Korea Communications Commission

Korea Communications Commission (방송통신위원회) is a South Korean media regulation agency modeled after the Federal Communications Commission of the United States of America. It was established on February 29, 2008. Choi See-Joong is the current chief of the KCC.


Affiliated Agencies

Comprehensive Programming

The KCC approved four newspapers companies, Chojoongdong (Chosun Ilbo, Joongang Ilbo, and Donga Ilbo) media cartel and Maeil Economics, to engage in the comprehensive programming for television channels on December 31st, 2010.[1] This has given more financial and political power to the right-wing conservative media groups in South Korea. Even before KCC's approval, this had generated concerns about the potential politically biased journalistic movement akin to the United State of America's Fox News.[2] The KCC-approved comprehensive programming could potentially destroy the fair media practices starting in 2012 when the new television channels affect the domestic journalist scene.[3]

The Comprehensive Programming channel were criticized for the lack of quality programs.[4] They were also criticized for opening the television channels on December 1st, 2011, when there were a growing outrage against Lee Myung-bak in the general public.[5] The negative factors later made a negative first impression of the new TV channels.[6]

The second day TV Chosun by Chosun Ilbo on December 2nd, 2011, was met with numerous criticisms on politically biased news captions, criticizing the remarks on the female novelist, Gong Ji-young, and reception issues that split the televised screen into two.[7]

The first day of TV Chosun showed Kang Ho Dong on a negative light.[8]


The KCC had suggested a unified mobile frequency interface with Japan's.[9]


See also


  1. ^ "(News Focus) Entry of new cable broadcasters heralds media big bang". Yonhap News. 2010-12-31. http://english.yonhapnews.co.kr/national/2010/12/31/41/0302000000AEN20101231005700315F.HTML. Retrieved 2011-08-26. 
  2. ^ Lee, Moon-young (2010-12-01). "“Fox News phenomenon” likely to permeate S.Korea, media experts say". The Hankyoreh. http://www.hani.co.kr/arti/english_edition/e_national/451609.html. Retrieved 2011-08-26. 
  3. ^ Ryu (류), Jeong-min (정민) (2010-12-01). "‘황소개구리’ 종편, 언론생태계 파괴할 ‘잡식 본색’" (in Korean). Media Today. http://www.mediatoday.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=96558. Retrieved 2011-08-26. "[국회 언론관계법 날치기 2년] 약탈적 광고경쟁 시대 우려 … 각종 특혜제도 요구에 정부는 맞장구" 
  4. ^ Yang (양), Jun-yeong (준영) (2011-12-02). "`졸속 종편` 시청률 고작 0.3~0.6%" (in Korean). Hankyung. http://www.hankyung.com/news/app/newsview.php?aid=2011120218841&nid=004&ltype=1. Retrieved 2011-12-17. 
  5. ^ U (우), Seok-hun (석훈) (2011-12-04). "조중동 '종편' 망하게 하는 법, 간단합니다" (in Korean). OhMyNews. http://www.ohmynews.com/NWS_Web/view/at_pg.aspx?CNTN_CD=A0001665100&CMPT_CD=P0000. Retrieved 2011-12-17. 
  6. ^ Choi (최), Hun-gil (훈길) (2011-12-03). "애국가 시청률도 안 나온 조중동 방송 어쩌나" (in Korean). Media Today. http://www.mediatoday.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=98907. Retrieved 2011-12-17. 
  7. ^ Cho (조), Hyeon-ho (현호) (2011-12-04). "종편, 이번엔 자막사고…공지영 비난 방송" (in Korean). Media Today. http://www.mediatoday.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=98906. Retrieved 2011-12-17. 
  8. ^ Yu (유), In-gyeong (인경) (2011-12-02). "“강호동이 야쿠자… 김연아가 앵커…” 도 넘었다" (in Korean). Kyunghyang Shinmun. http://news.khan.co.kr/kh_news/khan_art_view.html?artid=201112022130085&code=940705. Retrieved 2011-12-17. 
  9. ^ Choi (최), In-yeong (인영) (2010-12-11). "방통위, 日과 주파수 공동이용 논의" (in Korean). Yonhap News. http://www.yonhapnews.co.kr/bulletin/2011/12/11/0200000000AKR20111211032800017.HTML. Retrieved 2011-12-11. 
  10. ^ 반 (Ban), 도헌 (Do-heon) (2008-01-28). "“대통령 직속이니 맘대로 하실라”" (in Korean). SisaINLive. http://www.sisapress.com/news/articleView.html?idxno=45322. Retrieved 2011-02-14. 
  11. ^ 김 (Kim), 재섭 (Jae-seop) (2010-12-22). "[단독] 정부, ‘긴장상황’때 인터넷글 무단삭제 추진" (in Korean). The Hankyoreh. http://www.hani.co.kr/arti/economy/it/455022.html. Retrieved 2011-01-09. 
  12. ^ FITCH negative regulatory environment to continue for South Korean telecoms 2011-03-29
  13. ^ 英 피치 "최시중 방통위원장 연임은 통신사에 부정적" Maeil Economics
  14. ^ 애플에 과태료 300만원…'솜방망이'처벌 논란 2011-08-03 Yonhap News

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