

Swedish Army

Swedish Air force

Swedish Navy


Korpral is a Swedish military rank corresponding to OR-4, usually serving as a squad leader, deputy squad leader or in a specialized function.


History and related ranks

Swedish insignias before 2009

Army Air force Navy

1600 - 1700

A korpral held the position as platoon (korpralskap) leader of 24 men during the Swedish allotment system. The korpralskap consisted of four rote (teams) of 6 men each. Each rote was led by a rote master.

Sweden:Reform 1833/37

Korporals were considered underofficers in the Cavalry before the reorganization 1833/37, when Korprals were elevated to Sergeants and the rank was moved down in status.


Established 1500. A corresponding artillery and air-defense rank. Removed 1972 as a rank.

Sweden: Distinktionskorpral

Established 1858 as a rank above Korpral. 1912: Holders of the rank were elevated to Furir and the ranks was removed.

Sweden: Vicekorpral Vicekonstapel

Ranks existed until 1972 for deputy squad leaders. The corresponding English rank was Lance Corporal.

Sweden: Reform 1972

Reform 1972 - Rank inflation phase I

Prior to 1972, military personnel were divided into three categories Underbefäl (non-commissioned officers), Underofficerare (warrant officers) and Officerare (commissioned officers). The reform established a four-career-path system with four categories as described below and carried out major promotions of most personnel below the rank Överstelöjtnant.

The Underbefäl category was split into two categories

  • gruppbefäl to include
korpral - former vicekorpral
furir - former korpral
överfurir - former furir
  • plutonsofficerare to include
sergeant - former överfurir
fanjunkare - former elderly överfurir and rustmästare

The Underofficer category was renamed kompaniofficerare to include

fänrik - former sergeant and fanjunkare with less than 3 years of service
löjtnant - former sergeant and fanjunkare with 3-7 years of service
kapten - former sergeant, fanjunkare with a minimum of 7 years of serviceand and förvaltare

The Officer category was renamed regementsofficerare to include

löjtnant - Löjtnant with less than 3 years of service and former fänrik
kapten - kapten with less than 11 years of service and former Löjtnant with 3-11 years of service
major - former kapten and löjtnant with a minimum of 11 years of service
överstelöjtnant - överstelöjtnant and former major
higher ranks

Reform 1983 - Rank inflation phase II

All categories were merged into one professional officer category with the lowest rank set to fänrik. Furir, överfurir, sergeant and fanjunkare were removed as a professional ranks. Holders of the rank fanjunkare were promoted to löjtnant and the rest to fänrik.

See also

[1] [2] [3]


  1. ^ The Swedish Armed Forces official website - military ranks (accessed on July 13, 2007) (in Swedish)
  2. ^ http://www.goarmy.com/about/ranks_and_insignia.jsp USA enlisted ranks
  3. ^ : [1]