
Kunstmann is a Chilean beer produced in Torobayo, Valdivia. The production begun when the German-Chilean family Kunstmann started to brew for personal use in the 1960s, after Valdivia's main brewery Anwandter was destroyed by the 1960 Valdivia earthquake. Since 1997 the beer is sold to the public and today it can be found in most of Chile and is also exported to Germany, USA, Japan, New Zealand, Korea, Argentina and Brazil. Each year Kunstmann organizes the "Bierfest Kunstmann Valdivia" an event with typical German folk music and dance. Dance groups, music bands and sometimes even yodelers from Germany, Austria, Argentina and Brazil are usually invited to perform in the bierfest in addition to local groups. Students at Valdivia's German school, Instituto Alemán Carlos Anwandter, and personnel from Valdivia's German fire station usually colaborates with the event.

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