Edition: Monster Manual, Dragon #282; 3.5 Edition: Monster Manual; 4th Edition: Monster Manual Purple worm Huge and hungry monsters lurk beneath the surface
Rocs 17 Basic 1981: Expert Set; Basic 1983: Expert Set; Basic 1991: Rules Cyclopedia; 1st Edition: Monster Manual; 2nd Edition: Monstrous Compendium Volume Two, Monstrous Manual; 3rd Edition: Monster Manual; 3.5 Edition: Monster Manual; 4th Edition: Monster Manual Roc Large and fierce birds that nest in mountains; hostile to creatures of Chaos and Neutrality
Skeletons 9 Basic 1977: Basic Set; Basic 1981: Basic Set; Basic 1983: Basic Set; Basic 1991: Rules Cyclopedia; 1st Edition: Monster Manual; 2nd Edition: Monstrous Compendium Volume One, Monstrous Manual; 3rd Edition: Monster Manual; 3.5 Edition: Monster Manual, Libris Mortis: The Book of Undead; 4th Edition: Monster Manual Skeleton Acts under the instructions of their motivator, be it Magic-User or Cleric (Chaos)
Spectres 9 Basic 1977: Basic Set; Basic 1981: Expert Set; Basic 1983: Expert Set; Basic 1991: Rules Cyclopedia; 1st Edition: Monster Manual; 2nd Edition: Monstrous Compendium Volume One, Monstrous Manual; 3rd Edition: Monster Manual; 3.5 Edition: Monster Manual; 4th Edition: Monster Manual Spectre Have no corporeal body and drain life energy levels
Treants 16 Tree-like creatures able to command trees, Lawful in nature
Trolls 8 Basic 1977: Basic Set; Basic 1981: Expert Set; Basic 1983: Expert Set, Gazetteer: The Orcs of Thar; Basic 1991: Rules Cyclopedia; 1st Edition: Monster Manual; 2nd Edition: Monstrous Compendium Volume One, Monstrous Manual; 3rd Edition: Monster Manual, Dragon #301, Savage Species; 3.5 Edition: Monster Manual; 4th Edition: Monster Manual Troll Thin and rubbery, loathsome creatures able to regenerate
Unicorns 15 Basic 1977: Basic Set; Basic 1981: Expert Set; Basic 1983: Expert Set; Basic 1991: Rules Cyclopedia, Thunder Rift; 1st Edition: Monster Manual, Dragon #77; 2nd Edition: Monstrous Compendium Volume One, Monstrous Manual, Dragon #190; 3rd Edition: Monster Manual; 3.5 Edition: Monster Manual; 4th Edition: Monster Manual Unicorn Can be ridden by maiden-warriors and will obey them
Vampires 9-10 Original: Greyhawk; Basic 1977: Basic Set; Basic 1981: Expert Set; Basic 1983: Expert Set; Basic 1991: Rules Cyclopedia; 1st Edition: Monster Manual; 2nd Edition: Monstrous Compendium Volume One, Monstrous Manual; 3rd Edition: Monster Manual; 3.5 Edition: Monster Manual, Libris Mortis: The Book of Undead; 4th Edition: Monster Manual Vampire Powerful undead
Wights 9 Basic 1977: Basic Set; Basic 1981: Basic Set; Basic 1983: Basic Set; Basic 1991: Rules Cyclopedia; 1st Edition: Monster Manual; 2nd Edition: Monstrous Compendium Volume One, Monstrous Manual; 3rd Edition: Monster Manual; 3.5 Edition: Monster Manual, Libris Mortis: The Book of Undead, Dragon #348; 4th Edition: Monster Manual Wight Drain away energy levels on a hit
Wraiths 9 Basic 1977: Basic Set; Basic 1981: Expert Set; Basic 1983: Expert Set; Basic 1991: Rules Cyclopedia; 1st Edition: Monster Manual; 2nd Edition: Monstrous Compendium Volume One, Monstrous Manual; 3rd Edition: Monster Manual; 3.5 Edition: Monster Manual; 4th Edition: Monster Manual Wraith High-class wights with more mobility
Wyverns 11 Basic 1981: Expert Set; Basic 1983: Expert Set; Basic 1991: Rules Cyclopedia; 1st Edition: Monster Manual; 2nd Edition: Monstrous Compendium Volume Two, Monstrous Manual, Dragon Annual #1; 3rd Edition: Monster Manual; 3.5 Edition: Monster Manual; 4th Edition: Monster Manual Wyvern Smaller relatives of dragons with poisonous sting in tail
Yellow Mold 20 Deadly underground fungus that attacks wood and flesh
Zombies 9 Basic 1977: Basic Set; Basic 1981: Basic Set; Basic 1983: Basic Set; Basic 1991: Rules Cyclopedia; 1st Edition: Monster Manual; 2nd Edition: Monstrous Compendium Volume One, Monstrous Manual; 3rd Edition: Monster Manual; 3.5 Edition: Monster Manual, Libris Mortis: The Book of Undead; 4th Edition: Monster Manual Zombie Acts under the instructions of their motivator, be it Magic-User or Cleric (Chaos)

TSR 2003 - Dungeons & Dragons Supplement I: Greyhawk (1974)

This first supplement to the Gygax/Arneson boxed set is by Gary Gygax and Rob Kuntz and was printed in 1974. Information is presented in a similar manner as that in the boxed set booklet. Page 33 contains an index of the monsters presented in the book, and pages 34–40 contain descriptions of each monster. Additions and corrections to Vampires and Elementals from the boxed set are included in this book on page 34.


Creature Page Other Appearances Versions Included Description
Beholders 37-38 Basic 1983: Companion Set; Basic 1991: Rules Cyclopedia; 1st Edition: Monster Manual, Dragon #76; 2nd Edition: Monstrous Compendium Volume One, Monstrous Manual; 3rd Edition: Monster Manual; 3.5 Edition: Monster Manual, Lords of Madness: The Book of Aberrations; 4th Edition: Monster Manual Beholder "Spheres of Many Eyes" or "Eye Tyrants", a levitating globe with ten magical eye stalks
Blink Dogs 38 Resemble African wild dogs, with high intelligence and an ability of limited teleportation
Bugbears 34 Great hairy goblin-giants
Carrion Crawlers 39 Worm-shaped scavengers whose touch causes paralyzation
Displacer Beasts 38 Puma-like creature with six legs and two tentacles growing from its shoulders
Dopplegangers 37 Creatures with mutable form, able to shape themselves into doubles of any person they observe
Dragons 35-37 Brass, copper, bronze, and silver dragons, the Platinum Dragon (The King of Lawful (and Neutral) Dragons) and the Chromatic Dragon (The Queen of the Chaotic Dragons) Powerful and intelligent winged reptiles with magical abilities and breath weapon.
Druids 34 Priests of a neutral-type religion
Gelatinous Cubes 39-40 Cubic creatures that sweep clean the floor and walls of dungeon passages
Giants, Storm 34 Intelligent giants found only in out-of-the-way places
Giant Tick 39 Over-grown insects which live on the blood of other living things
Giant Slugs 40 Giant beasts that spit a highly acid saliva with considerable accuracy at great distances
Golems 39 Flesh, stone, and iron golems are described
Harpies 35 Have the lower bodies of eagles and the upper bodies of human females
Hell Hounds 38 Reddish-brown evil hounds that can breathe fire
Lammasu 37 Human-headed, winged lions which are very lawful and very magical
Liches 35 Skeletal monsters that were formerly Magic-Users or Magic-User/Clerics in life
Lizard Men 37 Aquatic monsters with a rude intelligence, fond of human flesh
Lycanthropes (Wererat or Rat Man) 37 Extremely intelligent lycanthropes that will capture humans and hold them for ransom
Ogre magi 34 Japanese Ogres, far more powerful than their Western cousins
Owl Bears 39 Horrid creatures which "hug" like a bear and deal damage with a beak
Phase Spiders 39 Giant spiders that can shift out of phase with its surroundings
Rust Monsters 39 Creatures are the bane of metal with a ferrous content, which they rust instantaneously
Salamanders 37 Free-willed, highly intelligent Fire Elementals
Shadows 34-35 Non-corporeal intelligent creatures that hunger after the life energy of living things
Stirges 39 Large, bird-like monsters with long probuscuses which suck blood from living creatures
Titans 35 Similar to giants, but far more handsome and intelligent, even moreso than humans
Tritons 34 Similar to Mermen in appearance, and can use spells
Umber Hulks 38 Human-shaped creatures with gaping maws flanked by pairs of exceedingly sharp mandibles
Will O'Wisp 35 Highly clever creatures that lure foes to feed upon their life force

TSR 2004 - Dungeons & Dragons Supplement II: Blackmoor (1975)

This second supplement to the Gygax/Arneson boxed set is by Dave Arneson and was printed in 1975. Information is presented in a similar manner as that in the boxed set booklet. Page 14 contains an index of the monsters presented in the book, and pages 15–24 contain descriptions of each monster.


Creature Page Other Appearances Versions Included Description
Dolphins 20
Aquatic Elves 20 Also called sea elves, they are akin to mermen as land elves are to humans
Elasmosaurus 19
Fire Lizard 19
Floating Eyes 23 Small fish with a huge central eye that can hypnotize a victim
Giant Beaver 16
Giant Crabs 15
Giant Crocodile 16
Giant Eels 19
Giant frog 16
Giant Leech 16
Giant Octopi 16
Giant Otter 17
Giant Sea Spider 21
Giant Shark 19
Giant Squid 16
Giant Toads 16
Giant Wasps 18
Giant Beetle 18 Five types are described: giant stag beetle, rhinoceros beetle, bombardier beetle, fire beetle, and boring beetle
Ixitxachith 23 A race of Chaotic Clerical Philosophers that resemble manta rays
Lamprey 19
Locathah 23 Nomadic people that ride eels and roam the ocean depths
Manta Ray 21
Masher 23 Coral eaters, similar to large Purple Worms
Mermen 15 More intelligent than lizardmen, these aquatic creatures use weapons as humans do
Minotaur Lizard 19
Morkoth or Morlock 23 This shrouded wraith of the deep makes its home in spiraling tunnels
Mososaurus 19
Plesiosaurus 19
Portuguese Man-Of-War 19
Pungi Ray 20
Sahuagin 21-23 "Devil-Men of the Deep", these voracious creatures are a constant threat to humans
Sea Horse 19
Strangle Weed 23 Looks like ordinary seaweed but crushes its victims like a tentacle (Note: stats are not given on page 14)
Weed Eels 21
Whale 19

TSR 2005 - Dungeons & Dragons Supplement III: Eldritch Wizardry (1976)

This third supplement to the Gygax/Arneson boxed set is by Gary Gygax and Brian Blume and was printed in 1976. Information is presented in a similar manner as that in the boxed set booklet. Page 27 contains an index of the monsters presented in the book, and pages 27–40 contain descriptions of each monster. Additions and corrections to several monsters from previous books in the series are included in this book from pages 27–29.


Creature Page Other Appearances Versions Included Description
Brain Moles 39 Small rodent-like creatures that are attracted by psionic activity
Cerebral Parasites 39 Tiny creatures that attack psionically endowed creatures
Couatl 38 Winged, feathered serpents found in jungles, with exceptional intelligence and powers
Demons -- 29-38 Demons are chaotic and evil
-- Demogorgon 37 This gigantic reptilian demon prince is powerful, has body and legs of a giant lizard, twin snake-like necks and two heads which bear the visages of evil baboons
-- Orcus 35 Grossly fat demon lord with goat-like head and legs, holds the wand of death (Orcus' Wand)
-- Type I 30 Among the weakest of their kind, they resemble a cross between human and vulture
-- Type II 30 Looks like a gross toad with human arms in place of forelegs
-- Type III 32 Has a ghastly appearance, broad and strong-looking, with a head like a goat-horned dog, pincers instead of hands, and human arms protruding from its chest
-- Type IV 32 Combines the worst features of ape and boar, with small wings for their ponderous bodies
-- Succubus 33 Appears like a tall and very beautiful human woman, and drains energy by a kiss
-- Type V 33 Female demon with a multiarmed torso atop the body of a great snake
-- Type VI 33 Highly intelligent demons with great magical power
Intellect Devourers 38-39 Chaotic and evil monsters, highly malign with regard to sentient life
Ki-Rin 38 Aerial creatures that dwell amongst the clouds, of the highest intelligence and completely lawful (and good)
Mind Flayers 39 Super-intelligent, man-shaped creatures of great (and lawful) evil, tentacles penetrate to the brain and draw it forth for food
Shedu 38 Similar in appearance to lammasu, human-headed winged creatures with bull-like bodies
Su-Monsters 39 Evil and chaotic beings resembling wasp-wasted, great chested hounds
Thought Eaters 39-40 Unintelligent ether dwellers attracted by psionic-related energy use