
Karmamudrā (Sanskrit; "action seal," erroneously: kāmamudrā or "desire seal," Tib. las-kyi phyag-rgya) is tantric yoga involving sexual union with a physical partner, or a visualized simulacrum thereof. The aim of the practice is to control one's sexual energy, and the most advanced forms of yab-yum practice are often done mentally, without using a physical partner. Like all other yogas, it cannot be practiced without the basis of the inner heat yoga, tummo, of which karmamudrā is an extension. This sadhana is subsumed within the Six Yogas of Naropa. The iconography of yab-yum and the maitrī practice of Karmamudrā engenders cognition[1] of the upaya doctrine of interpenetration.



The practise is controversial as it often has involved immature girls.[2] In cases where Western women have served as consorts to lamas, some have asserted that it only benefited the tulkus.[3][4][5] Some emperors also enjoyed Karmamudrā.[6] Bhutanese king Jigme Dorji Wangchuck banned the practice in his nation. Today there are sometimes court cases about it between the tulkus and their female followers.[7][8][9][10]

Other religions

There are Taoist sexual practices. Sexual rites are also practised in some Hinduism temples.[11]


  1. ^ 'Cognition' in this context subsumes the 'three prajnas' of 'learning, contemplation and realization' akin to Samyama.
  2. ^ Jack Kornfield. (2000). After the Ecstasy, the Laundry: How the Heart Grows Wise on the Spiritual Path Bantam Dell Pub Group, New York, ISBN 9780553102901 pg 151
  3. ^ Jack Kornfield. (2000). After the Ecstasy, the Laundry: How the Heart Grows Wise on the Spiritual Path Bantam Dell Pub Group, New York, ISBN 9780553102901 pg 151
  4. ^ 實地訪問不丹佛母:朱巴·基米雅
  5. ^ 藏教密宗双修真是你“古子文”这样描写的吗?
  6. ^ 滅掉元朝的藏密喇嘛教
  7. ^ 一个藏密居士的无奈感叹
  8. ^ 西藏密宗性侵報導
  9. ^ 達賴喇嘛在書中明說--雙身法
  10. ^ 当今中国僧人里的罪案实例
  11. ^ Girls led into life of 'sacred' sex slavery

See also