Konstantin Efetov

Konstantin Alexandrovich Efetov
Костянтин Олександрович Єфетов
Константин Александрович Ефетов

Konstantin Efetov (2008)
Born July 18, 1958 (1958-07-18) (age 53)
Simferopol, Crimea, USSR (now - Ukraine)
Residence Simferopol
Citizenship USSR, Ukraine
Fields Biology, biochemistry, entomology
Institutions Crimea State Medical University
Alma mater Crimea State Medical Institute
Doctoral advisor German Troitsky
Other academic advisors German Troitsky
Known for Monoclonal immunosystematics
Notable awards see the article

Konstantin Alexandrovich Efetov (born July 18, 1958; Ukrainian: Костянти́н Олекса́ндрович Єфе́тов, Russian: Константи́н Алекса́ндрович Ефе́тов) is a biologist and biochemist, the Honored Scientist of Ukraine, Professor, Dr. Biol. Sci., Head of the Department of Biological Chemistry and Laboratory of Biotechnology of the Crimea State Medical University.



Efetov was born in Simferopol on July 18, 1958. In 1975, having graduated from school with Gold Medal, he entered the Crimea Medical Institute and graduated from it magna cum laude (with honours) in 1981.[1][2] After completion of his postgraduate course, in 1986 he became Philosophy Doctor of Medicine having defended his PhD thesis "Stability of Conformation of Immunoglobulins G at Norm and Chronic Lymphoid Leukaemia" (Efetov’s Scientific Adviser was Professor G. V. Troitsky, the Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, the Honored Scientist of Ukraine). In 1986, Efetov was among the founders of the Hybridoma Laboratory at CSMU. Since 1986, he worked as the senior, chief, and then top research scientific researcher at CSMU; since 1992, he has been working as the Head of the Laboratory of Biotechnology. In 1994, he became Doctor of Biological Sciences having defended his doctoral thesis "A Study of Immunoglobulins at Norm and Pathology with Use of Monoclonal Antibodies and Spectral Methods", in which, for the first time, he applied insect peptides for investigation of human proteins. Since 1995, Efetov is Professor and since 1999, he is the Head of the Department of Biological Chemistry of the Crimea State Medical University.

Scientific Activities

Efetov’s major scientific interests are focused on molecular immunology, evolutionary biology, and biosystematics. Using spectral methods, he has demonstrated the existence of changes in the conformation of human immunoglobulins at malignant tumors. He was the first to suggest using the insect proteins and peptides as molecule probes for investigation of the human proteins at norm and pathology. Efetov has established a new scientific approach – monoclonal immunosystematics that makes it possible to evaluate evolutionary relationships between the biological species through studying their proteins with use of monoclonal antibodies.

K. A. Efetov has described 4 new genera and 10 subgenera of living organisms, discovered and described 25 new biological species[3][4] inhabiting Japan, Korea, Indonesia, China, Taiwan, Vietnam, Myanmar (Burma), New Zealand, India, Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, Ukraine and Hungary. Many times the results of his studies have been represented at international congresses and symposia held in different countries of Europe. In 2004, he initiated and hosted the International Symposium "Biology, Phylogeny, Molecular Biology, and Genetics of Zygaenidae" at the Crimean State Medical University.

K. A. Efetov is the author of 320 scientific works that include over 20 monographs and 12 patents for inventions. His studies have been quoted 550 times in 200 publications of scientists of 22 countries in 9 languages (including English, Hungarian, Spanish, Italian, German, French, and Japanese). He has trained one Doctor of Science and two Philosophy Doctors; currently (2009) he is supervising the writing of 6 dissertations.

Awards and Titles

K. A. Efetov is the Academician of the Crimean Academy of Science (since 2002), the Honored Scientist of Ukraine (since 2004), the Chairman of the Crimean Biochemical Society (since 2006), the Member of the Central Council of the Ukrainian Biochemical Society[5] (since 2006), the Vice President of the Junior Academy of Science of Crimea[6] (since 1997), the Member of the Council of the European Lepidopterological Society[7] (2005–2009), the Member of the Union of the Russian, Ukrainian and Belorussian Writers of Autonomous Republic of Crimea.

For his achievements in the fields of biology and medicine, K. A. Efetov is awarded with four gold medals: "One Thousand Great Scientists" (Great Britain, 2002), "Outstanding Europeans of the 21st Century" (Great Britain, 2003), "International Scientist of the Year" (Great Britain, 2003), "American Medal of Honor" (USA, 2004). He is represented in the biographical reference books "Contemporary Who’s Who" (USA) and "Outstanding Europeans of the 21st Century" (Great Britain). In honour of K. A. Efetov, scientists of Austria, France, Ukraine, and Russia named 3 biological species (Etroga efetovi Richter, 1994; Zygaenoprocris efetovi Mollet et Tarmann, 2007; Chrysartona efetovi Parshkova, 2007) and a subgenus of living organisms (Efetovia Mollet, 2001).[3][4]

K. A. Efetov is the Laureate of the State Prize of Republic of Crimea (1996), the Laureate of the Prize of the Council of Ministers of Autonomous Republic of Crimea (2000), the Laureate of the Prize of Autonomous Republic of Crimea (2008).[8] He is awarded with the Honorary Diplomas of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of Autonomous Republic of Crimea (1998), the Council of Ministers of Autonomous Republic of Crimea (1998, 2002), and the Ministry of Public Health of Ukraine (1998).

K. A. Efetov is the member of the editorial boards of the scientific journals "Tavricheskiy Mediko-biologicheskiy Vestnik"[9] (Ukraine) and "Entomologist’s Gazette" (Great Britain), the scientific Readers "Problems, Achievements and Prospects of Development of Life Sciences and Practical Public Health (Transactions of the Crimean State Medical University)"[9] and "The Marine Doctor’s Bulletin".

Interesting facts

In recent times, K. A. Efetov has published several books ("A Shocking Secret of the Sistine Chapel",[10] "Das Schockierende Geheimnis der Sixtinischen Kapelle"[11] and "Old Testament’s Secret of the Rib of Adam") and articles (in the journals "Chemistry and Life",[12][13] "Asclepius", "Discoveries and Hypotheses", "Kontakto"[14]) devoted to his unusual hypotheses at the crossroads of medicine, art and history. In particular, the author asserts that on Michelangelo’s frescoes in the Sistine Chapel there are several "invisible" images: if examined, they radically change the spectator’s ideas about the specific meaning implanted into these frescoes by their creator. Another hypothesis is dedicated to the interpretation of the biblical myth about the creation of woman from Adam’s rib: the author sees parallels between the components of this myth and the biochemical mechanism of the formation of female sex hormones. These hypotheses did obtain wide response in the Internet and even were used for quizzes in the world championship "What? Where? When?".[15]

K. A. Efetov published four poetic collections: "Wings’ Stroke",[16] "The Black-and-White Square", "The life of the ‘Bats’" and "The Wells of Memory". He is also the scripter of hymn, the author of flag and the co-author of coat of arms of the Crimea State Medical University.[17]

List of Some of the Books Published by K. A. Efetov


  1. ^ (Russian) K. A. Efetov in the Gallery of Lepidopterists of Russia (retrieved October 14, 2009)
  2. ^ (Russian) Information about K. A. Efetov on the CSMU official site. (retrieved October 14, 2009)
  3. ^ a b (Russian) The List of new taxa of the Zygaenidae described by K. A. Efetov and the list of taxa named in honour of K. A. Efetov (from the site "The gallery of lepidopterists of Russia and adjacent countries", a small zip-archive; in Russian; retrieved on October 14, 2009)
  4. ^ a b (Russian) "Science has no boundaries", a report on the CSMU official site (retrieved on October 14, 2009)
  5. ^ (Ukrainian) Ukrainian Biochemical Society (retrieved on October 14, 2009)
  6. ^ (Russian) "The Future Elite of Crimea" (an article about the Junior Academy of Science of Crimea, the "Krymskiye Izvestiya" №25 (3255), February 10, 2005; retrieved on October 14, 2009)
  7. ^ (English) The Council of European Lepidopterological Society (retrieved on October 14, 2009)
  8. ^ (Russian) The CSMU colleagues – laureates of 2008 Award by Autonomous Republic of Crimea (retrieved on October 14, 2009)
  9. ^ a b (Russian) The member list of the editorial board and council of CSMU scientific journals (retrieved on October 15, 2009)
  10. ^ Efetov, K. A. (2006). Old Testament’s Secret of the Rib of Adam. Simferopol: CSMU Press. ISBN 966-29-69-17-9. http://efetov.com 
  11. ^ (Russian) "A Crimean Scientist Has Unraveled “the Shocking Mystery” of Five-Age-Old Remoteness?" – "Sootechestvennik" data portal (retrieved on October 14, 2009)
  12. ^ (Russian) Efetov’s article "The Rib of Adam" ("Chemistry and Life", 2006, №8, a pdf-file; retrieved on October 14, 2009)
  13. ^ (Russian) Efetov’s article "Michelangelo’s Secret Message to the Future" ("Chemistry and Life", 2006, №3, a pdf-file; retrieved on October 14, 2009)
  14. ^ (Esperanto) Efetov’s article "A Shocking Secret of the Sistine Chapel" in Esperanto (from the site of Esperanto periodicals "Gazetejo.org", retrieved on October 23, 2009)
  15. ^ (Russian) The World Championship "What? Where? When?" in Kaliningrad, 2006. 2006-08-25 (See question 10; retrieved on October 14, 2009)
  16. ^ (Russian) On presentation of the poetic collection "Wings’ Stroke" (retrieved on October 14, 2009)
  17. ^ (Russian) The CSMU symbols (retrieved on October 14, 2009)

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