
Lapanagoi (Greek: Λαπαναγοί Αχαΐας) is a village in Greece.

The village, on the border of the provinces of Aigeialeias and Kalavryta, is located SE of the Leonteio and across from the Makellarias Monastery. It has a castle in height 750 m. protected north of Lagos, west of Selinus and east of Gerakovouni. The history of Lapanagoi is connected with the Makellarias monastery. The communication with Aigio is through Kouninas - Rakitas and with Kalavrita through Cuticle and Evangelist . For Makellaria monastery, the road is Flampoura-Kaniska.


Brief history of Lapanagoi

Historical data for the village are the revolution of '21 and beyond. Many Lapanagites as-John Droulia Dimitris Kordas, Antonis Adamopoulos, Konstantinos Alexopoulos, played an important role in the revolution of 1821. Gnorizoume that in 1853 the village population was 75th. The village after the Revolution of 1821 showed economic anthisi. Afto show at least several two-storey houses built before and after 1900 with hewn stone from limestone, that operated in the village until about 1930, public market for the residents and residents of nearby residents chorion. Oi Lapanagon from old patterns of these had a difficult life in some chorioTo 1880 Lapanagites Aegio in descended, where they founded the village Koumaris. There he took land from Diomedes Polychroniadi kalliergontas and raisins, pay the Novella (type tax). The Koumaris was then the independent koinotita. Meta 1900 lapanagitikes many families settled permanently in Aigio. Stis nowadays live permanently in the village only four families.

Kafkaria-26–27 August 1827

In 1827, as is known, the army of Ibrahim continued the destruction of Peloponnese. Kolokotronis that time had come to Lapanagous and had ordered the local chieftains to beat Ibrahim in any way. On August 26 of that year the army of Ibrahim came and camped outside of Lapanagous with the leaders Ahmet Deli and traitor Nenekos. The other day on August 27, Greek fighters (1,000 Kalavrytinos 600 Aigiotes, 100 Lapanagites and 100 Souliotes) waiting for the Turkish army on the hill Goula with drums, which seem until today. Early in the morning the battle against Turkey began. The Greeks took the win due to the location they had chosen, and also had the help of stone which were coming of the hill. Turks fled to stampede 500 dead and other 500 wounded, while the Greeks left the battlefield with only 5 deaths and 5 injured. Kafkaria's victory was the last great victory of the Greeks against Turks. Dyo months after this great victory, the battle of Navarino was the end of the Revolution.

The Gerakovouni

The Gerakovouni took its name from the hawks that lived there in the old, good times. Its solid, huge, towering rock rises like a wall with huge dimensions to the west of Lapanagoi. It starts from the bank of Selinus, opposite Makellaria with a relatively small amount, as the rising 400 meters. In the Lapanagoi hand, there is Gerakovouni with numerous folds. With rain in the recesses of the folds formed waterfalls, while with the cold ice crystals are created, which seems like stalagmites. Also unusual, unique beauty shows daily Gerakovouni when, just before sunset, come and sit for a few moments the sun sit on the rock . In the middle of the rock, there is a large cave, which was used during the years of Ottoman rule as a refuge for the civilian population Lapanagon. The sanctuary was a church dedicated to Our Lady, called Virgin Katafygiotissa.

The historic bridge Gyftapidima

Passing the River Selinountas by Lapanagous, to a point between the rocks and Makellaria and Gerakovouniou, the river narrows and the water over the narrow pass by 10 metres. At this point the water gather, forming rich fishing grounds. The strait is called Gyftapidima because the delivery says that from there a gypsy had jumped chased by the Turks. At this part Lapanagites had built a stone bridge that still survives, to communicate with Makellaria and their properties on the opposite side of Selinus in Lefterochori place where the bishop and the fountain.

The majestic fountain Bishop

Between two hills near the Selinus, lies plain called Lefterochori. There the villagers cultivated vegetables because it has quite water. Right behind the plain lies the enchanting forest of Kaniska. From this point came in June 1827, Ibrahim Pasha, walking to Kalavrita with 13,000 troops having to be guided by Nenekos. Nenekos from chieftain of the Revolution resulted in 1927 to be one of Ibrahim's Beys and traitor of Greece. Ibrahim made a stop at the tap with the army and after he ate and drank, did a ride along with Nenekos in forest Kaniska. In the wilderness of dense forest was a great opportunity to Nenekos to wash his treachery and ruin that is the destroyer of so many souls of Morea and Rumeli, but he did not. So the fountain was named by the bishop (master, ruler, ruler) Ibrahim, after over there.

The River Gorge Selinus

The biggest part of the natural area is still inside the gorge of Selinus. From the height of the Old Kouninas up the Petsakous. That makes a haven for wildlife including raptors such as golden eagle and mammals such as otters.

Walk in the Gorge of Selinus to Lapanagoi

Organized cross as Selinountas, especially during the summer months. The route crosses the river and is as follows-up Archangels Monastery Monastery Makellaria overnight in the village 15 km Lapanagoi.


On December 17 memorials be made to the village on the occasion of the burning by the Germans in 1943. On August 15 is the feast in the village of Lapanagoi which gathers crowds and throughout the summer to host various cultural events.

Makellarias Monastery

Makellaria Monastery is one of the oldest monasteries in the region and is located opposite the village Lapanagoi on the right bank of Selinus, built on a panoramic rocky site. The Monastery Makalarias after its destruction by the Turks rebuilt in its present location and renovated in 1784. Beneath the rock is built the monastery located in a small cave temple of the Transfiguration, where the rock altar dripping water in which people give healing power. During the revolution of 1821, the monastery provided material assistance and several monks fought against the Turks. Inside the monastery there are two small churches, the Assumption of the Catholic monastery and the Holy Trinity. The monastery is celebrated on 15 Avgoustou. Opos just the other monasteries, the Monastery Makellaria preserved relics of great value. Between them stands the miraculous image of Our Lady of Makellaritissas task of Byzantine art.