Kyla Brox

Kyla Brox (born 3 June 1980, Stockport, Greater Manchester, England) is a blues and soul singer from a musical family.


Family and Childhood

Her father is a blues singer of note, Victor Brox - Caiaphas in the original cast recording of Jesus Christ Superstar, amongst other things - and her mother is Annette Brox, the 'maid by the fire' in the original Jesus Christ Superstar.

She has four other siblings, Ginie (b.1965), Anna (b.1966), Buffy (b.1971) and Sam (b.1976). All are gifted singers, but only the youngest two have gone onto professional careers as musicians. Perhaps significantly, Sam - singer with Dust Junkys - and Kyla were spared their elder sisters’ experience of growing up in the back of a touring van under a haze of cannabis smoke. She traces her interest in singing from the age of three, partly from a desire to be closer to her charismatic but distant dad. Upon Victor and Annette’s divorce, Kyla was brought up by Annette and her stepfather Laurie in Didsbury, Manchester.

Keen to encourage his daughter’s musical talents, Victor gave Kyla various instruments as a child, although these were apt to be taken back and sold when times were hard. But the flute remained, and features in live shows to this day. A rare instrument in blues music, Kyla's flute adds a cool counterpart to her fiery voice.

Kyla married long-time life and music partner Danny Blomeley in September, 2008, and is the mother of Sadie (b. 13 June 2009).


Kyla joined the family business in 1992, singing with Victor onstage at famed Manchester venue Band on the Wall at the age of 12. She joined his regular touring group the following year. The core of the Kyla Brox Band go back to this remarkable unit, nominally the Victor Brox Blues Train, but known informally as 'the child slavery band' because of the extreme youth of the players. As well as Kyla (13, but could pass for 21), the group contained bassist Danny Blomeley (13, but could pass for eight), and drummer Phil Considine (19).

Prolonged stays at Victor's house in France from the age of 16 saw the growth and development of Kyla’s art. Then, in 2000, she accompanied her father on an extensive tour of Australia. Danny Blomeley had left the Blues Train two years earlier to travel the world, and promised to find Victor some dates in Australia. And so it was that Kyla, just turned 20, found herself singing risque blues songs to hard men in mining camps in remote parts of the Australian outback. This trip was the making of today’s self-assured soul belle. The Victor Brox Blues Train, with Kyla, made a return visit Australia the following year.

Back in Manchester in 2001, Kyla and Danny formed a duo, occasionally augmented by old members of ‘the child slavery band’, and the line-up finally settled into the Kyla Brox Band - Kyla Brox (vocals, flute); Marshall Gill (guitar); Tony Marshall (saxophones); Danny Blomeley (bass) and Phil Considine (drums). The Kyla Brox Band started playing in North West pubs and clubs: the circuit that had once been the stomping ground of the Victor Brox Blues Train. A career-making performance at Colne Blues Festival in 2002 established Kyla's reputation as the first lady of the British blues.

Consolidating their international fan-base, the Kyla Brox Band toured Australia in 2003, 2004 and (twice) 2007. The Kyla Brox Band made their US debut in 2007.


Solo Discography

With Victor Brox

Discography analysis

Solo Discography

With Victor Brox


"Her breathing control is superb but, more than this… Kyla's vocal is natural and very clean… with a depth of feeling…" - Blues Matters

"An authentic soul diva… sensitive, sexy, and with infinite reserves of sassiness" - City Life

"A classic sound pulled off with finesse… classy, impressive…" - Oldham Chronicle

"Great voice, great presence, great songs, great band…" - Leicester Mercury


Gig review in the specialist blues magazine Blues Matters

Kyla Brox bio for Big Wheel Music Festival

Kyla Brox bio

Article in Oldham Evening Chronicle

'The Kyla Brox Band' by Mike Butler. Metro, 11 January 2007.

'Kyla Brox Band' by Mike Butler. Jazz & Blues Section, City Life, May, 2002.

External links