
Prefecture: Achaia
Province: Patras
City: Patras
Section: South
Distance from downtown: 5 km south
Population: (2001)

about 2,000 to 3,000


Population percentage (2005): about 4 to 45%

Ionian Sea
20 m(centre)
about 30 to 40 m (east)
Area/distance code: 11-0030-2610

Leyka (Greek: Λέυκα) is a neighbourhood in the southern part of the city of Patras, 5 km direct and 6 km south via road from the downtown core. Leyka is linked with the Akti Dymaion (GR-9/E55 - Patras - Pyrgos - Kyparissia) and Akrotiriou Street (GR-3 - Patras - Tripoli southbound) and Chalkidiki Street. Its residents work on agriculture, the remainder work on other businesses.


Nearest subdivisions

Nearest places



The area are mare up of farmlands and consists of olive and citrus groves and cattle as well as tomatoes, potatoes, beans, zucchinis, onions, watermelons, melons and others. Its nearest supermarket is by Akti Dymaion to the northwest. Its total area is approximately 5 to 6 km² and 3 km in length from west to east and 2 km in width from north to south. Its total street length is approximately 10 to 15 km of which 4 to 5 km are main streets, the rest are residential. The built-up area lies north of the Glafkos river which is in the north side with the exception of a tract north of the neighbourhood.


The housing developments to the present day due did not reach Leyka due to that is away from the urban capacity. Not as much housing developments has been done since the early-2000s and the population has been unchanged than other neighbourhoods in Patras.

The Glafkos road was added in the form of gravel in the 1970s, it was later paved in the mid-1980s and became one way and was fully opened in 1995, its streetlights were added in the late-1990s


Its panorama includes the Panachaiko mountains to the east, more to the south and southeast including Omplos, Varasova and Arakynthos to the west and northwest and more to the north, the panorama is almost entirely blocked by high buildings except for by the square.


Leyka has a few schools, a lyceum (secondary school), a few gymnasia (high school) churches and more squares (plateies). Its nearest train station with the OSE's SPAP line is 2 km west.