Chihayafuru is a television anime series produced by Madhouse based on the manga by Yuki Suetsugu. The story follows Chihaya Ayase, a girl who is inspired by a classmate to take up competitive karuta, with the dream of forming a club and reaching the national tournament. The series began airing on Nippon Television from October 5, 2011 and is also being simulcast by Crunchyroll. The opening theme is "Youthful", performed by 99RadioService, and the ending theme is "And Now", performed by Asami Seto.[1]
An anime television series based on the manga was announced in May 2011.[2] The series was produced by Studio Madhouse under the direction of Morio Asaka with script supervision by Naoya Takayama and character designs by Kunihiko Hamada.[3] The art director is Tomoyuki Shimizu, the director of photography is Kenji Fujita, the colour supervisor is Ken Hashimoto, the CG director is Tsukasa Saito, the music is by Kousuke Yamashita, and the sound director is Masafumi Mima.[1] There were 25 episodes announced before the series aired.[4] The series began its broadcast run on NTV starting 5 October, 2011.[3] The series is simulcast in the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Ireland, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand by Crunchyroll.[5]
The series is planned to be released on DVD and Blu-ray Disc on 21 December, 2011, with a limited character charm of young Chihaya.[6]
No. | Title | Original airdate |
1 | "Now the Flower Blooms[7]" "Sakuya Kono Hana" (さくやこのはな[8]) |
5 October, 2011[9] |
Chihaya Ayase attempts to start up a karuta club at her high school, though she finds it hard to find members. After reuniting with her childhood friend, Taichi Mishima, she thinks back to her elementary school days where she often spent her time just supporting her fashion model sister. Whilst waiting for a newspaper, she meets Arata Wataya, a boy who is often picked on in class for being poor, particularly by Taichi, who threatens to alienate Chihaya if she makes friends with Arata. After drying off at his place, Arata asks Chihaya to play a game of karuta with him, where he shows tremendous skill. At the end of the game, Chihaya manages to use what she knows of the game to obtain one card for herself, a card which bears the name 'Chihaya'. Inspired by Arata's dream to become a karuta master, she decides that her dream is to become the strongest female karuta player--or karuta Queen. | ||
2 | "The Red That Is[10]" "Karakurenai ni" (からくれなゐに) |
12 October, 2011[11] |
As everyone starts to ignore Chihaya as well as Arata, Chihaya stands her ground, boasting about Arata's karuta skills. Taichi makes a bet that if he can beat Arata in a tournament, he will be ignored until graduation. Jealous of Chihaya's admiration of Arata, Taichi continues to harass the other boy, making him spill coke all over himself. As both Taichi and Arata make their way to the final, Taichi steals Arata's glasses, making it difficult to see. Although Arata manages to cope on memory alone, Taichi swaps the cards around to make things difficult. At this point, Chihaya offers to take Arata's place in the match, using her instincts and unorthodox methods to tie with Taichi. On the final match, Chihaya starts seeing things through the eyes of a karuta player and takes the final card, winning the tournament. However, Chihaya becomes a bit upset when her family doesn't acknowledge her achievement. As Chihaya resumes her search for Arata's glasses, Taichi returns them to Arata and apologises for his foul play. Arata calls him a coward when Taichi asks him not to tell Chihaya because he doesn't want her to hate him, but the boys reach an understanding. | ||
3 | "From the Crystal White Snow" "Fureru Shirayuki" (ふれるしらゆき) |
19 October, 2011[11] |
Chihaya, Taichi and Arata go to a karuta society where people practice competitive karuta. There, they are challenged to a three-on-three match against some of the regulars. Arata takes charge for most of the games, leading to some competitiveness within the team as well as with the opposing team. After winning the game, the group learn of a team tournament and start training for it. Later, Chihaya learns that Taichi is going to a far away middle school and Arata is going to return to Fukui after he graduates, meaning they will not be able to keep playing karuta together. At the thought of this, she becomes upset and refuses to enter the tournament. However, after some advice from her karuta mentor, she decides to join them after all, accepting that she is not the only one who will be lonely. After graduation, Chihaya challenges Arata to one final match and promises that one day they will meet again. | ||
4 | "A Whirlwind of Flower Petals Descends" "Shizukokoro Naku Hana no Chiruramu" (しつこころなくはなのちるらむ) |
26 October, 2011[11] |
Back in the present, Chihaya becomes jealous when he learns Taichi allegedly has a girlfriend, and vows that if she can win a tournament and become a Class A karuta player, Taichi must help her form a high school karuta club. As Chihaya progresses through the tournament, Taichi reconnects with his old karuta tutor, Dr. Harada, who shows the progress Chihaya has made. In the final match, Chihaya faces a tough opponent who can read her moves, leading to a fierce battle for the 'Chihaya' card. However, Chihaya enjoys facing a strong, passionate, opponent and soon wins the tournament. After the match, Chihaya calls Arata to tell him the news, only to be told to stop calling him as he had long since quit playing karuta. | ||
5 | "The Sight of a Midnight Moon" "Yoha no Tsuki Kana" (よはのつきかな) |
2 November, 2011[11] |
Following the call, Chihaya decides to go with Taichi to Fukui so she can confront Arata. However, Arata is not too pleased to see them and becomes aggressive when Chihaya brings up karuta again, kicking away her cards. Taichi gets upset then, and drags Chihaya away, saying that they didn't travel all that way just so Arata could abuse their cards. Arata's friend, Yuu, explains to Chihaya that his grandfather died of a relapse while Arata was playing at a karuta tournament, the guilt making him unable to play karuta again. After Arata reads a letter that Chihaya wrote for him, he still holds his friendship dear and goes to see Chihaya and Taichi off as they head back towards home, with Chihaya able to make out that he doesn't completely hate karuta. On the ride back, Taichi agrees to help Chihaya form a high school karuta club, so Arata will have something to return to. | ||
6 | "Now Bloom Inside the Ninefold Palace" "Kyō Kokonoe ni Nioinuru kana" (けふここのへににほひぬるかな) |
9 November, 2011[11] |
Having obtained a clubroom, Chihaya and Taichi need to find three more members to be officially recognised as a club. Kanade Ōe, a girl who loves traditional clothing, takes an interest in the club but feels dejected when she finds out they don't wear hakama. As Chihaya continues to approach Kanade about joining the club, she comes to learn about the true meanings behind the hundred poems, which helps her improve in the game. Feeling pleased by this, Kanade agrees to join the club on the condition that they start wearing hakama during matches. | ||
7 | "But For Autumn's Coming" "Hito koso Miene Aki wa Kinikeri" (ひとこそみえねあきはきにけり) |
16 November, 2011[12] |
As Taichi laments that he's can't match Chihaya's skill level, Chihaya scouts a bookworm named Tsutomu Komano for the club, literally dragging his desk with him to the clubroom. Wanting to become smarter to become the number one in school, Tsutomu challenges Chihaya and Taichi to play a game with the cards flipped over. With this new rule, Taichi gains an advantage over Chihaya, whose memorization skills aren't as developed, and wins against her. After the match, Tsutomu laments that he lacks friends and talent, but Taichi tells him that he keeps playing, even if he keeps losing, for the reward of winning. Hearing this, Tsutomu decides to abandon his desk and join the karuta club. | ||
8 | "The Sounds of the Waterfall" "Taete Hisashiku Narinuredo" (たえてひさしくなりぬれど) |
23 November, 2011 |
As the club searches for its last member, Chihaya encounters Yusei Nishida, who she last saw during the elementary school tournament, though he refuses to join the karuta club as he is focusing on his tennis. However, as Chihaya observes him, she finds that Yusei is just using tennis as an escape from karuta. Chihaya challenges Yusei to a game of karuta, where he gradually remembers how he used to play karuta for fun before he was defeated in a tournament by Arata. However, Chihaya's play style helps remind him how he used to play, and after the match, Yusei decides to quit tennis to join the karuta club. | ||
9 | "But I Cannot Hide" "Shinoburedo" (しのぶれど) |
30 November, 2011 |
Teacher, Taeko Miyauchi, agrees to make the karuta club official and become its advisor, but on the condition that someone besides Chihaya be club president, so Taichi is nominated as president whilst Chihaya declares herself captain. Chihaya reveals that she wants to participate in a national tournament coming in the summer, despite Kanade and Tsutomu being beginners. With not much room to practise after school, Chihaya holds a training camp at Taichi's house. Chihaya pushes Kanade and Tsutomu to become stronger players, but Taichi fears that she is overworking them and putting on too much pressure. Later that night, as Chihaya laments her pushiness, the others bring her out for a surprise birthday party, saying that they are growing to love karuta, later receiving a birthday text from Arata. | ||
10 | "Exchange Hellos and Goodbyes" "Yuku mo Kaeru mo Wakarete wa" (ゆくもかへるもわかれては) |
6 December, 2011[13] |
The day of the prefectural tournament comes and Chihaya's club comes in with hakama at the ready. As their team progresses through the group stage, Tsutomu grows less confident as he continues to be beaten in his matches. As he grows irritated and chooses to skip the semi-finals, Chihaya feels downhearted that the club has not been able to become a true team, which begins to affect her karuta skills. As Taichi realises he has not been perfect himself, he helps motivate the others to get them back on track, and when Chihaya sees Tsutomu comes to support her, she regains her form and makes a comeback and helps the team to win. After the match, Kanade manages to talk Tsutomu into coming back onto the team as they prepare for the finals. | ||
11 | "The Sky is the Road Home" "Amatsukaze" (あまつかぜ) |
13 December, 2011 |
As the Misuzawa team start to face off against Hokuou Academy in the regional finals, Arata discovers the masses of e-mails Chihaya had sent him. Chihaya struggles when her opponent uses her favourite card to distract her. However, she is soon encouraged by her teammates. Meanwhile, Yusei feels disheartened when facing off against an old rival, but finds encouragement from seeing the passion of the juniors. Through all their struggles, Misuzawa manages to win their match and the regional championship, securing them a place in the nationals. | ||
12 | "Set These Forbidden Fields Aglow" "Murasakino Yuki Shimeno Yuki" (むらさきのゆきしめのゆき) |
20 December, 2011 |
Despite the victory at the tournament, Chihaya still feels overshadowed by her sister. After playing a match against Dr. Harada, Chihaya grows concern about living up to the expectations of being Tokyo's representative in the nationals, but she is soon cheered up by Takashi, who received some useful tips from Hokuou Acadameny. She also feels touched when she finds her father has started a scrapbook of her accomplishments. As the team work hard to train for the nationals, Miyauchi acknowledges their efforts and decides to accompany them to the nationals in Omi Jingu. | ||
13 | "For You" "Kimi ga Tame" (きみがため) |
4 January, 2012 |
The team arrive at Omi Jingu for the national tournament. As the first match begins, Chihaya feels overwhelmed by the hot and noisy environment of the tournament hall. Meanwhile, Arata makes his way to Omi Jingu, remembering the time he spent with his grandfather, who taught him many valuable tips about karuta before starting to lose his memory due to dimentia. When Arata was asked to look after his grandfather on the day of a tournament, he regained his memory and encouraged him to go but passed away during the tournament. Overcoming his fears, Arata arrives at the tournament hall just in time to witness Chihaya faint. Taichi puts Chihaya in Arata's care whilst he and the others continue the match. As Chihaya laments letting everyone down, Arata encounters an old acquaintance and realises he still loves karuta. As Chihaya vows to recover in time for the individual tournament, she receives a package from Arata, saying they will meet again in a match. |
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