
Langalibalele (isiHlubi: The sun is boiling hot), also known as Mtetwa, (c1814 - 1889) was king of the amaHlubi, a bantu tribe in what is the modern-day province of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. He was born on the eve of the arrival of European settlers in the province. During the diamond rush, many of his young men worked on the mines in Kimberley where they acquired guns. In 1873 the colonial authorities demanded that the guns be registered, Langalibalele refused and a stand-off ensured resulting in a skirmish in which European troopers were killed. Langalibalele fled across the mountains into Basutoland, but was captured, tried and banished to Robben Island. He eventually returned to his home, but remained under house arrest.

His imprisonment split the colonial population of Natal and was a watershed in South African political history.



The Bushmen, a hunter-gatherer people were the original inhabitants of the modern-day province of KwaZulu-Natal.[Note 1][Note 2] Historians are divided as to when the bantu, a pastoral people first migrated into the province from the north, but they had certainly settled there by the end of the seventeenth century and displaced the bushmen who migrated into the foothills of the Drakensberg.[1] The amaHlubi, a bantu tribe speaking an Nguni dialect had settled in the northern part of the province between the Buffalo and Blood Rivers.[2]

During the first decade of the nineteenth century the Mtetwa chief Dingiswayo, a neighbour of the amaHlubi, set about consolidating the various Nguni people under his leadership. In 1817 he was killed in battle and after a civil war, power passed into the hands of one of his lieutennants, Shaka, chief of the Zulu clan. Shaka expanded the Zulu clan into a tribe, both by assimilating neighbouring clans and by the use of the policy of Mfecane (genocide).[3]

At the time of Langalibalele's birth, European settlements in Southern Africa were confined to Cape Colony[4] and to Portuguese fortress of Lourenço Marques.[5] In 1824 Fynn established a small British settlement at Port Natal (later to become Durban) but the British Government declined to take possession of the port. From 1834 onwards, the Voortrekkers (Dutch-speaking farmers) started to migrate from the Cape Colony in large numbers and in 1837 crossed the Drakensberg into KwaZulu-Natal where, after the murder of one of their leaders, Piet Retief, the massacre at Weenen they defeated Shaka's successor Dingane at the Battle of Blood River, put Mpanda on the Zulu throne and established the republic of Natalia. Friction between the Voortrekkers and the Pondo, a tribe whose territory lay between Natalia and the Cape Colony led to the British occupying Port Natal, the subsequent Battle of Congella followed by the siege and relief of the port. After the port had been relieved, the Voortrekkers withdrew from KwaZulu-Natal into the interior and the British established the Colony of Natal.

The following decades saw the rise of the British industrial base - emigration was used to control unemployment and thereby boost the British economy.[6] The Colony of Natal was one of the destination of such emigrants. In 1856 the colony was granted representative government by the British Government[7][Note 3] with responsible government[Note 4] following in 1895.[8] The British government appointed a "Diplomatic Agent" who was to act on behalf of the native[Note 5] people who were subject to "native law" rather than "colonial law", "in so far as it was not repugnant to the dictates of humanity".[9] From 1856 until 1877, the post of Diplomatic Agent was held by Sir Theophilus Shepstone, son of a missionary and who had been brought up at the mission station.

King of the amaHlubi

The amaHlubi oral tradition asserts that the dynastic line of Langalibalele originated from King Chibi (1300–1325) who reigned an area known to the tribe as eMbo, believed to be in the Congo basin. The tribe migrated southwards along with other bantu tribes and it is believed that they settled in KwaZulu-Natal in about 1650.[10] When Mthimkhulu II became king of the amaHlubi in 1800, he held sway over about 5,000 km2 in the north-western corner of KwaZulu-Natal.

Early years

Langalibalele (literally "the sun is boiling hot"),[Note 6][11] the second son of Mthimkhulu II was born in about 1814 and was originally known as Mtetwa.

In 1818 Dingiswayo attacked and looted the amaNgwana clan who, to replenish their losses of cattle, attacked the amaHlubi.[12] Mthimkhulu died in the ensuing battle and as both Langalibalele and his elder brother Dlomo were children, Mthimkhulu's brother Mahwanqa assumed the regency. Mahwanqa, rather than resolve the differences with the amaNgwana, fled northwards across the Pongola river (northern boundary of KwaZulu-Natal) to the Wakkerstroom area of Mpumalanga with the two boys where he sought sanctuary amongst the amaNgwe. Other members of the tribe fled southwards to Pondoland, or westwards to the Orange Free State and the Basutoland; those fleeing to Basutoland placing themselves under the protection of Chief Molapo. After the assassination of Shaka in 1828, Mahwanqa returned to the amaHlubi's traditional lands. Since Mahwanqa was not subject to Dingane, Shaka's successor, he set about rebuilding his army.[2][11]

Once Dlomo came of age, Mahwanqa was reluctant to relinquish the regency and wished to transfer the chieftainship to Langalibalele, but Mahwanqa's troops revolted and Mahwanqa was slain in the ensuing battle. Dlomo, on taking the chieftainship paid a visit to the Zulu king Dingane at the royal kraal in UmGungundlovu where he argued that the best course would be for him (Dlomo) to retain the chieftainship of the amaHlubi and that Dingane should return his cattle. Dingane however ordered the murder of Dlomo. Thus, in about 1836, Langalibalele became king of the amaHlubi. Under the guidance of Zimane, the great man in the amaHlubi tribe, Langalibalele was circumsised and initiated into the rituals of the tribe. He then took his first wife - he was later to take another three wives.[2]

Flight to the Natal Colony

In 1848 Mpande summonsed Langalibilele to the royal kraal. Langalibalele, mindful of what had happened to his brother, and Mpande, incensed by Langalibalele's refusal, launched an attack. The amaHlubi and the amaPutini fled across the Buffalo River into the Klip River country and Langalibilele appealed to the Martin West, the lieutenant governor of Natal for protection and in December 1849, after negotiations in which Shepstone exhibited considerable diplomacy, the amaHlubi, now reduced to 7000 in number, were granted 364 km2 of good land on the banks of the Little Bushmans River, between newly established European settlement of Bushmans River (Estcourt) and the Drakensberg. It was hoped that the amaHlubi would provide a buffer between the bushmen and the settlers and so protect the settlers' cattle from the bushmen. This area proved too small and within a few years, the Hlubi settlement had spread to over 6000 km2.[2]

The British Government required that the colonies be self-supporting insofar as was possible, resulting in various taxes being imposed on all residents. In the 1850s military levies and a hut taxes were imposed on the native population who lived within the limits of the Colony. In 1873 a marriage tax of £5 was imposed by the colonial government cause much resentment.[13]

The rebellion

The discovery of diamonds in the Kimberley attracted thousand of workers, black and white. Many young men from the amaHlubi became labourers on the mines and some were paid in guns rather than in money, a practice that was legal in the Cape Colony. In 1873, John Macfarlance, then magistrate in Estcourt ordered that Langalibalele hand in the guns for registration. As Langlibalele did not know who held guns, he refused to enforce the order. Walker records that the government named eight men who were to be ordered to register their guns and that after some hesitation, Langalibalele sent in five of the named eight men.[14] Pearse on the other hand records that Langalibalele himself was ordered to appear before Shepstone, the Secretary for Native Affairs and that Langalibalele refused on grounds of ill health.[15] In the event, Sir Benjamin Pine, who arrived in the Colony as lieutenant governor in July 1873 ordered the arrest of Langalibalele.

Meanwhile Langalibalele and his people made plan to flee to Lesotho via the Bushmans River Pass.[16] The government proposed a three-pronged police operation with military support to arrest Langalibalele - initially Lieutenant Colonel Miles was to have overall command, but he was not happy with many details and was happy to hand command over to Major Durnford. The plan was for Captain Allison was to cross the Drakensberg via the Champagne Castle Pass,[16] some 25 km to the north of the Bushmans River Pass, Captain Barter was to cross the Drakensberg via the Giants Castle Pass,[16] some 10 km to the south of the Bushmans River Pass while other forces would approach Langalibalele's territory from the east. Alison and Barter were to travel under cover of darkness and to meet up at the top of the Bushmans River Pass on Monday 3 November 1873 at 0600 hrs and block Langalibalele's flight. The entire force comprised 200 British troops, 300 Natal Volunteers and about 6000 Africans.

To the south, Durnford accompanied Barter and led by native guides followed the route across countryside that much more rugged than expected and they ended up to the south of Giants Castle,[16] not to the north where the pass lay. After a consultation, the guides took the party up the Hlatimba Pass,[16] some 20 km south of the Bushmans River Pass. After negotiating the 2867 m summit of the pass, Durnford and his force consisting of 33 carbineers and 25 Basuto proceeded to the top of the Bushmans River pass where they intercepted the amaHlubi tribesmen 24 hours later than expected. Durnford attempted to negotiate with the tribal elders while Barter and the rest of the party covered him. Some of the British forces lost their nerve and shots were fired. Durnford and his men retreated back down the Hlatimba Pass having lost five of their number in the melee. Allison had meanwhile failed to find the Champagne Castle Pass.[17][18]

On 11 November martial law was declared in the colony two flying columns, one under Allison were sent to search for Langalibalele in Basutoland. They entered the protectorate via the Orange Free State and on 11 December reached a spot in the Maluti Mountains that bore evidence of Langalibalele having recently been there. In reality, Langalibalele had thrown himself at the mercy of the Basuto chief Molapo, but Molapo had already handed Langalibalele over to a local force who. on 13 December, handed him and five of his sons over to Allison.[19]


Trial and sentence

During most of the nineteenth century, the Colony of Natal had two systems of law - colonial law which applied to settlers and which was based on Roman Dutch law and native law which applied to the indigenous population and which was based on traditional tribal law. Native law was administered by the indigenous chiefs and, "in so far it was not repugnant to the dictates of humanity",[20] was upheld by colonial magistrates. Indigenous people could, after a lengthy process, apply for exemption from native law. As of 1876, no indigenous people had successfully made such an application.[14]

The trial of Langalibalele started on 16 January 1874 and was described by Pearse as a "disgrace to British justice". Langalibalele was tried under native law with Pine and Shepstone, the chief accusers presiding over the court without the assistance of Supreme Court judge. Langalibalele was denied the right to have a counsel until the third day of the trial, the counsel was not permitted to interview the prisoner nor was he permitted to cross-examine the witnesses. Langalibalele was sentenced to banishment for life and as the Colony of Natal had no suitable place of detention, the Cape Colony offered the use of Robben Island.[21][22]

John Colenso, first Bishop of Natal led the outcry. He journeyed to England to plead Langalibalele's case personally and succeeded in getting the case returned to the South African courts.[22] Charles Rawden Maclean (John Ross) wrote a letter to the editor of The Times in support of Langalibalele. In 1824 Maclean had been shipwrecked at Port Natal as a boy and stranded with his companions for four years. In 1827 he walked to Lourenco Marques, some 600 km away to obtained medical supplies.[23] In his letter, Maclean, who had spent much of his time in Southern Africa at Shaka's royal kraal, described that in traditional African society a chief, summonsed to the royal kraal in the manner in which Langalibilele had been summonsed by the Natal Government, was often executed or at the very least had his cattle and wives confiscated. He also explained that his personal interest in the case was the protection that he had received from Langalibilele's namesake during the latter stages of his journey to Lourenco Marques.

In August 1875, after Caernarvon, the Colonial Secretary had referred the case back to the courts in the Cape Colony,[22] Langalibalele was allowed to return to the mainland, but was obliged to remain in the Cape Colony until 1887 when he was allowed to return to Natal. On his return to Natal, he was confined to the Swartkop location near Pietermaritzburg. He never regained his power as leader of the Hlubi; he died in 1889 and was buried at Ntabamhlope, 25 kilometres west of Estcourt.[24] In keeping with the amaHlubi tradition, his burial place was kept secret until in October 1950 his grandson revealed the site to the Native Commissioner in Estcourt.[21]


The immediate reaction to the failure to apprehend Langalibalele was an improvement in the colony's security and the search for a scapegoat.

Security was improved by the Governor of the Cape Colony, Sir Henry Barkly, sending a contingent of 200 men to Natal while both the neighbourting Boer Republics mobilised men to prevent Langalibalele seeking help for the Zulu king Cetewayo.

With most of the colonists supporting the colonial government,[25] Colenso, who had once been a staunch believer in the expansion of the British Empire[26] bore the brunt of the criticism - both his theological views and his liberal views towards the native population were unpopular in the Colony. To a lesser extent Durnford, although he had held his nerve during the confrontation with the amaHlubi at the top of the Bushmans River Pass was ostracised his views that were similar to Colenso's.

One of the underlying causes of the Langalibalele "rebellion" was an inconsistent policy in the various British colonies towards the native populations and in particular the ownership of guns. In the United Kingdom, Lord Carnarvon who returned to the post of Secretary of State for the Colonies in 1874 proposed a confederation of states in Southern Africa, but in reality this was a euphemism for a common native policy. His proposed native policy was too liberal for the Boer republics and in the end came to naught.[27][28]

The year before the rebellion, the Cape Colony had been granted responsible government[29] and in Natal there was agitation for a similar form of government. The Colonial Office however reviewed the role of native law and in 1875 established the Native High Court which was to rule on matters pertaining to native law.[30] Responsible government did not come to Natal until 1895, over twenty years after the rebellion.

Langalibalele's legacy continued into the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries. In 1990, shortly after his own release from Robben Island Nelson Mandela laid a wreath on Langalibalele's grave in recognition of Langalibalele's own internment there.[31][32] In 2005 the amaHlubi people presented a Submission to the Commission on Traditional Leadership Disputes and Claims under the Framework Act to recognise Ingonyama Muziwenkosi ka Tatazela ka Siyephu ka Langalibalele, otherwise known as Langalibalele II as king of the amaHlubi.[10] However in 2010 the Nhlapo Commission found that since the amaHlubi has been dispersed before the colonial era they did not have a claim to a kingship.[33] [34] [35]


  1. ^ If the name of a locality in this article had a legal connotation (for example a clearly demarcated border), the nineteenth century name is used, otherwise the post-Apartheid name is used.
  2. ^ The prefix "kwa" means "The place", thus "kwaZulu" means "The place of the Zulu"
    The prefix "ama" means "The people", thus "amaHlubi" means "The Hlubi people"
    The prefix "isi" means "The language of", thus "isiHlubi" means "The language of the Hlubi people"
  3. ^ In the context of British colonial development in the nineteenth Representative Government gave the colony had the right to elect a legislative council to advise the governor, but the governor, as chief executive was not bound to accept their advice
  4. ^ In the context of British colonial development in the nineteenth Responsible Government gave the colony the right to have a parliament elected by the colonists headed by a prime minister and cabinet with executive responsibility, but with the governor still having the power of veto
  5. ^ In order to maintain linguistic consistency with the term "native law", this article uses the term nineteenth century term "native people" instead of the twenty-first century term "indigenous people".
  6. ^ "langa", the sun, and "libalele" it is killing [hot]


  1. ^ Pearce, R.O. (1973). Barrier of Spears - Drama of the Drakensberg. Howard Timins. pp. 3–13. ISBN 0 86978 050 6. 
  2. ^ a b c d Brian Kaighin. "Hlubi tribe". Ladysmith and the Boer War. Retrieved 2011-06-10¡. 
  3. ^ Bulpin, T.V. (1966). Natal and the Zulu Country. Cape Town: T.V. Bulpin publication (Pty) Ltd. pp. 26–46. 
  4. ^ "Great Trek 1835-1846". South African History Online. Retrieved 2011-06-22. 
  5. ^ "Mozambique: The slave trade and early colonialism (1700 - 1926)". Electoral Institute for the Sustainability of Democracy in Africa. January 2008. Retrieved 2011-07-03. 
  6. ^ Wrigley, E.A.; Schofield, R.S. (1981). The Population History of England 1541 - 1871. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 9 780521 356886. 
  7. ^ Bulpin, T.V. - pg 220
  8. ^ Bulpin, T.V. - pg 413
  9. ^ Walker, Eric A. (1968). A History of Southern Africa. Cape Town: Longmans. p. 274. 
  10. ^ a b "Submission to the Commission on Traditional Leadership Disputes and Claims". Isizwe Samahlubi. mkhangeli ngoma foundation. July 2004. Retrieved 2011-07-03. 
  11. ^ a b Pearse, R.O. pages 226 - 254
  12. ^ Bulpin, T.V. - page 38
  13. ^ Walker - pg353
  14. ^ a b Walker, pg 353
  15. ^ Pearse, pg 228
  16. ^ a b c d e Coordinates of the localities are:
    Bushmans River Pass:
    Champagne Castle Pass:
    Giants Castle Pass:
    Giants Castle:
    Hlatimba Pass::
  17. ^ Pearse, pg 237-41
  18. ^ S. Bourquin. "Col A W Durnford". Military History Journal (The South African Military History Society) 6 (5). Retrieved 2011-06-10. 
  19. ^ Pearse, pg 248-9
  20. ^ Walker pg 274
  21. ^ a b Pearce, pg 251
  22. ^ a b c Harriet Deacon (1996). The Island: a history of Robben Island, 1488-1990. Bellville, South Africa: David Phillips Publishers. pp. 52–54. ISBN 0 86486 299 7. 
  23. ^ MacLean, Charles Rawden (3 August 1875). "Letters to the Editor". The Times. 
  24. ^ "Langalibalele Grave, Ntabamhlope". Tourism KwaZulu-Natal. Retrieved 2011-06-10. 
  25. ^ Pearse, p 248
  26. ^ Norman Etherington (1997). "Kingdoms of This World and the Next: Christian Beginnings among Zulu and Swazi". In Richard Elphick and Rodney Davenort. Christianity in South Africa: A political, cultural, and social history. University of California Press. p. 104. 
  27. ^ Walker, pg 354
  28. ^ Diamonds, Gold and War
  29. ^ Walker, pg 342
  30. ^ Pearse, p 252
  31. ^ Sue Derwent (2006). KwaZulu-Natal Heritage Sites. Cape Town: David Philip Publishers. p. 88. ISBN 0-86486-653-4. 
  32. ^ "Biography". Tsidii Website. Retrieved 2011-07-18. 
  33. ^ "Nhlapo Commission Report". Ministry for Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs. Retrieved 2011-07-25. 
  34. ^ "Determination of the amaHlubi kingship claim". Nhlapo Commission Report. Ministry for Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs. Retrieved 2011-07-25. 
  35. ^ Vair, Nivashni (2 September 2010). "Disappointed clan wants to meet Zuma". Times Live. Retrieved 2011-07-25.